
Written By: - Date published: 9:46 am, September 18th, 2008 - 33 comments
Categories: election 2008, polls - Tags: , , ,

Under the headline “National MP ‘least prefered’ in own website opinion poll” the Kapiti News reports that Nathan Guy trails Darren Hughes 5% to 95% in his own Facebook poll.

Comments on the poll include:

I don’t trust Nathan Guy to work properly for all the people of Kapiti and Horowhenua. I’ve heard nothing from him that convinces me to think of him as motivated by anything but a desire to see his rich big-agribusiness mates get richer and the rest of us can lump it.

33 comments on “Burned ”

  1. coge 1

    all_your_base, I live in Hughes electorate & it seems Nathan is going to romp home this time around. Otaki was one of the closest run electorate races in 2005, & I think even the smallest swing will get that result. I don’t expect a small swing.

  2. lprent 2

    😈 Yet another example of online polls getting done. 08wire did a good post on them the other day Memo to Whale: Online Polls Stink. I particularly liked the story of Hank the angry drunken dwarf getting himself top of the polls as a beautiful person.

    BTW: does anyone know why Whale is actually down? I’m enjoying it, but I’d be interested to find out if it was technical or legal (or even ??? ‘sod).

  3. Anita 3

    I don’t trust Nathan Guy to work properly


    Are they worried his wheels will get stuck? Or that he’ll start overheating? Or only work at medium speed? Or make a funny noise when plugged into the mains?

  4. the sprout 4

    ah the perils of consultative democracy

  5. Askewniverse 5

    Coge – well that might be so. But let’s not forget that Nathan Guy owns one of the biggest dairy farms in the lower north island – and he is cashing in on the extreme dairy prices all NZers face.

    He talks about how he is dealing with the ‘issues that matter’ – well the issue that matters is the amount of money in our pockets – and the high prices we are paying for commodities is killing us. Nathan Guy is directly benefitting from this and should stand up and tell the people just how much money his farm has banked since he came to Parliament.

  6. coge 6

    Askewniverse, Nathan is hardly to blame for the lack of money in workers pockets, or even the price of cheese. You would have to look a bit closer to home to answer those issues. Funny how Otaki gets a mention today, is Hughes starting to sweat I wonder?

  7. Tim Ellis 7

    Askewniverse said:

    Nathan Guy is directly benefitting from this and should stand up and tell the people just how much money his farm has banked since he came to Parliament.

    MPs already have a register of pecuniary interests. Are you saying this isn’t enough? If Nathan Guy should tell people how much money he’s made from dairying, should Helen Clark tell us how much money she’s made from property investment (after all, house prices have been unaffordable for many New Zealanders for some time)? If Nathan Guy isn’t qualified to talk about the issues that matter, then how is Helen Clark?

    As it happens, I was driving up SH1 through the electorate on Sunday night. Nathan Guy hoardings were all over the place. I counted at least twenty between Paraparaumu and Foxton. The only coverage I saw of Darren Hughes was his electorate office sign in Levin. It looks like Hughes has a very steep uphill battle for Otaki.

  8. Lynn – keep up man! It was me:



    I think the drupal page is a holder until he gets a new site up in a different CMS and I’m sure you know how much time is involved in importing all that drupal into something more blog focused like word press. Especially for a retard like Cameron…

    I reckon it’ll take him at least three days. What’s your guess?

  9. Patrick 9

    Funny how Otaki gets a mention today, is Hughes starting to sweat I wonder?

    The poll was started by Guy on his Facebook page, and reported by the Kapiti Times yesterday. How long until John Key tries to get the reporter fired?

  10. Scribe 10

    I wonder if the poll allows multiple votes from the same IP address.

  11. Askewniverse 11

    Lol I would be willing to bet that the rent Clark gets from her Wellington flat and Christchurch flat are a little way off what Guy has been pocketing for himself from Fonterra. but yes actually – I see no reason why our MPs should be able to hide their true income and interests.

    Guy refuses to even talk about his farm let alone his family’s shareholding in Fonterra and how much money he is creaming off the locals (mind the pun). He should come clean.

    Also no prizes for guessing who put up all his hoardings – and who have been push-polling for him again.

  12. BeShakey 12

    “As it happens, I was driving up SH1 through the electorate on Sunday night. Nathan Guy hoardings were all over the place. I counted at least twenty between Paraparaumu and Foxton. The only coverage I saw of Darren Hughes was his electorate office sign in Levin. It looks like Hughes has a very steep uphill battle for Otaki.”

    Not quite sure how that follows. Maybe Hughes is confident that he doesn’t need to start an advertising blitz yet. Maybe National more generally is putting their billboards up early (Wellington Central certainly has a large number of Stephen Franks billboards, despite him having no chance of winning the electorate). The fact that he has lots of billboards could be used to support the conclusion he thinks he needs to do much more than Hughes to win, or that Hughes has given up (or a bunch of others). You show your hand with the conclusion you leaped to.

  13. Janet 13

    I’m not surprised. Darren Hughes is young, funny, generous and an extremely hard worker inside and outside his electorate for a lot more than just Labour causes. He genuinely likes people and has a commitment to the ethic of public service. All we know of Nathan Guy is from television views of him as a cheerleader for John and Bill who sit in front of him in parliament.

