Williamson in trouble

Written By: - Date published: 10:06 am, May 1st, 2014 - 23 comments
Categories: national, same old national - Tags: ,

maurice williamson

Maurice Williamson’s future is in doubt.

From the Herald:

A National Party Minister contacted a top ranking police officer after a wealthy businessman with close ties to him was arrested on domestic violence charges.

The Prime Minister’s office is understood to be considering Maurice Williamson’s future as a Minister, following Herald inquiries into the phone call that he made.

His office is understood to have also questioned Mr Williamson over his involvement with Donghua Liu’s criminal case.

Prime Minister John Key will make a statement later this morning.

Mr Williamson was at his home in Papakura this morning. A man who answered the door referred all questions to Mr Williamson’s press secretary.

All blinds in the house were drawn and there were several cars parked in the driveway.

This coming on top of the Oravida scandal is creating a stench around the Government where political donations appear to have expectations attached.

On top of this is the news that Peter Dunne was pressured by National into flip flopping on the sale of synthetic drugs and there is a feeling of crisis building up.

This should be an interesting day …

23 comments on “Williamson in trouble ”

  1. One Anonymous Bloke 1

    I don’t get why phoning a cop is any different than modelling for promotional material or allowing yourself to be paraded in front of foreign officials like bloodstock.

    National done got owned.

    • Tracey 1.1

      collins has slater the king of dirt. key is too scared to dump her. maurice is old guard and will resign and key will look strong again. this wont harm williamson post politics the chinese will be lining up to put him on boards

      • Mary 1.1.1

        Absolutely right. This will come to nothing and like you say Key will look strong. For every minister or MP Key may sacrifice there’s a stack of greedy and uncaring wannabes gagging to take their place. Labour’s so hopeless the government could order the killing of all new born babies of parents on a benefit and Key and his mates would govern alone.

        • TeWhareWhero

          Mary you seem to think that a ‘plague on all your houses’ approach is a productive way to proceed – question is, productive for whom?

          • Mary

            “Dear Mr Cunliffe,

            Can you please stop helping John Key and Paula Bennett be nasty to the poor and vulnerable? That’s really not what the Labour Party should be doing. Instead, you should be standing up against all of those things this government is doing. Okay, Mr Cunliffe?

            Thanking you in anticipation.

            Best wishes, Mary.”

            There, that’s fixed that then. A much better strategy. Thanks TeWhareWhero!

          • Mary

            Or how about this on a Tui billboard: “Labour will sort themselves out. We just have to give them a chance.”

            • TeWhareWhero

              Sarcasm is a poor substitute for wit.

              I don’t see the current LP as the ideal – far from it but I think it’s better than the alternative.

              I don’t subscribe to the infantile notion that the sharper the contradictions become the sooner the oppressed masses will revolt. I think we need to get the best possible people into parliament and then force them to behave in the best interests of ordinary Kiwis which means standing up to the corporatocracy – a big ask. For that to happen we all need to stop thinking that democracy ends at the ballot box – and start building the understanding that it’s where it starts.

              • Mary

                “…but I think it’s better than the alternative.”

                There’s another Tui billboard. It’s this naivety that gives Labour the confidence not to change. It’s only when they realise that their support can’t be taken for granted that they might change. When you’ve got a Labour opposition that votes with the government on one of the most nasty pieces of anti-poor legislation passed since Labour axed the special benefit in 2004 you know that all talk of “better than the alternative” is hogwash. Labour’s position on how those on the lowest incomes should be treated gives support to the government when in opposition and craps on the poor if they’re ever back in government. Your defence of Labour makes you sound like you work in that den of iniquity that is the Labour Research Unit.

    • Draco T Bastard 1.2

      National has been owned for a long time.

  2. greywarbler 2

    The PM must be in uncomfortable mode in his binary comfortable/uncomfortable setting.

  3. ghostwhowalksnz 3

    So another of the Oily Orcas favourite Mps caught out using his office to push his weight around

    You would think someone in National is systematically undermining Collins and her backers in caucus.
    Bill English can get one of his gumboots chosen as the next Clutha Southland MP, while Collins cant even keep the supporters she has.

    • Tracey 3.1

      ok. disregard above. I didnt know williamson was a slater boy.

      slater missed the collins and williamson scandals… I guess there goes his claim of being a journalist afterall exposing corrupt politicians is his specialist field and he missed 2 under his own nose.

    • Tracey 3.2

      the smiling assassasin has the silent assassin behind him… joyce but joyce wouldnt jeopardize an election. maybe the media woke up or like 2005 some nats dont like where their party is going and who has retired…

  4. lprent 4

    Ah snap…. Cross over… Oh well.. I added a bit of the background on Donghua Liu.

    I see that the web servers on this site are being added to about every 10 minutes to cope with the loading.

  5. bad12 5

    Maurice should have taken the plumb Ambassador’s job Slippery the Prime Minister offered him last year at the start of the clean-out,

    This is classic New York Bankster transposed onto political management by the PM, in the Bankster industry they burn them out and then chuck them out,(sometimes with mega-millions for the middle managers to stop them spilling the beans on those further up the food chain issuing the orders),

    The new politics from National simply transplant this philosophy onto the Caucus where those who have been there for too long and may threaten the leadership cabal having realized they have no further to go in the political pecking order are given the shove,

    Williamson resisted the ”shove” with the veiled threat that He still had plenty to ”do” in politics,(presumably count the numbers for Judith Collins), and a little ”force” has to be used by the bloke with ”lots of secrets in His top draw” to rid Himself of a rival,

    Wonder who slipped the Herald,(also known as the National Party broadsheet), the info that Maurice had been conversing with the plods on behalf of Bill Liu,

    Surely not that bastion of political prostitution the Office of the Prime Minister…

    • mac1 5.1

      I should hope, bad12, that the police themselves objected to the use of undue influence.

      I wonder what the cabinet manual says about Williamson’s activities?

      Will our Maurice be the sixteenth flea to jump from the dead carcass of the National Party?

    • Skinny 5.2

      Yes I agree Bad12 something fishy going on behind the scene. Williamson has a history of messing up and now gets the bullet. Maybe tiding up loose ends before it gets exposed closer to the election. Key would have been made aware of this mess up a while ago.

  6. risildowgtn 6

    Williamson has resigned ! from Stuff

  7. Ron 7

    maybe Williamson will be Dot Com’s secret member?

  8. TeWhareWhero 8

    So he’s resigned. What interesting times we live in.