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notices and features - Date published:
12:16 pm, March 22nd, 2018 - 193 comments
Categories: national, same old national -
Tags: jonathan coleman
Another senior National MP is quitting politics.
From Stuff:
National MP and former Health Minister Jonathan Coleman has called time on Parliament, sparking a by-election in his Auckland seat.
The party’s number six has been offered a significant opportunity to run a private sector health company.
Coleman, the MP for the safe National electorate of Northcote, has announced he’s resigning from politics and is expected to make his valedictory speech in the next couple of weeks.
And it seems this is another case of unrequited ambition:
Coleman was tipped to run again for the leadership when English announced he was leaving politics earlier this year.
However he never joined the race, which ended up with five contenders, and when National leader Simon Bridges announced his reshuffle Coleman was promoted to number six on the list – up from seven – and retained his health and sport and recreation portfolios.
It’s understood Coleman was lining himself up for the finance role and was disappointed after the reshuffle, prompting his decision to look for other opportunities.
National won the by election by 6,200 last election. Shanan Halbert did well to shave Coleman’s majority. This could be an interesting by election.
Gotta love National’s speed and scope of refresh both before and after election.
How do their pre and post election resignations compare to Labour 2008 and early 2009?
08 was more attrition by simply by losing.
Otherwise answer is:
really badly.
We only won 2017 because we had a full Rainbow Sparkle Pony miracle. It’s a good win I ain’t complaining, but the full talent refresh at shadow cabinet took far too long.
Do you have the actual comparisons? Alot of these appear to be about losing too.
Of course it is about losing.
When you have been a cabinet Minister for 9 years what would be the appeal of now sitting in opposition for possibly 9 years?
Its a good thing for any outgoing government, that the old guard quietly disappear. It means they won’t go into the next election being accused of being the same old individuals that got voted out (e.g Goff).
Labour only lost a couple between the 2008 and 2011 elections.
Goff performed much better in 2011 than the nats did in 2002, and the nats scraped in on orphan electorate seats.
Whether the current attrition of the nats will help them or hinder them is up for speculation, but it does seem to be a bad case this time.
Labour only lost a couple after 2008? Define “a couple”
By my count there were at least 10 Labour MPs who won seats in 2008, that were gone by the 2011 election.
Helen Clark
Michael Cullen
Pete Hodgson
Chris Carter
Rick Barker
Steve Chadwick
Winnie Laban
Darren Hughes
Ashraf Choudary
George Hawkins
Given the size of their massive caucus I would expect National to lose about 12 over this term.
Yeah fair call that they lost five in the 2008-11 term. But only three were voluntary resignations (one of those well into 2010). Another three simply didn’t contest the 2011 election, so finished then.
So far the nats have lost Blinglish, Joyce and coleman to spontaneous resignations.
Labour had only two resignations just after the election, Clark and Cullen.
Laban resigned in late 2010.
Carter and Hughes were departures due to circumstance rather than greener fields.
The other three served out the term and didn’t go for re-election, as far as I can see.
So politics is the only job where experience is frowned upon?
Simon Bridges is an example of wear young doesnt mean different social or political ideology.
Age and experience are not to be dismissed carte blanche
Experience is frowned upon in governance generally, not just politics
Many boards have term limits so that directors are rotated on a semi regular basis.
The idea is to get fresh thinking, but I am not convinced that fresh blood is always better than experience.
Which is odd because most calls for directorships seek people who have been Directors before. And NZ seems to have a small group of Directors used on multiple boards.
Being an MP requires more hands on than a Director does. Directors are mostly strategic and rarely get near a shop floor or a customer
I also think its because a politician needs popular support to keep their job. Competency isn’t even necessary if you look at the long list of useless MPs on both sides of the house.
Once you lose that sparkle in the eyes of your colleagues, or the public, it is very difficult to claw it back, so the easiest thing to do is go get a better job.
The media is always looking for the new fresh face of politics. For years they gushed over Key without critically questioning his policies.
Now we have the media term “Jacindamania” going down the same road of treating her like a celebrity
I wonder ablut sparkle per se when you have a List system? Maybe those politicians can be refreshed out as they have no constituencies to tend to.
It’s not. The whole point of the discussion about diversity in the Boardroom (probably the single biggest issue regarding corporate governance) is to ensure there is a spectrum of personality types, experience and perspectives. That means varying ages, genders, etc.
