Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
10:19 am, November 23rd, 2023 - 102 comments
Categories: act, Christopher Luxon, david seymour, election 2023, national, nz first, winston peters -
Today may be the day we have a new Government, that is as long as Act and NZ First can resolve their fight over who is to be Deputy Prime Minister.
If ever you wanted
Lloyd Burr at Newshub has released this 8 minute video montage showing Christopher Luxon saying repeatedly “strong and stable government” over the past three weeks.
From the article:
It’s been 39 days since the election, 19 days since the final election results were released, and there’s still no Government.
That’s despite a constant chorus of “we’re making progress”, “we’re going as quickly as possible”, and “strong, stable Government” from National, ACT, and New Zealand First MPs.
It’s a chorus that’s teased the nation throughout, right from November 2 when ACT Leader David Seymour said a “deal could be done in a matter of days”.
In hindsight, that was beyond wishful thinking from Seymour. If only he knew then what we all know now.
On that same day, National Leader Christopher Luxon was saying “we’re moving with tremendous urgency”, confident he could “move through this very quickly”.
Hindsight’s taught us that quickly isn’t that quick at all.
We also heard aspirations of a “strong and stable Government” on repeat for a month.
Newshub’s cameras caught Luxon saying it at least 42 times. His MP Simeon Brown said it 10 times in the space of 3 minutes. Even Seymour, Shane Jones, and Winston Peters rolled out a varying version of the line.
Time will tell if that wish comes true.
This delay has shot holes in National’s plans. Remember talk about a mini budget and National’s hundred days action plan?
From National’s website:
We will get started on a big Parliamentary agenda by introducing legislation to:
- Remove the Auckland Regional Fuel Tax which adds 11.5 cents per litre of petrol.
- Remove the Reserve Bank’s dual mandate to get the Bank focused on putting the lid back on inflation.
- Restore 90-day employment trial periods for all businesses.
- Extend free breast cancer screening for women aged up to 74.
- Repeal Labour’s Three Waters legislation.
- Repeal Labour’s RMA 2.0 laws.
- Ban gang patches, stop gang members gathering in public, and stop known gang offenders from communicating with one another.
- Give police greater powers to search gang members for firearms and make gang membership an aggravating factor at sentencing.
- Stop taxpayer funding for cultural reports which can be used for weakening sentences for offenders.
- Extend the eligibility for remand prisoners to access rehabilitation programmes.
- Crack down on serious youth offending.
- Encourage more virtual participation in court proceedings.
In our first 100 days we’ll also cancel Labour’s planned fuel tax hikes, repeal the Ute Tax, stop work on the Jobs Tax, instruct public sector Chief Executives to start identifying back-office savings and report their spending on consultants, ban cellphones in schools, require primary and intermediate schools to prepare to teach an hour a day each of reading, writing and maths, stop Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions, stop work on the Lake Onslow scheme, introduce a fast-track consenting regime and establish a Priority One category on the social housing waitlist to more quickly move families out of emergency housing and into permanent homes.
Many of these actions would be disastrous. They also show how lacking in imagination National is. All many of them promise is reversion to shittier pre Labour policies with some raw meat law and order policies thrown in for good measure.
Time will tell if they are able to achieve all or any of these goals. Or if NZ First will allow them to do so.
"Stop known gang offenders from communicating with one another."
Yeah, okay, how's that going to work? That sound so good to the redneck ravers on zb, they'll get all orgasmic at the thought, but how is it to actually work?
Ah, I get it, Mark Mitchell's going to set up very simple systems which would see gang offenders going to funerals and whanau occasions and saying to others "Sorry bro, can't communicate with you, you're an offender."
Same as they’ll do with schools: ban cell phones during school hours and whilst on school premises. Cops will become teachers and teachers will become cops – it might have the added benefit of saving time on the mandatory Police vetting for parent helpers on school trips to the Zoo. Simple as that.
