The Standard Week: 12-19 September

Written By: - Date published: 12:49 pm, September 19th, 2008 - Comments Off on The Standard Week: 12-19 September
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Work rights and judgement look to be central issues in the campaign. The Greens set the standard by putting forward a fantastic work rights policy in counter to National’s continued attacks on our rights. Key’s judgement in fiercely advocating Kiwi involvement in the invasion of Iraq raises serious questions over whether we can trust him not to lead us into future quagmires. Here are our favourite posts of the week:

when talkback radio suggests The Standard was tipped off on the election date that is an issue worth following up with the PM. But when John Key is quoted in a newspaper saying ‘we would love to see wages drop’ we don’t have a single article on TV or in a major paper directly on point… [more]

Key on scrapping four weeks annual leave
National’s anti-worker employment policy, their record of opposing every extension to workers’ rights and their history of letting the minimum wage be eaten by inflation show a clear and consistent body of belief opposed to workers’ rights… [more]

Key still wishes we had invaded Iraq
John Key said ‘the claim of 60 dead is hysterical and desperate’. I can’t help noticing that Key isn’t denying that if he had his way we would be in Iraq and soldiers would have died….[more]

ACT’s fifth candidate?
If Garrett is announced as fifth on ACT’s list then there need to be some serious questions asked about the connections between the SST and ACT and about the extent these ‘anti-crime’ groups are involved in party political campaigning for ACT while refusing to register with the electoral commission …[more]

Greens good for workers
Work rights should be a big issue this election. National is proposing to strip workers of their rights to undermine wage increases. The Greens’ work rights policy, on the other hand, rocks…[more]

the question is: will Key now show some leadership and punish those people who are making his promise of a clean campaign a lie? Will he force Hayes to resign for this unconscionable attack?…[more]

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