Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
11:33 am, November 5th, 2022 - 86 comments
Categories: Economy, education, housing, labour, law and "order", national, political parties, Politics, same old national, tax, unemployment, water, workers' rights -
This week the Herald presented some good news:
Average wages have surged in recent months but the latest unemployment stats show no relief after three months of nailbiting news about labour shortages.
Wages grew 2.6 per cent in the three months ending on September 30.
The September quarter stats have shed some light on whether any progress was been made addressing chronic staff shortages amid challenges from low immigration, inflation, and low population growth.
Many economists were expecting unemployment to fall back to record lows and wage growth to be near record highs.
Instead, the jobless rate stayed at 3.3 per cent.
The biggest leap ever recorded in average hourly earnings occurred over the year to September 30.
Average ordinary hourly earnings, as measured by the Quarterly Employment Survey (QES), increased to $37.86, an annual increase of $2.61 or 7.4 per cent.
“This is the largest annual rise in ordinary time hourly earnings since this series began in 1989,” international and business performance statistics senior manager Darren Allan said.
The LCI’s all salary and wage rates (including overtime) index rose by 3.7 per cent, the second highest annual increase since the series began in 1993.
And in further good news First Union has concluded wage negotiations which will see the living wage for Countdown workers, a 12% wage increase, and which will possibly be the first precursor of a fair pay agreement in Aotearoa.
From Scoop:
Thousands of FIRST Union members at Countdown supermarkets have voted to accept a significant new 2-year Collective Agreement that includes wage increases of around 12%, a starting Living Wage, improvements to pandemic leave and sick leave, and commitments to work collaboratively on urgent security and staffing issues.
The new Collective Agreement, negotiated by a team of FIRST Union delegates and nationally voted on by members over the last month, puts Countdown workers on some of the highest wages in the supermarket industry and could lay the groundwork for a Fair Pay Agreement (FPA) in the sector to cover all workers across the country, said Ben Peterson, FIRST Union Acting Retail and Finance Secretary.
“Full credit goes to our tireless Countdown delegates, who have worked selflessly for their colleagues across Aotearoa to negotiate a deal that benefits everyone who works for the company as well as the communities they live in,” said Mr Peterson.
Mike Hosking responded in typical fashion claiming that the Government has a death rattle about it. Significant wage increases and low unemployment in Mike’s weird reality are bad things.
I do not think that his unrelenting negativity is random. It mirrors National’s approach.
And if you needed any proof.
This reflects a general approach throughout the world. The right campaign on fear, the left campaign on hope.
The arguments are deeply disingenuous.
Economic pressures are caused by overseas events. As good as Jacinda Ardern is she is not responsible for the Ukraine.
Mortgage rate increases are a world wide phenomenon. Just this week the Bank of England increased its rate to 3%.
The Housing Crisis could be 12 months away from being radically eased with record numbers of new state and privately owned houses being completed.
Immigration settings have helped reduce housing pressure, housing costs and downwards pressure on wages.
Three Waters is vital. If anyone can explain how local government can invest the huge amounts of resources required to bring up our water supply to an acceptable level and to make sure that we have water in the future as climate change hits please do so. Attacking without offering a plausible alternative is deeply, deeply disingenuous.
Student performance deterioration is not something that happens overnight. Remember National’s cuts to night classes, and to literacy and numeracy programs so that private schools could receive a top up? Remember Charter Schools, National Standards and class size increases? Along with poverty and substandard housing the consequences of these defelopments are clearly being seen.
And speed reductions and attacks on the court system are typical populist attacks the right is renowned for.
Of course what is lacking in this relentless negative narrative is alternative policies.
And giving the Prime Minister $360 per week in tax cuts while a worker on the minimum wage gets $2.15 is going to create a huge fiscal hole in the Government’s accounts which mean that a future Government’s ability to adjust will be severely compromised.
I suspect we are going to see National’s approach for quite a while. Relentless negativity and no idea of what they are going to do. Or how they will afford it.
National hate the public sector, public services, unions, high wages, or anything else that is collective or for the public good. They have always done so.
In a nutshell Millsy. Even worse, they are not offering anything except remove all the recent legislation, and offer no real policy ideas.
But then, what sort of policy would the National dregs and Woodhouse of toilet seat fame come up with?
