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9:12 am, October 8th, 2010 - 49 comments
Categories: national -
Tags: aaron gilmore, lies
Aaron Gilmore became an MP in 2008 by a hair’s breadth. Something like 40 more votes to Labour and his list seat would have gone to them. His Parliamentary career has been as undistinguished as the manner in which he got in. Now, it appears his CV isn’t as impressive as he would like us to believe either.
On Parliament’s website, Gilmore lists himself as “Member, Chartered Financial Analyst Institute” but the Herald reports:
“A spokeswoman for the international Chartered Financial Analyst Institute said yesterday Mr Gilmore was neither a member of the institute nor of the CFA Society in New Zealand. He was a CFA programme candidate, meaning he is registered as studying towards the CFA qualification which would give him membership.”
That’s kind of like a law student calling themselves a lawyer. Not only is the qualification not complete, neither is the certification that could follow the qualification.
I’m guessing that this is, also from Gilmore’s CV, is the qualification:
Postgraduate Diploma (Accounting), Massey University (75% complete)
Yeah, you don’t actually have the diploma until you’ve completed it, eh, Aaron? I once tried to jump a 5m wide stream and got three quarters of the way. You don’t see me putting that on my CV.
Typically, John Key is refusing to do anything. Here’s a member of his caucus lying on his CV and Key just shrugs his shoulders. Too busy playing with spiders, I guess.
Well, considering that he only got in by the skin of his teeth last time, and the odds against National getting more votes in the second term, perhaps Gilmore will soon have something new for his CV: One-term MP.
Action of that sort would require gumption and a spine… Alas S & W just doesn’t have these atributes.
Something like 40 more votes to Labour and his list seat would have gone to them.
39 but who is counting?
Gilmour’s CV problems match the problems with all the wonderful promises that Key made to the New Zealand Public. Neither appear to have any relationship to reality.
Outrageous, what next a distinguished career in Vietnam? Get a spine John do something for a change, your not at Uni or busy being in love, your the country’s Prime Minister for goodness sake show some moral fortitude if you have any.
A friend of mine was always fond of saying…
‘I’m not here to fuck spiders’
…so given Key’s track record of doing fuck all, I’d be wary of leaving him alone in a room with Gertrude the tarantula eh…especially if they’re already on a first name basis ?
BTW…spiders don’t have spines do they ?
They have exoskeletons.
Shit…thats even worse. I can see the headline now…
re: pollywog
Pretty sure that’s from the movie “Stickmen”.
There must be a lying virus going around the Chch Nat list MPs, I was at a function last week when Nicky Wagner passed herself off as the MP for Christchurch Central, something she does a lot apparently. What with Henry, Banks, Wagner and Gilmore et al, Nat candidates are a sad, disturbed, pathetic lot.
I actually thought she was the electorate MP, her electoral office sure gives that impression just by looking at it.
Burns is the electorate MP. Wagner is National’s ‘buddy MP’ for Chch central.
That could be against the Parliamentary Service rules, Lanth. Can someone in Chrishtchurch get a pic of her office and send it to The Standard.
I’m sure she is within the guidelines. It doesn’t blatantly say she’s an electorate MP, but that she’s National MP for Christchurch Central, with a big beaming photo of her.
If she is presenting herself as “the List MP for Christchurch” she is outside the guidelines. The Speakers office will be very interested in this. Recently there have been examples of both Jackie Blue and Melissa Lee claiming to be the List MPs for Roskill and Mt Albert. This was jumped on from a great height. This type of misrepresentation should not be allowed to occur.
Sheesh, I’ve seen her say she’s the MP for chch central so often it’s become just a background detail to me.
Hmmn, I shall endeavour to get a photo sometime this week then.
It’s not misrepresentation at all, a List MP is entitled to offer constituency services in any electorate, it does not matter if they are an electorate MP or not. All the parties do this with List MPs.
