It’s good to see eco influence is working for a more humane and equal society Ka pai. I see some reporters trying to get a sly dig at Winston Peters Mana we no it won’t work. That’s what happens when you go around trying to control everything and think you can piss on anyone mother nature just blows it IN YOUR FACE and you reap the consequences warming the opposition benches for Ever Ana to kai.
I wonder what dum ass plans these people have for me today probably invading a lot of people privacy and stressing them out mean while eco is laughing at them I had decided it does not look good to the mokos when ECO uses sign language so I will not let them influence my behaviour as I control my own destiny and I have a very bright future ahead of me. Kia kaha
These dicks heads are trying to make out Iv got a mental problem. The only people with a mental problem is these neo liberals that think it’s OK to use the whole system to try and suppress me and justify it with a smear campaign against ECO Maori They are just like there national masters Ana to kai
His role is simply to divert us from our role to advise the new government as to what we see as the best way forward.
Simply responding to a dead headed “hollow man” is simply a waste of our time,- he should be ignored as he does not contribute any single point of any value to the country or our ‘wellbeing’.
I read that article, twice in fact, and couldn’t see any reference to unintended consequences. There was a lot of guff about the implementation an operational procedures but that’s it.
If you’re referring to the ban to having much of an effect right now then that has been discussed at length, David Parker saying that this policy is required in readiness for the next wave of corrupt and/or cheap capital flooding in from overseas distorting our housing market.
Somebody should ask them how their ‘fundamentals’ are ‘on the back of’ the change in government. Or maybe they’d just refer the question to Craigs Investment Partners (going forward)
Dude, I drink, don’t exercise, and the only thing stopping me from smoking is the money. Nutritional advice is not going to get me to eat fucking tofu, lentils, or chickpeas.
And again, if you think animals are being murdered, why do you think that plants aren’t?
Have you considered or researched the environmental impact of near eating?
Have you investigated the issue of the torture and cruel killing of animals?
Have you watched Earthlings?
Have you been to restaurants with good vegan dishes?
Do you own a vegan cookbook?
Yes, but I really like steak.
No, that’s uip to the SPCA and various regulatory bodies.
One or two in particular.
Yes, they served salad.
Why the fuck would I. If I do, it would have been a joke xmas gift from some wag.
Are you avoiding the question because it’s too difficult?
I have actually had vegetarian, even vegan, meals. Frankly, they’ve been very hit and miss, even when prepared by people who swear that vegetarian food is perfectly fine. They usually miss a dimension of texture and flavour, especially vegan food. Sure, I might have a day or several without meat, but it always calls me back.
Besides, if I want to go all out and prepare a meal from a recipe, it’ll be a fucking awesome meal. That usually involves some manner of animal.
Have you watched Earthlings?
I suggest you do before forming such strong opinions.
Reasons for eating well don’t include I like meat.
Otherwise, why don’t you eat dogs or cats?
‘Eating well’ – does that mean eating something that is a known carcinogen, pumped full of antibiotics, that significantly increases your chances of heart disease?
Are you aware of the main issues here or are you going to continually revert to nonsensical points?
Prior to your substantial edit: Every day of my life.
What “strong opinions”? I am wary of judgement in this context because killing and eating something is nothing if not a judgement. Whatever I eat, something dies. I’m not about to judge anyone else’s choices.
I recommend you read the Tao te Ching, and pick a few different translations too. I’m familiar with the concepts in Earthlings.
Reasons for eating well don’t include I like meat.
Otherwise, why don’t you eat dogs or cats?
Actually, liking something is a reason for doing it. It’s actually the primary reason for doing most things.
As for dogs and cats, always been vaguely curious. Our culture’s prediliction for anthropomorphic projection tends to keep them off the shelves, though.
It doesn’t take much effort to get the children scampering after your bouncy ball does it jimbo. How’s your stool today. Not too clogged with meat I hope.
So the unintended consequences are from ‘implementation risks’, which boil down to possible delays in the processing of OIO requests. That’s a real economy killer, they need to halt immediately!
They’re clutching at straws there, Herald bosses must be getting worried about the loss of real estate advertising revenue.
I had another RWNJ on another forum explain to me Treasury can’t list the actual unintended consequences because they won’t have time. So it seems Treasury is just indulging in a bit of maybe this, maybe that.
I buy an house in an established suburb- knock the house down – and hey presto-land I can sell to the next overseas buyer.
It needs to be land that does not have nor has had in the last 80 years a dwelling on it- or bare land that has been subdivided in the last XX years within an urban boundary ( or some similar measure.)
Also permanent residents that get OIA approval should have to remain resident here for 183/365 days or have to on sell the property within X number of years.
And current overseas owners of such property have X number of years to dispose of the property (or meet the local tests).
While Treasury itself wasn’t clear at all on this I think what they, being the Nats and their soul-less supporters are getting at is some parts of the CTPTPP might be slightly more difficult for exporters in the final wash up.
I don’t think the foreign buyer screening/ban will make much difference to tariff negotiations on this deal and in fact this deal is moving all over the place anyway and may not come about at all.
Even if our new stance on protecting NZ residential property from surging corrupt and/or cheap capital from overseas did result in small percentage reductions in tariff relief for exporters I think it’s a price well worth paying in the long run.
‘Childcare workers speak out against ‘factory farming’ of children.’
‘More than a quarter of childcare centre workers say they would not place their own children in the centres they work in, with some calling them “akin to factory farming of children”.
A new survey of 900 early childhood teachers by the lobby group Child Forum shows 27 per cent would not enrol their own children at the service they work in.’
‘Binge drinking still a ‘significant burden’ on strained EDs’
‘A survey by the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine (ACEM) surveyed 117 EDs across Australia and New Zealand, asking how many patients were there because of alcohol.
Across the 17 New Zealand EDs this year’s survey, found about one in eight patients were there because of alcohol’
Alcohol consumption has fallen significantly since neoliberalism was introduced 30 years ago. Unlike you, I’m not going to turn those unrelated facts into a correlation=causation error.
If you have the link to that I’d like it. It is counterfactual to me so I’m really confused. Surely it would be up with supermarkets having it, dairies having it? Perhaps everyone has gone to coffee instead, the bar they go to is the barista?
And the growth in numbers of children in professional childcare isn’t a feature of neo-liberalism, it’s the opposite. The poor quality of some private-sector childcare facilities is a feature of capitalism, not neo-liberalism.
Its crap! He did nothing of the sort. The emails were “lawfully” passed on to him by the GSA.
While they mention the Trump transition team have made the claim, the inference is: that it’s true.
Granny repeating the spin and not doing any fact checking…..this media games a doddle with all these repeaters around smearing on behalf of the originators of the BS.
No home should be without a copy of the Late great Michael King’s ‘History of NZ”
so if you don’t already have it, then a compulsory acquisition! A great loss to NZ as an historian; this was the very readable and engaging book that finally taught me what our education system never bothered with or glossed over/sanitised.
The Jack Lee books on the Hokianga and the Bay of Islands. Fascinating especially for one living in the mid-North amongst descendants of those figuring in the histories.
And complement these with Kendrick Smityhman’s astonishing and beautifully opaque epic of 296 poems, ‘Atua Wera’.
Heaven would be sitting in the Boatshed café in Rawene (before the sun gets too high and hot) reading Smithyman:
“Travellers wheeling down from the Forest
into Waimamaku’s valley floor may
overtake him….
He is least
expected as darkness sets in
Along the shortcut between Waiotemarama and Pakanae…”
Yes – Gavin Bishop’s Aotearoa – it’s a beautifully illustrated NZ history book for children (from around about 10-12 I would say) – an absolute treasure
Ask that Mountain by Dick Scott. I got really angry when I read this as I had grown up in Taranaki and never was told/taught a thing about Parihaka. I agree about the Patricia Grace ones.
Thanks to everyone who kindly offered book titles and authors.
Already had a few, but will look into the rest. A couple of reminders of books that were already on my list – but not previously on my budget. Will enjoy either buying or borrowing some of these recommendations.
I think that Bruce Jesson and Bill Sutch have been very important warriors for NZ and have a number of publications, and there is Man Alone by John Mulgan, The Making of a New Zealander by Alan Mulgan, and Jock Phillips A Mans Country which reading today might give us a line on today’s defective thinking.