What we do know is the decisions and policies will favour those who are comfortable, not the Luxon labeled
"bottom feeders!!!"
Because their owners/supporters don't use the public sector very much. They (the rich) have their own hospitals, their own schools.
About the only aspect of 'society' they (the rich) are dependent on are our roads (to get to the airport for their week in Hawaii etc).
Hence the Negatives' (also known as NACT) emphasis on RONS and even more roads.
My understanding was that the wealthy do very well thank you out of taxpayer money.
"About the only aspect of 'society' they (the rich) are dependent on……also as Voltaire said……"“The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor.”
National stands for nothing except making the wealthy wealthier. That's why all they have when in opposition is criticism of anything government does or plans. It's also why National love social problems because without them there's too little to criticise. The irony, which is that government is supposed be to be about dealing with social problems, is lost on most voters. Their approach is all bundled up in their meaningless description of what Luxon and Willis say they're doing, which is 'keeping government to account'.
Agreed Micky. Luxon/Willis/Bishop's negativity is staggering.
National sound negative because they don't actually have any policies of their own apart from tax giveaways for the rich and landlords and a rehash of Bill English's "social welfare" policy which in practice never amounted to more than spin; Labour has social policies that favour the poor anyway.
I would really like to see someone in the press hold their feet to the fire on this. They get enough time on T.V to say how bad everything Labour is doing is. Invite them on to complain about Labour then simply ask them what they are going to do instead. Don't accept "repeal it". Actually push to find out what is going to put in place instead.
As they have shown, if you ask even simple questions of their policies, such as how much will repealing the top tax bracket reduce the tax take by, they can't provide a straight answer.
It's a shame that no body seems interested in actually asking some simple questions.
Hosking had his tongue up John Key's arse for 8 years while house prices doubled, homelessness skyrocketed, and National kicked out state house tenants under false pretences then flogged off the houses to their mates. As well as a fire sale of public assets despite 80% of Kiwis opposed.
The Herald is the organ of the real estate sector and arrogant twerps. It hasn't evolved much since it was a settler propaganda tool in the NZ land theft wars.
Interesting how Luxy slams Labour for lack of "delivery", but has a long list of things they've done that he wants to repeal. Seems logically contradictory, until you realise that "delivery" means doing things that benefit the 'right' sort of people. And that doesn't mean people in the bottom half of the wealth pyramid.
That's a great point the govt should steal that line from you tbh
I agree Corey and AB.
Yes, this government is too nice. It needs to tell things how they are, which includes reminding voters every now and then of the many inherited problems Luxon and Willis are relentlessly telling us are this government's fault. Ardern and co could even blow their own trumpets a little because the fact they don't lets Luxon and Willis get away with the almighty 'Labour doesn't deliver' bullshit.
Agree. They need to do that in a positive way. They can't just bemoan the mess NACT left them. You will get the classic "well you have had 6 years stop blaming the last government."
They need to highlight the mess National left in certain areas and give very specific gains that have been made since.
I admit a year ago I thought the governments achievement list was pretty thin. Looking back, they have actually started some huge changes and have made progress in areas I thought they were failing in (housing for one).
Excellent point, AB.
The Labour government has delivered, or is about to deliver a lot which is why the business, farming, landlord and other Maori-phobic sectors are so furious right now.
I wish those against it who seem mainly to be anti 'Murray' would read the above and respond.
The alternatives so far have not been plausible:
These ideas won't get us very far forward.
You talk of the relentless negativity from the Nats……..
Now we’re actually getting to the nitty gritty of it, it seems to me (very far removed from country communities mind) that there may be votes in it in the end. An optimistic reading.
The option put forward by the Auckland and Chch mayor’s would essentially see small communities dominated by the larger cities. The only way to guarantee investment in rural and provincial water, to avoid astronomical rate rises and to keep water safe is 3 waters. It would require a small contortion, but perhaps one that is being performed.
That then needs a calculation about if that is a key issue in Auckland and Christchurch or whether it’s votes unlikely to ever have been Labour’s beating a drum.
I agree with this. Also a spirit that says/recognises
I wish the government would show very clearly how we would benefit from 3 wtrs.
Must be one of the most ineffective tv advertising campaigns ever.
But they are showing just how much we will benefit. The problem is that we aren't going to benefit at all.
No, they should warn us what will happen if we don't go ahead with fixing up our vital infrastructure.