They can offer services but under Parliamentary rules they are not permitted to advertise themselves as a “list MP for XYZ electorate”. They are in Parliamnt only because the party secured a % ,vote. They were never “elected” as such but placed there by their party. The electors in Christchurch or Roskill elected their MP so to have someone who can’t even get an electorate seat suggest they are the “List MP” for the electorate certainly is misrepresentation. No List MP is by right associated to an electorate. I think you’ll find that since certain List members were found out misrepresenting themselves, somthing National members seem quite good at, and the Speakers office has clamped down, they have changed the term to “List MP resident in XYZ”.
A copy should also be sent to the Labour Party Caucus secretary as soon as possible. Its time these Nats were exposed . If this was about Labour the News Media wouold have a ball.
I just go by If I assume that a NACT MP is lying, I’ll be right 99% of the time. Hasn’t failed yet.
One of his other ‘distinctions’ is Senior Associate’ of the Financial Services Institute of Australia
What he doesnt say is this means hes ‘waitlisted’ to be become a full member .
A bit like being on the bottom of the national party list.
Poor Aaron, all ways a few spreadsheets short of a trial balance
re last paragraph – his CV would look much better if he put – Two-term MP (50% complete)
75% complete? That’s just embarrassing…you either have a qualification or you don’t… Diploma envy – for when you don’t quite have as much as the next man…
I don’t have a degree, probably never will have as I consider them to be somewhat useless, but I do tell people what I’ve studied and, in some cases, which books I’ve read. His crime, IMO, wasn’t in saying that he had done some studies in accounting but saying that he was a full member of the CFA which is an outright lie.
I do have a Liberal Arts degree which has been useful for jumping through certain hoops. It took me 24 years to get it, but hey, I got there in the end.
You’re in good company. Steven Joyce took 21 years to get his degree in Zoology. Did his thesis on the Mallard duck. Ask Darren Hughes. He gave an hilarious speech of congrats in the House a few months back.
Heh, it’s taken me far to many years to get half-way through a one year graduate diploma in science 😛
Though long term depression plus ADHD is not conducive to study.
It pains me to side with you lot but I’ll agree this sounds particularly fishy.
I’m also currently a *candidate* for the CFA institute.
If you were a “member” of CFAI. You must state that you’re either:
1) a CFA charterholder (i.e. have full membership of the institute);
2) a current candidate;
3) have passed one or more of the CFA examinations; or
4) you can’t claim anything.
Sounds anal, but CFAI is synonymous with anal retentiveness (I’m sure Mr Gilmore would be conscious of this if he has had any dealings with CFAI).
It’s actually a very serious breach of the CFAI standards of practice to misrepresent your standing within the institute (see page 196-199 of this PDF – pg179-185 of the document itself http://www.cfapubs.org/doi/pdf/10.2469/ccb.v2010.n2.1).
This might seem like a minor point but it’s absolutely drilled home if you’ve ever studied for the exams – as is all minutia within the 3000 odd pages of study materials for each of the 3 exams.
I suspect, if the allegations are correct, that Mr Gilmore might find himself receiving a call from CFAI over this matter. CFAI are fiercely protective of their designation – there’s zero tolerance for misrepresentation.
And so should anyone lying about their ‘memberships’. I don’t see this as a right/left issue – it’s about honesty. If a Labour MP had done the same I’d be slamming them just as hard.
go and look and darien fentons cv then
Which bit and why is it wrong?
didnt helens cv also have on it she had done study for a phd but wasnt complete
darens also has a uncopleted degree so she mus a loser also
You’re the one casting aspersions – why don’t you back them up? Although, I suspect it’s because you can’t.
I think I’ve clearly demonstrated that I recognise that – that’s why I’ve provided you with the official line for why he should receive flak if these allegations are true.
If I’d made this about left/right ideology then do you think I would have provided you with all the necessary information to lynch the guy?
“If a Labour MP had done the same I’d be slamming them just as hard.”
Good to know although it didn’t appear that other regulars of The Standard were quite so open to bagging Taito Phillip Field for his indiscretions which were on a different planet to being indulgent with your CV.
I will say though that Lianne Dalziel’s claim that there is no such thing as the ‘Associate Chartered Accounting College’ is definitely false.
