Written By:
Anthony R0bins - Date published:
9:05 am, April 28th, 2015 - 89 comments
Categories: Abuse of power, john key, Minister for International Embarrassment, sexism -
Tags: #casualjohn, harassment, ponytailgate
Key’s line on harassing a waitress is that he’s the most “casual” PM ever. He was just joking around. It was all a bit of fun. He was misinterpreted.
These are the lines of every sexist harassing jerk ever.
These are the lines of male power, in which the female’s point of view (a young woman reduced to tears) is not even acknowledged, let alone taken seriously.
It is shocking how many people uncritically accept and repeat Key’s “explanation”. Have we become so casual about harassment?
“We” haven’t.
The National Party has deliberately fostered a string of hate-based narratives against entire sections of society. This is the fruit.
It’s National catering to their sociopathic base.
“butt of benteh”
For some insight into Tauranag media owners victim blaming and Nat party propaganda read on (if you dare)….
“It reeks to me of some minion troublemaker, who has discovered she wields a bit of power and attention after riding along with a bit of horse play.
We do, however, appear to have the odd squealing waitress who is quite capable of speaking out to hordes of media but apparently didn’t tell her boss, or stop John and Bronagh from getting a bit cheeky.
It will be a sad day if the PC nannies drive us back to the dark humourless days of previous administrations, when the feminist gay nazi brigade tried to dictate every aspect of our lives, including the length of our shower times.”
He got this right….so to speak….
“Merciless mocking. We are seen as the Deliverance of the South Pacific, only without the squealing pigs.”
And stlll some blame feminism for not having ” succeeded”… HOW does feminism “succeed” when the media give over so much time and space to the kind of disrespetful, self obsessed ranting shown above… cue Hosking, Henry, Key, add to the list and please, also list the number of feminists given the same kind of exposure on our tv, radio and papers daily. TIA
“Andrew Little was just about frothing at the mouth,”
talk about making it up as you go along. [eye roll emoticon]
no wonder they need extra sewage works
If ‘casual’ alleged sexual harrassment / male assaults female, is just ‘horsing around’ – what is inappropriate touching of children?
Where are the boundaries?
Where is the ‘moral compass’ / ‘highest ethical standards’ LEADERSHIP?
Just asking…
Penny Bright
Those are just rules that get in the way of innovative people that want to succeed don’t you know?
Assaulting adults – horsing around.
Assaulting children – ponying around.
Heaps of Kiwis seem to be co-dependent, putting up with anything FJK does.
Bob Jones, the pompous money bag has an article today in the Herald minimising Key’s despicable and serious offense!
Please take a look and consider telling the old goat what you think about his view.
Imagine working as a nurse in a resthome looking after Bob Jones and John Key!
Imagine being the nurses looking after Bob Jones or John Key in their exclusive apartments
Imagine them being in a position of physical dependence…
well there are cases of “I used to be somebody” types getting some ‘karma’ in assisted living situations, but those like the PM and Bob Jones that deserve at least fantasies from the downtrodden in that respect will likely have enough dosh for total private care
AHHHH!!! One can only dream, Rhinocrates!!
Sir Bob has always used the word nonsense about something he hasn’t fully grasped. He could perhaps apply it to his personal insight into women’s thoughts and feelings.
‘Sir’ Bob…accepted a knighthood after years of railing on about ‘token knights’.RJI …hardly mentions that anymore.
Duckie nails it
“The waitress is not 7, nor the Prime Minister’s daughter! What IS nonsense is the media making this about left vs right rather than right vs wrong.”
A woman I know was arguing it was a complete beat-up on key (she has some wonderful merits though, to make up for her abysmal judge of politicians). So we were having a fine old argument, but the king hit was the fact that she’s an early childhood educator. I asked here whether her preschoolers have learnt to not pull each others’ hair if the pullee doesn’t them want to…
that ended the debate. No concession of defeat (she’s as bad as me when it comes to that 😉 ), but she didn’t have a leg to stand on when she expects better behaviour from her charges than she does from the PM, lol
isn’t it nice when you see that film lift from their eyes, its like they start to really think about it, & realise there’s something not quite right about it.