Time to associate National's negativity and stupid austerity scam with the disaster of Brexit Britain.
For some reason only one paragraph shows up for this post on the mobile setting
[Now fixed – MS]
It is very hard for National not to be negative in their statements.
They tell us the truth about what is going on in New Zealand. Unfortunately that is mostly bad news. Very bad news for the average New Zealand resident in fact.
Labour on the other hand simply ignore reality and dribble on with tales of fantasy, rather than admit the truth about what is going on and try to come up with ways to solve the problems that they, Labour, are creating for the Country.
Perhaps we can borrow a nickname that the Labour MPs of a few years ago bestowed on one of the National Cabinet members.
Arise the Honourable Tinkerbelle Grant Robertson and wave your magic wand. Fix the bloody mess you have created. If you won't do that get out of the way and let National take over to fix things.
It's funny how the grumpest wingers I can think of with regards of the state of nz are both wealthy woman, (there aren’t related in any way )
Who live a life of ease, one living in her secluded home with million $ views the other with 2 homes,private school educated kids,and has been round the planet and off to oz and the islands numerous times in the 6 Yeats I've known her, completely insulated from the harder life some live.
Right wingers are often hate filled,greedy fuckers that live to hit downwards.
Wages are at their highest in 3 decades. It is now easier to get a job than at any time in the past 40-50 years. We should return Labour for this reason alone.
National, on the other hand, want to flood the labour market with cheap immigrants, and make it harder for young New Zealanders to get jobs, or get a decent wage.
National thinks wages are too high, and that workers have it way too easy, with public holidays, sick leave, and all sorts. Their whole reason of existence is to see all that cut back preferebly by lunchtime.
It is the same everywhere in the world.
"Wages are at their highest in 3 decades". What a meaningless statement. About the only time that wages have ever fallen was during the Great Depression, from about 1929 to 1933. Millsy could be more positive than that. "Wages are at their highest ever level". The only problem with the statement is that it is almost always true.
Inflation is at its highest rate in 32 years. The last time it was this high was in the second quarter of 1990. Now is Millsy applauding that? I am certainly not and I would blame it on Robertson, and to a lesser extent Orr.
I just noted it is the same everywhere in the world, I am not applauding anyone.
I linked this to your comment by accident. It is really a reply to Millsy but I clicked on "reply" to the wrong comment.
You are absolutely right and I wasn't meaning to take anything more out of your remark than what you are saying here.
Duly noted, however for insufficient negativity, you'll still be first against the wall when the revolution comes.
The revolution is already underway,with the on demand bourgeois being asked to leave the room.
Pretty sure that a lot of workers had their wages and conditions slashed when the ECA was passed, plus numerous allowances, etc. Wage growth also bascially flatlined after 1991, with the MW going going up by a few cents/hr.
Take that Kristine Bartlett, the equal pay carer lady, she was on bascially the same wage in real terms for decades.
Wages are always suppressed by low inflation. Every. Single. Time. Maybe we should just let inflation rip for a little bit, so people, for once, can get decent wage increases.
Psst (we are in the 21st century)
And your point is?
Obviously does not get it that the neo-lib 'reforms' 1980s/90s have had a long arms stretching into and influencing our time today. Many good people, possibly future leaders, particularly in the PS lost their jobs in these reforms.
A work place I left, voluntarily, after the Environmental 'reforms' of 1987 had 12 restructures/realignments by the time I got a job with them again in 2000. The impact on staff was horrific both mentally and financially. Salaries went down, contributions to super funds went down, money saved from super funds was withdrawn to help fund living costs, pay mortgages so they could afford to keep their homes.
Those who had a fundamental belief in the rightness of a job in the PS suffered through ignorant managers. These are people many of whom would have supported their children through tertiary education or into a home, but were not able to, so their children are also reaping what was sown in those days with high student loan debt. Some of them have moved overseas …and will probably not return.
And so it goes on.
And Poission questions the statement. I would have thought your pseudonym would have given you a little clue about how statistically an event such as the neo-lib stuff would have had an influence down the times we live in.
Clue: talk of the ECA is often a short form of the damage that whole experiment wreaked on NZ.
Psst let's focus on rate of increase.
Yeah good idea,the terminal rate of the Fed is determined to be around 5.25% in 2023.What rate would a price taker economy such as NZ with dual deficits be by election date,and what will the government accounts be?
