Open mike 02/05/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, May 2nd, 2024 - 80 comments
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80 comments on “Open mike 02/05/2024 ”

  1. Jimmy 1

    Another Greens MP seems to have lost the plot. Which one's next?

    Perhaps we never gave Shaw enough credit for keeping them all on a short lead.

    Green MP Julie Anne Genter apologises after confrontation with Minister Matt Doocey, could face further action – NZ Herald

    • SPC 1.1

      Thanks for the "crickets". Shaw the best of them. Not the same without Norman. Now Fitzsimmons and Donald were real Greens … . Bring back Nandor.

      I wonder why she thought that a Minister had a lack of basic knowledge of their portfolio?

      • Jimmy 1.1.1

        There is no excuse for any MP to behave like that in Parliament no matter how heated the debate gets.

    • Cricklewood 1.2

      Thats ugly, needs to be sanctioned accordingly as a deterent.

    • Mike the Lefty 1.3

      Wow! Waving papers in front of someones face is SO threatening. Dooley was clearly afraid for his life. No mention of when National's Muldoon used to brandish his fist in front of Labour members' faces. Silly thing to do by an experienced MP but a good excuse for a National Party sympathy campaign based on bs and hypocrisy.

      • James Simpson 1.3.1

        Getting out of your seat in the middle of a debate and confronting someone face to face to argue the point is the issue.

        If that was permitted then parliament would turn into a circus (if it isn't one already).

        Is it really that difficult for our MPs to simply sit there, listen, and wait for their turn to speak? Other than primary school what kind or work place allows for the kind of childish tantrum throwing that goes on in parliament.

      • Jimmy 1.3.2

        Just imagine if a male National MP had crossed the floor and waved papers in the face of JAG or any other female Green or Labour MP. I bet that would of upset you.
        Muldoon is going back a bit in time! What about Mallard and actual punch ups if you want to bring up incidents from decades ago.

        • Mike the Lefty

          I've met Genter, she doesn't come across as someone you'd be scared of getting a beating from. Just another excuse for you to Green bash Jimmy and thats all. Hope you are as proactive when Shane Jones next threatens someone.

          • weka

            the problem is the precedent it sets.

          • Jimmy

            I've met Sam Uffindell briefly. He also doesn't come across as someone you'd be scared of getting a beating from.

            • Drowsy M. Kram

              Uffindell? Wooden, I reckon.

              He also doesn’t come across as someone you’d be scared of getting a beating from.

              Maybe if you'd had the opportunity to get to know him better smiley

              • Jimmy

                I never got to meet him when he was sixteen. Could have been interesting as I was younger back then too.

                • Drowsy M. Kram

                  I was younger back then

                  Weren't we all, Jimmy, weren't we all.

              • Tiger Mountain

                Heh, that would be Sam-“hey it’s still early in the night…let’s go out clubbing!!…

      • weka 1.3.3

        it was fucking stupid from an experienced MP not least* because of the politicking that follows. The only excuse I can think of is that she was having a bad day, and I bet the reactionary right knows exactly what to do with that.

        *it's also bizarre. Afaik this is way outside of normal behaviour in the House. I don't care what Muldoon did, I care what left MPs do and how they set the tone and expectations.

      • Anne 1.3.4

        Mike the Lefty @ 1.3

        What about the occasion John Key made a cut throat gesture to Phil Goff. Goff had done nothing, Just sitting quietly in his seat. A prime minister n'all too!

        Disgusting behaviour. I'd have a few pages waved in my face any day.smiley

        Edit: caught on camera too.

    • That_guy 1.4

      It was stupid from such an experienced MP and she faced the consequences.

      Gonna be real honest and say that I think she is by far the person who has the most experience and vision on urban planning, transport and design, and is probably the only person in parliament who would understand the question "how can we design cities to facilitate a play-based childhood".

      Matt Doocey's claim to fame is some good cross-party work on mental health and that he worked for the disgraced Tavistock. On the issue of transport, urban planning and design, he should defer to his betters.

      She probably just lost it and wanted to shove some facts in his face. I don't approve, but I do understand.

      Honestly, I’d like to get into parliament and shake the Cass report in Doocey’s face. And then I would turn around and shake the Cass report in the face of the entire Green Party, and also every other party.

      • weka 1.4.1

        lol, same.

        Genter is an asset for parliament and the Greens. People using this as a reason to diss her generally are just politicking.

      • Traveller 1.4.2

        I've heard from others that Doocey was involved with Tavistock, but I haven't been able to find anything to confirm it. Do you have a link to confirm?

    • AB 1.5

      Rage is a rational response to clowns of all stripes and their fact-free reckons, particularly if you are someone who actually knows something about a topic and you suspect that their idiocy is driven by malice.

      But the behaviour can't be excused – both because Parliament requires proper behaviour to function, and because every politician who is at all left of what constitutes the notional centre of the day, will be beaten up and dragged through the dirt for an extended period of time for this sort of thing.

    • Jilly Bee 1.6

      Whilst not condoning what Julie Anne Genter did in Parliament yesterday, (though I would be curious to know what brought it on – what Matt Doocey may have done/said to her), it's not exactly unknown for National MPs to act in a similar fashion. I reckon JAG's actions were pretty mild in comparison to Tim van de Molen's threatening outburst to Shanan Halbert.

      • Belladonna 1.6.1

        Difference is that Van de Molen didn't exhibit his bad behaviour in the House, in front of the cameras.

        Outstandingly stupid of Genter – and I do expect better of her.

  2. Sanctuary 2

    Watching an ethno-nationalist Jewish mob (self-identified themselves as such) attacking the pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA rmade me think the US authorities had downloaded yet another Israeli tactic of oppression. Mobs of murderous Jewish settlers rampaging through Palestinian settlements while the IDF looks on benignly is routine there.

    No wonder the mob at UCLA felt they could act with total immunity, its been happening on the West Bank while the USA provided the weapons to do it for decades.

    • Bearded Git 2.1

      +100 Sanc

    • AB 2.2

      There's a theory that the tactics employed in the colonies eventually make their way back to the heart of empire – as though they were just a dress-rehearsal. That may partly explain the apparent contradiction of why the anti-Semitic far-right in the US so love Israel – they just like the cut of their jib and how they go about doing the things necessary to make [insert name of country here] great again.