“member of the ‘Associate Chartered Accounting College’, Ms Dalziel wrote there were “no such organisation(s) that I could find”
The Associate Chartered Accounting College is part of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA). However, an the requirements to become an ACA are not nearly as stringent as those to become a fully fledged Chartered Accountant (i.e. a member of the New Zealand college of Chartered Accountants).
“Associate Chartered Accountant College ”
I know what sticklers for detail accountants can be 😉
Correct – clearly caught out copying an pasting from the Herald’s repeaters.
Repeating the repeaters error even haha.
nah, It’s what he says in his CV…
Look now before he fixes it
If he were entirely correct, and being a stickler for detail I had noticed it, he should have said: Member of the College of Associate Chartered Accountants.
ACA is pretty over-rated regardless.
I don’t think you even have an accounting degree – a hand full of papers, a year’s experience, a day’s workshop and swear on the scouts honour that you won’t breach NZICA’s code of ethics.
and he’s a mountaineer! This is superman we’re talkin about here
I think that, putting the education embellishments to one side, this is quite an impressive CV. Can’t completely slate it, got to bring some balance – His work experience is pretty enviable.
There wouldn’t be many places in the country better than Cameron Partners in terms of investment banking. Not a huge outfit but unquestionable quality.
So, does anyone know if he turns up to Old Boys meet-ups? Because if I take SBHS off my spam list, I may have a chance for gonzo journalism/trolling…
Also, Gilmore managed to piss off some of the student earthquake-clean up volunteers by not only having us meet at his office 2-3kms from the place we were meant to be cleaning up, but also printing off info-sheets for those impacted with the National Party header + his name and status.
Among all the ‘bling’ that AG seems to think that matters, does he have any connection to real people via community groups or service organisations.( not the Golf Club)
Or is he a bit like the Groucho Marx autobiography – Hello, I must be going
My son has just worked his proverbial nuts off for three years to get his CFA qualification.
It is apparently much harder to get then the Masters in finance that he also holds.
The fact that Aaron Gilmore lies about holding such a generally hard won qualification, is an insult to all those hard working committed people who have actually done that hard slog
Aaron Gilmore should resign, he is a lazy lying scumbag
Congrats to your son!
I can also attest that it is much harder that the Masters in Finance. In a word, it’s a bitch.
As I’ve said CFAI doesn’t take misrepresentation lightly so Mr Gilmore could find himself pretty seriously censured over this.
If only those who talk about ‘lazy bankers’ could be dragged through it and subjected to some 100+ hour weeks.
Mate only the graduates who get put in the meat grinder or the sociopaths slashing and burning their way to a partnership do the 60-100 hour weeks.
And guess what, they are not putting that work in for the greater good of their constituents, its all about ME ME ME and the firm bonus pool associated with that.
Are you kidding? I spent a while trying to decipher that but just came to the conclusion that you clearly don’t know a lot about how the investment banking world works.
WTF “constituents”??? What the hell are you talking about – it’s not a democratically elected position FFS. And who, prey tell, exactly would their “constituents” be? Investment banking in its purest form is merely facilitating transactions, capital raising and debt raising. If anything their “constituents” (clients?) are multinational companies and/or institutional investors – not the kinds of entities you’d have a hell of a lot of empathy for either I’d suggest.
It’s all project driven and when things are hot (at least 75% of the time) 60 hours is the bare minimum for anyone involved – regardless of your career aspirations (unless you don’t want to be there at all – in which case you’re ushered to the exit fairly quickly).
There is no such thing as “partnership” in investment banking. You must mean MD?
I think you’re confused with the CA world here.
Bottom line is there are probably less than 100 people in NZ that would qualify as bona-fide practicing investment bankers – I wouldn’t expect many people in this country outside of finance circles to have a great handle on exactly what it is they do – you’ve served to prove that assertion true.
Aaron Gilmore should resign, he is a lazy lying scumbag
Jeez…why don’t you tell us what you really think of him and what he should do 🙂
Seeing as you mentioned your CV where can we find it?