US presidential campaign heats up along with the hurricanes

Written By: - Date published: 4:00 pm, September 12th, 2017 - 9 comments
Categories: climate change, humour, International, parody, Satire, science, us politics - Tags: , , , ,

The first contender challenger has declared, albeit so far in a humorous manner.

Former Mexican president Vicente Fox nails this faux US presidential campaign ad doing what he does best – poking fun at Trump. However there appear to be several campaigns on the republican side looking forward to the primaries in 2019/20

It really has been a bad week for Trump. He wound up having to wedge his house Republican majority by entering in an agreement with house Democrats to pass a change to the debt ceiling and to pay for the cleanup for hurricane Harvey. This left his republican conservatives “freedom caucus” furious with him and voting against it.

It probably also strengthened the republican congress by making them finally break from trying to reach a agreement between themselves. They may now be able to start passing significiant legislation.

Meanwhile the extreme weather hitting republican controlled states is kicking off a debate that the lead anti-science Trump appointee; Scott Pruitt the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency is finding difficult to discuss. “Hurricane Irma Linked to Climate Change? For Some, a Very ‘Insensitive’ Question“.  It isn’t the frequency of the hurricanes this season that is causing him embarrassment. It is that most of them are far bigger, more intense, and last longer than has been the historical averages. Driven by the increasing energy levels in the Atlantic and Caribbean waters there has been trend over the last decade of rising risks well above the increased population density issues at probable landfalls.

WASHINGTON — Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, says it is insensitive to discuss climate change in the midst of deadly storms.

Tomás Regalado, the Republican mayor of Miami whose citizens raced to evacuate before Hurricane Irma, says if not now, when?

“This is the time to talk about climate change. This is the time that the president and the E.P.A. and whoever makes decisions needs to talk about climate change,” Mr. Regalado told the Miami Herald. “If this isn’t climate change, I don’t know what is. This is a truly, truly poster child for what is to come.”

For scientists, drawing links between warming global temperatures and the ferocity of hurricanes is about as controversial as talking about geology after an earthquake. But in Washington, where science is increasingly political, the fact that oceans and atmosphere are warming and that the heat is propelling storms into superstorms has become as sensitive as talking about gun control in the wake of a mass shooting.

“To have any kind of focus on the cause and effect of the storm versus helping people, or actually facing the effect of the storm, is misplaced,” Mr. Pruitt said to CNN in an interview ahead of Hurricane Irma, echoing similar sentiments he made when Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas two weeks earlier. “To use time and effort to address it at this point is very, very insensitive to this people in Florida,” he added.

You can understand why he doesn’t like to talk about the two massive hurricanes that have so far landed in the US, or hurricane Jose that appears to be heading there now. In my view Scott Pruitt appears to be a wholly owned servant of his donors and especially the oil industry. His mission at the EPA has been to try to curtail its activities. Hardly surprising considering his previous record with the EPA.

But Hurricane Irma is one big hurricane

9 comments on “US presidential campaign heats up along with the hurricanes ”

  1. One Anonymous Bloke 1

    making them finally break from trying to reach a agreement between themselves

    That would be a sea-change. Whether it ends well is another thing entirely.

  2. Andre 2

    Ahem. The second contender, not the first. The rotting leftover halloween pumpkin filed the paperwork for his 2020 campaign with the FTC on his inauguration day. All the better to spend campaign donations on events at his various premises.,_2020

  3. greywarshark 3

    Could be like a Brewsters Millions sequel! Lot of money and someone who has been told there are no limits.

    Brewster stands for political choice including voting for None of the Above. The more he warns the public about how politicians are corrupt, the more they like his straight-up style. He can’t put them off, they like him the more he says.
    ‘Only an idiot would vote for me.’ ‘Don’t send me your money. You’re going to need it after this next election,’ he says.