Written By:
Anthony R0bins - Date published:
11:34 am, April 12th, 2015 - 21 comments
Categories: tax, uk politics -
Tags: tax, tax avoidance, tax cheats, white collar crime
Better late than never I guess – in the UK:
Labour pledges huge fines on tax avoiders to raise £7.5bn a year
Labour will declare an immediate, all-out war on tax avoidance and evasion if it wins the 7 May election, pushing emergency laws through parliament designed to raise more than £7.5bn a year.
That should put the cat among some comfortable establishment pigeons.
Here in NZ the Nats spend much more energy pursuing the much smaller problem of benefit fraud. That’s consistent with their ideology and purpose, serving the rich at the expense of the poor. But Labour should follow the UK example and tackle the huge tax avoidance and evasion problem.
Well, it’s to be hoped that they focus their pursuit on the likes of bankers, and not so much on the likes of barrow boys. In modern, corporatised societies you have to watch out for moves which are trumpeted as ways of reining in the powerful, but end up bagging yet another section of the powerless, who are not so well-positioned to defend themselves.
My bet is that these measures will be aimed at the middle class and the top 10%, while leaving the big banks, corporates and top 0.01% off very lightly.
The measures announced appear to be aimed at people earning offshore but living in the UK.
Good luck with getting them to pay tax in the UK on $$ earned elsewhere, it will never happen.
People living in the UK are already taxed for earnings offshore.
The measures announced are aimed at people who live in the UK but pretend to live offshore and don’t even pay tax on money earned in the UK.
Deception visualised.
UK Labour are targetting £7.5bn in an “immediate, all out war”?
Funny thing is, UK Uncut claims that there is approx £120bn in tax avoidance, mostly by banks and large corporates. So 7.5Bn is neither here nor there. And the UK itself has deliberately and knowingly implemented many tax haven structures for the super-rich within its own legislation and financial system.
Correct which is why any such statements from establishment political parties must should be treated with the derision they have wrought onto themselves
Yeah. I found that quite funny.
“We are going to crack down on the schemes we created!”
Yeah right.
Cutting down on tax cheats – I agree NZ should do this. If we had simple tax laws and flatter tax rates it would be pretty simple wouldn’t it. With our progressive tax regimes, different rates for different income vehicles and a plethora of benefits, tax credits and allowances it’s no surprise people get wealthy here in NZ while paying little (or no) tax.
Just look at Penny Bright – a freehold house while paying no tax (and refusing to pay rates) while others can’t afford to buy a house and are paying tax. Hard core right wing self centred people like Penny need to be called out for how they behave like a multi national bank and are a drain on all NZ people.
Ummm, Burt – what planet are you on? Or perhaps I should to have a quiet word to your, ummmmm, tobacconist so I can get a taste of what you are on.
It is very unlikely that Penny is paying no tax. I’d say virtually impossible.
@Burt- Time to go back to Ernie and Sesame Street, where you belong! Using Penny Bright as an example of a tax cheat-heh, heh,heh. “can you tell me how to get, how to get to sesame street…….”
Uh huh. And Obama’s gonna close Guantanamo as soon as he’s elected.
When will IRD ping Unite Union for not paying tax.
Like many an organisation with a debt to IRD, Unite quickly came to a repayment deal with the taxman. Years ago, actually. Have you not been keeping up or are you just trolling?
*David Attenborough voice*
Here we have a marvellous example of the rightwing spinner’s standard defence mechanism, setting up decoys in order to deflect attention from its weak spots.
hehehehe +1
Unite Union is an Incorporated Society and, therefore, is not for profit. Because of that, subscriptions (union fees/dues are subscriptions) are not considered income for tax purposes, so the union is not required to pay income tax on those. Given that most unions make a large loss once subscriptions are removed from the accounts, it’s unlikely that many unions pay any income tax.
Meanwhile, the tax cheats are costing Britain about $120b/year IIRC.
I’ll believe it when I see evidence of it! An attack on the establishment and their ‘entitlements’-very brave, but how long would it last?