      • Sanctuary 2.2.1

        The mind boggling thing is this extreme police violence has been triggered by middle class kids being idealists. The signal to police & mob violence is clearly coming from university administrators – something that reveals the fault lines between elite institution students, who are largely motivated by youthful idealism, and the colonisation of university administration by authoritarian neoliberal managers. It perhaps explains the deep trouble so many universities are in at the moment in the USA, where a predatory approach to student fees has seen enrollments plumet (according to Ted Goia, elite tertiary educational institutions are going under at the rate of one every week at the moment). The idea that university authorities should order riot police to attack their own students on campus, or that the university security should stand by while an out of control mob attacked students on their campus, is outrageous to the extreme.

        God only knows how unhinged the police reaction would be if Huey P Newton and 100 Black Panthers were on hand to fight back!

    • Subliminal 2.3

      Well put Sanctuary.

      It used to be that these types of provocations were hidden but we now get to see the violence directed at protest that fundamentally affects power. As well as this, video exists of the same type of Israel flag wavers, in direct confontation with Palestinian supporters, shouting "kill the Jews" in order to get the Palestine supporters arrested. We need to be aware of these old tried and true tactics.

      It was students that raised the US out of the moral morass that was the Vietnam war. It may be that they can do it again for Palestine.

  3. Ffloyd 3

    What on earth is Sir Jinx Key doing in Parliament? Front and centre! Rallying the troops? It didn’t work before so I don’t see his appearance being of any use now. T-Shirts! Pop ups in parliament! Just to prop up that Lummox Luxon. Reeks of desperation. So very sad for the dynamic dick,… not really… but . I feel a big positive spin for the COC coming on from compliant media. I wonder who will be first up.

  4. weka 4

    Anyone want to have a crack at explaining what James Shaw's new job is?

    Shortly after his speech wrapped up, it was revealed Shaw would join global infrastructure management company Morrison from July, and take on a director role at new investment management company Greenbridge Capital Management.

    He is also joining Air New Zealand's Sustainability Advisory Panel and the board of the World Wide Fund for Nature New Zealand.

    In his speech, Shaw said he was setting himself a five-year mission to reduce or remove 150 million tonnes of climate pollution from global emissions by 2030 (which is also New Zealand's Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement).

    • SPC 4.1

      Morrison's owns infrastructure companies such as Infratil.

      And a Public Infrastructure Partnership Fund (PIP Fund)

      He will be an operating partner – in a role “focused on driving the next generation of investment".

      • weka 4.1.1

        sure, but I don't know what any of that means.

      • Ad 4.1.2

        That's a natural step for Shaw. And a strong signal from HRL Morrisons that the sustainability investor truly values policy expertise inside their management entity. Their investment themes are here:

        Innovative Investing with Morrison: Alternative Asset Management – Morrison – Morrison (

        They run Infratil.

        Infratil are a very long-term investor in sustainable energy projects. They tend to be long-term holds. Way back in the day they started out of the asset privatisation, and kept growing under the charismatic Lloyd Morrison.

        Who we invest in – Infratil

        Under Mark Bogoievski they massively expanded into buying telco companies and datacentres.

        I'd rank Infratil as our most successful listed company, if you have the patience for medium-term holds which is what infrastructure stocks are.

    • Ad 4.2

      Also HRL Morrison at that level is a whole bunch more useful to the world than Shaw getting recycled into a government entity like NZSuperFund or ACC.

      Shaw is one of the few elected members on either side of the house who operate outside the Wellington policy bubble and easily in the commercial world.

      First half of my professional life I used to think doing good for the world was only possible inside the public sector. In this country it's almost the reverse.

      • weka 4.2.1

        why is that so for NZ?

        • Ad

          We have had since the late 1980s a public service that is under-led and poorly resourced,

          with no cross-departmental strategy or even an attempt at it,

          disaggregated by deep funder-policy-provider spits,

          under-regulated or worse self-regulating,

          disconnected from independent policy contests in academia or NGOs,

          far too many entities for the scale of land people and social complexity

          consistently incoherent governments that change course or go through deliberate binge-purge cycles like the current and last one,

          bosses that change at least every 3 years,

          consistently poor execution of major projects due to generalist management,

          disdain from much of the public that is reciprocated by so much of the public service in Wellington, and

          a rapid shrinking in the entire public sphere of influence in New Zealand in the 1990s that we've never recovered from.

  5. weka 5

    Watching the police clearing Palestine liberation protestors from US campuses, I'm thinking about the ways in which this is different from clearing freedom protestors from Parliament grounds.

    The freedom protestors had a number of problems in terms of legitimacy of protest. The death threats and inability to deal with the storm the citadel bros in their ranks and the abuse of locals outside the protest area are the main ones I see. And the denial that those were issues.

    But in terms of occupation, they had as much right to be there as the students in the US.

    Which leaves us with the idea that some protests are legitimate because of the politics/goals, and some aren't. And who gets to decide.

    • weka 5.1

      For clarity, I think the US campus occupations are righteous and I hope they regroup and continue. This is one of the few things I’ve seen that has the potential to force the US government position on the genocide in Palestine to change.

      I also think there are some mistakes in the way they are doing this that are going to create serious divisions in an already divided country.

      And I'm deeply depressed that those kids aren't doing this over climate, and what this means for life on planet earth.

      • Darien Fenton 5.1.1

        It's their Vietnam moment. Remember that war raised the consciousness of a whole new generation.

        • weka

          I really hope so.

        • bwaghorn

          raised the consciousness

          They don't appear to have achieved any change though, iraq×2 Afghanistan,,

          Shit the only war they should be in is slapping poots back in his box and they not really trying there

          • weka

            there's a genocide happening, some of the students will have family and friends in Palestine. Protesting that is appropriate.

            There were huge protests against the invasion of Iraq. Those changed how we think about war and the West's involvement.

        • James Simpson

          The difference is tens of thousands of poor working class US kids were getting killed and injured in Vietnam. Everyone knew someone who was in Vietnam fighting.

          Although the US is donkey deep in Palestine, there aren't feet on the ground in the same way as Vietnam. For most American's it is still someone else's war.

          • weka

            It's also gendocide.

