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- Date published:
6:38 am, June 17th, 2016 - 18 comments
Categories: activism, class war, housing, human rights, uncategorized -
Tags: homeless crisis, homelessness, housing, housing crisis, park up for homes
We spent a week sleeping in a car once (post Christchurch Feb quake), it’s no fun. So I say a very sincere good morning to the “Park up for homes” folks this morning:
More than 500 cars park up to support homeless families in south Auckland
It was 11 degrees Celsius in south Auckland on Thursday night. But outside there was singing, cheering and hugging. Crowds were being fed and hot drinks were distributed. There were smiles, and lots of them.
Around one thousand people showed up to ‘Park up for homes’ in Mangere, most of whom have chosen to sleep in their cars overnight.
Why? To show solidarity for many Kiwi families who say they are homeless and forced to sleep in their vehicles every night. …
Good on these concerned and compassionate people. Good on the Labour MPs who joined them. No National MPs were expected – what a surprise.
One in every hundred New Zealanders is homeless. The Nats are trying to deny and ignore the problem. Change the government.
‘Strong signal to the Government’ as hundreds sleep rough to support homeless
Park up for homes brings in hundreds
‘Park up for homes’ event in South Auckland
Hundreds spend night in cars in support of homeless families
Hundreds turn out for Park Up For Homes event
Yes people, wake up and read the vindictive drivel sliding out of Barry Soper’s keyboard (el heraldo). Finally shows his colours. Not nice.
Did this get TV news coverage?
Paul Henry interviewed an organiser this morning and asked her if this was Labour-Greens grandstanding… to be expected I spose. TV1 breakfast had a video diary of someone sleeping in their car for the night. No political discussion of the event from what I caught, which would also be expected.
Paul Henry running a poll on his show (yes no joke): Will the park up event do anything to help the homeless? Result = 77% No.
Haha well that’s sorted then these car people have been completely discounted. Tune in for next weeks poll: Will National ever lose power?
Is that the 30 people that watch Paul Henry poll?
There are a lot of Paul and Paulette Heneries out there.
They all vote for NatNasty.
No one should be surprised Henry treats it like a joke ! Its a magazine fill in untill you wake up or you are clinically dead from the neck up and haven’t noticed.
Thank God for Martyn and fifth estate !
Henry interviewed the woman who organised it this am . she’s a clever bugger, never let henry take over the interview and push his pathetic little angle.
He also had to override sports guy Jim who was supportive of the protesters.
Will Labour ever be the government? Serious question. Stunts like the sleeping in cars makes the participants feel virtuous but changes not a single vote. In fact in the 8 hours that they slept 45 immigrants arrived, most of whom will vote National.
Do you understand solidarity? Empathy?
But I bet the National strategists are smiling outside but fuming behind closed doors.
+100 for Park up Homes.
Seems that the homeless were totally crowded out with adventurous kids and opposition politicians having a fun night out.
what no Government politicians showed up to have a fun night out? or does the National Party not know how to have fun? Maybe the National Party thinks that people sleeping rough is fun? Or funny?
Mind looking at Ms. Bennett, Judith Collins, Bill English, John Key, Joyce, Smith, and two lanes Bridges i can see why they would have a hard time having fun, even when locked in a taxpayer funded 5 start resort in Niue.
It’s called community and support. Words you have to wonder if National still know the meaning of.
Do you understand solidarity? Empathy?
A damning objective critique of this government.
I hate this kind of shit.
It’s the whole 24 hour ‘famine’ nonsense all over again – as though no kids in New Zealand know what it’s like to a bit hungry. And as though feeling peckish is anything at all like feeling starved. Mind you, at least the 24 hour ‘famine’ stuff might offer a few kids the opportunity to think about some things.
But the potentially puke inducing “I feel your pain” brigade (no doubt many well meaning people among them) who sleep in a tent for a night, or in a car for a night…there’s really nothing worthwhile or positive to say about their symbolic posturing. Good for them to have sung and hugged and brought hot food and hot drinks along to their alternative “we feel your pain” out-doors party…
Too harsh? Maybe.
And in another ‘maybe’ – maybe the homeless should follow their lead and organise some jollity jolly night time ‘pot lucks’ of their own? (Yes, that’s intentional sarcasm in case you wonder)
Finally, what’s with the ‘but’ that follows on from the revelation that the ambient temp was a reasonable 11 degrees C?. It’s not as though 11 degrees is any kind of insufferable temperature for Christ’s sake…
It would be nice if I was to hear that someone or some organisation had offered up or created some conduits for those people to do something meaningful.
When I slept rough I used to go to the multi story car parks and sleep in the corners. I found they kept the heat well and were warmer than outside or on a bench/doorway. Been centuries since I did that though.
Takapuna near the cop station was the car park and it keeps nice n warm and the bread man delivered early morning on the roof, and left those sali luns in there we used to pinch them for a feed, ahh the wild teen years, that bought back memories.
Cars , bleeding luxuries, in my days we had one snotty hanky between 5 of us for a blanket and we drank meths filtered through bin recovered chippy newspapers, AND we were bloody thankful, kids I tell you, they don’t know hardship /sarc