So while refresh needs to happen there’s nothing to say the refresh automatically rules out wisened elders. Especially if that’s the gap that is created through the refresh.
Your brutal honesty is refreshing.
As refreshing as a stuck record, tbh.
Stuck records aren’t refreshing. Honesty is.
Yes, the losers in the post-key power plays are jumping ship into their corporate sinecures. Each independently working towards their own self interest, together acting as if an invisible hand were guiding the consolidation of the new order…
Well put sir
I wonder how many current Labour MP’s would be head hunted by the private sector? Have a guess. It’s less than 1.
Yes we know it’s a boys club, nudge nudge wink wink etc…
Its a Money club… the former Cab or high ranking women do well.
The ‘boys’ clubs are the appointment so of ex party people to plum positions in the public sector.
Nats arent headhunted, they were always in the fold.
Only you believe that the word didnt go out Coleman was for hire to the highest bidder.
Nice spin.
Better ask Simon Lusk why he alleged it then, hadn’t you.
Yes, I know you don’t think it’s true, ad nauseam.
Yes I know you repeat unsubstantiated claims ad nauseum.
Coleman’s behaviour would certainly be explained by Lusk’s allegation.
So could the behaviour of many current Government Ministers. And you’re suddenly a Lusk fanboy??
Whether he’s a reliable witness is open to question, Ad Nauseam.
“Whether he’s a reliable witness is open to question”
Yet you claimed his pinion as evidence! Anyway I’m busy…off to sign the petition to have JAG removed from Parliament for her agist, sexist remarks.
On your planet, are evidence and proof synonymous?
“On your planet, are evidence and proof synonymous?“
No. You claimed you had evidence. As evidence, you posted an opinion by someone whose reliability you question. That’s not evidence.
Back to watching the kickback against the stupid JAG.
Have fun roaring in the corner.
Great counter point. I concede
After the dreadful reports about mould and leaky buildings at Middlemore Hospital and the Manukau Supercentre it is no wonder that former Health Minister Coleman is on the run.
So it’s a guess and conjecture based on a biased position and state of mind. Your belief can’t be disproven but of course can’t be proven either.
We wont know until all of the current Labour MPs have moved on. And neither will you. But guess how many National MPs will or have moved on to public service. Let us start with those who have gone since 2009
We can get s very good idea. Look at the front bench. There’s less real world experience than in s kindergarten.
Bah – business tends to headhunt senior people who it knows are ideologically compatible. It’s called ‘cultural fit’, has nothing to do with talent or originality and rules out anyone vaguely leftish.
You seem like a bit of a private sector ‘franboy’ (not a typo – but derived from Fran O’Sullivan’s habit of adolescent gushes about business people)
And can get them.quick access to halls of power
You obviously know nothing about business. Yes cultural matters, but so does competence.
Wonder how much what is happening in Waikato Hospital Board has contributed to his jumping ship? Taking a leaf out of Key’s book? What will he bring to private health?
My guess is none. The Nats do not seem to suffer the consequences the way others do.
It’s their motto and MO: profits/gains/success for the few, loses/setbacks/hardship for the many.
doesn’t he care about his electorate ? yeah nah! if he did he would finnish his term like smith
How surprising…. the politicians being rewarded for their private health policies…
“The party’s number six has been offered a significant opportunity to run a private sector health company.”
I’d like to see this sort of nepotism being banned in NZ. When they leave politics they should not be allowed to get a big salary paid for by a conflict of interest corporation for a decent period of time.
We are turning into one corrupt little nation.
John Key on board Air NZ for example.
It’s shameless.
That’s why our productivity is so low. Corps just get political names on their boards to get government policy to go their way at the expense of actually good decision making.
It’s crazy!
He’ll run it into the ground.
He’s had plenty of practice at that on our health system.
Michael Cullen with NZ Post?
There have already been some nice crony appointments made by Labour.
Michael Cullen was there to fix up john allens mess he came from the gnats he was the hit man used to justify selling our assets
Sir Michael to you, peasant!
Labour are Nat Lite, because like Natz they can sit at the corporate trough afterwards, aka NZ First… Has anyone noticed how corporates seem to be more important than people these days.. what an incentive… knighthoods and a fat cat salary to be part of the club. It’s not about politics because they are pretty much all expecting to be paid out handsomely in the public sector post their political ‘career’.
