A tale of two Christmas speeches

Written By: - Date published: 7:15 am, December 20th, 2018 - 31 comments
Categories: jacinda ardern, Parliament, Politics, Simon Bridges - Tags:

Yesterday was the final sitting day in Parliament. In accordance with tradition there were speeches from the leaders marking the end of the political year.

First there was Jacinda …

Then there was Simon …

He spoke for twice as long as [everyone else apart from] Jacinda and must have claimed two speaking slots. He would have been better sticking with just one.

The difference could not be more stark between the two. Focussed, uplifting and concentrating on the big picture verses shrill, nit picking and sweating the small stuff to try and divert away from his own inadequacies.

31 comments on “A tale of two Christmas speeches ”

  1. Robert Guyton 1

    Simon Bridges, the Christmas pinch.

  2. Tony Veitch [not etc.] 2

    Micky, I suspect you’re wrong – Soimon spoke for the same length of time as Jacinda!

    It was just so painful to listen to it seemed much longer.

    • mickysavage 2.1

      Oops you are right. The others spoke for 5 minutes but Jacinda did speak for 10. You are right it seemed like it … I will correct.

  3. Pete 3

    You get around over years to a few places and forums and get a feel for the up lifters, the ones with fire attached to principle and belief, the ones who people want to hook their wagons to and trust to take them where you want to be.

    Then you get the puzzling spectacle of “Did you get a text from whoever, and what did it say?” The seemingly endless spectacle.

    For any milling around working out which direction to point their wagon, the tragic spectacle.

  4. veutoviper 4

    Listening to Bridges’ adjournment speech yesterday it finally dawned on me what has been niggling at me about Bridges but which I just could not put my finger on.

    IMHO he completely lacks the ability to identify nuance and appropriateness, and to act/speak accordingly. In other words, he continues to press points – eg, his insistence on continuing the investigation to identify the leaker of his expenses, his obsession with the wording of Hardcore’s text to the PM and her relationship with him – with little regard to what may lay behind such actions and what the consequences might be of doing so.

    In the context of yesterday’s adjournment speeches, he ignored the usual convention for these speeches of putting aside attack tactics and taking a lighter, more humorous conciliatory big picture approach – as taken by Ardern, Peters and most other speakers.

    Instead, as was mentioned by Jo Moir on the RNZ Morning Report this morning, Bridges treated it as yet another General Debate speech and continued his attack on the Government and the PM in particular. He really has become a bitter, twisted person IMO.

    Some of his National MPs seemed to be embarrassed by his approach. Some but not all of their following speakers sought to walk a tightrope between following Bridges’ approach and taking a lighter conciliatory approach including Paula Bennett. Others, eg Barbara Kuriger pretty much blindly followed their leader.

    And then David Seymour … Missing in Action after being scheduled to speak.

    Pretty much Seymour’s whole approach to being in the House these days. It has amused me how many times this year, his vote has not been used/recorded in the main business of the House – debating and voting on legislation – because he has not been in the House or voted by proxy. Then on other occasions he has voted but not with his former ally, National – as he did the other night when the PM’s Child Poverty Reduction Bill passed its final Third Reading by 119 – 1, with ACT being the only opposition.

    • Michelle 4.1

      he is a fucken idiot and he should have been saying what his party is going to do and how they are going to improve things for all NZders that vote for him and list what their priorities are instead he gets personal and waffles a whole lot of shit. In the meantime the knives are being sharpened can’t wait to see the national circus rollout next year keep the good work up soimon you doing a good job cuzy bro of fucking it all up.

      • Bewildered 4.1.1

        Labour had 9 years to work out what they where going to do and then fell into power and did not have fkn clue barring setting up committes, and you judge national, Labour and col are in for a rocky year next year, will actually have to do something slogans, virtue signalling, more committes won’t cut it, Likewise economy is starting to splutter re recent gdp figures, should be fun

        • Red Blooded One

          Congratulations on having chosen a completely appropriate name for yourself. The Coalition of Liberals (as I assume you mean by col/sarc) won the election fair and square and have had a highly productive year. You, of course, in your bewilderment will be unable to acknowledge any of the achievements.

          • Marshy

            Coalition of liberals … lol … funniest description I’ve heard for this bunch of amateurs so far

        • peterlepaysan

          You need to go to a place where english is taught, as well as as rationality is taught.

          Unfortunately I suspect you are unteachable on the evidence of your comment.

        • ken

          You are exactly the type of Nat who will criticise the government for consulting the experts on one hand, and criticise the government for “making up policy on the hoof” on the other.

  5. Barfly 5

    I believe I sensed an air of desperation about Bridges

    A bit like a blind boxer flailing wildly

  6. ianmac 6

    Sum up Simon in two words:

  7. Kevin 7

    Just take comfort that it is probably the last one he will give.

  8. Wow Simon’s goodbye speech. What a tool. He is thick. Attacking Jacinda is the worst option. Go away slimey Simon you are useless.

  9. Marshy 9

    Wiping the floor? You mean by refusing to answer simple questions with a straight answer? But just lots of um’s and ah’s and erm’s … and then resorting to childish name calling. Which for once her bodyguard Mallard made her withdraw. Yup … wiping the floor, sure …

    • Bewildered 9.1

      Don’t forget the flailing uncontrollable arms and the “Let me be clear” when ever she is going to be anything but However I will admit nice person, rubbish pm

      • Marshy 9.1.1

        True, and hows she will ‘simply not accept that ….’ when something she doesnt want to admit to is put before her ..

        • mac1

          Maybe she “will simply not accept that…” when false premises, dodgy figures, straw man arguments, and illogical conclusions are used in the question she is answering.

    • Tricledrown 9.2

      Mushy idolatry at 6% popularity he can only be connecting to the Fringe lunatic voters/minions

  10. Now this is how to do a Xmas speech!