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notices and features - Date published:
7:02 am, September 11th, 2015 - 13 comments
Categories: im/migration, International, Syria -
Tags: #doublethequota, refugee crisis, wellington
Good on ya Wellington:
Thousands gather to protest refugee quota
Thousands of silent protesters gathered outside Parliament tonight, calling on the Government to double New Zealand’s refugee quota.
Seven-hundred-and-fifty candles were lit to symbolise the lives that could be saved, should the quota be doubled.
Amnesty International say the Government’s announcement on Monday that New Zealand will take in 750 Syrian is refugees welcome, but doesn’t go far enough.
#doublethequota pic.twitter.com/9jAP9TRP98
— Russel Norman (@RusselNorman) September 10, 2015
A nation is defined by what's inside it's heart, not by what's on its flag. #doublethequota pic.twitter.com/VbQQsmojtG
— Russel Norman (@RusselNorman) September 10, 2015
Great turnout despite the wind and rain in Auckland for #RefugeesWelcomeNZ vigil, for the 60 million fleeing conflict pic.twitter.com/DYsXMbwwUh
— Moomin del Sur đď¸ (@mincandescence) September 10, 2015
Hundreds of caring Kiwis have come out to support welcoming more refugees. pic.twitter.com/F14GHR1VwS
— Gareth Hughes (@GarethHughesNZ) September 10, 2015
— Iain Lees-Galloway (@IainLG) September 10, 2015
Awesome to see. And very brave of anyone to attempt to keep 750 candles alight in windy Wellington đ
Is it just me, or do the rent-a-cops in the photo, just look like later day thugs?
So a couple of thousand idiots don’t watch anything but the lying mainstream media and allow it to form their opinions for them?
What’s new?
Of course Labour can push this issue if they wish, and claim its compassionate, but anyone who gets their news from more truthful sources knows what’s really going on.
Andrew and his boys can advocate for more “refugees” but its going to keep them further than ever from the govt benches.
It might be what a bunch of media progs and lame arsed academics want, but its not what the voters want.
Oh there you are… your fanboyz and gurlz at kiwiblog have been missing you little puppy
As I’ve explored this topic further, I’ve found that every day it gets worse, the conditions of people are getting worse and people are getting hurt.
On the other hand, people like Winston peters, has put forth his idea of sending the men back to fight. He proposed to only keep women and children, not to mention the fact that New Zealand’s quota is a joke, compared to other countries intakes.
America has proposed to take in 10,000 in the next year
Germany 800,000
“The proposed relocation scheme for 160,000 refugees from Greece, Italy and Hungary would go a long way to address the crisis,”
Germany expects some 40,000 migrants to arrive this weekend.
However, New Zealand is also smaller in size and economic aspects, but I am confident we can do much more than 750 . We need to give shelter to people who are in immanent need, it is our duty as humans.
But back to Winston’s comments , As Dr Zain Ali has mentioned , who is the head of Islamic Studies research Unit at the University of Auckland, that “NZ First leader was telling men to go back to a meat grinder”
Despite the fact that New Zealand isn’t doing enough, you want to send men back to fight?
“You are saying to them, ‘go and fight for your freedom’. But in Syria at the moment there are, according to the BBC, 1000 different rebel groups – which one do you want them to fight for?”
There are so many misconceptions about the refugees. The article below should clear some people’s view.
They might be terrorists.
Yeah, and so could any Irish builder arriving to rebuild Christchurch.
The Refugee Council can recall no cases where extremists entered New Zealand as part of the refugee programme. People involved in war crimes, terrorism or violations of international human rights law are excluded from refugee programmes. The security services carry out rigorous security screening. If you don’t believe me, ask Ahmed Zaoui.
Chances are those running for their lives from Islamic State won’t be sympathetic to the militants’ creed.
They’ll leap-frog Auckland families on state house waiting list
Did you not hear the PM when he said most will be resettled in an existing Syrian community in WELLINGTON?
Refugees are easier to place, because they don’t have existing ties or preferences.
The Red Cross (which does the resettling) has been shifting refugees away from Auckland and Christchurch – to ease pressure on housing. Instead they are making a new life in places like Manawatu and Nelson.
Also, Housing NZ doesn’t work that way. If a three-bedroom house becomes available it will go to a family rather than a single person or couple.
These people are “country-shopping” and could have stopped in safer countries.
Ever been in an refugee camp? Mostly they are cramped, with only basic amenities and no place to make a home. For those living outside of camps on the Syrian border, scratching out a living is a miserable, and often unsafe, existence.