And Lady Barker about her time in NZ, and Guide Maggie Papakura who left NZ, married in England, and ended up dying there. Ettie Rout, and Maire Leadbetter, Florence Harsant ‘They called me Te Maari’. The story around losing the Huia and Buller’s role in this, and about saving the kakapo and one being called Richard Henry.
The Spinoff have a great article on the history of collusion between the Nats and the Aussie Liberals at present. There’s a big focus on the role of Crosby-Textor and the stinging final line, “National and the Liberals may be outraged now that Labour is allegedly interfering in Australian politics, but as the last two decades have shown, they’ve never had a problem with it before – as long as that meddling is limited to here, and for National’s benefit.“
“…Brash and Steven Joyce, the party’s campaign manager at the time, understandably lied to the press about the extent of the strategists’ involvement in their campaign at the time. Still, rumours persisted, partly because of National’s particularly racially tinged campaign that year, and would not be confirmed until the release of Hager’s book a year later.”
“In 2007, it came out that National had put nearly $90,000 of taxpayer money toward a Liberal Party-controlled company, Parakeelia Pty, for the use of software that tracked voters’ views for electoral campaigns. The company’s director? Lynton Crosby.”
“the party confirmed to Newshub they were using its services again in 2017. The news was little surprise to media commentators who noted that Joyce’s now infamous $11.7 billion hole claim was a vintage Crosby Textor tactic. “
Which supports what Greywarshark has said a number of times (if I understand it correctly) – that sovereign states like us (kind of) can create money as we need it. But instead we borrow it to make a small, select number of people much richer.
Last week we were subjected to the pathetic spectacle of “Sir” Peter Jackson confessing that he had obeyed Harvey Weinstein’s diktats and not hired women that Weinstein was persecuting.
Now we have another of Weinstein’s former minions talking tough. James Cameron went along unquestioningly with the Hollywood persecution of Kim Dotcom, in which Weinstein was one of the louder and more obnoxious key figures. Whenever he got a chance, Cameron automatically parroted the talking points of his Hollywood paymasters and the Obama administration. He was, and is, the very model of the pliable and unquestioning creature that thrives in corrupt and oppressive hierarchies like the film business.
A tough or independent guy he is not. But now, after Weinstein’s disgrace, Cameron asserts that he “almost” got into a fight with the infamous producer/would-be seducer in 1998.
As a real Hollywood tough guy, Marion Morrison, would have said if he’d lived to hear Cameron’s big talk: “That’ll be the day.”
It is not until we are personally affected will we take notice !!!
Be it the school our children attend are having teacher shortages, we cannot be given adequate medical attention e.g. waiting lists, National are voted out (Mike H misses out on important govt invitations !!!)
If you tolerate this …
What is happening ??
After trying to refuel in Ellerslie today and finding that the local station is out of all fuel, this last week
That just seems to be the continuing infrastructure breakdown caused by digger.
Are we still a leading 1st world country ?
Nope. We’ve pretty much been going backwards ever since Roger Douglass promised that, after a little bit of pain, we’d all be rich.
Well, 30 years later and the pain is still there for most of us. It’s got worse for many but a few are doing really well – they just so happen to be the reason why the rest of us are worse off.
“What’s brought the PRINCE and the PRESIDENT together?”
Body counts? Obama wins that. Cocaine snorted, on the other hand….
Monday 18 December 2017, 5:31 p.m.
Teaser for tonight’s main news bulletin on TVNZ 1. Barack Obama and Prince “Shepherd Killer” Harry are seated at a table. Both of them are smiling. After three or four seconds, a beaming Thunderbird puppet appears on screen and enthuses…
SIMON DALLOW: What’s brought the PRINCE and the PRESIDENT together? See you soon at six!
All cleaners and caterers at Parliament will be paid the living wage by 2020.
Speaker Trevor Mallard with parliamentary cleaner Eseta AilaoaSpeaker Trevor Mallard with parliamentary cleaner Eseta Ailaoa Photo: RNZ / Benedict Collins
Parliament’s Speaker, Trevor Mallard, announced the initiative today.
Mr Mallard said the cleaning and catering contracts at Parliament came up for renegotiation shortly after the new government was elected, and that allowed the living wage to be introduced.
While that would be a significant payrise for some workers, it still would not be a comfortable wage, he said.
The wage rise will come in for caterers from 1 July 2019, while cleaners will be on the living wage by the end of 2019.’
Auckland City Mission’s Christmas Appeal needs donations as numbers surge.
‘Women are the face of poverty – and this becomes all too apparent in the line for food parcels and gifts outside Auckland City Mission.
The charity has had overwhelming numbers of people seeking emergency help this Christmas with hundreds lining the streets – some since midnight – as the festive season draws near and puts pressure on those who can barely put food on the table.
City Missioner Chris Farrelly estimated that by the end of this week they would have assisted 4000 people – and 80 per cent or 3200 of those would be women.
“Women carry the burden of poverty in New Zealand, disproportionately to anyone else. They make huge sacrifices for children.
“Many of the people who have come to the City Mission this Christmas are women bringing up their children, and other people’s children, on their own.”
Still nothing to worry about for some. James and his friends pigged themselves on a huge cow at a bbq yesterday. He’s alright and so are his friends and he likes to brag about his gluttony and wealth.
some eat meat, others don’t. Do not use women to personally attack someone for his/her food choices. Humans luckily are omnivores and not everyone can subsist on a diet made only of vegetables.
also, don’t make me defend james again.
and yes, women have been the poorest together with their children in any society, and any society has no issues with it. See NZ and its treatment of women who depend on Winz, or women who earn less then their male counterparts, or women who have to stop working for child care, elder care, sick care, and who are thus deprived of savings opportunities (Kiwi Saver comes to mind), career opportunities etc. Society to a large part depends on the unpaid, undervalued work women provide.
What else is new?
Food Banks have been under pressure all year – and the demand is now reaching a peak, as it always does at this time of year. However this year we expect there to be even more demand than ever before. There have been a number of job losses in our town and it’s not going to be a good Christmas for many. There has been a good response for donations from the library (pay fines in food) – the supermarket – the churches – and the public. But things shouldn’t be like this.
One of our main businesses in the town hosts a Xmas Dinner for all who wish to partake – “A Place at the Table” around 200 people attend each year.
“Anyone at Tesla can and should email/talk to anyone else according to what they think is the fastest way to solve a problem for the benefit of the whole company. You can talk to your manager’s manager without his permission, you can talk directly to a VP in another dept., you can talk to me, you can talk to anyone without anyone else’s permission. Moreover, you should consider yourself obligated to do so until the right thing happens.
The Trump transition team's lawyer, Kory Langhofer, told me tonight that he still hasn't confronted Mueller or the GSA directly about their alleged missteps, which he outlined to Congress in a letter that was then leaked to Fox.— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) December 17, 2017
We there you go they have no morels I was advised by the health helpline to go to the hospital I was there for 3 hours and got 2 panadol I informed them that I had to leave at 11.10 pm no doctor so I just walked out of the hospital at 11.10 pm ECO knows when he is being played the cops have been trying to antagonise all the time. They think I’m stupid there problem is they think I have the same dum ass though process as themselves but sorry ECOs thought process is far superior and humane and they don’t get it Ana to kai
The Rotorua hospital was not packed out and I no the cops got the staff to stall to try and antagonise me the idiots are just like dick smith national mp from Nelson no respect kai kaha
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This week ASPI launched Pressure Points, an interactive website that analyses the Chinese military’s use of air and maritime coercion to enforce Beijing’s excessive territorial claims and advance its security interests in the Indo-Pacific. The ...
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This is a guest post by placemaker Paris Kirby.Featured Image: Neon Lucky Cat on Darby Street, city centre. Created and built by Aan Chu and Angus Muir Design (Photo credit: Bryan Lowe)Disclaimer:I am a Senior Placemaking and Activation Specialist at Auckland Council; however, the views expressed ...
In short: New Zealand is spending just a third of the OECD average on primary health care and hasn’t increased that recently. A slumlord with 40 Christchurch properties is punished after relying on temporary migrant tenants not complaining about holes in the ceiling. Westpac’s CEO is pushing for easier capital ...
