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notices and features - Date published:
2:35 pm, September 2nd, 2023 - 54 comments
Categories: election 2023, labour -
Labour commits to extend free dental care
Labour is running a positive, forward-looking campaign that’s focused on fixing the cost of living, keeping people and communities safe and investing in education, health and housing.
Dental care great policy BUT when you cannot deliver anywhere near free dental services for under 18 how is this going to be delivered ??
We have had experience of being unable to visit a dentist in 2 cities for under 18’s I would hate to see what options are available in smaller centres 😱how about 1st delivering on that before some fairytale policy.
Agreed, this is a great dental care policy – Green-lite, but let's not quibble.
As for delivery, get cross-party support to build dental service capacity – c'mon NAct.
The policy is being absolutely slammed by the vox pops as untargeted, too late etc.
That's knee-jerk quick slamming – no pleasing some people
Never been an issue in Dunedin for my 2 under 18s.
Great policy Labour.
Good for you – we have had trouble in both Auckland and Dunedin- each of us has our personnel experiences and for our family they are underwhelming to say the least – lucky out or our family only a single filing has been required- but many others are not so fortunate, and under 18 🤫
And as you are a local Dunedin person – as labour has the $$ available we need to question why they have under funded the new hospital to be unfit for purpose ?? Perhaps they could have also promised to adequately fund the build ??
"The Government is strengthening its commitment to delivering a new state of the art hospital in Dunedin, with an additional funding being invested in the facility, Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall has announced."
Project Whakatuputupu – New Dunedin Hospital
The New Dunedin Hospital is being built in two stages.
as I read it – it still is not funded to allow original design and the blow out is not fully covered, so cost savings are required – and this $10m is a face saving exercise to silent critics. Bloody amateurs to save a few dollars and not future proof major infrastructure.build for the future and not require later expensive retro fitting
" Bloody amateurs"
Got out of bed on the wrong side? No satisfying some. You moaned about the dental, now the new 2 stage Hospital. Anything else? It feels a bit trollish. Would you like coffee with that?
From the link. 'Now set to be 25 percent bigger, the new hospital will include over 40 additional beds and nine additional theatres. “Its design and use of the latest technologies will mean better patient flow and improved access to diagnostics and treatment spaces which will help reduce unnecessary delays.'
National were never going to build a new hospital in Dunedin now its being built guess what National are criticising it for cheap politicing .Woodhouse has gone because of his fake invisable homeless person Trumpian politics doesn't go down well in NZ.Covid has delayed many big projects with big cost overruns steel doubled in price cement labour material have all gone up by at least 30% with shortages. Labour have already increased the budget by $500 million.In 9 years of National wards were closed staff cuts No maintenance.Labour came in and fund the first outside maintenance for many year their leaks all over the 2 main structures.and Wakari is no longer viable to refurbish as no money to maintain .Now when the new hospital is opened the existing hospital is constructed very well and most likely become the mental health facility.
Well that is hardly National Light.
Well done Labour, that Dental funding and training places shows the direction of travel,
I hope this isn't the best they've got to get Gen z to turn up … It's no zero interest student loan and Gen y hates it cos it's not universal.
It's a step in the right direction but… Meh…
They've ruled out anything that can excite the base let alone galvanize voters out of fear, they should be more afraid of boring the electorate to death.
'A Labour Government will begin New Zealand’s journey to universal dental care by expanding free basic dental care to nearly 800,000 under 30-year-olds'
'The policy we’re announcing today is a substantial step towards Labour’s ultimate goal of universal dental care.'
‘Growing the dental workforce is hugely important to Labour. Our government will work collaboratively with health agencies, regulatory and professional bodies to make sure we have the oral health therapists, dental hygienists and dentists we need.’
“We will increase the number of places in Bachelor of Dental Surgery course by 50 per cent.’
Good to see strong policy at a campaign launch.
Well done Mr Hipkins.
How about reducing/ eliminating the massive fees to study Medicine and Dentistry in exchange for a few years bonded work in public clinics.
Given Labour's subscription to the neoliberal idea that government budgets are similar to household budgets (and so must balance), and their unwillingness to redistribute wealth in any way – surely free dental care in one place, means something else is being cut or not implemented elsewhere?
The Green policy actually had a way to fund expansion of public services, not merely shuffle diminishing services from one spot to another.
It was a wonderful campaign launch. Huge crowd, full of red, great music, diversity and chanting, especially when the six or so Destiny Goons who had snuck in tried to interrupt Chippy. Will be interesting to compare with National's tomorrow which I suspect will be a blue affair trying to make Luxon likeable.
They promised mobile dental services back and 2021 and then utterly failed to implement this at the level promised.
I believe in universal free dental.
But if you promise stuff previously and don't deliver, is it any wonder people take your credibility with a grain of salt?
If by some miracle Labour get a third term. They must deliver on their promises.
We have two children aged 10 and 12. The mobile dentist clinic hasn’t visited their school in 3 years. We’ve tried to get appointments and given up. In the end we paid to get them checked privately. Yesterday’s announcement has as much credibility as a vegetarian shark.
The bonnet head shark is a vegetarian, and I am sure it doen’t appreciate it’s identity being questioned by you.
Just saying you need to check your privilege and apologise to all the bonnethead sharks.
And not one of those Tory apologies where you apologise for any offense caused. I think a full on Hollywood grovel is in order, where even then nothing you say will save you from a social media pile on but it might keep you out of jail.
Read your own link. They are an omnivore 😊
What region are you? Are you in some very remote area?
