Posts Tagged ‘john minto’

(Un)affordable rents in Berm City

Written By: - Date published: 10:04 am, October 3rd, 2013 - 43 comments

Central Auckland, gated city candidates get cosy about their grass verges. The west has a crisis in affordable rents & homelessness. Labour & Nats housing policies bow to the middle class home ownership agenda.  Greens & Mana look to state & council housing.

Housing: the options, the new left narrative?

Written By: - Date published: 11:07 am, September 13th, 2013 - 75 comments

The response to Metiria Turei’s sttements about affordable housing on The Vote, raises questions about political narratives are told to the general electorate? The Greens, Mana and Cunliffe have stressed their “vision“.  How to tell it so it reaches the hearts of New Zealanders?

Political vision?

Written By: - Date published: 9:27 am, May 3rd, 2013 - 61 comments

Today’s NZ Herald editorial on Auckland’s up-coming mayoral election campaign, says Brown has vision, but Minto and Williamson lack it. What sort of vision should the left provide in the up-coming local authority elections around NZ, and in NZ’s parliamentary elections in 2014?

Advocacy activism in precarious times

Written By: - Date published: 5:31 pm, December 11th, 2012 - 25 comments

In these troubling times, it was uplifting to see the flax-roots, practical and collaborative action at the Onehunga Recession Busting rally for beneficiaries today.  Volunteers in front of the WINZ office in Onehunga Mall, are giving support and assistance to those most in need.

Musings on Mana

Written By: - Date published: 10:49 am, December 7th, 2011 - 22 comments

David Small offers his views on offers his views on the Mana party effects on left politics in NZ.

Where to now for progressive electoral politics in Aotearoa?

Mana vs. Maori

Written By: - Date published: 7:34 am, August 7th, 2011 - 49 comments

Like the American debt limit deal, I always thought that Mana and Maori would find some kind of bloody compromise at the eleventh hour.  But they’ve passed the point of no return now.

Mana up and running

Written By: - Date published: 10:21 am, May 2nd, 2011 - 37 comments

The Mana Party already have a great website that suggests someone who knows what they’re doing is looking after the communications. Well worth taking a quick look.

Same old faces, same old tactics

Written By: - Date published: 2:06 pm, January 23rd, 2008 - 251 comments

Well it looks like Free Speech Coalition founder Cameron Slater has taken a break from stalking John Minto and photoshopping underage bloggers’ faces onto porn and decided to finally publish the Coalition’s updated donors list (and only a month after he said he would). Interestingly, a “P Shirtcliffe” is listed as having donated $5000. Now […]