The international economics of Australia’s budget are pervaded by a Voldemort-like figure. The He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is Donald Trump, firing up trade wars, churning global finance and smashing the rules-based order. The closest the budget papers come ...
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The StrategistBy Linus Cohen, Astrid Young and Alice Wai
Sea state Australian assembly of the first Multi Ammunition Softkill System (MASS) shipsets for the Royal Australian Navy began this month at Rheinmetall’s Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence in Redbank, Queensland. The ship protection system, ...
The StrategistBy Linus Cohen, Astrid Young and Alice Wai
Some thoughts on the Signal Houthi Principal’s Committee chat group conversation reported by Jeff Goldberg at The Atlantic. It is obviously a major security breach. But there are several dimensions to it worth examining. 1) Signal is an unsecured open source platform that although encrypted can easily be hacked by ...
Australia and other democracies have once again turned to China to solve their economic problems, while the reliability of the United States as an alliance partner is, erroneously, being called into question. We risk forgetting ...
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Tomorrow Auckland’s Councillors will decide on the next steps in the city’s ongoing stadium debate, and it appears one option is technically feasible but isn’t financially feasible while the other one might be financially feasible but not be technically feasible. As a quick reminder, the mMayor started this process as ...
In short in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty on March 26:Three Kāinga Ora plots zoned for 17 homes and 900m from Ellerslie rail station are being offered to land-bankers and luxury home builders by agent Rawdon Christie.Chris Bishop’s new RMA bills don’t include treaty principles, even though ...
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One of the odd aspects of the government’s plan to Americanise the public health system – i.e by making healthcare access more reliant on user pay charges and private health insurance – is that it is happening in plain sight. Earlier this year, the official briefing papers to incoming Heath ...
When Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers stood at the dispatch box this evening to announce the 2025–26 Budget, he confirmed our worst fears about the government’s commitment to resourcing the Defence budget commensurate with the dangers ...
The proposed negotiation of an Australia–Papua New Guinea defence treaty will falter unless the Australian Defence Force embraces cultural intelligence and starts being more strategic with teaching languages—starting with Tok Pisin, the most widely spoken language in ...
Bishop ignores pawnPoor old Tama Potaka says he didn't know the new RMA legislation would be tossing out the Treaty clause.However, RMA Minister Bishop says it's all good and no worries because the new RMA will still recognise Māori rights; it's just that the government prefers specific role descriptions over ...
China is using increasingly sophisticated grey-zone tactics against subsea cables in the waters around Taiwan, using a shadow-fleet playbook that could be expanded across the Indo-Pacific. On 25 February, Taiwan’s coast guard detained the Hong Tai ...
Yesterday The Post had a long exit interview with outgoing Ombudsman Peter Boshier, in which he complains about delinquent agencies which "haven't changed and haven't taken our moral authority on board". He talks about the limits of the Ombudsman's power of persuasion - its only power - and the need ...
Hi,Two stories have been playing over and over in my mind today, and I wanted to send you this Webworm as an excuse to get your thoughts in the comments.Because I adore the community here, and I want your sanity to weigh in.A safe space to chat, pull our hair ...
A new employment survey shows that labour market pessimism has deepened as workers worry about holding to their job, the difficulty in finding jobs, and slowing wage growth. Nurses working in primary care will get an 8 percent pay increase this year, but it still leaves them lagging behind their ...
Big gunBig gun number oneBig gunBig gun kick the hell out of youSongwriters: Ascencio / Marrow.On Sunday, I wrote about the Prime Minister’s interview in India with Maiki Sherman and certainly didn’t think I’d be writing about another of his interviews two days later.I’d been thinking of writing about something ...
The Trump administration’s decision to impose tariffs on Australian aluminium and steel has surprised the country. This has caused some to question the logic of the Australia-United States alliance and risks legitimising China’s economic coercion. ...
OPINION & ANALYSIS:At the heart of everything we see in this government is simplicity. Things are simpler than they appear. Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Behind all the public relations, marketing spin, corporate overlay e.g. ...
This is a re-post from Carbon Brief by Wang Zhongying, chief national expert, China Energy Transformation Programme of the Energy Research Institute, and Kaare Sandholt, chief international expert, China Energy Transformation Programme of the Energy Research Institute China will need to install around 10,000 gigawatts (GW) of wind and solar capacity ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, Washington Post/$, Wired/$, ...
With many of Auckland’s political and bureaucratic leaders bowing down to vocal minorities and consistently failing to reallocate space to people in our city, recent news overseas has prompted me to point out something important. It is extremely popular to make car-dominated cities nicer, by freeing up space for people. ...
When it comes to fleet modernisation programme, the Indonesian navy seems to be biting off more than it can chew. It is not even clear why the navy is taking the bite. The news that ...
South Korea and Australia should enhance their cooperation to secure submarine cables, which carry more than 95 percent of global data traffic. As tensions in the Indo-Pacific intensify, these vital connections face risks from cyber ...
The Parliament Bill Committee has reported back on the Parliament Bill. As usual, they recommend no substantive changes, all decisions having been made in advance and in secret before the bill was introduced - but there are some minor tweaks around oversight of the new parliamentary security powers, which will ...
When the F-47 enters service, at a date to be disclosed, it will be a new factor in US air warfare. A decision to proceed with development, deferred since July, was unexpectedly announced on 21 ...
All my best memoriesCome back clearly to meSome can even make me cry.Just like beforeIt's yesterday once more.Songwriters: Richard Lynn Carpenter / John BettisYesterday, Winston Peters gave a State of the Nation speech in which he declared War on the Woke, described peaceful protesters as fascists, said he’d take our ...
Regardless of our opinions about the politicians involved, I believe that every rational person should welcome the reestablishment of contacts between the USA and the Russian Federation. While this is only the beginning and there are no guarantees of success, it does create the opportunity to address issues ...
Once upon a time, the United States saw the contest between democracy and authoritarianism as a singularly defining issue. It was this outlook, forged in the crucible of World War II, that created such strong ...
A pre-Covid protest about medical staffing shortages outside the Beehive. Since then the situation has only worsened, with 30% of doctors trained here now migrating within a decade. File Photo: Lynn GrievesonMōrena. Long stories shortest: The news this morning is dominated by the crises cascading through our health system after ...
Bargaining between the PSA and Oranga Tamariki over the collective agreement is intensifying – with more strike action likely, while the Employment Relations Authority has ordered facilitation. More than 850 laboratory staff are walking off their jobs in a week of rolling strike action. Union coverage CTU: Confidence in ...
Foreign Minister Penny Wong in 2024 said that ‘we’re in a state of permanent contest in the Pacific—that’s the reality.’ China’s arrogance hurts it in the South Pacific. Mark that as a strong Australian card ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, Washington Post/$, Wired/$, ...
In the past week, Israel has reverted to slaughtering civilians, starving children and welshing on the terms of the peace deal negotiated earlier this year. The IDF’s current offensive seems to be intended to render Gaza unlivable, preparatory (perhaps) to re-occupation by Israeli settlers. The short term demands for the ...
A listing of 31 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, March 16, 2025 thru Sat, March 22, 2025. This week's roundup is again published by category and sorted by number of articles included in each. We are still interested ...
In recent months, I have garnered copious amusement playing Martin,’s infamously terrible Chess AI. Alas, it is not how it once was, when he would cheerfully ignore freely offered material. Martin has grown better since I first stumbled upon him. I still remain frustrated at his capture-happy determination to ...
Every time that I see ya,A lightning bolt fills the room,The underbelly of Paris,She sings her favourite tune,She'll drink you under the table,She'll show you a trick or two,But every time that I left her,I missed the things she would doSongwriters: Kelly JonesThis morning, I posted - Are you excited ...
Long stories shortest this week in our political economy:Standard & Poor’s judged the Government’s council finance reforms a failure. Professional investors showed the Government they want it to borrow more, not less. GDP bounced out of recession by more than forecast in the December quarter, but data for the ...
Each day at 4:30 my brother calls in at the rest home to see Dad. My visits can be months apart. Five minutes after you've left, he’ll have forgotten you were there, but every time, his face lights up and it’s a warm happy visit.Tim takes care of almost everything ...