          • Belladonna

            Agree with this. The US population is massively inwards looking.
            Other people being killed in a far-away country isn't really 'real' to them. What matters is 'that nice Mrs Johnston at the corner store has had a son killed in Vietnam. Why are we fighting there anyway'.

            And that only really kicks into place with conscription – if professional soldiers (even US ones) are killed, there is an element of 'well, they chose to be there'.

            Americans tend to get exercised about US citizens and soldiers being killed by terrorist ambushes, but not about professional soldiers being killed fighting.

    • Ad 5.2

      Just seeking major US universities cave on this is truly sad.

      Lest one forgets the number of armed civilians patrolling US streets in utes after the 2020 election.

  6. Reality 6

    David Seymour is apparently looking into packaged school lunches. Muesli bars and the like. Not surprising that he would resent money being spent on a hot meal in winter for the children. His mean-spiritedness to the fore as usual.

    • SPC 6.1

      It'll be unchanged for now (Labour funded to the end of this year) and it seems it will be in the 2025 budget – waiting for a review.

      • ianmac 6.1.1

        I read somewhere today that Seymour was proposing to cut fresh fruit and vegetables and instead use tinned fruit and tinned beans. (Can't remember where.)

    • Belladonna 6.2

      Really going a bit far there. Generations of Kiwi kids have had a lunch consisting of a couple of sandwiches and an apple (with a biscuit or piece of home baking, if you were lucky). None of us died for the want of a hot lunch in winter; or had our schooling affected.

      The provision of a meal for kids whose parents don't or can't provide them with lunch, is one thing. Insisting that it be a catering quality hot meal, is something quite different.

      • Anne 6.2.1

        Generations of Kiwi kids have had a lunch consisting of a couple of sandwiches and an apple (with a biscuit or piece of home baking, if you were lucky). None of us died for the want of a hot lunch in winter; or had our schooling affected.

        No. Because the vast majority of us got a hot evening meal. Many of these 'poor' kids don't get hot meals full stop. So a hot lunch is important and helps them learn at school. A fuller belly leads to a fuller mind.

        • Belladonna

          There is no evidence, whatsoever, that having a hot lunch makes up for not having a hot meal at the end of the day.
          Having lunch, yes. But not a cooked meal.

    • Drowsy M. Kram 6.3

      Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed.” – Einstein

      Seymour mingy? Maybe – he understands the ‘benefits’ of keeping some Kiwis hungry.

      Why poverty in New Zealand is everyone's concern
      Liang describes poverty as a "heritable condition" that perpetuates and amplifies through generations: "It is also not hard to see how individual poverty flows into communities and society, with downstream effects on economics, crime and health, as well as many other systems. Loosen one strand and everything else unravels."

      A Kete Half Empty
      Poverty is your problem, it is everyone's problem, not just those who are in poverty. – Rebecca, a child from Te Puru

  7. newsense 7

    Anyone in Labour want to talk to the press (and the party ‘leader’ while you’re at it) about how policy is made or is supposed to be made in Labour?

    18 seats the Greens. That will grow if Labour keeps on as is.

    Audrey Young (and potentially the leader’s office who knows) is setting out their own axis of evil in Labour who, shock, horror, want tax reform. This is a mildly left wing position. It is being positioned as a hardliner group. Oh my god, one of these rabid socialists is allegedly Phil Twyford. Another is the IMF.

    Surely policy has a lot of bottom up development? The party membership is in favour of something and it gets suggested.

    Anyway, Labour looking like NZF with less initiative isn’t getting my vote back.

    • Craig H 7.1

      Labour Party policy development has a lot of opportunities for involvement of the general membership, so we don't always get everything we want, but there's a chance to provide input and get more involved if we want to be.

  8. Jimmy 8

    JAG will not be attending Parliament today. Anyone else see that coming?

  9. Ad 9

    Hipkins has taken on a most formidable opponent in Winston Peters.

    Live: Chris Hipkins says Winston Peters’ has ‘embarrassed the country’ with remarks | Stuff

    Hipkins will have been begging for this kind of fight when Labour arranged for the foreign affairs debate in the Parliament chamber with Helen Clark, ex-Minister Carr and other notables.

    Finally Hipkins has found a useful policy target in foreign policy. Problem is, up against Peters and MFAT and the defence establishment, the best Hipkins will achieve is a dent, not a wound.

    Still, best of luck Hipkins.

    • newsense 9.1

      I suppose chip chip chip at the bottom of the wall is the theory, if you watch any of those demolition disaster shorts online. Hit and move on targets.

      The only problem is the left block has achieved most of late with Hipkins not taking the lead, so by and large the public forget about him also having recently been PM and not well liked.

    • weka 9.2

      Helen Clark's twitter has been interesting.

      • Visubversa 9.2.1

        Helen Clark kept Winston on a very short lead when he was Foreign Affairs Minister.

        He had 2 Associate Ministers – Phil Goff to do the heavy lifting with policy etc, and Chris Carter to do the relationship building and general "schmoozing".

        Plus lots of air tickets to comfortable places and pre-written speeches.

    • Belladonna 9.3

      Attacking Peters on his own ground is a losing proposition. There is no way that Hipkins can out-demagogue Peters on Foreign Policy. Debate and Speechifying is Peters' strong point. It's not a significant strength for Hipkins.

      • Phillip ure 9.3.1

        I thought bombast and bullshit were Peter's 'strong point'…

        • Phillip ure

          Correction:..I left out 'bluster'..

          • Belladonna

            And evidence that Hipkins has any ability to counter any or all of these?

            Peters is like a shark in the water to controversial debate. Feeding him is not the solution.

    • SPC 9.4

      Labour is unwilling to make it a contest on economic policy while they have none, so it is merely opposition to austerity and the poverty of vision. And issues such as AUKUS.

      But others want a 1984 and 1975 reprise. In that Clark talks about a non aligned Pacific (despite Five Eyes, NATO+ and security alliance with Oz).

      Labour’s potential disagreement on AUKUS seems more like the decision of English to support the coalition of the willing in 2003 (with UK and Oz) than that.

      My ears have been popping for about half an hour, so I know someone in Wellington is angry and has access to advanced tech – destablising the left wing ear.In 2003 the police actually visited the home to act as lackey for a foreign interest supporting the war on the secular left of Iraq and here conflict with China over Taiwan.

