Nick knifed

Written By: - Date published: 9:51 am, April 26th, 2017 - 15 comments
Categories: housing, national, nick smith, useless - Tags: , , , ,

In a crowded field Nick Smith stands out as one of the Nats’ most incompetent ministers. Only his friendship with English has protected him for this long. But even English can only take so much in election year – Patrick Gower: Bill English delicately knifes Nick Smith

English is publicly dismantling Smith, taking him from Housing Minister to Minister responsible for Building Regulations.

English today removed responsibility for the Government’s “house-building” programme from Smith and gave it to Amy Adams in a “nothing-to-see-here-guys” move.

According to Smith it’s only a flesh wound – Nick Smith reflects on ‘small reduction in responsibilities’ after cabinet reshuffle. Our staff photographer captured the scene –

15 comments on “Nick knifed ”

  1. greywarshark 1

    I don’t understand your image. What is it meant to convey. A signpost pointing to a retirement home would be clearer. Or a vacant lot with sign saying Watch this space, something will happen here by the year 2020, if housing inflation doesn’t reach this location beforehand.

  2. greywarshark 2

    Looks like Jailhouse Rock to me. Ned Kelly comes to mind.

    Movie hmmm?
    Did he think he was a flaming star?
    Did he go a bit wild in the country?
    He definitely needed a Change of Habit.
    Perhaps he was thinking too much of Blue Hawaii along with dearleader.
    Then he thought – Follow that Dream, Harum Scarum with a bit of Roustabout, but now Spinout.
    Then thought again – Easy Come, Easy Go.

  3. But Nick Smith still has environment, doesn’t he?

  4. The decrypter 4

    Bugger. Smithies was worth a lot of votes to the left.

  5. Michael who failed Civics 5

    At least Smith remains in Cabinet, with his snout wedged firmly in the taxpayer-funded trough we maintain for him. It looks as though he’ll remain there, too, after the election.

  6. esoteric pineapples 6

    Anyone who was given the responsibility of pushing some of this government’s most toxic legislation would look incompetent. Things like housing, education and the environment are poisoned chalices for whoever holds them.

  7. Richard McGrath 7

    Now someone just needs to knife Bill English! Failing that, I would love to see Helen Clark parachuted in to take over from Angry Andy and deliver the 2002 result all over again… I’m picking he would get even fewer than the 16.1% backing of eligible voters this time around.

    • Muttonbird 7.1

      Agreed. Bill English is very unlikable. The SCF payout was the thing which really made me think this government had no idea. Now Bling’s media crew are doing stuff like cooking shit pizza for the family stories, and going to Adele stories. That’s embarrassing for any man, and the young Kiwi male vote will be going south.

    • Michael who failed Civics 7.2

      Not going to happen. We’re stuck with a Labour caucus committed to neoliberalism.

  8. KJT 8

    That Nick Smith still has a job, shows the shallowness of Nationals talent pool.

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