It's going to be so exciting in schools. When they've done their cellphone thing for the day what will the the cellphone monitors do?
Move onto being the overseers of each teacher to see they're doing their one hour per day on reading, writing, and maths?
Yes, quite possibly; performance pay has to be based on something that’s easy to measure but that doesn’t have to be meaningful by any stretch of the imagination – it’s in the Manager Manual, incl. the Chapters on how to make your subordinates obedient & compliant and keep them in line. A strict enforcing protocol with rigorous vertical power structures is mandated in the Manual.
They won't recognize each other without their patches and all the Thin Lizzy.
Luxon also promised repeatedly on television debates to reduce the cost of living.
But to REDUCE the cost of living National would have to do one or more of the following:
Reduce GST.
Reduce nationwide petrol excise tax.
Legislate so that the interest deductibility on rental homes when reinstated will have to go to reducing the rent by the same amount.
And we know that the council of thieves will absolutely do none of those things.
I am waiting for my basket of groceries at Pakn Save to drop in price once National takes the oath.
After all, Luxon wouldn't lie or make false promises would he?
Only when his mouth is moving
There's no way egg-head is going to keep this rabble together.
Rimmer is not mature enough, will run off at the mouth, and be in constant battle with Peters for the title of worst Māori in the world.
Hmmm. I am fairly confident Prime Minister Peter's will be able to keep his co deputy PM, Luxon and Seymour, in line.
LOL well said
Some sensible changes proposed.And, Nasty Nicola has a plan…..
Nicola the Narcissist has a sickening smile
In their desperate rush to push through stuff they and a whole lot of other people will make mistakes and not properly evaluate the intended and unintended consequences. The strong authoritarian influence in NACTF, notwithstanding the fair-weather libertarian complicit party, seems too eager to curb rights and liberties of people in our society that they deem undeserving (and thus undesirable). The sad thing is that (too) many people are egging them on.
Getting a Handel on the Coalition Chorus:
(you all know the melody)
"Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable!
For the Luxon Coalition governeth!
Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable!
For the Luxon Coalition governeth!
Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable! Strong and Stable!"
Ad nauseam……..
Well said there Mac1. Does saying it often enough mean it's true?
"Please God. Please God. Please God. Don't tell me my cat has died. Please God. Please…"
The illusory truth effect! The tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_truth_effect
It's all illusion, ianmac. Smoke and mirrors. Deception, misinformation, manipulation.
I wonder if that was why we said the rosary with its repetition?
Someone should produce a video of this with the words "strong and stable for ever and ever" instead of ‘king of kings’ and ‘he shall reign’ etcetera:
So Anne. It is all just a matter of faith. Like MAGA the Luxon Congregation has faith regardless of the facts. All-le-Luhja
100 days of action – first half has been spent trying to cobble together a government
By the time this shower get things together inflation will have run its course
Mini budget by Christmas…….2024
Looking forward to Labour and Greens going hammer and tongs from the start on:
"In our first 100 days we’ll also
cancel Labour’s planned fuel tax hikes,
repeal the Ute Tax,
stop work on the Jobs Tax,
instruct public sector Chief Executives to start identifying back-office savings and report their spending on consultants,
ban cellphones in schools,
require primary and intermediate schools to prepare to teach an hour a day each of reading, writing and maths,
stop Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions,
stop work on the Lake Onslow scheme,
introduce a fast-track consenting regime and
establish a Priority One category on the social housing waitlist to more quickly move families out of emergency housing and into permanent homes."
And of course they have to do all of this from Swearing In, Speech from the Throne, and Parliament's last day on December 14th – because sure as hell they aren’t coming back until end of Feb.
These guys are idiots already.
And Parliament won't now meet until Dec 5.
Clutson rambled on about mps not taking such a long break awhile back, maybe they aree in for a few less weeks at the bach in Te Puke!!
No rule about having a long Xmas break , thats just convention – even Luxon seems to thing its too long compared to the business world.