      • Ad 9.4.1

        Labour should propose a full dfence Treaty with Australia.

        We are near fully interoperable already. So it sounds a lot bolder than it is.

        Well overdue to re-write the 1944 Canberra Pact.

        • Scud

          There is also CDR (Common Defence Relations) which Labour signed in between 87 & 90. Which was meant to further enhanced the ANZAC Treaty (Canberra Pact), but unfortunately the National Party of the 90's completely trashed it with the Savaged Defence Cuts of the 90's & Labour Alliance Coalition finally killing it off with the disbanding of the RNZAF Strike Wing along with any hope of the 3rd ANZAC Frigate or the cancelling of the option for 8 C130J's on the back of the RAAF order in the early 2000's.

          My gut feeling atm, IRT centre left Politics in NZ atm IRT to the NZDF/ MoD & Veterans Affairs we are likely to a repeat of the early 2000's if & when this chaos Coalition collapses.

          As the Green's & TPM would force NZLP not to invest the NZDF capabilities & if so the absolute bare minimum in non combat capabilities let alone Defence assets aka infrastructure because both parties still believe that the Sth Pacific is a "benign strategic environment".

          The Sth Pacific has never been a benign strategic environment, especially since the White Fella aka The European's turned up & of recent times Japan post WW1 & now China. Now throw in CC & the competition for Natural resources ie Timber, POL, Fisheries & resources etc the Sth Pacific & the Sth Ocean is ripe for pillaging atm.

          Which means country's like NZ now not only have to rely on Diplomacy, but now have to start carrying a bloody big stick (well equipped & combat capable/ focus NZDF) as well & be prepared to use bloody thing as well!

    • Traveller 9.5

      Hipkins should have sat this one out. It's not MFAT or the defence establishment he's fighting, it's that Peter's claims are not new.

      How Bob Carr became China's pawn (


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    OPINIONThis morning I wrote that the Charter Schools Bill had passed its final reading. Jan Tinetti called it a “sad, sad day for New Zealand education”. And Green Party MP Dr Lawrence Xu-Nan said the move is “not about education, it’s about privatisation”.$153mn for charter schools in what teachers and ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    2 days ago
  • David Seymour: “The Government is Broke” & Other Politics Headlines

    Note: Video of the fricken’ targets and a nanny state mentality at end. Read more ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    2 days ago
  • Climate Change: We can’t afford the gas industry

    Yesterday, National finally introduced its long-threatened bill to repeal the offshore drilling ban and promote the fossil fuel industry to the House. They'll be ramming it through its first reading under urgency this afternoon, and while it will go to select committee, they will almost certainly try their usual stunt ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    2 days ago
  • Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft

    In your mind you have capacities, you knowTo telepath messages through the vast unknownPlease close your eyes and concentrateWith every thought you thinkUpon the recitation we're about to singCalling occupants of interplanetary craftCalling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craftSongwriters: John Woloschuk / Terry DraperThink of the capabilities of the human ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    2 days ago
  • Nine public transit lessons from Perth

    This guest post by Darren Davis originally appeared on his excellent blog, Adventures in Transitland, and is republished here by kind permission. A while ago, I wrote about Perth’s public transport journey, outlining how Perth got to where it is now. I recommend reading that piece if you haven’t already, ...
    Greater AucklandBy Guest Post
    2 days ago
  • ANZ CEO says ‘it’s time’ for a Capital Gains Tax

    Kia ora. Long stories short, here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, September 25:Ad agency climate activist group Comms Declare today launched the New Zealand version of the globally compiled ‘F list,’ which names 14 local agencies “which have ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    2 days ago
  • Parliament to get its own police force

    Parliament yesterday moved to give its security staff powers of search, seizure and arrest. In effect it is establishing a quasi Parliamentary police force which will have the power to handcuff and detain offenders.  But it will be a force with some heavy restrictions on what it can do. Most ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    2 days ago
  • How to complain about a delayed OIA release

    A few years back, Te Kawa Mataaho / Public Service Commission started releasing OIA statitistics, on the theory that this would allow failure to be identified and managed, and so improve performance. It may have done so initially, but then the iron laws of bureaucracy (and specifically, Goodhart's and Campbell's) ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    3 days ago
  • Just have a think: Arctic Sea Ice minimum 2024. Three degrees Celsius warming now baked in?

    This video includes conclusions of the "Just have a Think" channel's creator Dave Borlace. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). From the video‘s description: Arctic Sea ice reaches it's minimum extent each year around the middle of September. This ...
    3 days ago
  • Let them eat glue

    What is real, what is fake?  Do we really know any more?Let's say you want to make tonight’s dinner a bit more appealing by trying something new.Why don't I google it? You say.You type: Idea for fresh and exciting meal.Google tells you: Pizza!  Here's a topping combo that will wow ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    3 days ago
  • The Narcissist in Life

    OPINIONYesterday, after the Polkinghorne case verdict, Philip Polkinghorne told reporters:"Now we can grieve and let Pauline rest in peace. That is the best gift we can possibly give her."And today his defence lawyer Elizabeth Hall said the case showed the justice system was working as intended.Jurors could not land the ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    3 days ago
  • Do you know what the Coalition Government has done for you in its first 100 days? Here’s a lis...

    I decided to finally write my “About Mountain Tui” page and found some of my old posts that I wanted to transfer here. This won’t be distributed by email, but will serve as a record of my writing.Here is one of them:Repealed under urgency No more Fair Pay Agreements, a ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    3 days ago
  • Back in the Office

    These things that I've been told can rearrangeMy world, my doubt in time but inside outThis is the working hourWe are paid by those who learn by our mistakesSongwriters: Ian Stanley / Roland Orzabal / Immanuel Franklin EliasSince Covid, life has been tough for many central city businesses. As you ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    3 days ago
  • The Mayor’s Plan for Bridging the Harbour

    Discussion of another harbour crossing has been in the news a lot recently as a result of Mayor Wayne Brown pushing for a bridge from Point Chev to Birkenhead. While I believe his proposal is bad, at least some of his reasoning behind his push for a bridge is correct. ...
    3 days ago
  • ACCC accuses Woolworths of misleading pricing