Trouble is we both enjoy arguments for the sake of the mental exercise, so it’s difficult to tell what her true opinions are :winky face:
And yes, I’m reduced to typing out emoticons in pig-script because the current set are too tiny and not contrasty enough for me to see clearly. Let alone not animated :smiley face:
Talking of right versus wrong… when the subject of JK’s indiscretion came up today an aquaintance said to me “what it tells me is that he has cheated on his wife”. That may or may not be the case, but I can understand why she might think it.
Interesting. How does that work?
If he’s happy to ‘play’ with a young woman’s hair in the presence of his wife, then what is he prepared to do on odd occasions when she’s not present? I presume that is what she was suggesting.
That’s what you expect from a criminal convicted for assault.
I think his brains have fallen out of his head
“That’s what you expect from a criminal convicted for assault.” That’ll explain Harawira and Mallard then.
What’s your point? I can’t imagine you’ll find vto sticking up for either of them.
That criminal morons are not defined by their politics. Theyre just criminal morons.
I don’t believe you.
I don’t care
And yet…
When will the Herald ever start taking sexual harassment seriously – or any matter to do with women?
When Labour is back in Power… That’s when they last gave a shit about Democracy and the last time they cared about politician’s resigning was Cunliffe over an 11 year old letter. Hope that clears it up for you.
don’t forget cunliffe got raked over the coals for wearing a f*cking scarf, god forbid.
I’d like to hear Jones’ background story as to his 7.y.o daughter whos hair he playfully pulls.Wasn’t her mother originally his Cambodian maid?No surprises he supports Keys power play.
This is what as a comment under that comment:
“You are getting nutty in your old age, Bob! You speak about tugging the pony tail of your seven year old daughter. The tugged victim in the cafe was not seven nor Key’s daughter as far as we know, though we know she is twenty six and a waitress, who was subjected to this humiliation repeatedly by the powerful perpetrator on several occasions and even after being asked to stop! Pictures and videos have also emerged of Key’s propensity towards touching the hair of girls who are not his kids but strangers on the streets. Your article is minimising the scandal.”
and she is your seven year old daughter. She presumably knows you. Bob, did you fondle her hair, or caress it?
IF Bob thinks a waitress is the same as his 7 year old daughter then we are in far bigger trouble than I could have imagined. Children are not property and neither are waitresses.
He’s putting me in mind of that other old duffer, Prince Phillip, one of NZ’s 20 greatest living New Zulinders, according to our “Leader”.
Didn’t Bob have a problem with a couple of people in authority once?
Speeding ticket or something?
“…Till then please remember this weekend, those who fell in defence of our freedoms and what they were standing up for.
It sure as hell wasn’t for some of the complete nonsense we’ve seen this week…”
I totally agree, Brian, um, Roger, I mean, Peter!
Everytime I walk to the dairy and then see a newspaper telling me something happened, I always think to myself, “I didn’t walk all the way here to find out people did something once, and now this!!”.
This PC nonsense has to stop. Motorcycle-riding nude gay-nazi-feminist zombies must be stopped from eating all the pies, and doing the everything else. I died for it in the army, now we have muslims. Soon the RSA will close and Tauranga will become a backwater for people with no money and cheap deckchairs, saving whales on the beach and eating jelly fish eggs. Who will stop them from rampaging like godzilla lizards? Do we really want that?!
well said… and of course some will take you literally, so prepare yourself.
Prast demonstrates once more that the cruelest thing you can do to Key is to simply transcribe his nonsense verbatim. Stripped of his facile glibness that masquerades as casualness, the words read like the babbling of un cretino:
Even more hilarious when people realise Pete George is not a satirist in his “opinion” piece after it…
@tracey couldn’t find it .. do u have a separate link for the unknowing non-satirist ?
go to scoop and read the key transcript press release
thx Tracey … methinks PG has a dictionary with missing words .. ie irony, satire, self-awareness … his writing is quite tragic.
the most important hing is that he as self proclaimed that having weighed up everything, Key has done the right thing.
