Talk about politics

Written By: - Date published: 8:47 pm, September 29th, 2009 - 28 comments
Categories: bill english, greens, john key, national - Tags: , , , ,

radio 50s kitchRNZ’s Kathryn Ryan talks to Matthew Hooton and Andrew Campbell about the failures of Key’s trip to NYC, English’s terminal status and contenders to replace him, and Green leadership. Hooton’s dispirited ‘defences’ of Key and English speak volumes.

From yesterday but still relevant for a while yet.

28 comments on “Talk about politics ”

  1. SPC 1

    Perhaps Goff should offer an alternative policy on MP housing allowances – say all out of Wellington electorate MP’s get a standard $24,000 (including Ministers) pa for their Wellington housing AND electorate housing costs (for the cost of living and working in 2 places). Those MP’s owning homes in their electorate AND Wellington only being able to claim for finite period (say 5-10 years).

  2. Ron 2

    Hooten gets weaker and weaker.
    That trip was an embarrassment not because of the daft choices (Letterman etc.) but because of him creaming himself over it.
    Unfortunately the electorate will lap it up.

  3. sk 3

    But what is interesting from this interview is that Hooten intimates a move against English by Key sooner rather than later, with Joyce stepping up. Fits with John Armstrong’s piece on the weekend.

  4. Peter Johns - bigoted troll in jerkoff mode 4

    The boy who cried wolf site.
    Key does nothing right, Labour are all good, just mis-understood.
    Greens going down, having a thick black bitch & a thick Australian as leaders real exciting, 4.5% & falling.
    All in all you guys are just pissed off you cannot get traction at all for your communist ideas.

    I think you need some glyphosphate sprout, should kill you off in a day or so.

    [lprent: I’m sure you jerk off heartily with your ‘manhood’ in saying such mindless bullshit – probably the only way you can get it up. It’d be about your size of fuckwit mentality and dimensions. Actually I suspect you have brain damage of the type that requires you say mindless things whenever you can’t think of anything rational. But trying to wrap this into some kind of political mould and social attitudes that died when I was young really makes you irrelevant to modern day political discussion.

    Go away for a couple of weeks. If you don’t think that you can live conversing with the relatively civilized folks (not me) here, then stay away. I’m not even sure that the sewer would like the results of your selective lobotomy. You’d do well at No Minister – seems to be their style.

    If you think you can argue points rather spewing mindless crap around like a dunedin 1st year scarfie, then remind me to take you out of the auto-moderation. ]

    • Peter Johns - bigoted troll in jerkoff mode 4.1

      boo hoo, I need Viagra. Like Helen I am a graduate of Auckland Uni.

    • Ron 4.2

      And it’s because of that sort of shit-for-brains racism that I support the other side, Peter.
      I suspect your comment will be removed anyway but get you act together.

    • feeling a bit touchy are we PJ?

      can’t say i blame you, i’d be feeling uncomfortable too if i’d backed a pony that lame.

      ROTFL 😆

      btw, did you even listen to the piece or do you just shoot messengers as a matter of course?

      • Peter Johns - bigoted troll in jerkoff mode 4.3.1

        not twitchy all, JK is doing a fine job leading us up the OECD ladder, unlike your Marcist crowd.

        [um, the economy has shrunk 1.8% this year and you think we’re going up the OECD GDP per capita rankings?]

        [lprent: Ummm stronger measures needed for this wanker. Adding to permanent ban. Enhancing the name. ]

    • Is “Peter Johns” for real? “Communists”? “Thick black bitch”?

      Of course he’s a National supporter……they all think that way??????

      Hmmm. One would hope not.

  5. Sorry…..I’ve heard Matthew Hooten argue black is really white far too many times to tolerate wasting another minute listening to him. The last episode I recall involved him shouting down all the other people on the panel. Quite the quitessential boorish right wingnut.

  6. Timothy 6

    Iprent, I’m not sure that Peter Johns would even make it to Otago University.

