Written By:
Anthony R0bins - Date published:
12:47 am, June 26th, 2017 - 21 comments
Categories: bill english, election 2017, national, useless -
Tags: #debarclay, #dirtypolitics, billshit, conference, coverup, incompetence, nine long years, out of ideas, policy, Todd Barclay
National’s conference was supposed to be a tour de force, setting them up for the home stretch to the election. But where was the policy? Where were the new ideas? Where was the vision?
The only hint of a whiff of a suggestion of an idea was – wait for it – tax cuts! That will surely eliminate poverty, fix housing and the environment, and turn this country around! Completely vague and un-costed of course, the sort of thing that would be a political massacre if Labour said it.
Echoing in the policy vacuum, the media was dominated by the national #debarclay. In a masterclass of political incompetence Bill English changed his story on the tapes again, and again. He was interviewed by Corin Dann on Q&A (“I said what was in my mind at the time” – wtf?) and Patrick Gower on the Nation, not about conference achievements, but about his complicity and his ever-changing story. The Billshitting PM and the party machine, they’re in it deep. It all looks as shifty as hell, because it is.
This recently on top of Alfred Ngaro’s naked threats to political opponents and Nicky Wagner’s insults to the disabled, and institutionally on top of dirty politics.
Here is National standing exposed. Time to change the government.
'Out of ideas, out of steam, an empty vessel' – Andrew Little trashes PM's keynote speech: https://t.co/sBcJbvwVPa pic.twitter.com/fHGuP17Kmz
— 1News (@1NewsNZ) June 25, 2017
Update: Hilary Barry interviews English this morning – extraordinary
When you don’t have any policy and you don’t actually do anything it is difficult for the Opposition to criticize you, a safe pair of hands, sound management of the NZ Economy is all the sleepy hobbits and the sheep in NZ need to hear.
Some will prick their ears up when they hear tax cuts and improved wage rates.
Repeating strong and stable didn’t work for the Maybot. It is risky for Billshit to operate a similar strategy.
Such strategy is all the Tories around the world have. And even then it’s nothing but lies.
“Billshit” – ok – that was funny.
I don’t claim it as original, have seen it about.
No it’s not funny – it’s pathetic really. All English can offer is “tax cuts” which really means – continued transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. Tax cuts can only come at the continued expense of cuts to Government services such as mental health, education, social housing, and social welfare generally.
Now I know you are rubbing your greedy little paws at the prospect of more income in your pocket from paying less tax, but just remember that that comes at the expense of others less fortunate than yourself.
My concern is not their stated policy, always vague and impossible to nail down, it’s the policy they hide.
Did we foresee TVNZ’s land and buildings being given to SkyCity for a “convention centre”?
Did they tell us that there were plans to set us up as a tax haven?
What about their immigration policy to flood NZ with cheap labour, do not recall that one being canvassed with the voters!
Despite a much heralded promise to boost police numbers in South Auckland, they set about slashing the polices budget shrinking staff numbers practically everywhere else. Little wonder why small business owners have set up protest marches, such is the vacuum of police and the rise of serious crime!
Look at their 2008 Ultra Fast Broadband Internet programme. Kind of lost in a world of profit for Sparks spin off Chorus, slow to non existent as to when if ever this option will ever be available.
And apart from Paula having a crush on Bill, for fuck sake, did anything come out of this National Party/organized crime meeting?
+100. They deliberately are light on policy because of the reasons you state.
Voters who support a “brighter future” might have a hard time ticking National if they knew how that was going to be enacted.
Well Molly we tried to warn them about the “brighter future” bullshit when it was first mooted. It was obvious before Key was elected that their meme was only for the rich.
John Banks said it well when he said he couldn’t wear his policies on his sleeve else he wouldn’t get elected.
The same applies to National.
“Look at their 2008 Ultra Fast Broadband Internet programme. Kind of lost in a world of profit for Sparks spin off Chorus, slow to non existent as to when if ever this option will ever be available.”
Having just had the miracle of fibre supplied to my property, all I can say is I am underwhelmed while paying more. Download speeds no faster than my old DSL copper and still getting choppy/buffering youtube.
Monumental waste of time and money, while at the same time screwing over the hard working techs who do the install.
Fibre is great, issue is your retailer or the southern cross infrastructure everyone gets handed over to.
Spark/chorus being the common denominator / weakest link.
No clear policies, or direction. Obviously Natz is a sinking ship of drowning rats! No doubt waiting for Labour to announce some new policies, that they can grab and claim as their own! Natz excels at theft!
Was Natz new knight of the realm and master of the dark arts at the conference? Or did he stay away, in case he be questioned about the deBarclay? He’s up to his eyebrows in the muck, as much as Barclay and English are and needs to account for his part!
I have wondered this as well mary_a. Why has this new Knight of the Realm suddenly disappeared and not been showing his face around the glitterati like he does so well. The current PM has thrown his youngin’ under a bus, why doesn’t he finger his ex-boss and ask the media to flush him out for a bit of enlightenment of this disgraceful state of affairs. Ol” Telfon sure has it in spades for the dark arts and getting away with it – shades of House of Cards!!
Must be about time for another Nicky Hager book flop.
Last time it was a left wing conspiracy theorist. This time the entire media is a left wing conspiracy theorist, in fact probably most of the Southland branch of National is a left wing conspiracy theorist currently.
na its barclay , it’s been a 10 year undercover op to get him in that deep
It will take a whole lot more than this to disturb our parliamentary trajectory.
Bill English would need to be caught with children in his basement to lose.
Labour and Greens are in need of a miracle.
Best quote Bill English, “Slavelabour just want to take a break , yet they have done nothing for 9 years and have not even started”
It seem labour strategy is “it’s our turn baa waa waa” , that ain’t going to cut it
At the weekend we had the conference of one of the leading proponents of dumbing down New Zealand. It is appropriate then we look at the process of doing so (and National’s role in it).