Flat-Earthers heart climate change deniers

Written By: - Date published: 3:19 pm, April 23rd, 2008 - 4 comments
Categories: climate change, humour - Tags: ,

The Climate Science Coalition is the last of a dying breed; a rabid, climate change denying lobby group. Of late, they have been performing a desperate, last-ditch attempt to slow the introduction of a carbon trading scheme. And, now, it looks like they’ve received some heavy-weight support in the form of the venerable Flat Earth Society:


4 comments on “Flat-Earthers heart climate change deniers ”

  1. Billy 1

    I know it’s off topic (and for that, I apologise) but I thought we were getting our Prime Minister answering our hard questions today. Is that still happening?

  2. Tane 2

    Yeah we’ve had a bit of trouble tracking her crew down – Steve’s been following this one up so he might have some more detail.

  3. higherstandard 3

    Some interesting insights from MAF

    New Zealand can reduce its reported emissions by increasing imports;

    New Zealand’s industries can move domestic production into countries with weaker environmental legislation or no reduction commitments; the “pollution haven hypothesis’ also called carbon leakage.

    A country with emissions intensive exports based on its natural resource endowment will face tight restrictions on future growth.

    Finally, emissions from international transportation are technically not allocated since they do not occur within a countries political jurisdiction.

  4. randal 4

    there is nothing any of us can do except sit back and watch this tragedy of the ‘whole’ commons unfold before us…all the old theories of politics, nationalism, economics, heroes, progress etc etc etc are about to go down the gurgler while the sovereign consumer sits in their poggy mess demanding MORE. all this crap that we kid ourselves with is just that. crap. the pandoras box has been opened and it cant be closed. thats all folks…seeya