Daily review 11/02/2020

Written By: - Date published: 5:49 pm, February 11th, 2020 - 17 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

17 comments on “Daily review 11/02/2020 ”

  1. ……….. and in more positive news


    if only because Modi decided to go down the Trump (and dare I say it) the current gNat route

  2. pat 2

    "Facts: RNZConcert’s current budget is $3million in a total RNZ budget of $43million. Half of Concert’s budget is FM transmission, so operational costs are a mere $1.5million. Twenty-five years ago, with a bigger staff team, Concert’s budget was $5million, same transmission cost. [via twitter]"


    perhaps RNZ Concert was never under threat?

    • That's a fairly accurate summation of what a lot of people have heard about Mr Thompson unfortunately. The generic Master of the Universe/Impressive CV brigade.

      IMHO – complete lack of understanding of what PSB is/should be about.

      But there ya go.

      Back to the future (from the demolition of Broadcasting House to the fleecing of frequencies and transmission facilities for commercial gain)

      While its good to see an alternative network will be developed, hopefully this is a lesson for some Labour politicians to assist them in improving their bullshit detectors

      • pat 2.1.1

        Mr Thompson may be many things and may have little sympathy for PSB ( i dont know) but I doubt he is a stupid man, certainly not one so stupid as to 'miscommunicate' with his political masters to the extent he publicly defies them with no apparent purpose and with, it appears the agreement of his BoG

    • Chris T 2.2

      All a bit irrelevant now.

      Clark used her extraordinary influence to change the decision.

      Took a few days for them to over turn it.

      If only everyone else got to be so privileged enough to have the right peoples ear.

      • Muttonbird 2.2.1

        I'd say it's a great look for the Minister for Arts and Culture, the Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern saving the Conert Programme from the nameless marketing people who sought to destroy it.

        Almost as if it were planned all along.

      • OnceWasTim 2.2.2

        Don't be so sure it's over yet. Only the right words of appeasement have been spoken.

        Let's see if anything of substance actually changes.

        In the words of one that started all this:

        "Trust but verify"
        especially with bullshitters

  3. James 3

    I actually laughed out loud at this evenings post photo.

    Very funny.

    Edit – see in premod- I did reply with the link to the quote as requested

  4. Anne 4

    Cantankerous old bastard admits he's never read the petition at the centre of his defamation case:


  5. Muttonbird 5

    Turns out Mr Bob Jones hasn't read the petition he claims defined him.

    I'm almost certain that is a lie and he has read the petition but his leprotic ego won't allow him to admit it.

    Also, Justice Thomas has to ask the racist old git to stop fulminating in court and be a decent human being for 5 seconds.

    It was at that point – and not for the first time – that Justice Thomas had to stop Jones, who told him "unless you want me to do this every five minutes, can you please just listen to the questions, and answer the questions".

    Justice Thomas is ever the optimist…


    Edit: Snap, Anne. Great minds think alike!

    • Anne 5.1

      To be honest his thesis (if you could call it that) should have been ignored. He was having fun at the expense of Maori which was boorish and classless. Now he's been given a platform and what's the bet he's loving it.

      I love the improvised head phone he’s wearing in the TVNZ clip. It makes him look like the clown he has become.

      • Muttonbird 5.1.1

        I'm not a fan of ignoring stuff like that. I think it needs to be highlighted and the backward, 19th Century values should be skewered in public and the the old, intolerant fossils laughed at until they perish*.

        * This may have already happened in Mr Jones’ case. It’s hard to tell.

  6. Muttonbird 6

    Fascinating precedent set in Australia.

    Aboriginal Australians born overseas cannot be deported, court rules.

    Dutton will be remembered as the one of the most corrosive politicians in the AUS-NZ relationship. Are Australian courts finally standing up to him?


  7. Muttonbird 7

    Farrar watch:

    David Farrar publishes step by step instructions for the SFO when investigating the NZ First Foundation.

    I tried looking for the same instructions from Farrar when the SFO were about to investigate the National Party but came up short!