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Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 4:39 pm, February 13th, 2025
Ianmac, agree with your POV and thanks for the reminder to respond.Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 10:38 am, February 11th, 2025
And how was he going to get down? Turn at the top or reverse down the steps? How safe would reversing down steps be? Would he bottom out at the top step as he came out onto the flat? Had he thought of any of this?Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 9:59 am, February 11th, 2025
King of the Road! Old worn-out ute and shoes, I don't pay no union dues, I smoke old roaches I have found, short but not too big around [Refrain] I'm a man of means, by no means King of the road.Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 5:44 pm, February 10th, 2025
Would you consider taking that as a salary? No. Employer, team and fans would be rather disappointed if I did, especially at 75...... Mind you, Sir Donald Bradman was asked how he would go batting against the West Indian fast bowlers of the 1980s, Malcolm ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 12:19 pm, February 10th, 2025
The American football final. About to start. I asked myself why a player would want to play a ball game where most of the team never get to touch the ball when playing. Maybe get to jump on a loose ball twice in a full career. Then get to give the ball to ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 5:59 pm, February 9th, 2025
I wrote this in 2012 about Apiti wind farm near PN. "Long light lingers in from the west Illumining green hills in clear glow- Blades of countless turbines spin above In the unfelt wind; a Calvary Of crosses against the sky, Three point stars for crossbars ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 5:40 pm, February 9th, 2025
I found this from the Ministry of the Environment in 2022. "How much highly productive land has been lost to subdivision? In the last 20 years, over 35,000 hectares of highly productive land has been lost to urban or rural residential development. The ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 8:41 am, February 9th, 2025
I did some sums yesterday upon reading a report that gave the figures of 112,000 people in substandard or no housing requiring some 40,000 homes to be built to house them all. Building that amount of housing at $4000 a square metre for one, two and three ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 8:33 am, February 9th, 2025
SPC, what current practice is it that you are aiming to address by limiting 'shift work requirement to where this is required'?Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 8:05 am, February 9th, 2025
Today let us honour Samuel Parnell who brought the idea of the 8 hour working day to Wellington on this day in 1840. He told a prospective employer, "There are twenty-four hours per day given us; eight of these should be for work, eight for sleep, and the ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 5:01 pm, February 2nd, 2025
Getting back to Cruz, you're right in your final paragraph. The Cruz assertion in his tweet about "self-indulgent left wing attacks" when applied to ACT, National and NZF is amusing. When was the last time Seymour or the rest were accused of being left- ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 8:38 am, February 1st, 2025
Us 'commanists' could tell you, who made the comments!Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 12:40 pm, January 31st, 2025
It's the salt- cravings for salt. There is, I believe, a cellar/pantry inventory hard-wired into the brain that, reminding us that potato crisps, cheese crackers and beer are available for immediate consumption, short circuits any nascent delayed ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 4:47 pm, January 30th, 2025
I once worked out that a truck travelling from Blenheim to Nelson, a 114 km route, at these higher speeds would save about 16 minutes, but no truck can travel roads at their 90 km/h open road speeds, especially over the Whangamoa saddle, so the time for ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 4:41 pm, January 30th, 2025
SH2 Featherstone to Masterson is 52km. At 80 km/h will take 39 mins, at 100 km/h will take 31.2 mins and trucks at 90 km/h will take 34.6 mins. The figure of three minutes saved from the Ministry looks sound. Travelling 50 kms at 90 versus 80 will cost ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 1:36 pm, January 28th, 2025
"Billionaires of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your gains!" “The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Proletarians of All Countries, Unite!” The final three sentences of the Communist Manifesto, ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 2:33 pm, January 21st, 2025
"Some of Trump’s claims were patently untrue. Like an American split the atom first." Here's what Nick Smith, Mayor of Nelson, said. They ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 3:39 pm, January 13th, 2025
Considering the discussion in #1 above about world conflicts, and other threads about the threat of global warming and Trumpian times to come, here is a world view of conflicts for 23-24. "Highest number of countries in conflict since World War II There ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 12:24 pm, January 8th, 2025
"He also tossed this in:" Well, he is a tosser. Well spotted, Dennis. The Roman analogy is good. The Roman elite used slavery, patronage and war to make millions and then gave some back as bread and circuses to curry favour with the masses. An American ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 11:22 am, January 8th, 2025
Neutral observers run the risk of becoming partisan by pronouncing before investigating. One of the blessings of education is that people become aware. Hence the teaching of NZ custom and belief, for example in social studies, should have made pupils aware ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 9:23 am, January 8th, 2025
"policy would seem racist to enough kiwis already without fanning the flames…" 'Seem" is the operative word here. A quick, gut reaction based on one's own beliefs is not argument enough. How can a policy based on one's language ability be seen as racist? ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 1:00 pm, December 26th, 2024
It was a post about Christmas songs, but I agree with you, Weston. "And the Band played Waltzing Matilda" is a powerful song, along with "Now I'm Easy" and "No Man's Land". Eric Bogle got the sentiment right. When I visited Gallipoli and the Western Front, ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 12:39 pm, December 19th, 2024
Luxon is on a roll, buttered, pre-sauced and ready to serve at the New Year BBQs where the sausages are grilling on the back-burners, the salad blue-greens wilting on the side table, and the chillie bins stocked with Speights to be necked. To paraphase TS ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 5:31 pm, December 16th, 2024
I wouldn't say 'no trousers', Macro, but definitely wearing short trousers. EVs are seen as 'woke', green or wimpish. I have one. My friends call it the 'black ninja' as it glides up noiselessly. But that's the thing- it's not noisy. It does not announce ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 10:13 am, December 16th, 2024
And now, in today's news of further failings in the coalition's transport policies, we learn about "National's quiet U-turn on $247m EV charger pledge". Before the election Luxon blamed Labour for the lack of investment. Now we find that Labour's budget of ...Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 10:09 am, December 15th, 2024
Brown is certainly creating a heap of resistance. It's all noise and 'look at me', while the Minister of Transport's need for speed exhausts our patience.Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 3:44 pm, December 3rd, 2024
To be a smart ass I thought I'd jokingly suggest "make your own peanut butter:." So I googled it. You can, Cheaply. Using a blender, a food processor, meat grinder or pestle and mortar. Think I'll give it a go...... just another kind of hummus, right?Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 9:35 pm, December 2nd, 2024
"They put these in computers? Nah, they don't, do they really?Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 5:51 pm, December 1st, 2024
Dennis, Hipkins named about 12 areas where Labour would take action to improve matters. If that ain't part of the plan, what is? Details will come later, of course. :-)Written By: Mac1 - Date published: 9:00 am, November 22nd, 2024
An interesting alternative history scenario would be to consider what would have happened if Luxon during negotiations had totally rejected ACT's treaty bill then. Would ACT have accepted that or forced Luxon to call a snap election? How would both parties ...
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