    Up then down: Australia’s competition watchdog alleges both Woolworths Australia and main competitor Coles Myer put the price of hundreds of products up before dropping them again and advertising ‘everyday low prices’. Photo: Getty ImagesKia ora. Long stories short, here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    3 days ago
  • A World Full of Potential Cult Leaders

    Hi,In this Webworm podcast episode, I bring you a conversation with someone I found endlessly fascinating to talk to — one of my favourite authors, Jason Pargin. He’s perhaps most well known for writing John Dies At The End, or a host of other books that all have amazing titles ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    3 days ago
  • Nicola Willis’s Catch-22

    Would you like to get paid more and have your work get worse, or have your pay decrease in real terms but when you’re saving lives or raising the next generation of workers, you get to keep your head juuuust above the water level during this flood of fiscally unnecessary ...
    3 days ago
  • Luxon Is THAT Asshole Boss

    After firing half the capital’s public servants, Luxon and Willis are now trying to blame the remaining few for sending Wellington’s cafes bankrupt. It couldn’t possibly be the economic downturn that resulted from him pulling all the money out of the system and giving it to the wealthy to bank. ...
    4 days ago
  • Nicola’s destruction

    Today, Stuff led with a headline claiming that forcing public servants to return to the office was “the number one” fix for Wellington’s ‘icy’ economy.No mention until much later of the 6500+ positions the Government culled or its slashing of government programs and spend.That’s been the key differentiator in Wellington, ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    4 days ago
  • Media Link: ” A View from Afar” on multidimensional hybrid warfare and the ineffectiveness of mu...

    This week’s “A View from Afar” podcast addresses the issue of multidimensional hybrid warfare using the Israeli pager attacks in Lebanon as a starting point before moving on to discuss the failures of multilateral institutions, the UN in particular, when … Continue reading ...
    KiwipoliticoBy Pablo
    4 days ago
  • Priorities

    Back in 2018 the then-Labour government legislated formal targets to reduce child poverty with the Child Poverty Reduction Act - and took actual steps to achieve them, with a $5.5 billion families package to boost incomes and a school lunches scheme to ensure kids didn't go hungry. While a lot ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    4 days ago
  • The Dead-End Options Of Political Decay.

    Dark Times: Denied the state’s leadership and resources, New Zealand’s economy has been hollowed out and taken over. More importantly, so has its democracy.WHAT’S WRONG WITH NATIONAL? New Zealand’s “natural party of government” (since its formation in 1936 the National Party has won 17 out of 28 general elections) has ...
    4 days ago
  • Fixing child poverty would cost <1% of GDP

    The previous Government set a goal of reducing the number of children experiencing “material hardship” from 13.3% down to 6% by mid-2028. But Upston says sticking to that, or even the suggested ‘lower ambition targets’, wasn’t realistic. Photo: Lynn GrievesonKia ora. Long stories short, here’s my top six things to ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    4 days ago
  • If I Only Had a Brain

    I would not be just a nuffin'My head all full of stuffin'My heart all full of painI would dance and be merryLife would be a ding-a-derryIf I only had a brainSongwriters: Harold Arlen / Yip HarburgNot much happens in the world of politics on a Monday. I mentioned that recently ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    4 days ago
  • A vision for Swimmable Cities

    This is a guest post by Nikki Goodson, a self-proclaimed urbanist and Independent Marketer for businesses building a better world. Looking for projects to connect on, she found the global movement Swimmable Cities and thought advocacy for urban swimming sounded like a pretty good idea. (The header image of ...
    Greater AucklandBy Guest Post
    4 days ago
  • Yawning gaps in RMA proposals

    The Government’s overriding principles for resource management reform, released on Friday, are likely to be widely welcomed by some and resisted by others. Minister Chris Bishop and Simon Court promise the two replacement bills will be less complex than Labour’s legislation, which was passed by Parliament last year but would ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    4 days ago
  • 2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #38

    A listing of 33 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Mon, September 16, 2024 thru Sun, September 22, 2024. Story of the week Might be added later. Stories we promoted this week, by publication date: Before September 16 Departures ...
    4 days ago
  • No Fricken’ Chicken on Q&A

    These train conversations are passing me byAnd I don't have nothing to sayYou get what you pay forBut I just had no intention of living this wayI need a phone call, I need a plane rideI need a sunburn, I need a raincoatAnd I get no answers, and I don't ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    5 days ago
  • Eulogy, delayed

    There is more to tell about my drive to Masterton earlier this year.The first stop was Turangi, to let my cousin Garth know about Mum, or rather to talk to him on the phone because I soon learned he was in the back country, which is where you will often ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    5 days ago
  • The Luxon Government: turning Aotearoa not just “around”, but completely upside down…

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…. cultural, political, economic, environmental, social costs aplenty to our society, every day. It’s been one of those weeks, again. Barely a day, even a minute it seems, can go by before the public get assaulted with some new attack, figuratively, or literally, on the public good. ...
    exhALANtBy exhalantblog
    6 days ago
  • Brer Sauron’s Briar Patch: A Review and Analysis of The Rings of Power, Episode 6 (Season 2)

    We are now into the back-half of The Rings of Power, season two. Thus far, I have gushed with praise for how much improved the show has become – at least relative to season one. Never mind my innate sense of charity, I have worried whether my reviews have become ...
    6 days ago
  • Who’s to Blame for the Government?

    I saw no evil when I looked into your eyesI heard no evil while you told me all those liesI spoke no evil when I called out your nameLook at us now, babyWho’s to blame?Lyrics: Hemberger, Hemberger, Mayo, RaseroToday’s newsletter is a bit of a rant; some of you might ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    6 days ago
  • Political revolutions don’t exist. But economic ones do.