Who owned NZ Post?
Who owns Air New Zealand?
Cullen was successful, is not into personal wealth, and has improved lives. So to compare Cullen and Coleman … who has caused endless pain with the waiting lists for surgery, overseeing appointments of possible fraudsters Waikato, rot in Middlemore Hospital and leaving and costing a by-election. No comparison at all
Dr Cullen was a wit; Dr Coleman was a twat.
It comparing the appointments, not the people
Leaving to see what profit he can extract from a two-tier health system (rich people and everybody else).
Funny thing about National resignations. No matter how mighty or low they have a nice job lined up.
Coleman has been serving tge private sector for years. He might as well be paid by them for it.
The real thing would be to have a level at which parliamentary perks cease. Line yourself up a private sector job – okay – but if you rake in over say $500k pa, you clearly don’t need the ongoing top up from the public. Ditto cars and other rorts.
Can you imagine? The trust and company vehicles they would create to circumvent it to get as much as they can?
Why don’t you list the Parliamentary “perks” that you seem to think Coleman is going to get?
Apart from the pay out of the money from his Superannuation you are going to be hard pressed to find anything.
Have a go though. I’m sure you think there are heaps.
Travel for he and his partner?
“* Members and their spouses are entitled to free domestic air, rail and bus travel. A certain amount of free air travel USED to be provided for former MPs who had completed three terms, and their partners.
This arrangement was scrapped for new MPs beginning in 1999.”
Coleman started in2005.
Hence the ?
Yes, and I appreciated it.
There really are very few perks for ex-MPs. There are a number for former PMs but they do tend to remain in public life after they cease to be Parliamentarians.
Directorships in private companies, they have enriched by decisions while in parliament, are not “perks” of course.
The free domestic air travel would probably amount to significant amount that, quite simply, they don’t need.
And their Super should be the same as everyone else’s. They’re NOT special.
“And their Super should be the same as everyone else’s”.
For Coleman, and everyone who wasn’t actually an MP on some date back in 1992 (I forget the exact date) the Super is like that.
At the moment they can put in up to 8% of their basic salary into a super fund and it will be matched at the rate of 2.5 times. Only the basic back bench MP with no special role is matched. When they leave Parliament they get that amount. It is generous but not exceptional.
In my last job for example I could put in 6% and the Company would put in 14% which isn’t that different.
Some MPs don’t bother. Steven Joyce said he didn’t need it and won’t get anything when he quits.
Of the current MPs I think that Nick Smith is the only one left in the House who will be able to start getting Super under the old scheme when he does retire.
Winston of course already gets it, along with his current deputy PM pay and his National Super. Very well provided for is the deplorer of baubles.
Alwynger Secondary taxes will grab most of Winston’s pension.
He was elected to Parliament as a National MP.
But you may be wrong because he was out of parliament for 3 years.
Stop whining whinging get your facts right before you spread you lies and inuendoh.
That’s not the same as everyone else’s. Hell, business complained about even matching the employee contribution to Kiwisaver never mind making 2.5 times the contribution. What’s normal is the minimum employer contribution of 2% of the employees wages which is less than what the employee puts in.
So, no, that’s not the same as everyone else’s.
ah yes, do you mean Jonathan Coleman’s own private Hampstead Superannuation Scheme?
Nice catch.
From your link
” MPs generally use these super-exclusive super schemes to buy a property they can then rent to Parliamentary Services as their Wellington residence, said Prosser, who is no longer an MP but whose entry in the 2017 register showed his trust was “not yet active”.
An MP’s accommodation allowance – currently $28,000 a year – can be legally paid to the super scheme as their landlord.
In addition, MPs can ask for their superannuation contributions to be paid into the private super scheme.
MPs get a contribution of 20 per cent of their salary, and only have to put in $1 of their own money for each $2.50 contribution from the taxpayer.
It’s a far cry from the 3 per cent employer contribution ordinary KiwiSavers have to put up with.
The Green Party popularised this system. They had their own Super scheme for their MPs. The scheme bought properties that a friendly valuer said had a fair rent of exactly the maximum amount of their accommodation allowance. A truly amazing coincidence.
Then two of them started sharing a place and they BOTH claimed the amount for the one place. Jeanette Fitzsimons and Catherine Delahunty were the culprits. Claimed they didn’t realise that they were both claiming for the same thing.