Could and should have parliament working right up till a few days before Xmas as 22 Dec is a Friday
For too long our parliament has followed 'school breaks' especially not coming back till Feb
I think Luxon will change his mind because more time in the chamber is more time for Labour/MP/Greens to make them look bad.
And time in the chamber is not their only working time. It's just fixed hours while time outside the chamber is more floaty which is why it fits best with seeing their children/school holidays.
It's now clear (if anyone doubted it) that Luxon has been dishonest once more.
He said days ago that policies had been "closed down and agreed".
Policy matters settled with parties: Luxon | Otago Daily Times Online News (odt.co.nz)
If that is true, then all he needs to do is pick a Deputy PM himself. He doesn't need anyone else's permission.
He isn't tossing and turning in bed at night wondering "David or Winston? Gosh, it's so hard to choose!". What he's really doing is negotiating with Peters and/or Seymour to get one of them to accept the other. Which means a trade-off, and that inevitably means other issues are on the table.
But didn't that guy have a lot of experience with negotiations at air nz and Unilever? I mean surely they level of vast experience should have meant a government by now. Surely….
last weektoday called off:Live: No hope of a government coalition deal being announced on Thursday | Stuff.co.nz
This may be why:
"On the question of whether he could share the deputy prime minister role with Seymour, Peters hit back calling that a "stupid" question. Both Seymour and National leader Christopher Luxon acknowledged the idea of co-deputies had been considered.
Peters said New Zealand had never had co-deputy prime ministers and questioned why it was suddenly being discussed."
Why? Because you and David both want it.
The three smiling assassins …..lets hope they kill each other off before they total our country.
No worries there. Cindy and Co. already totalled the country. The job of our new government is to get it off life support.
So Jack, are you going to be visiting next year to tell us how well it's going?
Or will you disappear and re-emerge with a new handle when the inevitable meltdown happens?
You've got what you wanted, please stick around to defend it (obviously you won't, but the invitation is there anyway).
You’ve got what you wanted.
Tots, we’ve got rid of the most dishonest incompetent government NZ had ever seen. In its place we’ve got a government who will focus on the mainstream rather than the fringe.
Look forward to the labour opposition…if they haven’t already given up. While most MPs head to Wellington, some of the small Auckland contingent spent their day at Lynnmall doing Christmas shopping. 🎅 🎄
P.s. unlike you, my crystal ball is broken
My dear troll Jack, Parliament was dissolved on 8 September. So, please give us a list of “most MPs head[ing] to Wellington” and support your claim that “some of the small Auckland contingent [of Labour MPs] spent their day at Lynnmall doing Christmas shopping”.
MPs are not there because thanks to your hero Luxon's incompetence, Parliament cannot now sit until Dec 5.
Surprising that you did not know that.
As usual with trolls, their assertions are baseless and unsupported and they often create rabbit holes and other diversions to waste oxygen and people’s time. The misogynist patronising trolls are the worst and I can’t wait for them to crawl back under their rock or bridge.
S&P Global is not buying into National’s plans.
BMI, of the Fitch Group, has already signalled a warning by downgrading NZ.
https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/major-international-economic-consultancy-downgrades-new-zealands-political-stability-to-lowest-since-financial-crisis-citing-tensions-within-next-government/7NLN2LPZURAXTMNCE64G4SM7DU/ [behind pay-wall]
PWC said Nationals tax cuts will be inflationary . National said they will bring down the cost of living very unlikely but we will be back to the yoyo economy that Happens under National a spike of inflation for six months after every tax cut followed by increases in the official cash rates to bring it back under control.No Stability there just like the 1990's and 2010's.Stagnet growth with little bursts of growth followed by long periods of austerity.High unemployment low output low productivity.With a lower tax rate National have never had any long periods of growth in their entire history. National have always only looked after the already well off and screwed the rest over low wages high unemployment.
Now there is a thought that has appeal.