That would be silly Alwyn. So the spend on Covid world wide has nothing to do with inflation worldwide? Did Robertson and Orr cause oil prices to rise?
The interruption to gas lines and wheat crops in Europe was caused by Putin, is Robertson and Orr???
Gosh they must have a wand if you believe that!!
This could be the subject of a very large book, However a brief view. The spend on Covid worldwide caused a lot of inflation. It was worst in the countries that threw the most money at it. That of course includes the US, Britain and, sadly New Zealand.
The money spent in the first part of 2020 was very sensible. We didn't know what was hitting us or what we could do about it. By the middle of 2020 we should have stopped printing money. Vaccines were by then known to be on the way and we had a decent view of what would happen.
Robbo had, unfortunately, got a taste for money printing and throwing it at anything that moved and Orr went along with it.
If you think that what happened here was inevitable try looking at Switzerland. It is a small country with an open economy and its own currency. In other words it is very like New Zealand. They behaved themselves monetarily however while our Finance Minister went nuts. Their year on year inflation to September 2022 was 3.3% and the figure for the year 2020 is expected to be 2.6%.
Oil prices are less relevant in Switzerland than here because they rely on electric power from Hydro and Nuclear more than we do.
They also regulate prices more than most countries. They use sound economic reasons for the decisions rather than "feelz" though.
Great. 'Switzerland is just like NZ but they regulate more which is why they are in a better position'.
I do wonder if right wing nut jobs bother reading what they write before submitting comments.
I presume you mean something by that comment.
What is it?
That you are an idiot.
I'm afraid that qualifies as another foolish remark from our resident diesel oil soaked seagull.
Have you ever considered trying to make a sensible, meaningful comment? I realise that may be hard for you but it is at least worth trying. Just once?
A right wing apologist claiming Switzerland are doing better than NZ, because Switzerland is more left wing, “they regulate more”!
The cognitive dissonance is mind boggling.
What on earth makes you think that the fact of "regulation" is a left wing only thing?
The best regulation of financial institutions anywhere is that carried out in the USA. Does that make them "left wing"?
Don't be silly.
Regulation for the public good, is Socialism.
It is not a "right Wing thing".
The USA, by the way, has the worlds largest Government run organisation, their military. Their economy would collapse without it.
“The best regulation of financial institutions”. Unconscious Irony?
Socialism is not just regulation for the public good.
A fairly standard definition of socialism is something like
"Socialism is an economic and political system where the workers or the government own the buildings and tools that make goods and services like farms and factories. This can be achieved through decentralized and direct worker-ownership, or through centralized state-ownership of the means of production."
That is ownership of the means of production. Regulation of privately owned organisations is not "socialism" by any commonly used definition of of the word.
Yep, and there are various forms of socialism.
Democratic socialism appeals to me, whereas social democracy (a form of capitalism) seems to encapsulate current practice in Aotearoa NZ.
Don't know about "printing money", or the idea that "vaccines were by then [mid 2020] known to be on the way" (quando quando quando?), but the notion Kiwis (or anyone) "had a decent view of what would happen" "by the middle of 2020" beggars belief – your memory must be impaired.
The Phase 3 clinical trial of BNT162b2 began on July 27 2020. Phase III trials of AstraZeneca's intervention started 28 August 2020. In mid-2020 all we could do was hope – we had no idea if these vaccines would prove effective, and thank goodness they did.
In mid-2020, the Delta variant was unknown, and Omicron was more than a year away. If only you'd seen fit then to give us a glimpse of your "decent view of what would happen", instead of channeling Capt Hindsight 16 months later – you magnificent selfish bastard
The COVID-19 Timeline: What was known or knowable and what did the market say?
Oops, that’s
1627 months later – strong with hindsight & negativity you are!https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Force?file=YodaForceLift.jpg
Quote: Inflation is at its highest rate in 32 years. The last time it was this high was in the second quarter of 1990. Now is Millsy applauding that? I am certainly not and I would blame it on Robertson, and to a lesser extent Orr.
Funny how the high inflation is worldwide. Robertson must be extremely influential to have the power to control several hundred countries around the world. Bit greedy of him to keep NZ as one of the lowest globally though.
