All the misinformation fit to print

Written By: - Date published: 10:45 pm, May 18th, 2009 - 3 comments
Categories: law and "order", Media - Tags:

The Herald are currently running a poll asking ‘[s]hould people facing charges punishable by less than three years imprisonment be able to be tried by a judge alone?’
The only problem with this question is that currently unless the defendant elects otherwise all such charges if possibly punishable by more than three months jail are tried before a Judge alone.  It is only if the defendant makes a conscious decision to elect having a jury trial that such a trial can eventuate.
It would help for a properly reasoned debate about the issues for the correct information to be supplied by our media.

[One fears Greg might be expecting a little too much]

3 comments on “All the misinformation fit to print ”

  1. Yep. Expectations set waaaaaaaaay too high.

    Its up there with if you opposed the anti-smacking bill that meant you were indifferent to child abuse.

  2. infused 2

    My partner is studying law and they have been talking about this change. I don’t know what it’s like in other countries but basically they are saying our court systems are clogged.