You can always set up your own private scheme if you want to. You had better know something about the law and about investing if you do.
It doesn’t affect my question about Coleman though. You are talking about what an MP can do while an MP. Once he resigns he will get absolutely nothing further in the way of perks.
That is certainly not what Stuart Munro would like you to think.
I notice he has made no attempt to justify his talk of taxpayer top ups has he?
Tell me Alwyn, that Coleman would scrupulously eschew money to which he is not entitled. That’s in fact the basic behavior standard for a public servant – not to steal from their employer. I’ve haven’t investigated Coleman as it happens, but like most Gnats I think I’d put my rings somewhere safe before shaking hands with him.
In other words you are completely unable to identify anything to justify your talk about
“The real thing would be to have a level at which parliamentary perks cease. Line yourself up a private sector job – okay – but if you rake in over say $500k pa, you clearly don’t need the ongoing top up from the public. Ditto cars and other rorts.”
You aren’t going to stop making offensive claims that you can’t justify though are you?
Why not just admit you got it totally wrong?
Because I didn’t Alwyn. Within my lifetime MP has gone from a job paid on a par with a school teacher to a licensed lifetime of public wealth. For some reason former PMs – which may figure as dubious items as Palmer and Mike Moore, get a car and a salary for life – It’s funny but I don’t recall voting for that.
And Coleman, if you have any contact with health, would in more vigorous administrations be spending a lot of time in durance vile explaining his dubious and unsuccessful influence on that portfolio.
And another thing – I seem to recall that you promised not to answer my comments awhile back. If it’s not too much trouble, how about you live up to that.
I’ll make you an offer.
I won’t answer your comments if they are factual. This one wasn’t.
By the way the special perks for former Prime Ministers and the other perks for retired MPs, such as the free air travel and so on were introduced by the Labour parties favourite PM, Norman Kirk, no less. Did you know that?
They were, except for PM allowances cut out by a National Government between 1992 and 1999.
Personally I would cut out the accommodation allowance and free spousal travel for all the List MPs. Pay their costs to move to Wellington as if they were a Public Servant and let them live here.
Electorate MPs are different. They really do have duties outside of Wellington that means they need to live away from here.
Travel for all MPs on Parliamentary business within New Zealand must remain unlimited of course, even if it is used by trekkie fan Gareth Hughes to go to a Star Wars convention in Hamilton
Which bits weren’t true?
ODT says in 1970s backbench MP salaries were “roughly the same as an experienced secondary school teacher”.
What teachers in NZ are paid $160k plus cars and allowances?
I’m not sure whether this question is intended for me or Stuart. I’ll comment anyway.
He was right about MPs salaries. They were about that of a senior teacher if you go back 40 or 50 years.
MPs have done very well for themselves since then haven’t they? I don’t think they are any better. Probably worse in fact.
By the way backbench MPs might get about $160k but they don’t get cars. Not yet but don’t be surprised if that changes. Not with the current lot of rogues.
Alwyn, MP travel perks relate to a time when the major forms of transport were publicly owned. Unlimited train travel on a public network is not profligate if they’re on business or returning home. Having stolen the trains and half the airline, natural justice of course insists that they should now pay their own way.
You’re right in general about list MPs – though concentrating them in Wellington will not improve the representative character of parliament. Better that they are required to adopt electorates to prosecute the interests of constituents they might otherwise be tempted to ignore.
@McFlock at 7.00pm
There may have been some confusion.
The comment I was saying was wrong was the original one where Stuart said.
“The real thing would be to have a level at which parliamentary perks cease. Line yourself up a private sector job – okay – but if you rake in over say $500k pa, you clearly don’t need the ongoing top up from the public. Ditto cars and other rorts.”
The bit that was wrong was that there were ongoing top ups and cars. There is no such thing for ex-MPs like Coleman.
It wasn’t the one about the old salaries etc for MPs in the 1970s.
“a new role in the private sector as CEO of Acurity Health Group.”
“received an unsolicited approach from Acurity”
after his performance as health minister, i’m just waiting to see acurity going down the tubes
Off to make another quid. Hope they get better value from him than we did.
He was shit.
They’ve already got good value from him…you could argue hes been working for them all along as he oversaw the dismantling of the Public Health
So, instead of the principle focus being people within caucus seeking to secure a position of power, the National Party is getting on with the process of nenewal in preparation for the next General Election.