My wages haven't changed and now the wages are buying 8% less 🙁
My union have been offered 2% ..sigh thanks for nothing Robertson & Orr.
You would probably get 0% if National was in power. Plus you would have to pay more for prescriptions, doctors visits, power, etc.
That actually fits in with the negative attitude Binders full of Women.
You personally are not benefitting in terms of pay, but sick leave? safety during a pandemic? petrol subsidy? Doctors visits? and many other improvements.
Policies may have kept you in work.
I remember when Key would announce a 50 cent an hour rise once a year.
Yes Patricia, there are clues here:
'Instead, he managed to conjure an image confirming every feminist's worst fears about a Romney presidency; that he views women's rights in the workplace as so much business admin, to be punched and filed and popped on a shelf. Worse still, it was irrelevant to the question he'd actually been asked, about pay inequality. And, according to several fact-checkers, untrue. He didn't ask for the binders full of women. The list was compiled before he even took office. It wasn't just a gaffe: it was a Freudian slip, a filibuster and a falsehood.'
Perhaps he has some records of
‘Binders full of moaners’
Well the maths I grew up says that 2% is actually bigger than 0%. I diagnose a severe case of ingratitude.
You might want to spend some of the 2% on buying a wooden peg so that you can put it in your mouth crossways. Tip given by a wellness specialist brought in to help staff during one of our restructurings. Apparently putting the peg in mimics the muscles of a smile and a smile triggers endorphins and endorphins make you feel better in yourself. You never know it might stimulate some gratitude as well.
And even if this is not correct the peg in the mouth is a signal to others that 'I am feeling a bit bad treta me kindly' And this happens alot during restructurings. , especially since all the way trhough Covid you
Last para should have read
Please fuck off. You add nothing to any discussion here other than obfuscation, whataboutism and right wing spin. Please go away.
So can you tell us what National are going to do?
I would like to know but if you ask them you are accused of petty politics.
National are going slash wages. Simple as that. They do not want workers earning high wages.
Love your satire, Alwyn.
I hope, for your sake, it is not unconscious!
"It is very hard for National not to be negative in their statements."
But they don't even try. It's all this 'we're keeping the government to account' bullshit that stops them coming up with anything productive. If Labour changed all of its policies and did what National says should happen Luxon and Willis would instantly call it rubbish because "our job is to keep the government to account". Would be good if this could be conveyed to the majority of the voting public, but it won't be.
This week Air NZ announced the resumption of direct flights to Bali. They sold 3500 seats in 24 hours.
There is no squeezed middle in NZ, that is an illusion.
As always the people suffering are the people at the bottom and the National Party has never ever advocated for them.
I disagree. 3500 seats on a plane is nothing in a population of five million. The top 10% of earners and asset-rich retirees are still doing fine. The "middle class" of self-employed or salaried mortgage holders are absolutely hurting right now. Pretending otherwise will doom Labour in 2023, not help it.
I am middle class self-employed and, apart from feeling burnt out, have never done better. Did not book a ticket to Bali, mind.
You've been listening My Cockskin, haven't you?
No I never go near the cesspit that is Newstalk ZB. I am just at a stage in my life where I have occasion to talk to lots of middle class families with young children, although clearly not the same people as you. What line of work are you in, if you don't mind me asking?
The most annoying thing about Hosking's "broken record" columns about how shit we have it is that if National won the election you just know that the tone would immediately change and everything in NZ would instantly be sunshine and rainbows before anything had ever actually changed.
Well there is one person who may be pleased. A rough calculation tells me that Grant Robertson will get a reduction in his income tax of roughly $66,000 per year when a National, or ACT Government takes over the reins at the end of next year.
He may not be that pleased of course. He will be dropping down from Deputy PM to a ordinary MP.
The Country will probably be happy on his behalf though.
It is nice to see that Grant might get a little consolation isn't it?
What is that phrase? "Every cloud has a silver lining"?
I'm happy to see that I have amused you.
It was a reply to Leighton. 🙂
Oh dear. So it is.
Oh well, perhaps my mistake will now have given you a laugh.
Hosking was wanking on in a column about NZs commitments to mitigate climate change the other day, how absurd it was to charge farmers for emissions and how no other country would careless what NZ pledged to do. Summed the man up.