Let the back stabbing begin.!!!
If Luxon's wise, he should pick neither.
Unfortunately, he's not wise.
Wonder what the story is behind Nicola's "not standing." Or Luxon's "She was never in the running." On the face of it she could have been considered.
But wait. Fundamentalists believe that women should be subservient so Nicola you are not suited to leadership roles in spite of your putting up with Luxon's shit for so long.
And Nicola your tax plan has put us in the poo! I always give out just rewards to those who let me down, and in public too!
Except for strong white males like Uffendale of course.
Nope he picked both… with Peters first.
What is the traditional way for for a constitutional coup with position shared by sequential time periods? Isn't it just the first in the position doesn't give it up? Or renegotiates the agreement?
Besides, what it really means is that either Luxon doesn't out of NZ or get sick for 18 months. Or he leaves for long periods.
We may get much better government in the latter case bearing in mind just how much of a newbie he is, and how little experience is backing him.
But if Peters doesn't coup Seymour out, umm..
On my right my deputy PM, on my left my deputy PM.
The first one to my chair on Thursday gets to answer any questions. The guy who loses is responsible for catering at any breakfast gatherings before cabinet meetings.
No applause …
OK the fallback plan for the next year, it will be Winston and if he is not available, David will sit on the chair they both covet so much.
Then the year after that, they change roles.
In the final year WP gets the first half and DS gets the second … if we last that long.
In other words, rotating the job – just as I suggested nearly a week ago.
Luxon must have left his head in the microwave to long he just keeps reheating the same lines no real character a bit slow Peter's will be extracting every morsel out of National who have bagged him continually over the years now he is having the last laugh at luxon's expense.Luxon looks very Tired and now has his hundred day plan down to sixty days.
Signing ceremony tomorrow followed by media scrum.
Finally Habemus Papem
Praeses tabulae raptus felicitatem religionis ad landlords
Funny how that is
The president of the board snatched the happiness of religion to the landlords – but I suppose prosperity religion rapture becomes the religious supremacist born again pentecostal landlord is happy at increasing in wealth without tax liability, or reduced tax with the restoration of the deduction for mortgage cost against rent income.
I think that on TV1 they said that the two smaller parties are yet to see the total agreements!!! How can they seek approval of their Boards? Is Luxon just with-holding information as a power/control?
I believe that all of the governance of the coalition parties now need to see the final agreements that their representatives have negotiated. 2 for National, and one each for the other parties in the coalition.
I think that they should see the agreements that each has signed with others as well.
Eventually it comes down to the Governor General Dame Cindy Kiro to ask for an receive a assurance from all three parties that they have the parliamentary votes to run a government.
Haha I am catholic but I still had to google that ..l
The white smoke has arisen….
I fear we have three popes as during the Great Schism.
popes? You missed the second 'o'.
We already had a pope , its his 'cardinals' in cabinet were the mystery
I thought that lawyers were all fluent in Latin.
Not since the 19th century. Personally I have attempted to forget Latin. Turns out that it is just as incomprehensible to computer compilers as english.
if lex or gcc or clang can’t parse it, then who (apart from historians and archaeologists) needs it
So we will get a government on Monday. Not before.
Tomorrow we get a handshake photo op, but it has no legal status to form a government. Nobody will be sworn in.
Unless the Governor-General is otherwise occupied all day tomorrow, only Luxon's negotiating incompetence prevents a government being formed immediately.
Chances of a public disagreement over the weekend, before Ministers are even sworn in … high.
The government has a habit of informing us of bad news late in the week.
Much of the detail will only come out later in the afternoon ….or next week/month/year.
"Today may be the day we have a new Government…"
Not according to the 6 o clock news. Nicola Willis' face seemed to revel in the fact that she has some knowledge that other people would like and she's not telling. On the right-of-centre politicians, Winston and Seymour (Bishop?) aside, to my mind they look like amateurs fronting the media like they've been cribbing their styles from shows like West Wing and Suits. Leadership roles just don't seem to be coming natural.
