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notices and features - Date published:
7:31 am, May 11th, 2021 - 52 comments
Categories: caption contest, humour, Simon Bridges -
Caption: "National's Final Solution"
Clever photo. Closed fist flipping the bird with the bras d'honneur, black shirt, unshaven manliness, smug smile and knowing look….. are the two capital "S" in the word 'confession' given slight emphasis in their type faca and spacing?
The content of the book is not politics because we don't encourage politicians, remember?
The subtitle could also read, given the current state of National- "National Identity: the search for the soul of a political party."
btw, I thought that this photo was a spoof and a very clever one. I wrote the above comment and then checked. It's for real! https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2021/05/simon-bridges-announces-intensely-personal-memoir-national-identity-on-masculinity-race-and-fitting-in.html
Reality spoofs satire!
Agree about everything really but particularly the expanded title.
Simon Bridges …A Rolls Royce mind, but without a driver.
The more white you act, the more black you can wear.
I need to hold my chin up with my clenched fist.
That guy who took it on the chin.
Good to see his leadership relaunch break cover.
The man who couldn’t be a real estate agent because he looked like an architect.
Such a complex mind incognito.
He was actually a police prosecutor..
(not a prosecutor of police..as such..you understand..)
He doesn't deserve to be described as looking like an architect.
You need to go deeper than the superficial looks; there are multiple layers in my comment. Does the photo remind you of anybody, of perhaps a famous person?
"A political memoir would have had to include a bit much on Jamie Lee Ross, and I can't recall that stuff at this time."
Wait till he sends it to his publisher , the editor will be crossing out plenty…'you cant say it in that way.'
Uppercuts for Dummies
They should have gone with this title for sure…
phew! aaaahhh! pant-pant! growl! – NOT
It's all a bit of fun really – sport for adults and I'm up for it. Bring it on!
Soimon labours secret weapon since ages ago.
Chinless wonders. couldn't get my foot up enough,they are lead boots that JC gave me,drats.
Like Judith, I have learned to hide my double chin.
"I should have stayed on the farm with my yaks, but decided to punch myself in the face and go back to politics"
Book title (to accompany ‘The Thinker’ pose): I've Been Sinking
[image resized]
Thanks for resizing the image. Is there a quick tutorial on how to do that? I tried changing (decreasing) the height and width numbers after pasting the image URL into the image properties box/dialogue, but the image kept on reverting to its original size.
I use tags, but I believe that if you type 100% in both the Width and Heigth boxes it may show up ok.
What works for me is not playing around with any of the boxes in the dialog box, but just paste the image URL into the box, and submit the comment.
Then immediately edit the comment to add width="550" (or whatever size you want just before the /> that closes the image reference.
For instance, this image at https://emojipedia-us.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/thumbs/120/apple/279/nerd-face_1f913.png looks like
when just pasted into the URL box, and the end of the tag when you open the edit looks like /nerd-face_1f913.png” />.
When you add the width=”50″ it looks like
and the end of the tag reads /nerd-face_1f913.png” width=”50″/>
Pay attention to where the space is, there is a space just before the width=”50″ but not after.
In that case, add this text before the closing tag: width=”100%”
Include the quotation marks.
Alternatively, leave it for a Moderator to resize the image.
Thanks to both for that clear advice – will store for later reference.
The Gobsmacking Truth About National's Identity!
'The Thinker' thinks, but through his simulated thought / winks at us all, a calculated posing that amounts to nought / and dreams of Paula with the Bayleys job / fistfuls of cash for acting like a nob / and says "why am I here, it makes no sense / when such rewards are showered on the dense".
Edit – DMK at 16 above beat me to it.
Oi cornt weet fo da audiobook.
LOL haha EE You nailed it.!!
To those who think that Simon Bridges is adopting the pose of a thinker, I would suggest rather he is saying rude, crude and macho things. It fits with his description of his upcoming work as to do with masculinity, hence the macho stance.
Bras d'honneur
A bras d'honneur , Iberian slap or Italian salute is an obscene gesture that communicates moderate to extreme contempt, and is roughly equivalent in meaning to "fk me", "fk you", "shove it up your ass/arse", "up yours" or "go f**k yourself", having the same meaning as giving the finger . To make the gesture, an arm is bent in an L-shape, with the fist pointing upwards; the other hand then grips or slaps the biceps of the bent arm as it is emphatically raised to a vertical position. From Wikipedia.
NATIONAL IDENTITY – shove it up your arse!
That should sell a few copies.
Wouldn't help its resale value, though. 🙂
You mean, keep it Soimly!
No, I'm not Stanley Kowalski; nor Marlon Brando either for that matter.
A self-satisfied smiling man who thinks he’s decluttered his closet but only tipped out the ashtray filled with the buds of his dreams that went up in smoke.
subtitle:..how Simon bridges knocked himself out..
Is it written phonetically..?..
(I swore I wouldn't go there..the comedy-devil made me do it..)
simon bridges: (bubble)..'not a political'-leader..
(I'm getting loose here..vipurative even..)
simon bridges: national wanker…
(subtitle: confessions of a reactionary political-auto-eroticist..)
simon bridges:..putting the mug in smug..
Would YOU buy a used car off this man?
Confucius say, wise is man without gift of gab with gob shut .
Simon Bridges keeps his composure as Judith Collins photo bombs his publicity shot with her fist.
Simon Brigdes: The Oh Look Book
Most people do not look that happy when they have punched theirselves in the face.
How many years ago was that pic taken? He has not looked like that for several years.
Publishers (sigh) will do anything to sell books. (I have been there).
Pre the internet there used to be a warning, "do not judge a book by it's cover".
"Confessions of a smug, loud mouth,strutting, playground boasting bully.
Necessary attributes for successful national party politicians."