Will National do a deal with the Coalition NZ Party?

Written By: - Date published: 4:11 pm, May 27th, 2019 - 36 comments
Categories: Coalition NZ, Hannah Tamaki, national, political parties, same old national - Tags:

What a difference a few years and a change of leaders makes.

Back in 2011 we had this:

Now we get this:

Would National really do a deal with Destiny to gain power? And I wonder how Alfred Ngaro is feeling?

36 comments on “Will National do a deal with the Coalition NZ Party? ”

  1. woodart 1

    bridges takes money from oil(hair and offshore), so will obviously cling to any passing life-preserver…morals….yeah nah

  2. bewildered 2

    If they get 5pc yes, or win an electorate seat

    All very unlikely and definitely no pre vote deals

    In essence national will follow labour’s lead in dealing with theological or slightly nutty parties be it Gai , God or Winston😁

  3. If they did deals with a maori party that included HH, untied future's Dunne, were prepared to let Winston be king maker after ruling him out for years and throw bones to the likes of Banks and Rimmer, then it's fair to say they would probably deal with anyone, even fucked up wingnuts like destiny church.

    • Raptors in 7 3.1

      A few god points there, the most important one being that no matter what they call themselves or who they put up as a candidate, Kiwis will just see them as the same old sideshow; that being ~The Destiny Church starring Tamaki the Clown~

      Completely unelectable.

      Much like Simon.

  4. observer 4

    National (more precisely, Bridges) are being incredibly stupid here.

    There is no indication whatsoever that the Alabama Party (or parties) will get into Parliament, so it isn't even swallowing a dead rodent. It's swallowing a rat that will never exist.

    Here's a sneak preview of the 2020 campaign, breaking news:

    "Today National tried to announce their tax policy. Leader [insert name] said that average Kiwi mums and dads would all be X dollars better off. She then spent the rest of the day answering questions from reporters about the latest comments by Billy McSilly, number 5 on the Alabama Party list, who has said that Jews, Hindus and Muslims must repent or go to hell. National leader [insert name] said that McSilly was entitled to his opinion, but disagreed. She then refused to rule out working with McSilly, and after more questioning by media, stormed off. The tax policy was ignored on the evening news, and never heard of again."

  5. JohnSelway 5

    I really can’t imagine anyone in National thinking that’s a good idea. Except maybe Bridges

  6. Sabine 6

    of course he would. anyone else expected something else?


    • observer 6.1

      Post-election: sure. Get to 61 any way you can.

      But it's the pre-election cosying up that is baffling. It makes no sense. It loses votes. The issue here is strategy, not morality.

      • Sabine 6.1.1

        it depends.

        If the Tamaki money machine wants government cash they might go into coalition with whom ever offers it too them…

        After all a grifter is gonna grift, and i am sure that hannah would enjoy a chauffeur driven government limousine as much as paula or simon does.

        National if they have any brain left knows that chances are they will bleed votes to the Tamaki money machine. The 'conservatives' that would vote national cause they are pro family, pro criminal abortion, pro police etc etc etc – will vote the real deal given half a chance, especially considering the shit show national is currently serving up daily.

        You also could look at the second generation/third generation of the tamaki believers, those kids that 15 odd years ago had no right to vote and are now in their early twenties – mid thirties.

        I can see why the milktoast wants to be front runner. With a somewhat competent fundamentalist party finding its place in NZ National would like Labour be reduced to a party taht always need to form a coalition in order to govern. And i think that National would not like that much.

        Interesting times. Interesting times.

  7. Stuart Munro. 7

    Meh – the Gnats would do a deal with Sauron if they could find him.

  8. Why would religious conservative Simon Bridges have any problem working with religious conservatives Brian and Hannah Tamaki? I doubt there are significant policy differences between them.

    Rest of the National Party might need a bucket, mind…

  9. marty mars 9

    Simon Bridges bends the knee… again…

  10. Michael who failed Civics 10

    The Nats will say and do absolutely anything to get back into power. That includes cosying up with fundamentalists (only "Christian" ones of course). The fundamentalists' agenda seems to be: (a) enriching themselves; and (b) persecuting scapegoats. Both objectives are entirely compatible with National's modus operandi (or should that be raison d'etre?). The danger for "Labour" (aka National-lite) is that it offers nothing to anybody outside a very small circle of insiders- there is no compelling reason to vote for it unless it is to keep the hard-Right out of power. I'm not sure that argument is going to motivate too many people next year, as previous Labour campaigns played variations on this theme, with varying effectiveness until people were turned off by Labour's mendacity and stopped voting altogether.

  11. WeTheBleeple 11

    They have one job in cahoots with National

    "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves"

    But, as Tamaki is a Biblical Bling merchant, nothing of the sort will happen. A new 10% tithe tax will be required, to allocate to gold chains and some for rehabilitation of gay people. Pharmac budget will be slashed in preference for prayer. Global warming will be encouraged because armageddon hasn't come fast enough.