I think a fair person would allow incoming government ministers a bit of exuberance, but I just get vibes about enjoying power for the sake of it, with concepts of leading NZ forward coming up behind.
I'm so not looking forward to the next 3 years. Let's hope the coalition of the left can limit it to that long, please, please.
If history is any indication of the future you will have three terms of a National led Government to look forward to. National Governments have never had less than 3 terms, after all.
It will probably need all that time to clean up the dreadful mess that the Ardern/Hipkins troupe of amateurs has left the country in though.
Oh well. Luxon can take a line from a Gerald Ford speech. It will be equally applicable I would say. When Ford took the Presidential Oath of Office his speech included the line "Our long national nightmare has ended". Such will, I think, be just as true for New Zealand tomorrow.
This isn't going to be a National-led government.
The nightmare is only just starting but you are still dreaming.
Yes, I do continue to dream. There is one thing I do dream about. It is that we abandon the path we he recently been on that leads to a country ruled by an apartheid regime where having some remote ancestor who was of a particular race leads to you having rights that exceed those of other people in the community you inhabit.
This was summed up in just a few words in a magnificent speech best known by the phrase "I have a dream".
'I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.".
Do you recognise it? Do you accept it?
I recognise the immense irony of your comment.
Mate! You’re dreaming! Woke up!
"where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"
So what is your plan to deal with racist landlords who will not let their house to Maori and employers in NZ that for instance pay Maori and Pacific peoples lower incomes than Europeans or with pakeha parents who take their kids out of schools with increasing Maori and Pacifica rolls, or those segregated communities in NZ full of white people who love their little white enclaves?
Which national policies do you think will change these things?
Ah the fuckwittery with which you take a quote to do with black civil rights and turn it on its head to promote the rights of the oppressor.
I would like to see all the racist behaviour cease. All of it.
We will still be able to judge people by their character though. I am still not going to be happy if a gang pad tries to set up next to my home. MLK still intended that judging people was allowed on character grounds.
This reply is really for anyone who reads Alwyn comment and is curious how MLK really thought.
– contrary to popular opinion **that often relates to misreading of his comment on being judged on character not skin colour** he believed in race-targeted recompense – Black Americans, in his view, should receive recompense
– in order for society to move toward equality he believed justice sometimes required people be treated differently on the basis of race
– he believed non-whites should be part of the governing process ("Co-governance" might be another way of putting it)
In other words, the outgoing Labour government, whether you supported Labour's approach or not, was in line with a lot of MLK's thinking whereas the incoming NactFirst gvmt is appears very much in opposition to MLK's way of seeing things.
Key lowest vote share was around 45% . And in his first term faced an open revolt from the ACT support party who didnt think he 'used his political capital' .
This time around I suspect ACT and NZF insist on being coalition partners and seats inside Cabinet and because of the way Cabinet works by consensus have more clout
Remember too in Luxons job as Air NZ CEO his "negotiations" with Virgin Australia who they had a 25% of the shares over changing that companies management was a fail for Air NZ . as they walked out of the relationship
Umm good point. Now that is a target worth working for. Wouldn't a 1 term National government be a perfect way to dispirit the right.
Besides I can't think of a new forming National led first -term government that came in with such a low proportion of either the popular vote or parliamentary seats.
It has been the most underwhelming first-term 'victory' I can recall.
*Thinker… Nicola Willis always has that face..she's seen stuff…
Well, it's happening already. Nats leaking to reporters about their new BFFs.
National reportedly 'deeply frustrated' deal not signed today (1news.co.nz)
Never mind "ink not yet dry". Ink hasn't even been used yet.
Public niceties, private leaks and back-stabbing. You decide which is the truer picture.
Invisible ink is quite hard to come by these days.
Hard to come by? You do realise I trust that we are the tenth biggest producer of invisible ink in the world, and probably the largest if we calculate it on a per head basis?