One question today:
“Hon ANNETTE KING to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by his statement that “There’s always a risk with third-term Governments that they get arrogant. There’s always a risk that they veer off into a space they haven’t been, and start surprising their supporters”?”
Someone must answer on his behalf. Bill English perhaps?
The answer to Jan Logie’s will be fascinating…
Yep. Nearly missed that one Tracey. Will the Minister claim a different hat?
“JAN LOGIE to the Minister for Women: Does she consider it her job to advocate for all New Zealand women?”
it will be a pr crafted blah blah whitewash reply
The problem the left has is that everyone else automatically discounts everything it says because of all the frenzied screaming. Middle New Zealand understands that what the PM did was wrong. They also know that the comparisons to Rolf Harris and Jimmy Savile are hysterical and inherently dishonest. You guys end up looking like the bad guys.
them and us aye gormless… you see straight through that strategy though, right?
You win the internet. I bow to your ability to create an endless loop of informal “phallusies”.
“Have we become so casual about harassment?”
Unfortunately Bailey’s story seems common to me. The big difference is that it’s the PM, but are we really going to believe that no PM in NZ has ever abused their power in this kind of way? I think what we have become casual about is not the harassment (we’ve long been casual about that), it’s the acceptance of JK as the lad who can do what he wants. That’s more scarey to me, because at least with sexual harassment we have decades of progressive work and legislation and policy that is changing society for the better. The acceptance of Smile and Wave’s behaviour is insidious and not something that we are addressing as a society.
ive tried to think of ones who would publicly disgrace themselves and their office. clark and shipley in person were warm and friendly in manner. this nonsense that Key has become more accessible to the people is another lie. he has lowered the standing of the office pure and simple. he is boris yeltsinesque in his cringeworthiness.
I think it’s safe to say that NZ hasn’t had a PM like Key before (at least not in my 50 years). It’s the shift away from democracy to plutocracy. It doesn’t matter if Key is an arse, he has powerful friends and mentors and the people he really works for will look after him. We should be very very concerned (but then we should have been already).
We are getting the best insight into Key , ever. He sees the position as that of a kind of celebrity… or the Queen, not a real job, just expensive window dressing.
Matthew Hooton pretty well nailed the harassment and power issues on nine to noon this morning.
Points out that Key’s nonsense about how everyone there was always up to lots of hi-jinks and japes is a bit like the Queen saying the whole world smells of paint.
Key’s on thin ice here and he knows it, you can tell in his responses especially the one Oliver uses in his Last week Tonight piece.
Bailey’s statement indicates she was not comfortable, made that known and JK persisted.
Watch the MSM lackeys and DP machine go hard to cloud this one over on behalf of their beloved cult leader.
The fact it takes other media around the world to slam home the serious nature of it speaks volumes for how owned and under the govt’s thumb the MSM is in NZ.
Did he screech at any point?
No screech today. I think after last week’s outburst he might have had another little sit-down chat about how he’s feeling about the job 😉
Nah. Matthew’s just pissed that JK doesn’t see him as relevant. Take little notice.
The fact it takes other media around the world to slam home the serious nature of it speaks volumes for how owned and under the govt’s thumb the MSM is in NZ.
Yeah. There’s hardly been any criticism of Key in New Zealand.
Not where it hurts his popularity you don’t (TVNZ, TV3, radio rant land and of course Herald) but of course you’re aware of that being a RWNJ with a monty python fixation.
what criticism he does get is normally them following other leads so as not to look so obviously biased which is what’s happened with this issue.
There has been plenty of criticism. Just none going as far as y’all’d like. But that would require the mainstream media to be comparing Key to Jimmy Savile. And saying we are no longer living in a democracy.
And they’re not going to do that because, on the whole, they’re sane.
Just so long as the court takes his crime seriously, who cares what his sycophants in the media claim to believe?
Yeah. The crime of light hair-pulling.
and there you have it…
someone who chooses to completely miss the point cos of their self interest served by Mr Key staying.
leading a fool to the link but you can;t make him think
What’s my self interest of having Key stay?