    The further you get into radicalism, the more appealing the concept of a revolution seems. Both the far right and the far left dream of taking up arms and overthrowing what they see as an unsatisfactory system, to an unhealthy and unhelpful extent. Instead of revolution, what happens in the ...
    6 days ago
  • Hangups

    Hello! Here comes the Saturday edition of More Than A Feilding, catching you up on anything you may have missed. Share Read more ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    6 days ago
  • Unfortunately, Being a Hero is Mostly Illegal

    Hi,Today is a pretty heavy, weighty Webworm — so maybe get yourself a cup of tea or coffee before you settle in. It’s about, you know, the end of the world and stuff.Before we get to that, I’d like to say I thoroughly enjoyed the notes you left under my ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    6 days ago
  • My Substack erm… Summer

    Hi all,Apparently it’s the end of Summer, hope you enjoyed it. 🙂The rather Northern Hemisphere centric folks over at Substack have sent this out, I’m not sure what time period it covers, I guess the last three months. In any case you might like to give it a go yourself ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    7 days ago
  • Pricing Road Usage

    Congestion pricing is easier said than done.The first seminar I attended in Britain – around sixty years ago – explained a scheme for road usage pricing which would eliminate traffic congestion and direct roading investment. It was impressive and elegant (as many such seminar propositions are) but proved impractical and ...
    PunditBy Brian Easton
    7 days ago
  • Tory Whanau may have to sell Wellington mayoralty to make ends meet

    Tory Whanau has revealed that she’s struggling so much financially that she may have to part with her beloved mayoralty, that of New Zealand’s capital city, if she’s to fund her ever-diminishing lifestyle. Whanau was elected to lead Wellington in 2022, winning an overwhelming victory against the incumbent mayor: the ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    7 days ago
  • And round we go again…

    One of Labour's few achievements last term was to finally move on RMA reform. Following an independent review and a select committee review of an exposure draft, both aimed at ironing out bugs and producing a compromise most people could live with, Labour passed the Natural and Built Environments Act ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    7 days ago
  • The Supreme Court stands up for fairness

    National is planning to breach te Tiriti o Waitangi by amending the Marine and Coastal Area Act to effectively make it impossible for the courts to recognise Māori rights over the foreshore and seabed. But its also been playing dirty in other ways. Earlier in the year it announced changes ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    7 days ago
  • My Substack Summer

    What I read in Summer 2024Highlights☕ I read the most in the morning💌 I subscribed to 16 new Substacks🎧 I listened to 76 minutes of podcasts📽️ I watched 46 minutes of video❤️ I liked 22 posts💬 I left 8 comments on posts📜 I scrolled 26 meters in Notes🕵️ I discovered ...
    7 days ago
  • Today’s 10 Politics Headlines: Luxon flails and Simeon Drives

    1/ Jobseeker numbers are going the opposite way of Luxon’s KPIs. Against a target of minus 50,000 by 2030, the new forecast shows the Government is looking at an increase of 24,000 jobseekers in its first term.In Thomas Coughlin’s report, Upton responds by blaming Labour: “We inherited an economy in ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    1 week ago
  • Kaka project: What could a revamped Entrust do with/for/to Vector?

    Long story short, I interviewed transport and energy activist Patrick Reynolds this week about the bid to run Entrust by a new campaign group he’s part of called More for you; better for Auckland. There’s a lot more detail in this GreaterAuckland post and on ‘Better’s’ website.They’re campaigning to win ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Missing the Feckin’ Targets

    And although my eyes were openThey might just as well have been closedAnd so it was laterWhen the miller told this taleHe said that her face at first just ghostlyAnd then turned a whiter shade of paleSongwriters: Keith Reid / Gary BrookerI want to talk about two things today, subjects ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    1 week ago
  • Skeptical Science New Research for Week #38 2024

    Open access notables A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations, Gupta et al., The Lancet Planetary Health: The health of the planet and its people are at risk. The deterioration of the global commons—ie, the natural systems that ...
    1 week ago
  • Deadly floods and streams of non-solutions

    Long stories short, here’s the top six news items of note in climate news for Aotearoa-NZ this week, and a discussion above between Bernard Hickey and The Kākā’s climate correspondent Cathrine Dyer:Central Europe is reeling from the devastating effects of Storm Boris, which has so far caused 21 deaths and ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Weekly Roundup 20-September-2024

    Welcome to the end of the week, as we head towards the spring equinox. Let us brighten your week with links to stories about how to make our city a little greater. This roundup is brought to you by a largely volunteer crew. If you’d like to support our work ...
    Greater AucklandBy Greater Auckland
    1 week ago
  • Three years of recession deeper than GFC

    Kia ora. Long stories short, here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, September 20:New Zealand’s total GDP contracted less than expected in the June quarter, but per-capita GDP extended its three-year-long slump at a rate that is faster than ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • That’s Gangsta!

    The gang patch legislation finally passed in the House after a long period of fanfare from National. Gangs won’t be allowed to publicly display gang insignia on the body or in vehicles, and if they’re very naughty i.e. caught thrice, police will be able to enter private homes to search.How ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    1 week ago
  • The Hoon around the week to Sept 20

    The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-host talking about the week’s news with:The Kākā’s climate correspondent on the latest climate news, including media coverage of extreme events and how big tech is gobbling up so much renewable power growth; ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • “It’s not about the fricken targets.”

    This outburst from our Prime Minister is shocking not because of the language choice, or because of the display of emotion, though both are noteworthy. If you’ve been listening to our Prime CEO over the past year, you could perhaps be forgiven for thinking that actually, it is about the ...
    1 week ago
  • Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith Picks Fight With the Magna Carter

    Due to a quirk of law and the sheer importance of the right to trial by jury in our justice system, not only is the Magna Carta, an 800 year old piece of legislation, a part of New Zealand’s statutory legislation, it’s also considered a critical part of our constitution. ...
    1 week ago
  • A very healthy distrust of how this Government is handling health across the board is needed…

    And alongside that, is the ultimate question for the public, and indeed Opposition Parties trying to appeal for enough of the public to support a change from this heinous direction of travel being imposed on us: how much of the damage here can even be stopped in time? Let us ...
    exhALANtBy exhalantblog
    1 week ago
  • Hang up on him David, just stop

    There is a story I want to tell, but I'm not going to begin with it because it would be too abrupt. I'll start by telling you that I'm a big fan of the way Nicola Toki conveys her message. And Nicola Toki is a big fan of the way Jane ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    1 week ago

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission board appointment announced

    Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey and Rural Communities Minister Mark Patterson have announced the Government has appointed Wayne Langford to the Board of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission for a five-year term of office. Mr Langford is the National President of Federated Farmers and is also their spokesperson for ...
    31 mins ago
  • New Game Animal Council appointments