We make about 22million tonnes/annum of the stuff and unless we get a Green party in Government we are likely to continue doing so.
Milk my son. Ordinary old milk.
King Charles the third found a solution to his leaking problem with the
Hmph. Don't tempt them. Nek minit, some junior clerk at Doc will lose their job so that they can get some of those pens issued to Luxon and his courtiers. 🙄
I think we are now set to prosper under the Coalition, we couldn’t afford to continue with the failed Labour Government.
Lol nice one John. Great use of ironic humor.
One telling thing for me though is the return of the 3 strikes law. 6 weeks wait for a waste of time and money ideological bit of law thst wont do anything but cost tax payers more simply to keep one party happy.
There is the blind, the deluded, and you.
Today might be the day.
On the other hand it might be tomorrow, or the next day.
Business leaders, in particular, would like to know.
The council of thieves' response is basically "its none of your business, we will tell you when we're good and ready".
Reminds me of the time many years ago when the relevant nations were trying to organise a peace conference to end the Vietnam War, but it was delayed because the parties couldn't agree what shape the conference table should be.
The 2017 election was on the 23rd of September, and the Ardern/Peters agreement was announced on the 24th of October.
31 days to form a government is fine, but 39 is too long? Really?
Actually, it turned into 41 days, but who was counting?
Obviously, you completely missed or ignored the main issue which is the unrealistic expectations by and from Luxon. The man will always over-promise and under-deliver and he’s a textbook example of the Peter principle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle).
Well, if over-promising and under-delivering is what we're talking about here… how are those 100,000 kiwibuild houses within ten years coming along? How is light rail to Mt Roskill by 2021 coming along?
What!? You are not defending Luxon at all but opt for a pathetic whataboutery diversion and deflection!? Surely, you’re not same RRM troll from KB??
BTW, and back on-topic, this was the second-longest coalition talks since 1996.
And just like that, you don't want to talk about over-promising or under-delivering any more. JFL.
Doing stuff is hard – Jaxx, Chippy and river of filth.
[I don’t promise, but I do deliver. You’ve had too many strikes here, so please come back when NACTF have completed their 100 Day Plan – Incognito]
Mod note
Have we seen a staler less talented cabinet in am NZ govt in modern times? Reading through it I was stunned by the lack of talent and the number of journeymen politicians.
As for "policies" if you can call them that just a few that I would mention
A return to waste of time charter schools, driven by ideology. Same for 3 strikes law. Neither will make a positive change to education or law and order. Both will soak up effort and money better spent elsewhere.
A royal commission on covid 19. Looks like another waste of money that could be put into more urgent issues.
Act making it easier for gangs to get hold of guns. Bad news for dairy owners probably.
Nationals tax cut policy still hopelessly under funded. Still no clue how they will fill the fiscal hole. A new set of excuses and smoke and mirrors needed on their "rock solid" costings. Don't be surprised if you see another hike in GST
Talking "smoke and mirrors". I guess this is Chris Bishop's work:
From the Herald Coverage I see that they are going to chop some of the crazier things that the last lot were pushing.
"The Act-National agreement also contains a number of stop-work notices to be issued immediately: including Three Waters, Auckland Light Rail, Let’s Get Wellington Moving, Income Insurance, Industry Transformation Plans, and Lake Onslow Pumped Hydro."
That would be a saving of at least $100 billion over the next decade or so. That will at least make a dent in Robbo's extravagance,
Overall, a bloody fantastic deal. Much more than I ever expected … with the added benefit of six years of Labour legislative ideology gone by Christmas.
you must have had really really really really really really low expectations then Jack.
I thought they would all be gone by lunchtime.
You expecting them to be a bit slow Jack?
Income insurance was a stupid idea – part of the neo-liberal nonsense that resulted in different rules and higher levels of payments to displaced workers during lockdown. Quite happy to see that go.