The planet probably would care, and the rest of us in due course if we simply let the globe warm unabated. China, the US, Aussie, Europe, they could all take Hoskings lead and claim the same – someone else should take responsibility but not us. It's like he hasn't figured out the simple realities – this isn't a choice thing, the planet is warming and if collectively we don't do something the future for generations to come is bleak.
If you thought this type of moan, squawk, bitch and whine and then bury your head in the sand attitude was dead, sadly not. Pretty much Hosking from the last several years.
It probably wouldn’t hurt for a journalist or several to do a survey of how farmers have been treated elsewhere.
But otherwise I advocate some city activism- get out there to collect for farmers in street corners! With an accompanying information campaign. In Aussie the Chasers did a bit where they collected money for private schools outside public schools.
In a comparison they probably don’t mind, Groundswell reminds me of Viking raids- make the city pay your debts and then hoon around rubbing it in.
" As good as Jacinda Ardern is " it’s time to feed the kids Prime Minister.
The poorest always get hit hardest meaning Māori, Pacifica, beneficiaries, renters and the disabled are the first to be hurt by any economic recession.
And these are the people Jacinda solicits votes from !
Food inflation is at a 30 year high.
First time home buyers are facing rapidly skyrocketing mortgages.
Renters are being pushed to the brink.
More children are living in cars than we recorded in 2017 when Labour first came to Government.
27 000 are on emergency housing wait lists.
Our truancy rates are soaring.
You cannot being food prices down by cutting the health or welfare budget, which is what National wants to do.
We need to clamp down on corporate greed in this country.
The country may be in good shape economically and fiscally but socially it is not.
Violent crime appears to be on the rise. I say "appears" because it is so much in the news these days.
The public health system is under duress that hasn't been seen for very many decades.
There is a deceptively large anarchistic block in society becoming increasingly emboldened and willing to do almost anything to pamper their delusions of grandeur.
COVID is still a threat, but our society has now seemingly decided that it is no worse than flu and if old people get it – that's their tough luck.
The agricultural sector are under pressure to reform from their environmentally destructive old ways, but reforms cost money and they don't want to pay.
Our towns and cities are congested with cars, you could make all public transport free in NZ and the increase in patronage would probably be minimal.
After all the post-COVID talk of how our tourism sector must change and we can't go on with the old methods – cruise ships are back again and just as coast-despoiling and oil guzzling as ever.
Nobody can open their mouth or write a sentence anymore without being accused of being racist, sexist or the worst – being an old white male.
Whatever rhetoric they disgorge National cannot and will not fix all our society's problems. National's default response to anything is to do nothing. We don't need parties that will do nothing – we need ones that will take action.
Labour, despite having a dynamic leader, seems too half-hearted in its approach to so many problems – despite the fact that it holds a parliamentary majority in its own right.
We need a bold transformative government for the future.
With National (and ACT) we certainly won't get it.
Nobody can open their mouth or write a sentence anymore without being accused of being racist, sexist or the worst – being an old white male.
What a shame that you had to throw in that thought-free, fact-free sentence as well.
As an old white male I open my mouth and write sentences daily. I can't remember the last time I was accused of being racist or sexist, and if I was I would continue to open my mouth and write sentences, so that we can debate the issue. And sometimes I might say "fair point, I hadn't really thought of that". This is called learning, and it is good. (Otherwise I would have the same opinions as I always had, and that would not be good).
Great point. It always worries me when people say I've always voted XXXXX or I have always believed Y. The latest example of this being John Key who shared that he would always vote for the right and would probably have voted for Bolsanaro or Trump.
Voting this way to me indicates a person lacks discernment. It is worrying.
Good post Observer.
Good post too Mike the Lefty until you included the sentence that Observer has commented on.
Labour's current position is not good, but it would be 1000 times worse if National had a competent leader with political experience.
The country needs an effective opposition to keep the government up to the mark.
What concerns me and many other New Zealanders is the way Labour seems to be setting us on a course for major constitutional change without public consultation. That is leading to a total lack of trust.
That's because the far right who have taken over the conservative parties in the west are scum.
If NZ goes for the National Act combination, it will not be a Conservative Government, it will be a Destructive Government.
They will play a dangerous game of Jenga or Tumble Tower, as they remove pieces of legislation.
Their Tax strategy will mean they will reward the wealthy while removing hard won worker rights.
The promise to bring back the 90 day issue and open to any migration says it all.