If NZ Labour had done the same after 2008/09, we might not be faced with the prospect of this government being a “stuck in time” one term wonder run by people who saw their own access to power and privilege as far more important than a rejuvenated and focused NZ Labour Party.
Such is life….
They have been in campaign mode for some time Bill. They did this in 2005 too. Not interested in being a parliamentary opposition per se but in using the platform to campaign and sow the memes.
Yup. The gloating being indulged in by some is seriously mis-placed. There’s a steamtrain being stoked.
Agree 100%
And the “uncertainty” article today plays into that… watch the former Business Roubdtable pop up more often… the NBR starting up crony watch again after parking it for the 9 years of Nats rule. And my ongoing surmising that Bridges is just John Key V2.0 and everything that when into making Key is being done to image Bridges. Hence the speed of publishing of a picture of him on the phone with Obama…
Polish polish polish the turd
As he spent his time as Health Minister intentionally degrading the public health system, can this now be seen in hindsight as ensuring that the private health insurance industry has a strong and enduring business model? (i.e. if public health care is shit, people are panicked into buying private insurance)
And he is now joining that very same private health insurance industry.
Not quite corruption. Nothing illegal, no money in brown envelopes changing hands, but self-seeking and ethics-free all the same.
One way of looking at it, but do you think the NZ media will look at that, I doubt it.
And good riddance to him.
A more useless gravy train Politician would be hard to find.
National still have a lot more to be shown the door.
Remuera Intermediate. Auckland (boys) Grammer, Auckland Uni Med school… then London Business School to do his MBA stint at PWC… hey presto a worthy representative of all NZers
How is Brownlee earning our money these days?
Well it will not be back to the woodwork bench at St Bedes.
They were pleased to see him go when he was there.
Other than that, doubt many will loose sleep if he finds life a bit tough in the years ahead.
Certainly not Chch people any way.
As for the comment about Coleman, all that education will be the reason he is/was out of touch with the ordinary Kiwi, and it showed.
I suspect Nats are struggling to find Brownlee a plumb job… I mean Barclay got one in weeks.
Could do well to turn him into a plum duff.
National are no longer able to pull strings, so I guess it will be harder now to create a position for those retiring.
Dont be so sure. There are always debts to be called in and promise of next time.
For some one with ability, that maybe so.
Stretching it a bit for Gerry I reckon.
Unless bluff and bluster count for any thing.
A mate down south told me that the Brownlee family back years ago had run a road freight trucking company and he followed in “The tarmac king’s” steps (Steven Joyce) as minister of transport and ran rail off the tracks in favour of trucks so perhaps he will start his own Brownlee trucking company as truck driving requires little skill and lots of sitting.
He must have a long list of buried bodies
There a several branches of Brownlee families in Chch.
eating, sleeping and farting and its all air
tracey (10) … Brownlee not doing much these days. Getting paid for doing sfa as per usual. However if he begins to feel rejected where he is at present he could resign. One job in particular would suit him down to the ground.
Brownlee is the perfect specimen for an airport door security person I think. He has a bullying persona, threatening physical characteristics, loud and uncouth (with the greatest of respect to existing airport security personnel) and besides, he has first hand experience at how airport door security works!
That is because you are too lazy. If you werent lazy you would have a job and be able to afford private insurance. So you see in the world of National and its voters you cannot blame Coleman. You are clearly at fault herechuckle@ security guard. He has experience tipping that protester down the stairs at a Nat conference too
“He has been a diligent and committed colleague who has handled a range of challenging portfolios with a focus on getting results.
“As Immigration Minister he focused policy on importing skills and capital while fundamentally reconfiguring the immigration network.
“As State Services Minister he oversaw legislation that implemented the biggest changes to public service operation in a generation.
“During his time as Defence Minister, New Zealand’s defence relationship with the U.S. continued to grow closer and Dr Coleman oversaw the withdrawal of New Zealand troops from three major deployments – Afghanistan, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands.
“At the same time he drove the reconfiguration of NZDF to support New Zealand’s future foreign policy intentions.
“As Associate Finance Minister he was involved in the delivery of three very successful Budgets.
“And finally as Health Minister, Dr Coleman initiated and drove the New Zealand Health Strategy – the blueprint for the future of New Zealand health services – while delivering a continued increase in access to clinical services across the board.”
