Well I’m glad we cleared that up

Written By: - Date published: 11:08 am, October 27th, 2015 - 25 comments
Categories: accountability, humour, you couldn't make this shit up - Tags: , , , ,

Steven Joyce’s MBIE continues to make headlines for all the wrong reasons:

MBIE’s ‘schoolboy antics’ with inflatable sheep cost taxpayers $745

Taxpayers are footing the bill for an incident with a model sheep at the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment’s Christmas party last year.

According to reports on TVNZ, the sheep was an inflatable bought from an adult sex store and cost $170 to hire, with the bill rising to $745 after an as-yet-unknown incident.

However in late breaking news:

MBIE’s ‘schoolboy antics’ with model sheep cost taxpayers $745

UPDATE: Both MBIE and acting Prime Minister, Bill English, have stated the model sheep were not inflatable as previously reported.

Well I’m glad we cleared that up.



25 comments on “Well I’m glad we cleared that up ”

  1. CnrJoe 1

    hashtagplanetKeyreepy – perhaps mbie staff peed on the toes of the not-inflatable sheep – KeyreepyP.M has set Such A Higher Standard

    • Rosie 1.1

      Oh God, again! Oh God!

      Just when you’ve recovered from the Radio Hauraki how-low-can-your-standards go gag along comes another. We’re alllll class here in New Zuland. More fodder for John Oliver at least.

      (LOL at Grant Robertson).

  2. ianmac 2

    On the TV news last night they interviewed the sex shop man who rented out the inflatable sheep. I am sure he was the one who supplied them.

    • dukeofurl 2.1

      The gift that keeps giving, the debate has moved to whether they were ‘inflatable’?

      The Australians are going to go wild over this, even more headlines!

      “About the Product
      Because the real ones run away
      Printed Lipstick and stockings
      Hole in rear and EZ-Hold ears
      Perfect Bachelor Party Gift
      10in Tall and 9in Wide”

      But theres more”

      “According to Bill English, on Paul Henry this morning, this was a kids xmas party ”

      Now which one is it ?

  3. dv 3

    Would have been cheaper to real sheep to…

  4. One Anonymous Bloke 4

    I wonder how many young Nats and other leeches have found their way into jobs with this government. This has “Princess Party” written all over it.

  5. McFlock 5

    I think they could have bought real sheep for less. Probably lucky they didn’t.

    edit – bother – snap DV

  6. weka 6

    Sheepshagging, good on ya NZ, no problems with violence or sexuality here right?

    • Rosie 6.1

      Yes, there is a sinister and sickening aspect to the hiring of this party prop for the MBIE xmas party. It’s particularly appalling that staff at one of our Ministries haven’t moved past finding hilarity at committing a sex act with an animal.

      There will be voters that find this hilarious though and it may even strengthen their loyalty to the Nat Govt headed by the supreme creep. If that is the case, and I don’t where the online feedback is at right now, it would be tragic to think of how low our govt can go and still be held in good regard.

      • weka 6.1.1

        I was also thinking about all the political commentary that was going to have a laugh and completely ignore what sheepshagging actually is. Just the juxtaposition of this thread and the DV one.

        • Rosie

          And also wondering where the Nat response is blaming Labour seeing as it was their senior researcher who did the OIA on MBIE expenditure on “model animals”. Just wondering how that will pan out, or whether this topic will get buried.

          Also have been wondering if staff who were uncomfortable with what ever went on at that party with the prop, got to air their thoughts and feeling about it or whether they felt compelled to be silent.

          Re the DV Post. While this latest scandal may have the appearance of salaciousness there is a really worrying tie in with with abuse and how we deal or don’t deal with it.
          That was a brilliant article by Rachael Stewart. I was very impressed. As I am with the level of intelligent, honest and thoughtful comments. (with the exception of the “women do it too” comments. They missed the point Rachael Stewart was making about that particular catch cry)

  7. NZJester 7

    It was $175 to rent from a sex shop? An inflatable sheep blowup would cost less than that to buy so I’m guessing it must have been semi realistic and the $745 must be a replacement or repair price for it having been damaged in some way.
    Was it a non inflatable sex doll sheep?

    • McFlock 7.1

      My goodness, who’d rent anything from a sex shop? Disinfectancts are all well and good, but still…

      • Rosie 7.1.1

        Of all the disturbing things about this situation, that is just one of them. Ugh. Health and safety issue I’d say.

  8. Adrian 8

    It was the deluxe model with the optional ponytail, oh, and they are a bugger to clean.
    Did I say bugger,but you know what I mean.

  9. tracey 9

    Maybe we are just copying the Aussies, and this is how the marble table at Abbotts “Do” got broken?


  10. tc 10

    What about the real sheepgate ? Distraction 101 from blinglush rather than look at his rubbery surplus.

    • whateva next? 10.1

      Oh that unfortunate incident, but Andrew Little’s tie was wonky last week, so they are quits now

  11. Coaster 11

    Can someone check to see if they hired velcro gloves aswell.

    If it was a kids xmas party why were there sex toys there????????

  12. Neil 12

    Here’s a regular haunt of MBIE officials…..LMAO


  13. John 13

    Amazing that a government department pays for things like this out of tax payers money. The departments social club members should have paid for these things. It appears the CEO is in breach of the cabinet manual etc by misusing public funds.

  14. RedbaronCV 14

    Channelling David Cameron’s pig? – no double entendre intended of course

  15. Stuart Munro 15

    Bill English doesn’t seem to have a particularly firm grasp on growth, debt, employment, or even inflation. Time for him to do the decent thing – I can lend him a service revolver.

  16. Stuart Munro 16

    I suppose for a change no animals were harmed in this Gnat initiation ritual…