    The first years down here aren’t that retarded.

    • Peter Johns - bigoted troll in jerkoff mode 6.1

      Sorry Tim, I have a BSc & MSc from Auckland. Too cold & too many retards in Otago.

      [lprent: Ummm stronger measures needed for this wanker. Adding to permanent ban. Enhancing the name. ]

    • lprent 6.2

      I suppose that I’m a bit biased. On reflection, it could just be first year students *evil grin*

      I was down at Otago doing a MBA in the mid-80’s. The first year students looked like juvenile dorks to me from my lofty age of mid-20’s. But I can’t remember the AucklandUni ones being any better when my mother was doing uni in the early 70’s, or my first degree in the Waikato in the late 70’s. Fortunately subsequent education has been extra-mural so I haven’t been exposed recently. Mind you rocky is a first year student…..

  7. felix 7

    Hmm, is it just my settings or is the server not saving daylight yet?

  8. Deemac 8

    and George Dubya had an MBA so he MUST be intelligent…
    You don’t need any sort of degree to spot the problem with that statement.
    Hooten may be wary but DPF on Jim Mora today (RadioNZ 4pm) was happy to declare English clean while smearing the Greens – and Mora is always happy to have him on as the Voice of Reason, gawd help us

  9. BLiP 9

    Spot on comments about the Greens. Letting Sue Bradford go was a travesty and I blame Norman for that – he really is coming across as some sort of Crosby/Textor deep cover mole. Both Norman and Sue have got distracting family issues bubbling just under the headlines horizon that may have had a yet unseen part to play in this situation – but business is business. The Greens need to get their shit together, and fast.

    A good first step would be to take the MoU and set fire to it on Parliament’s front lawn.

    • agreed on all counts BLiP

    • outofbed 9.2

      Can’t see that it was Russel’s fault that the membership voted for Met
      Both Met and Sue toured the country together before the leadership contest putting their POV in front of the membership.
      Met won because the membership thought that she was the best person for the job.
      We can form our opinions why they did that. However Russ had just one vote the same as the rest of us.
      The TVNZ poll has always been the worst poll for the Greens
      I seem to remember at this stage of the electoral cycle last time they were in the same position. They still have a good strong team don’t worry

  10. bobo 10

    Interesting that they feel the Greens are becoming too centrist with the selection of Met , didn’t that start when Russell Norman got the Co Leader role. Russell Norman doesn’t seem to connect with the average green voter, his ego seems more suited to a spot co presenting with Paul Henry on good morning.

    • outofbed 10.1

      I’m not sure that using the term left right or centre is’nt a bit simplistic when describing the Greens

      • bobo 10.1.1

        Of course politics is full of generalising when it comes to voting blocks, left right… but the greens are losing support and they can’t use the excuse of a smaller party being cannibalized by its coalition partner. I don’t want to see them miss out on the 5% threshold as could be possible next election but they need to do something soon.

  11. Westminster 11

    Don’t feed the troll. Peter John is indulging in some classic, old-fashioned trolling. Play with him at your peril. I wouldn’t ascribe his views to National’s or supporters of National. He’s just trolling.

    Hooten does sound dispirited. But it’s hard to rally to the cause when the bloke you’re rallying for really isn’t putting up much of a fight.

  12. Craig Glen Eden 12

    English is in serious trouble with this and so is Key. This is the first time that the media have really had to examine the lines that the two clowns have been running.
    What English has done is corrupt in many peoples view, his wiggles have not been helpful it has only resulted in him getting hooked deeper on PH line.

    Key said it was all fine because its legal (which is doubtful) but that is not the measure in politics especially when we are talking about tax payers money. That line/ standard by Key may have worked in the board room but it wont cut it with the punters especially when the punters are hurting.
    Key has to start doing some thing, this is a Government that is fast running out of ideas the Photo ops are all but over for Key, that T shirt is looking a bit tight now.
    I guess 5 weeks holiday in the first 6 months on the job will do that to you.