On the 19th of March, ACT announced they would be running candidates in this year’s local government elections. Accompanying that call for “common-sense kiwis” was an anti-woke essay typifying the views they expect their candidates to hold. I have included that part of their mailer, Free Press, in its entirety. ...
Even when the darkest clouds are in the skyYou mustn't sigh and you mustn't crySpread a little happiness as you go byPlease tryWhat's the use of worrying and feeling blue?When days are long keep on smiling throughSpread a little happiness 'til dreams come trueSongwriters: Vivian Ellis / Clifford Grey / ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, Washington Post/$, Wired/$, ...
ACT up the game on division politicsEmmerson’s take on David Seymour’s claim Jesus would have supported ACTACT’s announcement it is moving into local politics is a logical next step for a party that is waging its battle on picking up the aggrieved.It’s a numbers game, and as long as the ...
1. What will be the slogan of the next butter ad campaign?a. You’re worth itb.Once it hits $20, we can do something about the riversc. I can’t believe it’s the price of butter d. None of the above Read more ...
It is said that economists know the price of everything and the value of nothing. That may be an exaggeration but an even better response is to point out economists do know the difference. They did not at first. Classical economics thought that the price of something reflected the objective ...
Political fighting in Taiwan is delaying some of an increase in defence spending and creating an appearance of lack of national resolve that can only damage the island’s relationship with the Trump administration. The main ...
The unclassified version of the 2024 Independent Intelligence Review (IIR) was released today. It’s a welcome and worthy sequel to its 2017 predecessor, with an ambitious set of recommendations for enhancements to Australia’s national intelligence ...
Yesterday outgoing Ombudsman Peter Boshier published a report, Reflections on the Official Information Act, on his way out the door. The report repeated his favoured mantra that the Act was "fundamentally sound", all problems were issues of culture, and that no legislative change was needed (and especially no changes to ...
The United States government is considering replacing USAID with a new agency, the US Agency for International Humanitarian Assistance (USIHA), according to documents published by POLITICO. Under the proposed design, the agency will fail its ...
Hi,Journalism was never the original plan. Back in the 90s, there was no career advisor in Bethlehem, New Zealand — just a computer that would ask you 50 questions before spitting out career options. Yes, I am in this photo. No, I was not good at basketball.The top three careers ...
Mōrena. Long stories shortest: Professional investors who are paid a lot of money to be careful about lending to the New Zealand Government think it is wonderful place to put their money. Yet the Government itself is so afraid of borrowing more that it is happy to kill its own ...
As space becomes more contested, Australia should play a key role with its partners in the Combined Space Operations (CSpO) initiative to safeguard the space domain. Australia, Britain, Canada and the United States signed the ...
Ooh you're a cool catComing on strong with all the chit chatOoh you're alrightHanging out and stealing all the limelightOoh messing with the beat of my heart yeah!Songwriters: Freddie Mercury / John Deacon.It would be a tad ironic; I can see it now. “Yeah, I didn’t unsubscribe when he said ...
The PSA are calling the Prime Minister a hypocrite for committing to increase defence spending while hundreds of more civilian New Zealand Defence Force jobs are set to be cut as part of a major restructure. The number of companies being investigated for people trafficking in New Zealand has skyrocketed ...
Another Friday, hope everyone’s enjoyed their week as we head toward the autumn equinox. Here’s another roundup of stories that caught our eye on the subject of cities and what makes them even better. This week in Greater Auckland On Monday, Connor took a look at how Auckland ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking with special guest author Michael Wolff, who has just published his fourth book about Donald Trump: ‘All or Nothing’.Here’s Peter’s writeup of the interview.The Kākā by Bernard Hickey Hoon: Trumpism ...
Wolff, who describes Trump as truly a ‘one of a kind’, at a book launch in Spain. Photo: GettyImagesIt may be a bumpy ride for the world but the era of Donald J. Trump will die with him if we can wait him out says the author of four best-sellers ...
Australia needs to radically reorganise its reserves system to create a latent military force that is much larger, better trained and equipped and deployable within days—not decades. Our current reserve system is not fit for ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, Washington Post/$, Wired/$, ...
I have argued before that one ought to be careful in retrospectively allocating texts into genres. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) only looks like science-fiction because a science-fiction genre subsequently developed. Without H.G. Wells, would Frankenstein be considered science-fiction? No, it probably wouldn’t. Viewed in the context of its time, Frankenstein ...
The Green Party is calling for the Government to scrap proposed changes to Early Childhood Care, after attending a petition calling for the Government to ‘Put tamariki at the heart of decisions about ECE’. ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill today that will remove the power of MPs conscience votes and ensure mandatory national referendums are held before any conscience issues are passed into law. “We are giving democracy and power back to the people”, says New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters. ...
Welcome to members of the diplomatic corp, fellow members of parliament, the fourth estate, foreign affairs experts, trade tragics, ladies and gentlemen. ...
Confidence in the job market has continued to drop to its lowest level in five years as more New Zealanders feel uncertain about finding work, keeping their jobs, and getting decent pay, according to the latest Westpac-McDermott Miller Employment Confidence Index. ...
The Greens are calling on the Government to follow through on their vague promises of environmental protection in their Resource Management Act (RMA) reform. ...
“Make New Zealand First Again” Ladies and gentlemen, First of all, thank you for being here today. We know your lives are busy and you are working harder and longer than you ever have, and there are many calls on your time, so thank you for the chance to speak ...
Hundreds more Palestinians have died in recent days as Israel’s assault on Gaza continues and humanitarian aid, including food and medicine, is blocked. ...
National is looking to cut hundreds of jobs at New Zealand’s Defence Force, while at the same time it talks up plans to increase focus and spending in Defence. ...
It’s been revealed that the Government is secretly trying to bring back a ‘one-size fits all’ standardised test – a decision that has shocked school principals. ...
The Green Party is calling for the compassionate release of Dean Wickliffe, a 77-year-old kaumātua on hunger strike at the Spring Hill Corrections Facility, after visiting him at the prison. ...
The Green Party is calling on Government MPs to support Chlöe Swarbrick’s Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence and illegal actions in Palestine, following another day of appalling violence against civilians in Gaza. ...
The Green Party stands in support of volunteer firefighters petitioning the Government to step up and change legislation to provide volunteers the same ACC coverage and benefits as their paid counterparts. ...
At 2.30am local time, Israel launched a treacherous attack on Gaza killing more than 300 defenceless civilians while they slept. Many of them were children. This followed a more than 2 week-long blockade by Israel on the entry of all goods and aid into Gaza. Israel deliberately targeted densely populated ...
Living Strong, Aging Well There is much discussion around the health of our older New Zealanders and how we can age well. In reality, the delivery of health services accounts for only a relatively small percentage of health outcomes as we age. Significantly, dry warm housing, nutrition, exercise, social connection, ...
Shane Jones’ display on Q&A showed how out of touch he and this Government are with our communities and how in sync they are with companies with little concern for people and planet. ...
Labour does not support the private ownership of core infrastructure like schools, hospitals and prisons, which will only see worse outcomes for Kiwis. ...
The Green Party is disappointed the Government voted down Hūhana Lyndon’s member’s Bill, which would have prevented further alienation of Māori land through the Public Works Act. ...
The Labour Party will support Chloe Swarbrick’s member’s bill which would allow sanctions against Israel for its illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories. ...
The Government’s new procurement rules are a blatant attack on workers and the environment, showing once again that National’s priorities are completely out of touch with everyday Kiwis. ...
With Labour and Te Pāti Māori’s official support, Opposition parties are officially aligned to progress Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick’s Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence in Palestine. ...
Te Pāti Māori extends our deepest aroha to the 500 plus Whānau Ora workers who have been advised today that the govt will be dismantling their contracts. For twenty years , Whānau Ora has been helping families, delivering life-changing support through a kaupapa Māori approach. It has built trust where ...
Labour welcomes Simeon Brown’s move to reinstate a board at Health New Zealand, bringing the destructive and secretive tenure of commissioner Lester Levy to an end. ...
The Government’s new planning legislation to replace the Resource Management Act will make it easier to get things done while protecting the environment, say Minister Responsible for RMA Reform Chris Bishop and Under-Secretary Simon Court. “The RMA is broken and everyone knows it. It makes it too hard to build ...