  14. Searching 14

    The signs are in the most appropriate places too – adjacent to a funeral home in Kapiti Road, and obscured by trees on SH1.

  15. A Poll on a facebook website, that must be accurate!

  16. Vanilla Eis 16

    Brett: About as accurate as a Stuff.co.nz poll…

  17. Nic 17

    Whether its hoardings or an on-line poll, neither give us an accurate portrait of where the election is going in Otaki. My view is the major swings in the electorates happened in 2005. It will be close.

    Guy’s credibility must come into question when he portrays himself as an average ‘family man’ while he ‘milks’ profits from hard-working NZers from his Dairy Farm business. His ability to identify with the average struggling New Zealand family is highly questionable.

  18. Phil 18

    Brett: About as accurate as a Stuff.co.nz poll…

    Sure, because there’s no difference whatsoever between 189 people voting on Facebook, and 30,000+ on a stuff poll.

    None, nada, zip.

    [that stuff poll was obviously hijacked. No stuff poll ever gets more than a few thousand votes and that one got ten times as many. SP]

  19. randal 19

    as me old mate snapper jones would say when we were dragging logs out of the bush. Darren Hughes wil sh*t in carrying a pig. If guy needs that many billboards to get his message across then it is obvious he is a nowhere man and besides this election is a matter of trust and the electorate trusts Darren Hughes and they dont trust Nathan Guy.

  20. John BT 20

    Why is it that the Left hate people who make a lot of money?, even when it is a farm inherited from Daddy.
    What sort of state would the country be in without the income from the farming sector?
    Considering how close the vote was last time and that Darren is more likely to be taking HC to the movies than dealing with the concerns of people in his electorate he does not stand a chance.

  21. Scribe 21


    His ability to identify with the average struggling New Zealand family is highly questionable.

    That’s an interesting criterion you’ve come up with for choosing who to vote for. He’s, what, 17 on the party list?

    How well do numbers 1-16 on the Labour list “identify with the average struggling New Zealand family”? Not very, I’d suggest.

  22. All internet polls are worthless, they cant be trusted.

  23. rjs131 23

    I wonder how much tax this super evil farmer has paid. ANd how many people are employed on this farm?

    Maybe this can be compared to Darren Hughes’ contribution to the New Zealand Economy. Has be ever been employed in teh private sector and contributed to the economy?

  24. Phil 24

    “that stuff poll was obviously hijacked. No stuff poll ever gets more than a few thousand votes and that one got ten times as many. SP”

    The last dozen polls more often than not recieved +10,000 votes, so three times as much raises an eyebrow.

    However, given that the announcement of the election date is a significantly newsworthy event, I would expect to see a rise in general site traffic for Stuff.co.nz at the same time.

    The spike in traffic to US news sites at the time McCain announced Palin as his running mate was massive, so a tripling in Stuff’s traffic when the PM announces the election is not outside the realm of plausibility.

    An alternative viewpoint could be; given hijacking online polls is easy, why should this one be the target more than any other political poll they run?

  25. Nic 25

    Scribe, I don’t think I was talking about the Labour Party list. I was addressing the fact that Nathan Guy is a gentleman of privilege who can’t fully relate to the day to day economic concerns of struggling families in the electorate he wishes to represent. Given that his fortune is a family one, he has enjoyed these opportunities from birth.

  26. John BT 26

    So what? Are you jealous?

  27. coge 27

    Given that Mr Hughes used tattered old hoardings from at least 2002 at the last election, it’s safe to assume he needs a fresh supply. Perhaps it’s a funding issue, or a shortage of willing helpers to erect the hoardings.

    The suggestion that he doesn’t need to make an effort to win his electorate is laughable.

  28. Askewniverse 28

    You tories talk as though we should be celebrating Guy’s ability to over-price what is a basic commodity. Kiwi families are hurting because of the outrageous price hikes that Nathan Guy has directly benefitted from.

    Nathan Guy is happily sitting there counting his millions while the every day kiwi families he claims to sympathise with, can barely afford his blocks of cheese.

    This is a rort and Milk-Sheik Guy and his cronies shouldnt be allowed to get away it.

  29. John BT 29

    The ridiculous price we pay for cheese is a result of international commodity prices and are not set by Nathan Guy. It is called capitalism.
    We would be able to afford it a lot easier if we were not taxed up the wazoo by the idiot socialists.

  30. Askewniverse 30

    Yeah but isnt it funny how cheap oil is in the Middle East and places like Brunei where they produce oil – yet Milk is, if anything, more expensive in New Zealand.

    And again, who is cashing in on this? Nathan Guy.

  31. John BT 31

    I give up. Nathan is really an evil man for making money from his overcharging of milk to his fellow Kiwis. He has no doubt been planning this since his early childhood. Bad, naughty man.
    As punishment I am now going to vote for Act!

  32. coge 32

    Askewniverse, the folk of Otaki are not ignorant as you seem to suggest. All we can see today is Clarks’ lap dog who appears incapable of even running a basic campaign. Perhaps being a list MP seems more appealing to Hughes.

    Otaki has a large farming sector, & the rural hub town of Levin. These folk benefit from the dairy boom, (which was long overdue) & will vote accordingly. The Labour led govt has also benefitted from the dairy boom.

  33. DeeDub 33

    Brett Dale:

    “All internet polls are worthless, they cant be trusted.”

    Yep, that’s why your candidate started this one on facestalk.