Caption contest

Written By: - Date published: 1:55 pm, April 18th, 2011 - 29 comments
Categories: caption contest - Tags:

29 comments on “Caption contest ”

  1. DJ 1

    This is what being in National does to you.

  2. Jim Nald 2

    “We’d like you each to buy 10 bottles of snake-oil politics to serve to the electorates for Nov 26.”

  3. Ayo John. if i smile with my mouth closed and wave with only one hand, no one will see my nice teeth and freshly manicured hands.

    It’s important that Maori aspire to having nice teeth and soft hands. Don’t you think ?…tee hee hee

    captcha : aiming (high)

  4. randal 4

    and that kiddies is how the vulgarians won the last election!

  5. toad 5

    And now I cast my magic spell, and the oil leak will stop!

  6. SHG 6

    “I have found something funny so I am laughing”

  7. fabregas4 7

    John put his hands on my breasts like this and I said “You’ve got my vote Big Boy!”.

    Captcha – feel (as in cop a …)

  8. todd 8

    I became one of the jokers Hench men, and now look at me.
    My elders didn’t like it, but I just laughed in their faces.
    If it wasn’t for the Prozac, those protestors would be really getting on my tits.
    Then Petrobras gave me a new smile. Ha ha ha!

    My arse is still warm… I love my BMW.

  9. “Now I’ve passed Cackling 101 and perfected the “Wicked Witch” pose, I’m allowed to use the broomstick Helen left behind when she went to New York”.

    • Jum 9.1

      Just what Labour needs – a nasty little ‘obbit who hates women.  Go and play on the road Widerstrom.

      • Yes, my little anonymous pop psychologist, you’ve got me – I hate women. All those thousands being spent round the world on analysts when people could simply post a one line satirical blog comment and you’ll give them a personality profile based on your vast knowledge of human pyschology gained… where exactly?

        But what ever do you mean “just what Labour needs”? The last time I was hired to consult to them was 1996.

  10. mcflock 10

    “… so I was picking myself up off Bellamy’s floor like this and that’s when Gerry told me I was the one who was going to handle the media about Deepwater deep water drilling! I was like, ‘what the hell if, you get Simon to do a headstand on the table I’ll do it’ – he’s game for anything after a few, but gets pissed off the next day … “

  11. Treetop 11

    I look a bit stupid cause I didn’t read the label before sampling.  What is in that stuff?  I’ll take two bottles, the large bottles. 

  12. M 12

    I want benefits cut by ten per cent you hear?
    Read these digits possums!

  13. M 13

    Oooh, those tax cuts get in, don’t they?
    Just feel how soft my hands are after the application of that most wonderful of substances, tax cuts funded by the poor.

  14. M 14

    This is how big John’s head will be if we win the election.

  15. Woohoo! Did you hear? I’ve made it to [the] Cabinet!

  16. Deadly_NZ 16

    No No No you filthy Poor drink from the Gutter not our nice bar, SHOO shoo.

  17. Doug 17

    She had just read Red Alert.
    Rotten month shows in iPredict
    • National forecast to govern alone – even if Act and UnitedFuture leave Parliament and NZ First reaches 5%

  18. kriswgtn 18

    We don’t serve beneficiaries

  19. todd 19

    I used to be on my knees like this for twelve hours a day, now I get perks.

    Then I said the deficit was this big, and they believed me.

    You mean I get my own very slave, wonderful!

    I’ve been getting specialist skin treatment, you’d hardly know I was Maori.

    When we cut, cut and cut some more, they will scream like this.

    I look at my bank balance and it doesn’t matter that I’m a Kupapa!

  20. Jum 20

    It’s not even her you have to worry about; it’s the backers behind the killer drink…

  21. logie97 21

    ‘I remember as a kid, we used to watch Tommy Cooper.  
    Ee, it wer a laugh.
    He’d go, “Just like that!” I think.  No his hands, were lower – but baa gum, it were a laugh… it breaks me up when I think of it, even now.’

  22. Jenny 22

    First we send the navy and police. If that doesn’t deter the protesters, we send the SAS to break their necks.

  23. todd 23

    30 thousands shares in Petrobras, or was that 100… I’m so ecstatic I can’t remember.

    Wow! Thanks Johny, my new gestapo uniform looks great!

    Parata, the new smiling face of fascism.

    Then I had my slave lick my gestapo boots clean, wonderful!

    Look! There’s no blood left on my hands.

    My bank balance makes even the biggest oil spill look beautiful.

    I never knew lying felt so good.

  24. George 24

    “Tim, Murray, what’ll it be? Got your ministerial credit cards with you? Good. It’s for your mini bar eh. As John says, Ministers have the right to have a drink from their mini-bar”.

  25. Chris 25

    “Labours polling at what ?  (insert HUGE laugh) Malarious”

  26. todd 26

    My three oil spill disaster recovery boats are this big.

  27. logie97 27

    Paula is a lot stronger than me. She can hold it a… lot …lo … longer … thannnn…  me …uh… uh! Oh f#*k I dropped it.  Sod it she can have the
    job in the soup kitchen… that lot ‘re closer to her roots anyway…