Trade and Investment Minister Todd McClay has today launched a public consultation on New Zealand and India’s negotiations of a formal comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. “Negotiations are getting underway, and the Public’s views will better inform us in the early parts of this important negotiation,” Mr McClay says. We are ...
More than 900 thousand superannuitants and almost five thousand veterans are among the New Zealanders set to receive a significant financial boost from next week, an uplift Social Development and Employment Minister Louise Upston says will help support them through cost-of-living challenges. “I am pleased to confirm that from 1 ...
Progressing a holistic strategy to unlock the potential of New Zealand’s geothermal resources, possibly in applications beyond energy generation, is at the centre of discussions with mana whenua at a hui in Rotorua today, Resources and Regional Development Minister Shane Jones says. The Coalition Government is in the early stages ...
New annual data has exposed the staggering cost of delays previously hidden in the building consent system, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “I directed Building Consent Authorities to begin providing quarterly data last year to improve transparency, following repeated complaints from tradespeople waiting far longer than the statutory ...
Increases in water charges for Auckland consumers this year will be halved under the Watercare Charter which has now been passed into law, Local Government Minister Simon Watts and Auckland Minister Simeon Brown say. The charter is part of the financial arrangement for Watercare developed last year by Auckland Council ...
There is wide public support for the Government’s work to strengthen New Zealand’s biosecurity protections, says Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard. “The Ministry for Primary Industries recently completed public consultation on proposed amendments to the Biosecurity Act and the submissions show that people understand the importance of having a strong biosecurity ...
A new independent review function will enable individuals and organisations to seek an expert independent review of specified civil aviation regulatory decisions made by, or on behalf of, the Director of Civil Aviation, Acting Transport Minister James Meager has announced today. “Today we are making it easier and more affordable ...
The Government will invest in an enhanced overnight urgent care service for the Napier community as part of our focus on ensuring access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown has today confirmed. “I am delighted that a solution has been found to ensure Napier residents will continue to ...
Health Minister Simeon Brown and Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey attended a sod turning today to officially mark the start of construction on a new mental health facility at Hillmorton Campus. “This represents a significant step in modernising mental health services in Canterbury,” Mr Brown says. “Improving health infrastructure is ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has welcomed confirmation the economy has turned the corner. Stats NZ reported today that gross domestic product grew 0.7 per cent in the three months to December following falls in the June and September quarters. “We know many families and businesses are still suffering the after-effects ...
The sealing of a 12-kilometre stretch of State Highway 43 (SH43) through the Tangarakau Gorge – one of the last remaining sections of unsealed state highway in the country – has been completed this week as part of a wider programme of work aimed at improving the safety and resilience ...
Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Winston Peters says relations between New Zealand and the United States are on a strong footing, as he concludes a week-long visit to New York and Washington DC today. “We came to the United States to ask the new Administration what it wants from ...
Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee has welcomed changes to international anti-money laundering standards which closely align with the Government’s reforms. “The Financial Action Taskforce (FATF) last month adopted revised standards for tackling money laundering and the financing of terrorism to allow for simplified regulatory measures for businesses, organisations and sectors ...
Associate Health Minister David Seymour says he welcomes Medsafe’s decision to approve an electronic controlled drug register for use in New Zealand pharmacies, allowing pharmacies to replace their physical paper-based register. “The register, developed by Kiwi brand Toniq Limited, is the first of its kind to be approved in New ...
The Coalition Government’s drive for regional economic growth through the $1.2 billion Regional Infrastructure Fund is on track with more than $550 million in funding so far committed to key infrastructure projects, Regional Development Minister Shane Jones says. “To date, the Regional Infrastructure Fund (RIF) has received more than 250 ...
[Comments following the bilateral meeting with United States Secretary of State, Marco Rubio; United States State Department, Washington D.C.] * We’re very pleased with our meeting with Secretary of State Marco Rubio this afternoon. * We came here to listen to the new Administration and to be clear about what ...
The intersection of State Highway 2 (SH2) and Wainui Road in the Eastern Bay of Plenty will be made safer and more efficient for vehicles and freight with the construction of a new and long-awaited roundabout, says Transport Minister Chris Bishop. “The current intersection of SH2 and Wainui Road is ...
The Ocean Race will return to the City of Sails in 2027 following the Government’s decision to invest up to $4 million from the Major Events Fund into the international event, Auckland Minister Simeon Brown says. “New Zealand is a proud sailing nation, and Auckland is well-known internationally as the ...
Improving access to mental health and addiction support took a significant step forward today with Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey announcing that the University of Canterbury have been the first to be selected to develop the Government’s new associate psychologist training programme. “I am thrilled that the University of Canterbury ...
Health Minister Simeon Brown has today officially opened the new East Building expansion at Manukau Health Park. “This is a significant milestone and the first stage of the Grow Manukau programme, which will double the footprint of the Manukau Health Park to around 30,000m2 once complete,” Mr Brown says. “Home ...
The Government will boost anti-crime measures across central Auckland with $1.3 million of funding as a result of the Proceeds of Crime Fund, Auckland Minister Simeon Brown and Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee say. “In recent years there has been increased antisocial and criminal behaviour in our CBD. The Government ...
The Government is moving to strengthen rules for feeding food waste to pigs to protect New Zealand from exotic animal diseases like foot and mouth disease (FMD), says Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard. ‘Feeding untreated meat waste, often known as "swill", to pigs could introduce serious animal diseases like FMD and ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi held productive talks in New Delhi today. Fresh off announcing that New Zealand and India would commence negotiations towards a Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, the two Prime Ministers released a joint statement detailing plans for further cooperation between the two countries across ...
Agriculture and Trade Minister Todd McClay signed a new Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) today during the Prime Minister’s Indian Trade Mission, reinforcing New Zealand’s commitment to enhancing collaboration with India in the forestry sector. “Our relationship with India is a key priority for New Zealand, and this agreement reflects our ...
Agriculture and Trade Minister Todd McClay signed a new Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) today during the Prime Minister’s Indian Trade Mission, reinforcing New Zealand’s commitment to enhancing collaboration with India in the horticulture sector. “Our relationship with India is a key priority for New Zealand, and this agreement reflects our ...
Attorney-General Judith Collins today announced the appointment of two new Family Court Judges. The new Judges will take up their roles in April and May and fill Family Court vacancies at the Auckland and Manukau courts. Annette Gray Ms Gray completed her law degree at Victoria University before joining Phillips ...
Health Minister Simeon Brown has today officially opened Wellington Regional Hospital’s first High Dependency Unit (HDU). “This unit will boost critical care services in the lower North Island, providing extra capacity and relieving pressure on the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and emergency department. “Wellington Regional Hospital has previously relied ...
Namaskar, Sat Sri Akal, kia ora and good afternoon everyone. What an honour it is to stand on this stage - to inaugurate this august Dialogue - with none other than the Honourable Narendra Modi. My good friend, thank you for so generously welcoming me to India and for our ...
Check against delivery.Kia ora koutou katoa It’s a real pleasure to join you at the inaugural New Zealand infrastructure investment summit. I’d like to welcome our overseas guests, as well as our local partners, organisations, and others.I’d also like to acknowledge: The Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and other Ministers from the Coalition ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By David Andrews, Senior Manager, Policy & Engagement, Australian National University The year 2000 marked an inflection point for many Western countries, including Australia, in their outlook towards the world. The focus began to shift away from the peacekeepinginterventions that had ...
Health NZ today confirmed an IT security incident in October 2024 that resulted in unauthorised access to some staff information from 2020 to 2024 at Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley, and Wairarapa districts. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Paul McGreevy, Professor, School of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney Chernika 888/Shutterstock In the wild, dogs spend a lot of their time chewing on bones, carcasses, sticks and kernels. For example, Australian dingoes can feed for up to 108 minutes in ...
It’s a response that has nothing to do with children and everything to do with adults. On Sunday, my family had a picnic. We went to Grey Lynn Park, lazed around in the autumn sun, and appreciated the corny, wholesome vibe of being together. My siblings and I are ...
Green MP Tamatha Paul was widely criticised for suggesting not everyone wants to see more police on the beat. Is that really such a crazy idea? Lyric Waiwiri-Smith argues with Lyric Waiwiri-Smith. Comments made by Wellington Central MP Tamatha Paul that she had heard from “a lot” of her constituents ...
