A blast to the past

Written By: - Date published: 10:31 am, March 10th, 2008 - 21 comments
Categories: act, election 2008 - Tags: ,

Polling consistently around 1% ACT have decided that the only way forward is rejuvenation and fresh ideas.


21 comments on “A blast to the past ”

  1. infused 1

    Labour might want to look at the same tactic soon.

  2. gobsmacked 2

    So, next question to John “I’m a centrist” Key: Would you go into coalition with ACT? And what would be the price?

  3. Higherstandard 3

    Infused are you suggesting that David Lange would help Labour poll higher even though he’s deceased …… mmmm you may have a point.

    Gobsmacked I think everyyone on the left and right know that all and sundry will hop into bed with Satan if it means holding the reins of power

  4. Satan 4

    I wouldn’t been seen dead with Douglas. I mean I’m not exactly a nice guy, but…

    Ha cap “Lillian grand-” – now I’m not saying that I, the dark lord, am surprised by captcha but that’s a cracker.

  5. Higherstandard 5


    I believe Nat got 33% of the vote that year compared to 28% for labour with Winston as Kingmaker with the third highest vote – hence his position would be as for the most recent election he would go with the party with the most votes.I find it interesting that you can slate Winston for this yet be fulsome in his praise over his current performance.

    More interstingly have you seen the analysis for this years election based on the Marae poll on public address.

    The Marae poll, if correct, could mean an ugly, ugly scenario this year. Obviously, if the Maori Party wins all 7 Maori seats, they could well hold the balance of power. But if they only have as they do now 2-3% of the party votes, then they could well be holding the balance of power with overhang seats.

    Imagine this scenario:

    Anderton, Dunne and Hide gets

  6. Higherstandard 6

    Sorry post was cut in half for some reason rest is here.

    Imagine this scenario:

    Anderton, Dunne and Hide gets

  7. Tane 7

    HS – Winston campaigned in 96 on the platform that only NZ First could get National out of government. Hence the feeling of betrayal among NZ First voters.

  8. Higherstandard 8

    Rob I’ve given up ….. can’t seem to post the rest for some reason – full quote is on public address if you’re interested

    [lprent: probably angle brackets <> in the text. WordPress editor seems to treat them as html tags. I put these ones in using the HTML special char syntax]

  9. Satan 9

    I kinda like Winston though…

  10. gobsmacked 10


    ROb is correct. National want you to forget that they put Peters in charge of the economy. Clark refused, and insisted on Cullen. So, she “lost”.

    Compare that with Winston’s current bauble, where it’s generally agreed, even by National, that he does little harm, and even some good. That’s why Key has publicly said Peters could keep the job under National.

    He has also said, on the record, that the Greens could be in his Cabinet, and Peter Dunne, and the Maori Party, and ACT, and a right-wing Christian Party.

    That’s not “hopping into bed”, that’s an orgy.

  11. higherstandard 11

    Fair point rOb guess that goes to the heart of why many people find it difficult to trust Winston.

    Post I was trying to put up before as below. as per Marae Digi poll

    Anderton, Dunne and Hide get less than 2% party vote between them. Maori Party gets all 7 Maori seats, with 3% of the party vote. We get a Parliament of 125 MPs. National Hide Dunne have 62 seats. Labour Greens Anderton have 56 seats.
    In this scenario, the Maori Party could reverse a 6-seat gap with 3% of party votes.

    Wouldn’t that make for an interesting few weeks

  12. r0b 12

    Gobsmacked I think everyyone on the left and right know that all and sundry will hop into bed with Satan if it means holding the reins of power

    HS, I know that’s a fashionably cynical point of view. But consider the evidence of 1996 for a moment. Peters (and only Peters) held the balance of power. There were some things (role of Treasurer) that Labour refused to offer Peters. Bolger / National were happy to offer anything. Consequently, Peters shafted his voters, and ordained a National led government. Only Labour came out of the process with any principles.

  13. Phil 13

    Like Satan, I like Winston too. He is the only player left that keeps the game entertaining. Parlaiment without Winston would be like the blogosphere without DPF

  14. mmm Roger Douglas – fresh like an anchovy

  15. Satan 15

    Oh yes, sprout he’s well overdue. It’s the blood of puppies that keeps him ticking but believe me, he’s got a surprise waiting for him…

  16. r0b 16

    Rob I’ve given up .. can’t seem to post the rest for some reason – full quote is on public address if you’re interested

    Thanks, yes, saw that a while back. (Re posting, you may have an unclosed tag bracket somewhere that is treating your text as an unrecognised tag?)

    Winston as Kingmaker with the third highest vote – hence his position would be as for the most recent election he would go with the party with the most votes.

    Nice try, but no. As Tane has reminded you, Peters campaigned on getting the Nat government out. Then he ordained a Nat led government because they offered him more baubles. It all ended in tears of course, which is why Peters later adopted a position of “I’ll go with the party with the most votes” for the 02 and 05 elections.

    Fact is, in 1996, only Labour had any principles, and set limits on what it would do to achieve power.

  17. r0b 17

    Fair point rOb guess that goes to the heart of why many people find it difficult to trust Winston.

    Me included.

    Wouldn’t that make for an interesting few weeks

    Wouldn’t it though! I’ve seen another hypothetical result with Labour behind National, but able to govern with Green Maori. That would also be “interesting”, as a lot of people stuck in an old FPP mindset would do their best to undermine the legitimacy of such a (perfectly valid) MMP arrangement. (In fact I fear that in some ways such an arrangement could be a poisoned chalice for Labour, as Winston was for the Nats in 96. As a country I don’t think we’re there yet in terms of a mature understanding of MMP).

  18. Dale 18

    It would be a dream come true. Rodger returns to deliver us from evil.

  19. randal 19

    the only thing roger ever delivers will be stillborn

  20. gobsmacked 20

    Check out the reporter’s name before the Herald corrects it!


    At least, I assume it’s a mistake – but the Herald these days, who knows?

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