Refugees don’t plan – many don’t even pack. They take their chances with no idea where they will end up – perhaps Indonesia, Malaysia or Pakistan. Many wait years in camps there before resettlement.
Only 26 countries take part in the UNHCR programme. These are the only places that guarantee refugees the same rights and protection as existing nationals.
Muslim countries aren’t doing their bit.
The borders of Syria’s neighbours are overwhelmed. Turkey is sheltering up to 2 million Syrians, spending $4bn. One in five people living in Lebanon is a refugee. Jordan is now home to well over 600,000 Syrians, and Egypt 1350,000. Infrastructure in these countries is creaking under the pressure.
They are a drain on welfare/steal our jobs.
Certainly, the unemployment rate among new arrivals is higher than average. This is because they are often deeply traumatised and need time to adjust or learn English. Their work experience and qualifications may not be recognised. Long term, experts recognise refugees – who are often entrepreneurial – are anxious to work and return to a normal life.
Yes refugees compete for jobs – but economics 101 – they’ll spend money too.
â⌠New Zealand will take in 750 Syrian is refugees welcome, but doesnât go far enough.â
For the past 10 years New Zealand has been able to take in about 7060 refugees who have fled their country for the purpose of medical/disabled conditions, for the protection of families and to reunite with family members.
According to the Refugee Quota Branch (Anon, 2015) Statistics New Zealand took in about 1409 refugees from Malaysia, thus, showing that New Zealand is perfectly capable of taking in a lot more than what has been agreed upon the arrival of 750 Syrianâs.
An estimated 9 million Syrians who have fled their homes due to the outbreak of civil war are now left homeless. Thus leaving immediate countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq Egypt, Germany, and many more countries who have taken thousands even millions of Syrian refugees. As a 1st world countries I would have expected a bit more contribution to the intakes of refugees than 750 Syrianâs.
Michael Martinez CNN reports âSome 4.1 million Syrians are fleeing a homeland riven by more than four years of civil war. Some countries have taken in so many migrants it’s caused a population spike, while others have done little or nothing at allâ (Michael Martinez, 2015).
Yes, I agree that New Zealand is a small country and I understand the logic behind John Keyâs concerns about the economy growth, but to be completely honest If New Zealand is capable of throwing about 25-30 million dollars on changing the flag and God know how much New Zealand is willing to pay to change the national anthem which I feel is a waste of money, than I am sure New Zealand can afford to take in a couple more Syrian refugees.
1) APA:
Michael Martinez, C. (2015). Syrian refugees: Which countries welcome them – CNN.com. [online] CNN. Available at: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/09/09/world/welcome-syrian-refugees-countries/ [Accessed 15 Sep. 2015].
Website Link:
2) APA:
Anon, (2015). [online] Available at: http://www.immigration.govt.nz/NR/rdonlyres/6D69584E-60E0-4D16-93D8-F6C00BC384F1/0/RQBArrivalsStatPak.pdf [Accessed 15 Sep. 2015].
Website Link:
I feel that you have raised a well point but given the rate that NZ is going I am not surprise at John Keys decision. Perhaps using our tax money for irrelevant changes is all that he cares about. Hopefully he comes to some sense.
Thank you for your response to my post, I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that feels this way. I would want to ask however, what are your thoughts on New Zealand’s decision to take in 750 Syrian refugees? would you say that we are capable of taking in a couple more hundreds even thousands?
I also support your point Unaloto because New Zealand has always upheld a value in caring and providing humanitarian efforts which can be resonated from as early as the 19th century in instances where New Zealand has aided medical care and schooling within the Pacific (Cook Islands, Niue, Western Samoa). We even have such a large growth if NGOs who support aid missions and visions, take for example Oxfam, Tearfund.
With this history of aid development, New Zealand should not have an excuse for not doubling their numbers in the refugee quota. Though the govt might need to consider their services and the intake of refugees, this is not to say it is impossible.
Thank you for joining our discussion, I love the fact that you have mentioned the point of “…New Zealand has always upheld a value in caring providing humanitarian efforts…” As you have very much demonstrated in your examples of medical support etc. My post is not to say that New Zealand is not able to care for these sort of issues, I believe that NZ is very much capable of taking care of Syrian refugees, however I want to ask you what are your thoughts on NZ having little contribution to the Syrian refugees, I mean on how things are going?
I think that 750 is of course a lot of people but I think that if it was to be compared to other countries who have decided to take in the refugees it does come off as a small number. But yeah sure maybe NZ could take in a couple more people because we are a 1st world country that of course can get the resources and the rest of the world is trying their best to help the Syrian’s out and I don’t think NZ is making much effort as other countries.