Deserves a prison sentence rather than a plum position with one of the beneficiaries of his work
Clare, All correct there. 100%
He made a mess of everything he touched except for the medals he gave to all National Service and (CMT) Compulsory military training folks like me.
That medal was well over due to us all.
Funny how the articles so far havent called for comment from a Government rep… the Opposition get included in most every article about what govt does.
So he helped
Keep us a low wage economy
Degraded our hospitals and health services
Reformed public service in Nats image and widened the consultancy in public service rort
Excellent comment.
How can Coleman’s ‘achievements’ as per above be listed with no sense of irony –
his ‘focus’ was always to the benefit of the private sector.
His ruination of the public health service and his arrogance when challenged show a man without ethics and a cynical disregard for the Hippocratic Oath while embracing the hypocritical oath of self interest. All his expensive education for naught.
As was English which is why the back patting by some irked me.
Good riddance useless prat.
Shit stunned mullet;
That was a mean thing to say!!!
Oh wait he was minister of health while all our public health services went to hell a ‘hand bag’.
Opps!!!!! ; – i guess you are right.
“Oh wait he was minister of health while all our public health services went to hell a ‘hand bag’.”
Very little has changed in health over the years..more people wanting more whilst those at the sharp end bear the brunt.
100% SM,
I have been waiting for nine years for a hernia operation and no sight of relief yet.
That is because you are too lazy. If you werent lazy you would have a job and be able to afford private insurance. So you see in the world of National and its voters you cannot blame Coleman. You are clearly at fault here
Middlemore Hospital and Manuaku Super clinic are rotting and have damp issues
9 years of rot just like we had in charge rotten, cold and damp. And the new leader let him keep his portfolio shows he doesn’t care about NZers health nor does he car about our environment yet he claims to
Operation Burnham?
Is that the reason for Coleman doing a runner and triggering a byelection…
Think about it… key, english, joyce (PR spinner) and coleman…. are all involved.
Except no one is being held to account.
Media could have asked Key when he emerged with Obama but didnt.
Brownlee refuses to go on RNZ and no one door steps him
Coleman etc
You get the picture. Defence Commander lies and knew the name of the village in the book was the right name. Key backed him and went further to besmirch Hager.
The thing is Hager made 1 mistake in Dirty Politics and 1 in Hit and Run. Key got caught in so many “mistakes” (illegal dotcom raid) plus his memory losses plus his asault of a woman in her workplace…
Far out paddy gower this morning and yesterday, for shame lololol
It’s like our media are petrified of some.
Looking forward to an annoucement of an investigation soon, and some accountability.
Is coleman starting a byelection trend? Lolololz Dropping like flies now.
Why so long for Parker to decide? Cos like TPP Labour doesnt really mind armed forces lying cos it is in our best interests? Or is he convincing Ron Marks?
A petition was presented at Parliament on Tuesday re Burnham, someone on TS mentioned it would only be a couple of weeks until there is a decision as to investigation.
Wonder if there will be anymore resignations in the mean time lololz
Most likely as it seems all the rats are sliding off the sinking national ship now.
Some also may be tied up with Winston Peters impending court case against “a number of National Ministers “leaking of a number of confidential private super payments scandal.”
“Winston Peters impending court case”.
When is that going to happen?
Please tell. I can’t find anything at the moment. Winston withdrew the previous claim and hasn’t filed anything new.
CG, 6mths into a 3 year term coleman does a runner, Operation Burnham, or pure ego ?
Not sure alwyn, re Winnie, haven’t really been following that story. Shall I do a google for you?
I doubt you will find any more than I did.
Winston dropped the first case and apparently paid costs.
He claims he is going to bring further action but hasn’t done anything about it.
From the sound of things he will simply forget about it. He only wanted a bit of publicity in the first place.
However since cleangreen made such a definite claim I thought he might have heard something. Unfortunately, as he always does, he ignores requests to provide any evidence for his claim.
As I understand it, the first round of the court case which has recently been completed was ‘pre-proceeding discovery’ – to require the various defendants to provide papers etc, before the filing of the actual damages claim against them per se.
This round was duly completed and Peters had to pay costs which is apparently normal for that step.
Last I saw were these articles in early March which deny that Peters has dropped the full damages claim which has yet to be filed, but seems to have dropped claiming against Tim Murphy and Lloyd Burr, the two journalists. Each of these aarticles has a slightly different take and different info so worth reading them all (not long articles):
And this one on Mar 7 re Steven Joyce where he stirs the pot by suggesting a Greens sympathiser was behind the leak:
Since it is only a few weeks since the above, I don’t find it surprising that a full damages claim has not yet been filed. Lots of work involved in going through the information provided in discovery and drawing up the case.