Parliament is preoccupied with pointless points of order, and speaker Gerry Brownlee is absolutely done with it. Here’s what happened in question time yesterday: Chris Hipkins asked Chris Luxon a bunch of questions about something bad his government had done. Luxon got flustered because he struggles to give an answer ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Changyan He, Lecturer, School of Engineering, University of Newcastle Photo supplied. Most brain surgery requires doctors to remove part of the skull to access hard-to-reach areas or tumours. It’s invasive, risky, and it takes a long time for the patient to ...
I’ve worked hard to cut negative self-talk out of my life. How do I stop my friend from picking up the slack? Want Hera’s help? Email your problem to Hera, I’ve recently been getting annoyed with my friend because she will include me in her negative self-talk and ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Jill Sheppard, Senior Lecturer, School of Politics and International Relations, Australian National University With another election campaign unofficially underway, voters may feel it hasn’t been long since they were last at the voting booth. Australia’s Constitution dictates: every House of ...
Sentencing reform legislation has passed its final reading, writes Alice Neville in today’s extract from The Bulletin. To receive The Bulletin in full each weekday, sign up here. Sentencing reform legislation passed its final reading The government’s sentencing reform legislation passed its final reading in parliament yesterday, marking “a significant milestone in this ...
Concerns about an increased likelihood of bird-strike at Queenstown Airport were raised directly with the district’s mayor and chief executive last week.At a media briefing yesterday, Queenstown’s council confirmed it was considering using emergency powers to discharge “highly treated wastewater” into the Shotover River, after the failure of its land ...
Analysis - Can New Zealand and other Five Eyes members trust the US any longer, after top Trump officials accidentally shared military plans on a messaging app that included a journalist? ...
The IPCA’s call for new legislation to govern how police handle protest could have an unwelcome and serious impact on a fundamental right, argues Trevor Richards, an early leader of the anti-apartheid movement in Aotearoa. Come with me on a journey back to my childhood. The decade of the 1960s ...
From emergency housing to employment dispute resolution, the government’s cutbacks are a misguided attempt to shrink our sense of what constitutes the public good – and it’s not an issue that solely affects the poor and the weak.When even employers are complaining about public service cuts in the National ...
Comment: Ōhāriu’s long-serving former MP says new bigger electorates will make it more difficult for local members to advocate for their communities The post A sad goodbye to a seat that changed governments appeared first on Newsroom. ...
The mass production of pamphlets espousing religious and political doctrines have always proselytised the ‘truth’ about whatever subject or mission their authors espouse. Roimata Smail’s booklet Understanding Tiriti lies squarely in this grand tradition with its sub-title, A handbook of basic facts about Te Tiriti o Waitangi. No need to ...
Softer vaccine mandates, no harsh lockdowns – but our borders would be closed sooner.That’s one scenario for the next big pandemic if the Government goes ahead with recommendations from the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Covid 19 Lessons Learned.“We would only use those mandatory measures if we really needed to ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra Opposition leader Peter Dutton will promise in his Thursday budget reply that a Coalition government would immediately halve the fuel excise on petrol and diesel. The cut, which would take the excise from 50.8 cents ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra As the election starter’s gun is about to be fired, Tuesday’s budget announced modest income tax cuts as the government’s latest cost-of-living measure. The Coalition has opposed the tax relief, with Peter Dutton’s Thursday budget ...
The Governor-General Cindy Kiro is on her first official tour of her home region, Northland - including visiting arts and community centres, marae, and taking her turn paddling on a waka. ...
The widow of late Green Party MP Fa'anānā Efeso Collins is calling for an inquest into his death, accusing the organisers of the charity event he was attending at the time of failing him. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By William van Caenegem, Professor of Law, Bond University Zivica Kerkez/Shutterstock The Labor government used this week’s budget to announce it plans to ban non-compete agreements for employees on less than A$175,000 per year, a move that will affect about 3 million ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Timothy Neal, Senior lecturer in Economics / Institute for Climate Risk and Response, UNSW Sydney Commentators have branded last night’s federal budget as an attempt to win over typical Australian voters concerned about the cost of living, ahead of what is expected ...
It’s good to see eco influence is working for a more humane and equal society Ka pai. I see some reporters trying to get a sly dig at Winston Peters Mana we no it won’t work. That’s what happens when you go around trying to control everything and think you can piss on anyone mother nature just blows it IN YOUR FACE and you reap the consequences warming the opposition benches for Ever Ana to kai.
I wonder what dum ass plans these people have for me today probably invading a lot of people privacy and stressing them out mean while eco is laughing at them I had decided it does not look good to the mokos when ECO uses sign language so I will not let them influence my behaviour as I control my own destiny and I have a very bright future ahead of me. Kia kaha
I have taken the ECO MAORI sign off my truck they are not needed now everywhere I go the people recognise ECO Maori. Kia kaha
The usual dum ass tactics one behind me and one car driving slowly to try and make me speed or break the road rules Ana to kai
Drive safe Mātua
These dicks heads are trying to make out Iv got a mental problem. The only people with a mental problem is these neo liberals that think it’s OK to use the whole system to try and suppress me and justify it with a smear campaign against ECO Maori They are just like there national masters Ana to kai
Sub-optimal or untended consequences – but hey that’s only treasury’s view.
Will be interesting to see what happens.
Back to your daily smart comment, I see.
Yes James as a real joker isn’t he.
His role is simply to divert us from our role to advise the new government as to what we see as the best way forward.
Simply responding to a dead headed “hollow man” is simply a waste of our time,- he should be ignored as he does not contribute any single point of any value to the country or our ‘wellbeing’.
Just a clown.
Care to list the unintended consequences?
I read that article, twice in fact, and couldn’t see any reference to unintended consequences. There was a lot of guff about the implementation an operational procedures but that’s it.
If you’re referring to the ban to having much of an effect right now then that has been discussed at length, David Parker saying that this policy is required in readiness for the next wave of corrupt and/or cheap capital flooding in from overseas distorting our housing market.
Does anyone give a flying fuck that there’s not enough time to educate real estate agents?
They have had it as good as it as it’s ever been, all the way to the bank.
No one needs to educate them that the party’s over.
That would be Treasury’s ideology trumping the evidence.
Somebody should ask them how their ‘fundamentals’ are ‘on the back of’ the change in government. Or maybe they’d just refer the question to Craigs Investment Partners (going forward)
How was the big kick-ass BBQ James ?
I think he said it was going to be full of porkies.
And cows. Don’t forget the cow.
That you murdered.
Of course, you’re stuffed if turnips turn out to be sentient.
Have you researched this topic or are you part of the smart arsed group who has opinion and NO knowledge?
Here is some learning for you.
The China Study
Health issues and eating meat
Enivonmental issues related to eating meat
Animal cruelty issues
What have health consequences got to do with whether killing a cow is murder?
But plants might be sentient. The first form of thoroughly alien life we make contact with might be the humble garden brassica..
Read the China Study.
Dude, I drink, don’t exercise, and the only thing stopping me from smoking is the money. Nutritional advice is not going to get me to eat fucking tofu, lentils, or chickpeas.
And again, if you think animals are being murdered, why do you think that plants aren’t?
Have you considered or researched the environmental impact of near eating?
Have you investigated the issue of the torture and cruel killing of animals?
Have you watched Earthlings?
Have you been to restaurants with good vegan dishes?
Do you own a vegan cookbook?
Yes, but I really like steak.
No, that’s uip to the SPCA and various regulatory bodies.
One or two in particular.
Yes, they served salad.
Why the fuck would I. If I do, it would have been a joke xmas gift from some wag.
Are you avoiding the question because it’s too difficult?
Because vegetarian meals are actually very nice.
You don’t have to be vegetarian to enjoy them.
I have actually had vegetarian, even vegan, meals. Frankly, they’ve been very hit and miss, even when prepared by people who swear that vegetarian food is perfectly fine. They usually miss a dimension of texture and flavour, especially vegan food. Sure, I might have a day or several without meat, but it always calls me back.
Besides, if I want to go all out and prepare a meal from a recipe, it’ll be a fucking awesome meal. That usually involves some manner of animal.