    Hunting and Fishing Minister Todd McClay today announced one new, and one returning, appointment to the Game Animal Council (GAC).  Mr McClay is thrilled to announce first time appointment Glenn MacPherson and welcomes the reappointment of keen pig and deer hunter Eugene Rewi.  MacPherson is currently president of the Te ...
    1 hour ago
  • STAR attendance system template released

    Associate Education spokesperson David Seymour says the Government has released a new resource to inform the introduction of Stepped Attendance Response (STAR) systems in every school. “The response to the announcement of the STAR system has been hugely supportive. Educators have been in touch to express their support, which gives ...
    1 hour ago
  • New Zealand National Statement to the UN General Assembly – ‘The Spirit of San Francisco’

    Mr. President Nearly four score years ago, nations exhausted from a cataclysmic World War came together in San Francisco to create the United Nations Charter. Forged in the immediate aftermath of that war, then New Zealand Prime Minister Peter Fraser held “the greatest hopes” for the Charter’s success, which he ...
    1 hour ago
  • Charter Schools Authorisation Board appointments announced

    Associate Education Minister David Seymour has today announced his appointments to the new statutory Charter Schools Authorisation Board.  Leading Kiwi educator Justine Mahon has been appointed as Chair of the Board. She is joined by Board members Catherine Isaac, Neil Paviour-Smith, Professor Elizabeth Rata, Rōpata Taylor, Dee-Ann Wolferstan and Doran ...
    1 hour ago
  • Clubs and Ranges Bill passes first reading

    Improvements to the way shooting clubs and ranges are regulated are on the way with the Arms (Shooting Clubs, Shooting Ranges and Other Matters) Amendment Bill passing its first reading says Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee.   “The package of reforms in this Bill will enable simple and effective regulation ...
    17 hours ago
  • Want to make a difference? Go to school

    Students should be in school and learning instead of protesting during school hours, Associate Education Minister David Seymour says in response to the school climate strike planned for Friday 27th September. “If students feel strongly about sending a message, they could have waited until Monday, when the end of term ...
    18 hours ago
  • Peer Mental Health Service Launched, Further Support Planned

    Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey says the new peer support service launched in Middlemore’s Emergency Department today is a positive step towards improving mental health outcomes. “Having someone with lived experience available to support someone in mental distress can make a crucial difference. With the right training and clinical supervision, ...
    20 hours ago
  • New reporting for amateur charter fishing vessels

    A proposed new electronic reporting system will make it simpler for amateur charter vessels to record and report fish catch information, Oceans and Fisheries Minister Shane Jones says. “The new digital reporting, via an app, will replace the paper-based system which is out of date and slow,” Mr Jones says. ...
    21 hours ago
  • Building a stronger weather forecasting system

    The Government is looking at integrating the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) and the MetService to improve the weather forecasting system for New Zealand, Science, Innovation & Technology Minister Judith Collins says. “We have agreed in-principle to NIWA acquiring the MetService, with the MetService retaining its role ...
    22 hours ago
  • Next steps on the New Dunedin Hospital

    The Government is seeking advice on two options for delivering the New Dunedin Hospital project within its existing funding appropriation to ensure the people of Dunedin get the modern, fit-for-purpose medical facilities they need. At the same time, Ministers have warned that much-needed upgrades to other regional hospitals could be ...
    1 day ago
  • No child left behind with STAR system

    Associate Education Minister David Seymour says that the Government is delivering real solutions to get kids back in the classroom, introducing the Stepped Attendance Response (STAR) system. “Any student who reaches a clearly defined threshold of days absent will trigger an appropriate and proportionate response from their school and the ...
    1 day ago
  • New Zealand concludes trade agreement with the UAE

    New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates have concluded negotiations on a trade agreement, which will unlock economic opportunities for Kiwi exporters and create stronger supply chains with one of our most important trading partners in the Gulf region. This agreement was concluded in just over 4 months following the launch ...
    1 day ago
  • Data shows school attendance is on the rise

    Associate Education Minister David Seymour says data released today shows increased school attendance in Term 2 of 2024 with 53.2 per cent of students regularly attending, an increase of 6.1 percentage points compared to the same term last year. Regular attendance across primary students increased by 7 percentage points, to ...
    1 day ago
  • Supercharging schools to teach maths

    The coalition Government is supercharging schools to lift maths achievement by delivering new resources and more support for teachers and students for Term 1 next year.  “$30 million will fund resources including workbooks, teacher guidance and lesson plans for the 2025 school year. Resources will be available in English and ...
    1 day ago
  • Tougher sentences on the horizon for criminals

    Sentencing reforms that will ensure criminals face tougher consequences and victims are prioritised have passed first reading in Parliament today, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says.  “Despite a 33 per cent increase in violent crime, there has been a concerning trend where the courts have imposed fewer and shorter prison sentences. ...
    2 days ago
  • Changes to improve prison safety and rehabilitation

    The Corrections Amendment Bill has passed its third reading in Parliament today, making a number of changes to improve safety and rehabilitation in prisons.   Corrections Minister Mark Mitchell says it’s important the law is reflective of the increasingly complex prison environment.  “Corrections manages some of New Zealand’s most dangerous people, ...
    2 days ago
  • Better options for same-sex parents

    Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Government is delivering better flexibility for same-sex parents in New Zealand by making changes to the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Regulations. “Parents notifying the birth of their child will soon be able to choose whether they are named as a ...
    2 days ago
  • Speech to the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Symposium 2024

    Thank you very much for the generous welcome Reverend Reihana. Thank you to Alcohol Healthwatch and your organising committee, including representatives from: FASD-CAN Aotearoa; Te Iho Tātai-ā-Rongo (the Māori FASD Coalition); Hauora Māori Services and Health Promotion Directorates, Health New Zealand; Oranga Tamariki; and the Centre for Addiction Research, University ...
    2 days ago
  • New Zealand welcomes United Arab Emirates Trade Minister

    United Arab Emirates Minister of State for Foreign Trade Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi will visit New Zealand this week, Trade Minister Todd McClay has today announced.  “I’m delighted to welcome my colleague and friend, Minister Al Zeyoudi to New Zealand. The UAE is one of our closest partners and ...
    2 days ago
  • Greater investment in FASD support and prevention

