Open mike 16/01/2025

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, January 16th, 2025 - 3 comments
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3 comments on “Open mike 16/01/2025 ”

  1. Tiger Mountain 1

    Gaza Ceasefire? unlikely to happen in the first instance, or stick if the Israeli Cabinet does approve, after all there are still a few buildings standing and kids with all their limbs.

  2. PsyclingLeft.Always 2

    Forestry giant Ernslaw One delays cyclone damage repairs, court extends deadlines

    A Malaysian-born forestry giant, Ernslaw One, continues to remain at the centre of the storm after wreaking havoc on Te Tairāwhiti's fragile environment with forestry debris.

    Despite being fined for the catastrophic destruction caused during the 2018 cyclones, the company is yet to fully rectify its forestry processes as ordered.

    WTF, why ?!

    Now, it has left the Environment Court with no choice but to extend deadlines, further delaying peace of mind for a region heading into cyclone season.

    IMO..they are taking the piss !

    The conditions set by the Environment Court had a deadline of December 2024, however when the Gisborne District Council conducted a site visit in November, it noted areas of the forest remained non-compliant and still had high-risk issues.

    The council told the Environment Court that although some work had been done, the work was "piecemeal" and representatives for Ernslaw who also attended the site visit expressed surprise at the minimalist nature of the works completed.

    They were initially fined $225,000 and ordered to pay $130,000 reparation to locally affected families. Which is basically fuck all to this company…or anywhere near adequate, considering the damage they caused !

    And this..UNsurprising really.

    Unanswered questions over why forestry giant Ernslaw One lost environment label

    UNsurprising that foreign owned companies..give a fuck about NZ's Environment….

  3. kejo 3

    Unanswered questions: Frightfully convienient corporate games. I,ve never believed those stickers anyway.

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