Not LOL for the animals though.
Be open minded and help the animals.
Had murdered. I don’t know how to butcher a cow.
I’ve personally murdered sheep however for spits.
If it was an older sheep, it would be for spits and gristles…
And you brag about it.
I have no issue admitting I’ve killed a few sheep. It’s not bragging – it’s pretty normal in a lot of NZ.
I’ve also killed 00’s of fish – I guess you arnt happy with that either.
Oh and I ran over a opposum over the weekend – but I didn’t eat that.
What about the bacteria that died when you stopped eating cheese? Will you judge the worms that eat you too?
There are plenty of good reasons to eat well, and none of them involve judging other people.
Have you watched Earthlings?
I suggest you do before forming such strong opinions.
Reasons for eating well don’t include I like meat.
Otherwise, why don’t you eat dogs or cats?
‘Eating well’ – does that mean eating something that is a known carcinogen, pumped full of antibiotics, that significantly increases your chances of heart disease?
Are you aware of the main issues here or are you going to continually revert to nonsensical points?
Prior to your substantial edit: Every day of my life.
What “strong opinions”? I am wary of judgement in this context because killing and eating something is nothing if not a judgement. Whatever I eat, something dies. I’m not about to judge anyone else’s choices.
I recommend you read the Tao te Ching, and pick a few different translations too. I’m familiar with the concepts in Earthlings.
Actually, liking something is a reason for doing it. It’s actually the primary reason for doing most things.
As for dogs and cats, always been vaguely curious. Our culture’s prediliction for anthropomorphic projection tends to keep them off the shelves, though.
Was a great day thanks North. Family and friends had a great time.
The cow and pigs didn’t.
In fairness they were dead – so were indifferent to the event.
It doesn’t take much effort to get the children scampering after your bouncy ball does it jimbo. How’s your stool today. Not too clogged with meat I hope.
You may not have killed the cow, but you paid the money for the hitman to do the job.
Yep. I also paid him to cut it up into delicious servings.
So the unintended consequences are from ‘implementation risks’, which boil down to possible delays in the processing of OIO requests. That’s a real economy killer, they need to halt immediately!
They’re clutching at straws there, Herald bosses must be getting worried about the loss of real estate advertising revenue.
I had another RWNJ on another forum explain to me Treasury can’t list the actual unintended consequences because they won’t have time. So it seems Treasury is just indulging in a bit of maybe this, maybe that.
The main one I can think of is:
I buy an house in an established suburb- knock the house down – and hey presto-land I can sell to the next overseas buyer.
It needs to be land that does not have nor has had in the last 80 years a dwelling on it- or bare land that has been subdivided in the last XX years within an urban boundary ( or some similar measure.)
Also permanent residents that get OIA approval should have to remain resident here for 183/365 days or have to on sell the property within X number of years.
And current overseas owners of such property have X number of years to dispose of the property (or meet the local tests).
While Treasury itself wasn’t clear at all on this I think what they, being the Nats and their soul-less supporters are getting at is some parts of the CTPTPP might be slightly more difficult for exporters in the final wash up.
I don’t think the foreign buyer screening/ban will make much difference to tariff negotiations on this deal and in fact this deal is moving all over the place anyway and may not come about at all.
Even if our new stance on protecting NZ residential property from surging corrupt and/or cheap capital from overseas did result in small percentage reductions in tariff relief for exporters I think it’s a price well worth paying in the long run.
This Treasury you mean???
“”I’m telling you it’s a load of nonsense, because they can’t get predictions in 44 days right, let alone in 44 years.” John Key on Treasury
Who did you believe then James, Key or Treasury?
2 more consequences of neoliberalism.
#1 The commercialisation of childhood.
‘Childcare workers speak out against ‘factory farming’ of children.’
‘More than a quarter of childcare centre workers say they would not place their own children in the centres they work in, with some calling them “akin to factory farming of children”.
A new survey of 900 early childhood teachers by the lobby group Child Forum shows 27 per cent would not enrol their own children at the service they work in.’
#2 Drug abuse
‘Binge drinking still a ‘significant burden’ on strained EDs’
‘A survey by the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine (ACEM) surveyed 117 EDs across Australia and New Zealand, asking how many patients were there because of alcohol.
Across the 17 New Zealand EDs this year’s survey, found about one in eight patients were there because of alcohol’
RE Drink and EDS
Allow CHARGing the cost of treatment and administration back to the alcohol industry.
Alcohol consumption has fallen significantly since neoliberalism was introduced 30 years ago. Unlike you, I’m not going to turn those unrelated facts into a correlation=causation error.
I referred to drug abuse.
Alcohol is but 1 drug in New Zealand.
Overall drug use ( including alcohol) is way up on the 1970s.
cite pls
If you have the link to that I’d like it. It is counterfactual to me so I’m really confused. Surely it would be up with supermarkets having it, dairies having it? Perhaps everyone has gone to coffee instead, the bar they go to is the barista?
And the growth in numbers of children in professional childcare isn’t a feature of neo-liberalism, it’s the opposite. The poor quality of some private-sector childcare facilities is a feature of capitalism, not neo-liberalism.
Neoliberalism is an extreme form of capitalism.
How so? Can you explain?
Google is your friend.
It’s this type of reporting and headline which rankles with me.
Meuller unlawfully obtained emails…
Its crap! He did nothing of the sort. The emails were “lawfully” passed on to him by the GSA.
While they mention the Trump transition team have made the claim, the inference is: that it’s true.
Granny repeating the spin and not doing any fact checking…..this media games a doddle with all these repeaters around smearing on behalf of the originators of the BS.
Looking to update our home library over Christmas. Does anyone have any suggestions for good additions re: NZ history?
No home should be without a copy of the Late great Michael King’s ‘History of NZ”
so if you don’t already have it, then a compulsory acquisition! A great loss to NZ as an historian; this was the very readable and engaging book that finally taught me what our education system never bothered with or glossed over/sanitised.
Happy book updating
+1 very easy reading and always sad when creatives pass on with creativity left within them.
An eye opener for some and I’d agree with kay regards it’s compulsory nature as it’s essential reading IMO.
Well said, Anne.
I have read it twice and anticipate doing so again.
I enjoyed biography of Fintan Patrick Walsh (black prince by
Graeme hunt), and John A. Lee autobiography
Also the sugarbag years by Tony Simpson.
Into the Wider World by Brian Turner – a collection of new and old writing about our wild places and what we are losing. Modern conservation history!
I was also going to say Michael King’s History of New Zealand but Kay beat me to it.
The Jack Lee books on the Hokianga and the Bay of Islands. Fascinating especially for one living in the mid-North amongst descendants of those figuring in the histories.
And complement these with Kendrick Smityhman’s astonishing and beautifully opaque epic of 296 poems, ‘Atua Wera’.
Heaven would be sitting in the Boatshed café in Rawene (before the sun gets too high and hot) reading Smithyman:
“Travellers wheeling down from the Forest
into Waimamaku’s valley floor may
overtake him….
He is least
expected as darkness sets in
Along the shortcut between Waiotemarama and Pakanae…”
Chris Trotter No Left Turn
Yes – Gavin Bishop’s Aotearoa – it’s a beautifully illustrated NZ history book for children (from around about 10-12 I would say) – an absolute treasure
Oh, and ‘Tu’ and ‘Ned and Katina’ by Patricia Grace.
And Pakeha Maori by Bruce Bentley
Ask that Mountain by Dick Scott. I got really angry when I read this as I had grown up in Taranaki and never was told/taught a thing about Parihaka. I agree about the Patricia Grace ones.
letters from the bay of Islands – Marianne Williams – letters from an early missionarie’s wife to her relatives
Thanks to everyone who kindly offered book titles and authors.
Already had a few, but will look into the rest. A couple of reminders of books that were already on my list – but not previously on my budget. Will enjoy either buying or borrowing some of these recommendations.
Ngaa mihi.
I think that Bruce Jesson and Bill Sutch have been very important warriors for NZ and have a number of publications, and there is Man Alone by John Mulgan, The Making of a New Zealander by Alan Mulgan, and Jock Phillips A Mans Country which reading today might give us a line on today’s defective thinking.