    Health Minister Dr Shane Reti has announced a $4.85 million package of initiatives aimed at understanding the prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), promoting better education and supporting women to stay alcohol free during pregnancy. “People with FASD can experience lifelong physical, behavioural, learning, and mental health problems. Those ...
    2 days ago
  • Restoration of Customary Marine Title test begins

    Legislation that will provide certainty around how Customary Marine Title is granted for New Zealand’s coastlines has passed its first reading in Parliament today, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “Customary Marine Title gives the holder valuable rights, including the ability to refuse some resource consents in the area, such ...
    2 days ago
  • Northland transmission tower collapse report released

    The Electricity Authority’s report into the collapse of a Northland transmission tower on 20 June 2024 that left 88,000 people without power has been released, Energy Minister Simeon Brown says.“The report highlights that several key failures led to the transmission tower collapsing and that the economic impact for Northland was ...
    2 days ago
  • Lifting education outcomes for young Kiwis

    Associate Education Minister David Seymour says the passing of the Education and Training Amendment Bill shows the Government is making significant progress to lift education outcomes. “Establishing charter schools, lifting attendance, and streamlining early learning regulations are all essential to raising achievement. This legislation will set in motion the system ...
    2 days ago
  • Rollout of onboard cameras to continue

    The rollout of onboard cameras on commercial fishing vessels will continue and discard rules will be amended under fisheries reforms proposed by Oceans and Fisheries Minister Shane Jones. Mr Jones is proposing practical changes that will reduce red tape, provide a boost to commercial fishers, and ensure a thriving and ...
    2 days ago
  • Milestone for return of petroleum exploration

    Legislation reinstating offshore petroleum exploration has been introduced by the Coalition Government, a key step in addressing the significant energy security challenges felt by Kiwis across the country this winter. The Crown Minerals Amendment Bill reverses the ban on new oil and gas exploration beyond onshore Taranaki, signals the Government’s ...
    2 days ago
  • Significant progress on SH1/29 intersection upgrade

    Motorists and freight will now drive through a new roundabout at the SH1/SH29 intersection at Piarere, marking a major milestone for one of the Government’s Roads of Regional Significance that will improve safety and reliability for motorists and freight using this strategic corridor, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“The Government is ...
    3 days ago
  • Parliament Bill passes first reading

    The Parliament Bill has passed its first reading this afternoon, Leader of the House Chris Bishop says.  “Today Parliament has taken an important step towards modernising the legislation that supports its operations.  “The Parliament Bill will consolidate and modernise the four Acts comprising Parliament’s statutory framework: the Clerk of the ...
    3 days ago
  • Tougher sentences to improve transport safety

    The Government is introducing a new aggravating factor for offences against public transport workers as part of its plan to restore law and order, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith and Transport Minister Simeon Brown have today announced. “In recent months, there has been a worrying increase in abuse and attacks on public ...
    3 days ago
  • Workforce boost in specialist mental health training welcomed

    Minister for Mental Health Matt Doocey welcomes the significant increase in Health NZ-funded psychiatry registrar places and the increase of Health NZ-funded clinical psychology internships, as today’s plan supports this Government’s commitment to double clinical psychology intern numbers between 2023 and 2027. Today, Health NZ published its Mental Health and ...
    3 days ago
  • Speech to the Caring Families Aotearoa National Conference

    Thank you for the introduction and the invitation to speak to you here today. I would like to start by saying a big thank you to all the caregivers in the room, and those not able to be here today, for all that you do for our children and young ...
    3 days ago
  • Speech to Caring Families Aotearoa National Conference

    Thank you for the introduction and the invitation to speak to you here today. I would like to start by saying a big thank you to all the caregivers in the room, and those not able to be here today, for all that you do for our children and young ...
    3 days ago
  • Caregivers thanked at their national conference

    “Today at the Caring Families Aotearoa National Caregiver Conference I got to say a big thank you to all the caregivers in the room for all that they do for the children and young people of New Zealand. “Without caregivers providing safe, stable homes for children, Oranga Tamariki would not be ...
    3 days ago
  • Government introduces revised clubs and ranges rules

    Improving the way shooting clubs and ranges are regulated will be the outcome of a Bill introduced today Associate Minister of Justice Nicole McKee says.   “Cabinet has agreed to a package of reforms to amend Part 6 of the Arms Act 1983 which will enable simple and effective regulation ...
    3 days ago
  • Supporters of Russia’s invasion targeted in further sanctions

    Foreign Minister Winston Peters today announced further sanctions as part of the Government’s ongoing response to Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.     “Russia’s continued illegal war of aggression against Ukraine is an assault on the rules-based order,” Mr Peters says.    “This latest round of sanctions targets actors involved in ...
    3 days ago
  • Speech to 2024 Aerospace Summit

    Good morning, and thank you to Aerospace New Zealand and the committee for inviting me to attend the third annual Aerospace Summit.  Thank you also for all the work undertaken by the Aerospace New Zealand committee and your team in the delivery of so many outreach and educational activities around ...
    3 days ago
  • Government helping advanced aviation take off

    The Government is introducing a light-touch regulatory approach to advanced aviation as it moves to give businesses certainty and boost productivity, Space Minister Judith Collins and Transport Minister Simeon Brown announced today. “Novel aviation technologies, such as drones and uncrewed aircraft, are set to revolutionise aviation, as well as have ...
    3 days ago
  • First of its kind trilateral trade meeting held to celebrate Pacific partnership

    Trade Minister Todd McClay hosted Fijian Deputy Prime Minister and Trade Minister Hon Manoa Kamikamica and Australian Trade Minister Don Farrell for trilateral trade talks in Rotorua over the weekend. “The meeting was an opportunity to understand how we can all best support each other. As friends and partners, we want ...
    4 days ago
  • New work-from-home guidance for public service

    The Government wants to see more public servants come into their place of work each day and is taking steps to make this expectation clear to chief executives, Public Service Minister Nicola Willis says.  “Updated guidance for the public service will make clear that working from home is not an ...
    4 days ago
  • Speech for National Commemoration of Service in Timor-Leste

    A warm welcome to you all as we gather to acknowledge the New Zealanders who were involved in peace support operations in Timor-Leste, and to remember those who lost their lives as a result of their service. I acknowledge the many military and civilian veterans present, and I am pleased ...
    4 days ago

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