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- Date published:
9:12 pm, July 31st, 2015 - 55 comments
Categories: crime, labour, police -
Tags: cameron slater, Hacking, jason ede
I see mickysavage is writing a more considered post, but I just have to express my astonishment with the release late on a Friday afternoon (dump time!) that the police will not be pursuing any action against Slater/Ede for hacking Labour’s website.
Given a whole year to investigate, they didn’t manage to find out how to spell Nicky Hager or Tim Barnett’s names. Yup, that’s how much effort and thought they put into whether a clear case of illegal behaviour warranted police action.
And yet, they seemed to be able to get Nicky Hager’s name right for an invasive search warrant on a journalist and mere witness to discover how Hager found out the details of this illegal behaviour. How dare he do their job for them!
The incompetence and bias is staggering. The police need to get to understand computer crimes, and be less scared of prosecuting political/electoral crimes. Our democracy is in sad need of protection…
I do hope that Labour now bring in a private prosecution.
So do I DTB.
I should be more than glad to donate to such a cause and I’m sure there will be plenty more people who believe in fairness and justice who would do the same.
Lets get this straight:
On the one hand we have a person who looks like a thug, who acts like a thug and who is a thug. He is proffered ‘protection’ and apparent immunity from prosecution by the authorities of the land. In other words they look the other way.
On the other hand we have a gentle, highly intelligent, internationally recognised investigative journalist who operates at all times with the utmost integrity… and he is hounded and intimidated by the same authorities.
I do hope that Labour now bring in a private prosecution.
Fat chance of that.
They were even too gutless to go at the NZ Herald over the bullshit they spun over the Cunliffe/Liu fiasco.
Labour need to grow some.
They’ve become soft over the last century.
So its a clear case of illegal behaviour because they said so on the standard?
The police state that there is no evidence of illegal behaviour.
Just because you done agree or like the outcome – doesn’t mean its a whitewash, incompetence or bias.
Its more likely that the people with all the information and evidence (The police), and that people without it (a lot of people on here) are wrong.
“So its a clear case of illegal behaviour because they said so on the standard?”
You didn’t actually follow the links, did you. Numpty.
Walking into a house uninvited, even when the doors open, is illegal. This is what Slater did.
It probably matters what you do once in the house surely?
… and to all the sympathy for Mr Hager, he did knowingly receive stolen information, and used it, and cleaned up with the expectation that the police would be around at some point. All this breathless stuff like “On the other hand we have a gentle, highly intelligent, internationally recognised investigative journalist who operates at all times with the utmost integrity… and he is hounded and intimidated by the same authorities.”… is practically trolling and hardly balanced.
The fact that the information that Hager received had been illegally obtained doesn’t apply. First, the information that he obtained showed possible criminal and certainly immoral actions by this government which is in the public interest and second Hager wasn’t the person who got them. Two points apply to it:
1. Journalists get to protect their sources
2. It was in the public interest and so criminal charges shouldn’t be brought anyway
I’d suggest it does matter what you do when you get into the house.
If you are a concerned neighbour, worried that there is an open door and something has gone wrong – then entering ‘unauthorised’ to check on you, (while it may be a technical offense) would almost certainly fall well under the threshold where the Police might lay a charge.
With the front web page publicly accessible, maybe that analogy could be looked at from a real estate ‘open home’ angle?
Sure you can wander in and have a look around. Check the doors open and close, give the plumbing a once over, wander out to the shed. Depending on how adventurous the agent is you can even clamber over roofs or scramble under the deck to inspect the pilings. You can gaze into the pantry, open and close all the kitchen drawers that are fixtures and will be part of the house, but you are not allowed to pick up the cutlery and wander out the door.
Why would I do that when it’s obviously a load of BS?
It’d be more accurate to look at it like a store where there’s an open, public area where people are allowed to browse and private area where people aren’t. But even that’s inaccurate as the address of the private area wasn’t the same address as the public area.
Was only shifting the analogy away from the [problematic] private dwelling scenario which your original analogy proffered.
Calling it BS seems a little harsh. All things considered, no analogy is going to be perfect.