Strictly speaking there wasn’t any to begin with: the National Party destroys wealth as much as it destroys human rights and the rule of law.
However, the hubristic self-affirmation you crave distorts your perceptions. Best you lie down.
I doubt my life would change much under a Labour government.
No. Assault. Harassment. Bullying. Did you not read the waitress story?
You’d endure it would you, The Lickspittle formerly known as Oleolebiscuitbarrell?
the person perpetuating the Saville meme, is you In almost every post you made today, conveniently overlooking those voices of the labour movement that admonished the only person on here to make the comparison.
I accept it’s a crime. Just not a very big one.
Such a shame that our prime minister couldn’t keep himself from committing it. Repeatedly. So rather than just common assault, it also counts as harassment. Maybe even criminal harassment, given that “safety, in relation to any person, includes that person’s mental well-being”.
I wonder if McCready has gotten that far in his legal dictionary yet? 🙂
I think this is your paintergate. Pick it up and run with it for all it’s worth.
If she’d signed several paintings over a period of months, you might have a comparison.
Or if she’d flicked paint at a waitress every time she went out for coffee…
You’re doing well.
John Oliver thought so.
What got you out of the sewer?
Have we become so casual about harassment?
I don’t think we’ve “become” so casual about harrassment. Corporate suits have always been waitress-molesters and -humiliators, and have always dismissed it as just a bit of good-natured banter. At least now they’re not pinching bums so much as they used to – pulling pony tails could almost be regarded as progress in that respect.
Yeah and remember we’re dealing with an ex-Foreign exchange dealer here who can earn obscene amounts. This may be stereotypical (and I’m sure a lot are nice people), but they can be arrogant, get what they want when they want it types, etc. I remember visting the trading room once and they all had ultra-slim space-age chairs that looked like they cost thousands each.
Anyone care for word from one of David Brents antipodean doppelgangers groupies from out east? Keyreepyness is strong in this one.
Third-term blues made worse when PM caught acting the goat
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
by John Jones
Will it be a slightly chastened John Key who returns to New Zealand following wide publicity, including in international media, of the incident where he repeatedly pulled a waitress’s ponytail?
While essentially trivial, it showed Key as something of a clown who is becoming more and more of a polarising figure. The incident also illustrates how Key and National face a third term that is increasingly challenging.
While many of his supporters were mystified, most — including National’s women MPs — will see it as a minor lapse of judgement that has been blown up out of all proportion by a media looking to create news. Key has apologised they say, let’s move on.
While he is not at the same level as the late Sir Robert Muldoon, Key has seen a core group develop that is extremely opposed to him and eager to focus on any perceived faults.
They have tried to magnify the incident into one of bullying and sexual harassment, which is something of a stretch. This can be expected for any third term Prime Minister though; it showed itself in Helen Clark’s last three years in power. People have a habit of falling out of love with politicians.
This embarrassing incident for Key should not have been allowed to overshadow the more significant duty of representing the country at the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings, or the following effort to secure a free trade deal with the wealthy Gulf states.
The past few weeks have not been good for the National-led Government, starting with the loss of the Northland seat and continuing on with issues like the Auckland housing crisis and a plea from the Reserve Bank for the Government to support its efforts to quell demand.
One of the main thrusts of the Government must be to show that it has not developed any expectation of a right to govern and become arrogant.
To do that it needs its charismatic leader to set the tone. Key has to retain his popular (with a majority) blokey image while avoiding any future slips in taste.
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Quote Blinglish, with a straight face:
“and observed, almost always, the highest standards of appropriate behaviour”
“Almost always”? Except when he doesn’t. Oh Bill, I’m going to pee myself.
“Leave Mr. Key alone”; “Stop trying to discredit John Key” – sycophants all, lining up to have their hair pulled, or perhaps proffering a partner or daughter. Yet another example of the PM’s standards and ‘values’ (Cup of tea, anyone?) Maybe he remains so popular because his behaviour lets supporters feel good about themselves. John made a public apology as hollow as it was expedient, but he does deserve credit for that.