Daily review 30/11/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 30th, 2023 - 11 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

11 comments on “Daily review 30/11/2023 ”

  1. adam 1

    Afternoon wage slaves and other slaves.

    The corporations are laughing at you today.

    As they are doing the one thing we should not be doing. Exploration and extraction of carbon fuels.

    Do nothing, it's the only option.

  2. Ad 3

    All good activists are now going to burrow deep into volunteer groups.

    Burrow deep people and volunteer into activism in your locality.

    Once Speech from the Throne and the legislative bulldozer starts there's no turning this beast.

    Aroha out those who tend the earth and families.

  3. Kat 4

    Capstan Lucky, Nicotine Willis, Dr Ciga Reti, Winston Winfield, Smokemore Stuyvesant and Benson and Bishop entered a bar………


  4. joe90 5

    American GP in Gisborne reflects on coalition policies.

    The Cruelty Is The Point



  5. observer 6

    If anyone still doesn't know how the misinformation machine works, please read this.

    Tory Whanau, Nicola Young and the rumour that overtook the story | The Spinoff

    We aren't going to change how the Dirty Politics people operate, but we can choose whether to buy into their tactics.

    Key words … "murky", "swirling", "perception" – anything that sounds like something but in fact means nothing.

    Almost every day there are comments on here doing their work for them, without stopping to consider the source, and always, always "cui bono". The bait is not a nutritious meal … it's just bait. Stop biting.

  6. adam 7

    Sometimes Norm is the most rational man in the room.

    Why the whole calling Hamas a clone of ISIS is horse do do.


  7. Joe90 8

    Kissinger was Dubya's first pick to head the 9/11 Commission. He resigned rather than disclose which foreign governments had him on the payroll.



  8. Joe90 9

    In lieu of an obit. Hitchens’ review of Isaacson's biography of Kissinger.

    Touch of Evil

    In a rather more judgmental time, history was sometimes written like this: ‘The evils produced by his wickedness were felt in lands where the name of Prussia was unknown; and in order that he might rob a neighbour whom he had promised to defend, black men fought on the coast of Coromandel, and red men scalped each other by the Great Lakes of North America.’ ‘Evil’? ‘Wickedness’? The ability to employ these terms without awkwardness or embarrassment has declined, while the capacity of modern statesmen to live up to them has undergone an exponential rise since Lord Macaulay so crisply profiled Frederick ‘the Great’. Walter Isaacson’s new study of Kissinger shows beyond doubt that he rose to power by intriguing for and against an ally, the South Vietnamese military junta, whom he had sworn to defend, and that in the process of covering his tracks, consolidating and extending his power and justifying his original duplicity, he was knowingly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants in lands where his name was hitherto unknown. He also played an immense part in the debauching of democracy in the North America of his adoption.


    It became very plain to me, as I finished the book, that if I were to employ the argot of popular psychology I could say that I had been reading the profile of a serial murderer.


  9. SPC 10

    Conversations banned from the media of the UK (libel laws) and the fawning colonial media.

    Do you think your skin would be darker after the summer holidays than that of the child?

    Maybe in the past, I use more sun care now.

    Back in the 90's, I wondered how dark skinned a daughter of Dodi and Diana would be, then she turns up to mother a grandchild.

    Well she got two daughters in law, one who whose children might tan if they want to and one whose children will arrive that way.