Yeah, let's get rid of Auckland Light Rail and Let’s not Get Wellington Moving.
The discussion very recently about congestion tax on Auckland roads points again to the failures of vision and courage in the past. The costs of those are the economic burden of today and tomorrow.
So yeah, let's repeat so our children and children's children can spend a lifetime wondering about the transport insanity of the past.
It's telling that one of this Governments greatest assets is an almost 80 year old with a dubious history of delivering stable government. Seymour must be spitting that he will be Deputy PM second, will there be a government for his to be deputy in by then lol.
Judith Collins at 9, that speaks volumes about the lack of talent. Shane Reti 4, nice man/ineffectual. Simeon Brown 5, will he actually start actually doing something? Goldsmith 7, Upston 8. Time served MPs. Mark Mitchell 10, Melissa Lee 14. Not exactly talent heavy. Bishop and Willis will worry people as well, and then Luxon who has proven himself to be fast to open mouth in haste, repent at leisure (6 weeks worth). Nicole McKee……TF. Shane Jones, strewth. Stale and light seems the balance
I read you comments with mild interest and then I thought to look at what the Opposition lot look like,
Number 2. The second highest ranked member in the party on the 2023 List.
Kelvin Davis! I kid you not. They put Kelvin Davis at number 2 on the List.
The mind boggles.
Look over there! Alwyn is diversion trolling again!
The mind boggles at his recidivist behaviour as if he’s programmed to express his true nature time and time again. I’ve called Troll Control.
"Troll Control here, sorry but were can't really help the racist ones, we'd like too. But with government cut backs and all…"
"If you'd like to contact Troll affairs, they may be able to help you"
You knew the top 20 of National and the top 10 of the other two coalition partners – before the election. [i.e. everyone with a shot at a Ministerial role]. And had it confirmed on election day (if there was any uncertainty about electorate/list seats.
I fail to see why you are surprised by any of the Ministerial appointments. Which are the major talents that you feel have missed out?
You couldn't make this up. Is the "Ministry for Regulation" the equivalent of "Ministry for Administrative Affairs"? Is Peter Seymour a modern day Jim Hacker "cutting red tape everywhere"?
One would think you trust your colleagues in cabinet to do their jobs right. However, I fear the main reason is for David Seymour getting "advisers" from the corporate world guiding all legislation into a certain direction. I guess those advisers have strong backing from the FIRE, Farming and Car-salesman industry.
And similar to the UK, full determination re. Climate Change, by not only doing nothing, but even reversing the little that was achieved under the previous government:
they are committed to climate change. their policies are committed to more greenhouse gases being released than under the track of the previous government, more climate warming, more unstable weather and a resultant higher cost. Absolutely committed to climate change continuing and committed to accelerating it.
So now we have it.
A "historic" coalition deal.
Walt Disney (RIP) would have been proud.
Finally Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Scrooge have become leaders of a government.
If the coalition only lasts 18 months, DS will not become deputy PM.
It would not be the first time a coalition ended before the other guy got a term in a job.
Anyone who seriously believes we'll be getting "strong stable government" should read this. The government doesn't even exist yet (that's Monday) but today we couldn't even get through a strong stable press conference …
Analysis: The coalition announcement was a three-ringed circus to rival reality TV | RNZ News
Luxon plays the nervous step-parent trying to keep things under control, while Peters does whatever he feels like, and won't be told ("You're not my real Dad!").
The new government has less than a month to come up with legislation to appease their foot stomping supporters who expected it to be all done by lunchtime.
What that inevitably means is hastily-prepared, mistake-ridden, ideologically heavy bills to go before parliament.
Legislation rushed through the house has proven to be problematic in the past but the council of thieves is so bent on showering the wealthy proportion of the electorate with the promised pots of gold before Christmas that they will do it anyway and to hell with the consequences.
You would have to ask the question: if it was a left coalition doing this would the media be swallowing this without asking the hard questions?