    And masterbators will be punished!

    National haven't a prayer and so they need someone with excess prayers. This is a good fit they're all delusional dictators with heads in the clouds and hands in the till.

  12. Tuppence Shrewsbury 12

    you can’t rule out labour doing a deal with them either. Whatever the rhetoric of the coalition party, labour has proven to be more inclusive of diverse views in government, regardless of the repugnance of those views

    • solkta 12.1

      What policy could a labour led government possibly give them for their support? How much policy would Labour and their other partners have to drop to be inclusive of such views? Your suggestion is ridiculous.

      • Tuppence Shrewsbury 12.1.1

        same questions could be asked vis a vis national.

        Labour offered nzf a pork barreling slush fund to get Shane Jones re-elected in return for nzf’s support. I can easily see some sort of deal being brokered between a Maori Christian party and labour after that. Oh and ratana after all

        • solkta

          But it is National who are saying that they could work with this party.

          Regional development is congruent with Labour and Green policy. The only thing wrong with this policy is that Jones is fronting it. Perhaps have a proper think about my questions.

          • Tuppence Shrewsbury

            I’m sure Stopping domestic violence is congruent with labour and the Tamaki party as well.

            National are saying they could, that’s not the same as it being ruled out by labour post the election next year. The rate labour are spending money they might need the tithes

    • cleangreen 12.2

      Yes TS I agree labour would also sell the farm to get back after the election, but we will need a caring Government who does take the climate change seriously to take us through what lies ahead with climate change,

      National can't even be serious about the climate change issue so Labour is the only option with their coalition.


      The Paris climate agreement, signed by most countries in 2015, is designed to try and limit average global temperature rises to 1.5C above what they were in the pre-industrial era.
      However, last year’s report by the United Nations’ scientific body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, warned the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases we are still putting into the atmosphere means we are currently on track to exceed 1.5C of warming between 2030 and 2052 if temperatures continue to increase at the current rate, and by 3C by the end of the century.
      Once we hit 2C warming, the report said the world will become a profoundly different place.
      There will be almost no coral reefs remaining, the Arctic will be completely free of ice during summer at least once a decade, and huge numbers of animals and plants will become extinct as their habitat becomes smaller and smaller.
      Devastating heatwaves and wildfires will become more frequent and could make some inhabited parts of the world impossible to continue living in.


  13. cleangreen 13

    Well said Wethebleeple.

    National will do absolutely anything to get back into Government, they will even sell their demented soul and our precious NZ to get there.

    National = have no morals.

  14. michelle 14

    they have already sold our precious nz

  15. mac1 15

    What does the Coalition NZ party claim to be a coalition of?

    Anti-gays, religious rightist rightists, conservatives, Alt-Righters, anti-vaxxers, anti-climate changers, anti-fluoridists, Trumpian faux-news supporters, flat-earthers, Rapturists, bigots, conspiracy theorists, leather-clad bikers, dark glasses wearers………….?

    Ordinary hard-working Kiwis?

    Mum and Dad investors?

    Law-abiding gun-owners?

    Who, in the lexicon of dog-whistling responders, are their prospective partners?

  16. Wensleydale 16

    National would do a deal with Lucifer if they thought it would allow them to get their grubby talons on the levers of power once more. They're born to rule don't you know. Whatever it takes to win, right Simon? Ask that withered old vulture, Rupert Murdoch, to help you out. It worked for Scott Morrison. Oh, and lying about stuff helps too. Vast tracts of the population will gleefully believe anything someone in a blue tie tells them, so you've got some fertile ground in which to sow the seeds of iniquity. Best of luck.

    *thumbs up*

    • WastedLives 16.1

      I'm waiting for a competent Commonwealth of Australia High Court inquiry into how a Labour lead turned into a Liberal party win in the last few days, with media reports of unusual social media activity in the last few days.

      I won't be holding my breath – but Bill seems to be very busy over there these days.

      • Wensleydale 16.1.1

        Yeah… it's amazing what carpet-bombing the general public with horrific tales of Bill Shorten's non-existent plan to tax everyone into oblivion can do for you. Obviously graduates of the "if you can't find any decent leverage or a salty angle, just make shit up" school of journalism.

  17. mary_a 17

    Now Alfie has stated he will be staying with Natz, I guess desperation could well drive Natz into doing a deal with the leathered Devil and his blinged Mrs. It would have to be Natz last hope of staying afloat!

    As the Tamaki party hasn't a hope in hell of getting over the 5% threshold, let alone a seat, Natz will have no liferaft to keep it above water.

  18. Tiger Mountain 18

    National–Act–Destiny great acronym for campaigning…

    the NADs…“Go Nads!”

  19. michelle 19

    nasty and dirty that is what NADs stands for