So now he is guilty of a analogy?
What evidence do you have that the police dont have that points to a different outcome?
No, the problem is that you’re guilty of being downright stupid and reaching for anything that you think will defend Slater’s and Ede’s indefensible actions.
“anything that you think will defend Slater’s and Ede’s indefensible actions”
You mean like a letter from the police stating that there was no illegal activity.
But you disagree with the police investigation .. and that makes ME stupid?
And you mention prosecuting electoral crime. FFS – if they did that Labour would be in real trouble.
No, if they did that then National would mostly be in jail.
Yeah, see the difference between the left and the right, is that we think if the law is broken, you should be charged with a crime, regardless of whether it is “our team” that committed the crime or not.
Pretty clear that those on the right, such as yourself, only think it is worth upholding the law if it is “the other team” that gets in trouble.
Amen to that Bunji
im really not that surprised, sad as it is, but seems the new normal for this unfortunate country under national! time for a BIG wake up call!
this govt is bringing our country down and all starts with corrupted departments seemingly protecting them.
sad days for NZ
All I’m seeing are people biased against the outcome complaining against it.
Trying to suggest that the Police are corrupt purely because you don’t get the decision you want is rather churlish not to mention ridiculous. Given that they undoubtedly expect the decision to be legally analysed, I highly doubt that they would lay their careers on the line to protect Cameron Slater….
The evidence and admission of guilt is on public display. Pretty hard sell to not lay charges.
And the Police worry about how they are perceived…
And now we are to have an armed police force…
Key is rapidly turn NZ into the 51st state. Next there will be a referendum to adopt the “Star Spangled Banner” as the anthem. The flag of course will be the stars and stripes.
We are almost up there with our incarceration rate, and the way we treat our prisoners. The TPPA will ensure we can be sued by US corporates – just like California when they tried to charge for plastic bags for god sake http://www.kcet.org/news/redefine/reduce/plastics/companies-spending-millions-to-roll-back-plastic-bag-ban.html , and the corporations can rule our country just like they rule the states.
It’s such a blighted future – I can’t wait! ………….. to die.
And the Police worry about how they are perceived…
And if they think people aren’t taking notice I believe they’re sadly mistaken.
There will be a reckoning.
Not so Dirty Politics after all.
That’s the message from police over a blogger accessing Labour Party computer systems to gather financial and membership details.
The country’s most senior detective Rodney Drew today told the Labour Party that “there is no evidence of criminal offending”.
“While the matter may raise privacy and ethical issues, these are not the domain of criminal law.”
The End.
ztesh, blinkers work if you don’t want to see what really is happening around ones self! being lead down the path so to speak. having eyes and mind working for myself always works far better than just towing the so called line.
cops are no better than citizens when decisions need to be made!
are have been known to f…. up. LOTS
Well the precedent is clear then. What Slater did can be done by the left. The Gnats underwear probably needs airing anyway.
nah – tories can do it and get away with it, lefties get prosecuted for half as much. Even if folks are inclined to be as big an arsehole as slater is.
Either the Crimes Act just got shorter (no more 249 or 252) or it just got longer (addition of new subsections: “The above does not apply to Cameron Slater and/or any other right-wing sewer dwellers provided they direct their efforts in a way that is politically palatable to the NZ Police Force.”)
So if Jason Ede committed no crime, neither did Rawshark, so the prosecution of Nicky Hager is a waste of police resources.
Yeah – I think the boys in blue’s well known authoritarian bias might be in play there – though once they realise how badly we’ve all been shafted by the TPPA I imagine quite a lot of cops will jump that fence.
Nah! They wanna be like their cozzies in the states and shoot a few black people as well, and drive around in armed cars.
How about in the privatisation of police, they just let the gangs do the policing, AKA Serco style. Saves so much money on the streets! Can’t wait for that to be the next Social bonds/private/public partnerships from the Nats. Of course may need to rename the gangs and re market them, but in the destruction of our society as a social democrat country – money is no object!
Nicky Hager isn’t being prosecuted….