And Lady Barker about her time in NZ, and Guide Maggie Papakura who left NZ, married in England, and ended up dying there. Ettie Rout, and Maire Leadbetter, Florence Harsant ‘They called me Te Maari’. The story around losing the Huia and Buller’s role in this, and about saving the kakapo and one being called Richard Henry.
The Spinoff have a great article on the history of collusion between the Nats and the Aussie Liberals at present. There’s a big focus on the role of Crosby-Textor and the stinging final line, “National and the Liberals may be outraged now that Labour is allegedly interfering in Australian politics, but as the last two decades have shown, they’ve never had a problem with it before – as long as that meddling is limited to here, and for National’s benefit.“
Thanks for the tip.
You’ve linked to a different article at Spinoff.
Should be this link.
Well, how the hell did that happen? I guess I didn’t copy the address and already had one preloaded. Thanks for the correction.
“…Brash and Steven Joyce, the party’s campaign manager at the time, understandably lied to the press about the extent of the strategists’ involvement in their campaign at the time. Still, rumours persisted, partly because of National’s particularly racially tinged campaign that year, and would not be confirmed until the release of Hager’s book a year later.”
“In 2007, it came out that National had put nearly $90,000 of taxpayer money toward a Liberal Party-controlled company, Parakeelia Pty, for the use of software that tracked voters’ views for electoral campaigns. The company’s director? Lynton Crosby.”
“the party confirmed to Newshub they were using its services again in 2017. The news was little surprise to media commentators who noted that Joyce’s now infamous $11.7 billion hole claim was a vintage Crosby Textor tactic. “
How low can you go. 2.35 min vid
Thanks Adam.
It led me to this other RT clip: Money as debt – my description
Which supports what Greywarshark has said a number of times (if I understand it correctly) – that sovereign states like us (kind of) can create money as we need it. But instead we borrow it to make a small, select number of people much richer.
Liars of Our Time
Weedy little Hollywood nerd James Cameron reckons he stood up to Harvey Weinstein in 1998….
Note the crucial qualifier: “almost”.
Last week we were subjected to the pathetic spectacle of “Sir” Peter Jackson confessing that he had obeyed Harvey Weinstein’s diktats and not hired women that Weinstein was persecuting.
Now we have another of Weinstein’s former minions talking tough. James Cameron went along unquestioningly with the Hollywood persecution of Kim Dotcom, in which Weinstein was one of the louder and more obnoxious key figures. Whenever he got a chance, Cameron automatically parroted the talking points of his Hollywood paymasters and the Obama administration. He was, and is, the very model of the pliable and unquestioning creature that thrives in corrupt and oppressive hierarchies like the film business.
A tough or independent guy he is not. But now, after Weinstein’s disgrace, Cameron asserts that he “almost” got into a fight with the infamous producer/would-be seducer in 1998.
As a real Hollywood tough guy, Marion Morrison, would have said if he’d lived to hear Cameron’s big talk: “That’ll be the day.”
More Liars….
What is happening ??
After trying to refuel in Ellerslie today and finding that the local station is out of all fuel,
this last week
Are we still a leading 1st world country ?
Little 1st world problems like this (water quality etc), just reinforce how close we travel to the edge.
Are we still a leading 1st world country ?
After nine years of the Nasty Party, No.
Of more concern are our stats on inequality, poverty, imprisonment , drug use, …..
It is not until we are personally affected will we take notice
Be it the school our children attend are having teacher shortages, we cannot be given adequate medical attention e.g. waiting lists, National are voted out (Mike H misses out on important govt invitations !!!)
If you tolerate this …
Pipeline problems I believe. They are trucking it from Marsden pt. I think it was something to do with a digger digging for Kauri gum.
Nip over to Gull in Ti Rakau Drive – I had no problem filling at the self-service station this afternoon.
That just seems to be the continuing infrastructure breakdown caused by digger.
Nope. We’ve pretty much been going backwards ever since Roger Douglass promised that, after a little bit of pain, we’d all be rich.
Well, 30 years later and the pain is still there for most of us. It’s got worse for many but a few are doing really well – they just so happen to be the reason why the rest of us are worse off.
Pessimists guide to 2018, from the Bloomberg analysts, done as a series of provocations:
I wanted it darker.
“What’s brought the PRINCE and the PRESIDENT together?”
Body counts? Obama wins that. Cocaine snorted, on the other hand….
Monday 18 December 2017, 5:31 p.m.
Teaser for tonight’s main news bulletin on TVNZ 1. Barack Obama and Prince “Shepherd Killer” Harry are seated at a table. Both of them are smiling. After three or four seconds, a beaming Thunderbird puppet appears on screen and enthuses…
SIMON DALLOW: What’s brought the PRINCE and the PRESIDENT together? See you soon at six!
Desperate for more Dallow?…
See what happens when you fight back?
JA has more balls than Key and Bingles put together.
Great news.
More great news.
‘Parliament’s cleaners to get living wage
All cleaners and caterers at Parliament will be paid the living wage by 2020.
Speaker Trevor Mallard with parliamentary cleaner Eseta AilaoaSpeaker Trevor Mallard with parliamentary cleaner Eseta Ailaoa Photo: RNZ / Benedict Collins
Parliament’s Speaker, Trevor Mallard, announced the initiative today.
Mr Mallard said the cleaning and catering contracts at Parliament came up for renegotiation shortly after the new government was elected, and that allowed the living wage to be introduced.
While that would be a significant payrise for some workers, it still would not be a comfortable wage, he said.
The wage rise will come in for caterers from 1 July 2019, while cleaners will be on the living wage by the end of 2019.’
Sad news.
Auckland City Mission’s Christmas Appeal needs donations as numbers surge.
‘Women are the face of poverty – and this becomes all too apparent in the line for food parcels and gifts outside Auckland City Mission.
The charity has had overwhelming numbers of people seeking emergency help this Christmas with hundreds lining the streets – some since midnight – as the festive season draws near and puts pressure on those who can barely put food on the table.
City Missioner Chris Farrelly estimated that by the end of this week they would have assisted 4000 people – and 80 per cent or 3200 of those would be women.
“Women carry the burden of poverty in New Zealand, disproportionately to anyone else. They make huge sacrifices for children.
“Many of the people who have come to the City Mission this Christmas are women bringing up their children, and other people’s children, on their own.”
Still nothing to worry about for some.
James and his friends pigged themselves on a huge cow at a bbq yesterday. He’s alright and so are his friends and he likes to brag about his gluttony and wealth.
some eat meat, others don’t. Do not use women to personally attack someone for his/her food choices. Humans luckily are omnivores and not everyone can subsist on a diet made only of vegetables.
also, don’t make me defend james again.
and yes, women have been the poorest together with their children in any society, and any society has no issues with it. See NZ and its treatment of women who depend on Winz, or women who earn less then their male counterparts, or women who have to stop working for child care, elder care, sick care, and who are thus deprived of savings opportunities (Kiwi Saver comes to mind), career opportunities etc. Society to a large part depends on the unpaid, undervalued work women provide.
What else is new?
Food Banks have been under pressure all year – and the demand is now reaching a peak, as it always does at this time of year. However this year we expect there to be even more demand than ever before. There have been a number of job losses in our town and it’s not going to be a good Christmas for many. There has been a good response for donations from the library (pay fines in food) – the supermarket – the churches – and the public. But things shouldn’t be like this.
One of our main businesses in the town hosts a Xmas Dinner for all who wish to partake – “A Place at the Table” around 200 people attend each year.
Someone should point out to Elon Musk that this is communism:
Imagine that…..
We there you go they have no morels I was advised by the health helpline to go to the hospital I was there for 3 hours and got 2 panadol I informed them that I had to leave at 11.10 pm no doctor so I just walked out of the hospital at 11.10 pm ECO knows when he is being played the cops have been trying to antagonise all the time. They think I’m stupid there problem is they think I have the same dum ass though process as themselves but sorry ECOs thought process is far superior and humane and they don’t get it Ana to kai
To get this one, you have to be reasonably up on Game of Thrones, libertarian theory, and US federal politics:
The Rotorua hospital was not packed out and I no the cops got the staff to stall to try and antagonise me the idiots are just like dick smith national mp from Nelson no respect kai kaha