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6:39 am, September 8th, 2017 - 20 comments
Categories: accountability, bill english, election 2017, jacinda ardern, Steven Joyce, the praiseworthy and the pitiful -
Tags: #ChangeTheGovt, economic genius, election 2017, liar, lying liars who lie
Last night in the Stuff leaders’ debate Bill English defended Steven Joyce’s lie about a “hole” in Labour’s budget. He kept trying to move the goal posts of course, but he specifically and emphatically agreed with the disproved figure of $11.7 billion.
I honestly thought English was better than that.
Jacinda Ardern took him apart with one simple question (starts about 1:50, watch through to about 1:54)
Bill English has been sucked down into Joyce’s truth hole. He has nothing left now.
Hey National – this lie is costing you the election.
Bill English still saying there's a hole in Labour's budget https://t.co/e8lZRFSOzu #Decision17
— Newshub (@NewshubNZ) September 7, 2017
POLLWATCH: They threw their best Steven Joyce at the problem, but tonight National's number has a "3" at the start https://t.co/JfwIlwxdKi
— The Spinoff (@TheSpinoffTV) September 7, 2017
Not sure continually interrupting him was a great look. If the roles had been reversed, and English had been constantly shouting over her, we’d have been INCENSED.
It plays very well to the faithful, but the cut away shot to the audience showed a lot of very unimpressed faces. With Bill? With Ardern? Who knows.
Well, it depends. If he’s lying through his teeth and ignoring the question, would you rather listen to him rant on? You must have a jaundiced view of Ardern because he talked over her plenty of times while she was trying to explain her position.
An honourable MP would apologise and move on. Indeed, an honourable MP – thinking they may’ve found a major hole in Labour’s costings – might have thought twice about going public seeing as Labour’s plans had been costed by BERL. What Joyce/English could’ve done was to approach Grant Robertson and explain their concern. Their concern would have quickly evaporated once they had spoken to Robertson and, if necessary, BERL. But, no, they thought they’d be smart arses and it’s bitten them on the arse.
Lurgee, I think those faces realized that they were being lied to….. BE is soooooo desperate now, he will say anything. Imagine how he’s feeling sinking the ship, not once, but twice. Not that it’s a forgone conclusion, but momentum is a powerful thing. Adern is looking good and really coming to the fore. Well done Jacinda!
The unimpressed were the gnats – they were gutted by his weak lines and attitudes.
Disagree entirely about Adern shouldn’t be interrupting English.
It pissed me off entirely that English thought it was fair sport to do that to Adern for the first two debates but that somehow he should be immune to having the same treatment dished out.
And besides , English took it on the chin, hes a seasoned politician, it would have been water off a ducks back to him.
What you were seeing was just traditional old time Town hall style barracking.
There seems to be this attitude among Left thinkers that they should always be the polite and courteous sector, – yet the right can be as rude and obnoxious as they want and that’s acceptable. They did it to Goff , and they did it to Cunliffe. All Adern did was go on the offensive, – and she had every right to do so on our behalf. We have serious issues facing this country ,… and to have to sit and watch Bill English blather on and treat us all with contempt through another debate is galling.
Good on Adern , – she had every right to interrupt lies and untruths , – not pander to them.
“There’s a hole in my bucket”
Cheers dspare, I will have an earworm all day now.
I have never thought of nin in a political way before.
Yep. Head like a hole. So fitting this song it’s not funny. Great post.
Bow down before the one you serve, your gonna get what you deserve.
Like the good nact poodle Hooten is he’s trying to wedge Joyce on this to protect his paymaster.
Blinglish has about 8 times more experience in the role Joyce currently sits in and hey matty a lie has to be plausible to get traction.
Desperate spinning from the DP militia.
We’ll learn the next line of spin on Ryan’s show on Monday.
Hosking on TVNZ and Hooton on Radio New Zealand; my taxes pay for these propagandists for big business.
Hooton doesnt like losing so he is trying to paint himself tut tuting Nats to feel more right than Right
This hole works
“…You should learn when to go
You should learn how to say no
Might last a day, yeah
Mine is forever…”
I fear that National could be in power for the next 3 years. National + NZF as viable poll wise as Lab = Green. So how can Labour and Greens get that last heave? A bit of a worry.
Joyce still there with Bill and Bennett? Bluddy hell!
Which is why some Labour supporters quietly smug about Green demise may wake up hoist on tgeir own petard on the 24th.
One seat to the Greens is all it would take but Labour wont .. while Greens stepped aside in Ohariu.
If you’re a worker in the financial sector, and your day job involves numerical accuracy and truthful representation of financial reports, and you have some sort of pride in how you conduct yourself, these sorts of antics from Joyce and English can’t be that appealing.
So that is about 50% of that sector. 😉
Of course Michael, since there was little condemnation of the Dirty Tricks of 2014, I suppose some people just accept lies as normal politics. Idiots!
Some who have voted Red need to vote Green.