For credibility..you understand…
No. I’m in West Auckland.
Well…thats a strange thing..as Otago has many small schools. And there are a lot of school dental service available. I can vouch as visited many schools part of my job.
Anyway, thanks answer. Oh Otago, Found some here….
Pretty typical in Auckland. The school dental service seems to be prioritizing areas of greatest need. If you are not in one of those areas – then your chances of your children getting routine checks are pretty remote.
Note: While this has (I understand) become a lot worse over the last few years (Covid lockdowns created a huge backlog, which is not being addressed – it's easier to just let the kids age out of the school dental service). It existed at least 5 years ago – when I took my 10 year-old to my dentist – since the school dental service had missed him 2 years running – they just didn't get through all of the kids at the school, in the time they were there. While, in theory you can book with the home base of the school service – in practice the bookings are few and far between and very inconveniently timed for a working parent.
And, just in case you were tempted to dismiss this as a case of anecdata.
Covid set back this program now dealing with a higher work load.
What does the service in Otago have to do with West Auckland, where Jack says he's from?
Who pulled your chain?
Is there an answer – or is deflection the best you can do….
Otago.. has also had Covid..and when I visited schools late 2022/2023..were flat tack both mobile Dentist..and at the School adjacent Dentist in towns.
hope your Kids teeth are fine now.
Easy to find the promise from 2020, but I can't find anything that shows what ended up getting implemented. Please provide some evidence for your point here.
Aug 2021 piece referencing back to the mobile dental clinics policy in the 2020 election.
Here's Hipkins acknowledging that the Government had failed to deliver on the election promise
thanks BD.
Who we are fighting….(from your link….BD )
And the relevance to dental services is?
They have flouride in the water now, mobile clinics being rolled out, of course that was not possible during the lock downs and school from home days. But don't let the facts bother you, as you bitch and moan Micky Boyle.
Keep being a Labour apologist and wave those pompoms Patricia.
Just don't be shocked when you get smashed in the election because you didn't deliver on promises, like you said you would.
Sycophantcy helps no one and keeps our elected officials mediocre.
Yes I stand by my beliefs!!
Smashed? Now that is telling.
Isn't it, given the Nats were actually 'smashed' last election. MickeyBoyle seems to have lost hope, and is a bit of a moaner – but not about Nat policies.
And Willis isn't the only one who's incredibly focused on Robertson and holes.
Who are you going to vote for. The party promising free dental or the one that doesn't?
Just one thing missing from the dental plan, the perfect means to pay for it – a sugar tax.
Probably not allowed under trade rules?
Next to Tobacco the Sugar Lobby is akin to the bad things made legal in Britain's slave trade days. We still suffer the remnants.
We need to do what is happening with tobacco, but even that is being undermined by nicotine vapes.
Money is king and that is why between them the big end of town has raised 8 million to buy the election imo
Those folk don’t invest unless they are sure of a suitable return, in my 81 years of experience.
The Greens are wanting free dental care maybe a good compromise would be to have a part charge and a sugar tax then everybody can afford dental care with community service card holders getting lower charges like doctors visits now.
"The Greens are wanting free dental care maybe a good compromise would be to have a part charge….."
Why do that? The only reason would be to avoid applying wealth tax, with which the Greens propose to fully fund free dental care for all. Paying for dental care so we can maintain very low tax on the wealthy, doesn't sound like a worthwhile social good to me.
Agree Mike
Short version he's building a stronger economy with tax cuts for personal spending and reducing tax on landlords rent income (restoring mortgage as a cost against rent income) and reducing tax revenue from CG by reducing the bright-line test from 10 to 2 years.
Stronger economy first as an excuse – what a liar.
Dental care should be a high priority area.
Prevention is better than cure, that is why the school dental services were introduced.
There is a lot of evidence that early dental treatment has major advantages for the health of the nation's children, and continues into adulthood. Free treatment will have a positive flow-on effect in later years. You should not be denied dental treatment because of cost.
My grandma always told me – you have good teeth, you have good health.
Yes that big "Trickle down" Lie
Give wealth to the wealthy and it will trickle down to the "bottom feeders" .
How you can have a "strong economy" while still being a crap place for many people to live:
A longish piece, but well worth the effort. Sample quote:
"The economically resurgent Britain for which the declinists are yearning would almost certainly bring new problems, just as the boom of the 80s created a harsher, more individualistic country after the less dynamic but more egalitarian Britain of the 70s. A country can be seen as a success story by the media, many of its citizens and foreign observers while the lives of some of its people get worse, such as the millions of people made unemployed in the 80s so that Britain could become more “competitive”."
I have noticed comments by media commentators contrasting National and Labour's campaign launches.
The general consensus was that Labour's was pretty much what you would expect from Labour as the incumbent – upbeat, superficially optimistic but with a practical resignation that it will take a very hard battle to get over the line.
National, as ever, totally full of themselves acting as if they have won it already. Presidential style fanfare. Chinese dragons indicating only too well that they are welcoming Chinese house buyers back into the market to send prices rocketing up again. There were no illusions for anybody watching and listening carefully that National are campaigning for the rights of the rich, the propertied class, and the wealth speculators. Oh and of course, the "squeezed middle class" who, when you see the brand new Ford Rangers parked outside the expensive city restaurants make you think that they are not really so squeezed.
For the good of this country and the many people in it who have to rent their homes and DON'T earn $150,000 plus a year we have to keep this lot of economic charlatans and their rabid right ACT bouncers out of office. Anyway we can.
Mike that is the issue. We can't afford to lose. Not to this lot.