Written By:
Anthony R0bins - Date published:
9:35 am, August 22nd, 2017 - 12 comments
Categories: labour, social media lolz -
Tags: #ChangeTheGovt, let's do this, lmgtfy, policy
Alarmed by Jacinda Ardern’s groundswell of popularity, and lacking any valid reason to attack her, various political minnows and hacks are trying the line that Labour lacks policy / substance, that Ardern is just “smile and wave”.
Either these people are lying through their politicised teeth or they don’t know how to use Google. Since I’m the charitable type I’ll assume it is the latter. So here follows, for the Google bereft, a link to the Labour policy page (so far):
You might also like to check out:
Knock yourselves out guys! And while you’re at it, why not ask Bill English what National plans to do about reducing poverty, cleaning up our water, addressing climate change, the nature of work in a modernising world, the housing crisis, the health system crisis, and on and on and on…
Thanks r0b I will definitely go to those links.
Another link to visit is the one called VoteCompass that Ad put up.
‘A vote compass specifically for this election – see if you confound your expected allegiances: https://votecompass.tvnz.co.nz/‘
It goes through various political headings and policies for you to consider which means you define your thoughts. Then it shows a chart that gives a left/right placing and then a few more questions, then you go through the parties statements about their thinking and likely policy to check if you understand their position. It is from TVNZ and is a way of them getting their own focus group, but private and they just have your email address.
private and they just have your email address.
…and everything else their cookies record about you đ
Er yes I suppose so. But I’m always getting cookies offered to me, how do you cope with all these cookies? I like cookies anyway especially with chocolate chip. Do I have to worry about the sort you are thinking about?
Bill English’s plans are to cruise to victory by a combination of scaremongering and bribery. He has promised to re-inflate the housing
crisisbubble and to build MOAR ROOOOAADDDSS. All the other social crap is just a bunch of whiningI think the full Labour manifesto of all the other policies that aren’t going to make the headlines is due out this week as well.
Just in case you like reams of policy.
Except, this time, for a change, Labour are going to beat them with charisma.
Well, I don’t know about that, I had some fun Googling Blair/Jacinda….of course the main problem with Google is you can really only Google policy that exists….not the things and the all important details that are absent.
Just an observation.
The old labour party tendency to be condescending prats is strong with the title of this post.
The post is directed at liars adam, not people who genuinely can’t use google.
Chuckling@ nats saying Labour policy is same old… their policies are 50 years old.
I see tgey plan to get 90% of exports under free trade by 2030. They woukd work harder to achieve that than
90% literacy amobgst svhool leavrs
Reduce recidivism by 90%
Reduce waiting lists and those waiting for waiting lists by 90%
And so on…
90% literacy? Back when I was being trained or starting as a teacher of languages, I remember an academic claiming that owing to human variations in ability, even a country with a perfect education system would never beat 92%. He maintained that no matter what, at least 8% of any population will be illiterate. Sorry I have no citation now. But it does make me wonder if the people dreaming up this policy used this guy to set an achievable target. But for that they would need roughly 90% perfect social conditions throughout the land, and a roughly 90% perfect education system. So they are obviously dreaming up bullshit, or looking at extremely long-term goals, which mean nothing in practical terms for the present.
Personally, I just lie through my teeth.