Sanders vs Trump

Written By: - Date published: 7:03 am, July 3rd, 2015 - 15 comments
Categories: us politics - Tags: , ,

In the US the Democrats and the Republicans are more similar than different, and both are vassals of big money and lobbyists. A presidential election can still throw up some characters though, and the current one has a field that ranges from the sublime to the ridiculous.

First the sublime, Bernie Sanders. Not exactly a household name, but all of a sudden he has momentum:

Bernie Sanders draws crowd of 10,000 at Wisconsin rally

Sanders, a 73-year-old self-described democratic socialist, is trying to appeal to the most liberal Democrats with his message of raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, bridging the gap between rich and poor, criminal justice reform and raising taxes on the wealthy and Wall Street.

Sanders has built his underdog campaign to succeed President Barack Obama on blunt talk about the economy. In addition to advocating a $15-an-hour minimum wage and raising taxes on the rich, he also supports a massive government-led jobs program to fix roads and bridges, a single-payer health care system, an expansion of social security benefits and debt-free college.

“The big money interests – Wall Street, corporate America, all of these guys – have so much power that no president can defeat them unless there is an organized grassroots movement making them an offer they can’t refuse,” Sanders said.

Go Bernie Sanders, you’d have my vote! At the other end of the spectrum:

Trump jokes about being behind Bush in New Hampshire poll

Donald Trump is outpolling all other Republican candidates in New Hampshire except for Jeb Bush, according to a new survey released Tuesday, though if you ask the real estate mogul himself, he thinks he should be in first.

In a poll fielded immediately after their presidential announcements last week, Bush earned 14% of the vote in the crowded GOP field, followed by Trump with 11%. Nearly a third of respondents said they were undecided.

Unbelievable that the ludicrous Donald Trump is running second in the Republican field. The Republicans have created this problem for themselves. They have spouting ridiculous propaganda for so long that now many of their followers believe it and they support fringe fools like Trump or the Tea Party.

Well. It will probably turn out to be Clinton vs Bush of course. But wouldn’t Sanders vs Trump be more fun? And wouldn’t Sanders be a fascinating POTUS?

15 comments on “Sanders vs Trump ”

  1. Skinny 1

    I have been following Bernie’s campaign and man does this guy give the neo liberal’s a decent clout. He is just what the working class American’s need!.

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could get him out here prior to our 2017 election on a speaking tour. The man is gold in most of what he is saying and would resonate well down here with our working class.

  2. Lanthanide 2

    I doubt Bush is going to win the nomination.

    • Tracey 2.1

      why? do you think they will go for trump or someone else?

      • adam 2.1.1

        Bush is burning up a lot of political capital with Catholics in the USA. I’d say any more comments against the Pope, and he is toast.

        Many Catholics in the states have had enough of right wing loon bag churches talking like they are the voice for Christianity.

        On that note, a lot of Christians in the USA are sick of the right wing loon bag churches talking like they are the voice of Christianity. Especially, when they see them in bed with the right wing nut jobs like the tea party who are anti-Christian, amoral, embrace cupidity, and persecuting the poor.

        • Tracey

          but what about the pro abortion and pro gay stances of the Dems?

          • adam

            I think the anti-gay thing is part of the older generation buzz. I mean it’s mentioned 4 or so times in the bible – whilst protecting the poor and women is mentioned like 400 or so times. OK being a bit glib with the numbers. But it is kinda that sort of ratio and whilst I don’t talk for Christendom, I think most Christians are happy to go with love over hate. Always exceptions though, always exceptions.

            The pro abortion thing. I don’t know how that will play out. I really don’t. I think again generational approach is important. And a lot of women theologians are looking at this issues.

            I know I couch it as pro choice, and argue that the choice part also means keeping a baby. And Pro choice also means, loving your other children. I don’t think it’s the vote divider it once was, especially with anyone under 50. And anyway most of the Christian women I know are smarter than single issue voters.

  3. Clean_power 3

    The 73 year-old socialist candidate will be drowned by Mrs Clinton. He has no chance whatsoever.

    • Sable 3.1

      Sadly you are probably correct. It will be one or other dynasty….Clinton or Bush.

    • millsy 3.2

      Reagan was 69 in 1980 when he won (he positioned himself as more or less pro-union as well, saying in a speech that collective bargaining was democracy in action, or something like that — you wont have a GOP candidate say something like that now), but it is likely that Clinton will win the nomination, which means the other side will throw everything they have at her. You thought Gillard had it bad, just wait for Hillary. She is going to cop it from everywhere — the republicans will drag out men she slept with at high school to smear her.

    • maui 3.3

      It’s a bit like saying that the Northland seat is safe as houses for Mark Osborne pre-byelection.

      Sanders polling numbers have gone from 15% to 33% in less than two months in Iowa. In New Hampshire, Clinton only leads Sanders by 43% to 35%.

      They say whoever wins those first two states in the election has a good chance of becoming President.

    • McFlock 3.4

      but he still might push her and a few politicians to the left.
      Which is probably a “nice to have” outcome for him, rather than just being president or bust.

  4. Sable 4

    Sanders is not alone. Jill Stein of the Greens has made an impact too. Unlikely I’m sorry to say either will become President but what a nice world we would have if it came to pass.

    • adam 4.1

      Jill Stein is quietly amazing – that is one hard working lady. She is just none stop – utmost respect for her and her team.

  5. millsy 5

    It actuall would be a genuine choice of two clear ideologies (rather than New England old money v Texas/Conneticut oil money).

  6. adam 6

    I’ve just been emailed from Bernie the photos last night – what a crowed! A lot of older people too, a heck of lot of older people. That’s awesome.

    I’ll add the whole quote as well from the speech, that was sent out in the email.

    “The truth is that the big money interests, Wall Street, and corporate America have so much power that no president, no matter how great he or she may be, can defeat them unless there is an organized grassroots movement.

    They have the money, but we have the people. And if we stand together, there’s nothing we cannot accomplish.

    We can provide healthcare to every man, woman, and child as a right.

    We can make certain that every person can get all the education they need regardless of income.

    We can create millions of jobs by rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges.

    We can have the best child care system in the world.

    But change will not come without political participation. That’s why it’s so important that we come together in our communities to organize for the change we want to see in America.”