I am not at all surprised, I would have been surprised had the boys and girls in blue actually taken actions to investigate and lay charges. The police in this country is so biased, it is not funny. Now we have also learned that they will bring in tasers for all front line officers to use.
So how will protests be handled in future, say a protest against the National Party when they hold their conference at Sky City? What will happen if some participants may do a bit of shoving and pushing? I suppose that in some cases protesters can expect to be tasered, as police will exaggerate and claim, that things got out of hand, and that the well-being of officers or bystanders were “at risk”.
Apart from the odd IPCA decision, the cops usually get let off the hook, no matter what they do wrong. If a guy like Hager is suspected of obtaining illegally obtained emails, and perhaps holding info that may reveal his source, his house is raided for a whole day, in his absence, and his daughter is interrogated.
And when Cameron Slater does as he has, and makes abusive, insulting and worse remarks or threats to individuals via his “blog”, that is all “ok”, it seems. He is involved in the Labour Party website being accessed illegally, and gets away with it. That dark, shady Mr Ede was allowed to move out through the back-door of the PM’s Office, and get another job, and got away with avoiding media questioning about is suspicious and illegal activities. No worry, he is allowed to move on, and no further questions are asked.
So how much do we trust the police? I know my answer, I suppose most here will agree with what I think.
It is bloody clear to most all New Zealanders that the coppers are corrupt.
The coppers are thugs
The coppers are armed
Never trust a copper in crime situations. Never
Recently in an encounter I was told by one of their jackboot troops three times that they put the boot in, they are not softies, and they go hard on people…. fact
this is the reality
nz coppers are no different to coppers everywhere – god knows why we always think we live in some naïve and innocent backwater where the grass is always green and the pigs ride bicycles. It aint never been like that in NZ.
The UK miners strike of 1984 showed whose side they are on.
and 103 years ago in Waihi
and at almost every action by people demanding social just ever since.
once national is out of power i think there is case for special prosecution office to go after national cronies and the police and any other corruption over the john key era
the us had the Pecora Commission in the 30s new Zealand will need something similar to restore democracy and the rule of law
The arrogance is endless, I was expecting some form of charge and half hearted bungled prosecution where cam and jas skate away but this is gob smacking.
Screw you NZ is the message, we do as please and get away with it, cop that.
Keystone cops…portly protectors of the banana republic of New Zealand…..
Probably because it was never hacked. Someone doing local backup copies to a public folder with no .htaccess file isn’t hacking.
past tense: hacked; past participle: hacked
cut with rough or heavy blows.
“I watched them hack the branches”
synonyms: cut, chop, hew, lop, saw; slash
“Stuart hacked the padlock off”
kick wildly or roughly.
“he had to race from his line to hack the ball into the stand”
gain unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
“they hacked into the bank’s computer”
Do you imagine that if Slater had emailed the Labour site admin and asked politely “Do I have authorisation to access this folder” – would have he obtained it?
In the real world there is a difference between information that is clearly public and private in nature.
For instance the number plate on your car, your name in the phone book are clearly public domain. You have an implied permission to access it. The same would logically apply to most web pages clearly intended for public consumption.
But whenever someone asks personal information, like age, educational, medical, banking or legal data – they are required to gain your explicit permission BEFORE they ask.
Boy the left can’t handle anything not going their way, The people of NZ tell then they are not buying their Kool Aid thus they have been duped, The police don’t agree with them, they must be corrupt, talk about loosing without dignity, thankfully they have there little rant site to blow hard and let off steam
Hey Red who went to the police when a recording was accidentally made by a reporter in a public place.
Still running interference for the DP gang redneck extrusion? Can’t handle a bit of criticism of your infallible PM, and happy that cops are sicced on to journalists?
Ever heard of democracy bro?
I especially like the part where the cop said that there was basically no evidence other than the contents of Hager’s book.
Poor widdle anti-establishment activist Nicky!
It’s a sick, sad, cruel world when people won’t simply swallow all of your allegations hook, line and sinker just because you’re YOU…
Don’t worry, we still LUFFS you!