At about the same time as Peters, I also had a letter from WINZ concerning a Super overpayment (which they accepted was their fault) and I would be furious if my details got out into the public domain. I have done a bit of volunteer work over the last few years supporting people with their dealings with WINZ on benefits etc and my experience is that every case is different and what each person ends up getting is very hard to check as to its accuracy as ‘the system’ is a law unto itself.
Thanks for this veutoviper. Thorough as usual.
I would be willing to wager that Winnies case is never heard of again in a New Zealand Court.
Saying you are going to continue is quite a different thing to actually doing so.
LOL. I will wager that he does. He loves the challenge and the courtroom.
Remember the Wine Box? Have you ever known him to back down on defamation? Even when he had been savaged in 2008 by the Owen Glenn affair where he was eventually cleared of fraud by the SFO and the police decided no electoral law crimes had been committed, he continued with defamation proceedings against TVNZ to the bitter end, eventually losing but then taking it to appeal.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Peters – see Funding Contraversies.
Also this on the TVNZ defamation claims (don’t know what happened re the Court of Appeal decision and have no time to check as I am due out):
I don’t believe for one minute that this is a process of renewal or refreshing caucus, as some commenters have suggested.
Mediocre ministers see no chance of leadership or promotion since their patrons lost the initial leadership struggle, and therefore have concluded that they have peaked in their political careers. The self-interested move is to jump into private sector sinecures while previous cabinet positions are still wet on their CVs.
The responsible thing to do is for remaining experienced politicians to become mentors in caucus, not cash in their chips when the gig stops paying out.
With the exception of Collins. Bridges will have to sleep with both eyes open while she stalks around caucus, looking for something to feed on.
I tend to agree. Experience does matter in politics.
To use a sporting analogy… having International players seeing out their days in overseas clubs means players coming through at club provincial rugby cannot learn from them.
Acurity is a leading owner and operator of private hospitals in New Zealand. With three wholly owned and operated hospitals and two joint ventures Acurity aims to be the preferred provider of private hospital services, chosen by leading specialists, major health insurers, patients and their families.
He may struggle with their second and fourth core values given he has no experience in providing excellent health services
I put the below on Open Mike earlier, but is relevant here.
Jonathan Coleman has resigned from parliament. In 2017 his so-called safe National seat had the following party votes:
Nat 18005
Act 261
Total 18266
Lab 12639
Gr 2496
Nzf 2221
Total 17356
TOP 845
Only 910 between the 2 blocs. Have excluded TOP. Will be interesting to see what happens in the by-election.
Greens and NZF not to stand to give Labour a clear run?
Isn’t that what the Left used to jump up and down about and claim that sort of thing was undemocratic.
Actually National did run candidates in Epsom and Ohariu so to not run a candidate at all would be even worse wouldn’t it?
They have no chance of winning but could help the government gain an even more secure majority by pulling out. Common sense mate.
Sure, it may be common sense.
Now tell me why you don’t join the chorus of lefties who saw this sort of thing as being totally reprehensible when National did it but somehow think it is a great idea when the left try such a thing?
Actually I would expect that anyone who thinks that Winnies’ waka jumping wheeze is a great idea should oppose anyone standing against National in a by-election shouldn’t they?
After all, if someone else won it would disturb the electoral proportionality. That is supposed to be the reason for having the waka jumping legislation isn’t it?
Tell me, are you going to oppose any party except National running or is the proportionality only sacred as long as it is a left party who benefits?
Firstly, because National never got called up for its dirty cheating. So if it is called as clever use of the MMP system by the biased media, why should the Left not now use the same dirty cheating method?
Secondly, it is not the same: National gave to ACT a seat (Epsom) that nobody else could win anyway. If the Left put up one unified candidate in this by-election, it has no relevance to that low Epsom-style behaviour.
Sharpen up, Alwyn.
You are a fan of the
“It’s different when Labour do it” credo in politics then.
Although it is unusual for someone on the left to say that the left use “dirty cheating methods”
Exactly. Read more carefully, and you will withdraw that fatuous “It’s different when Labour does it” comment. You really are squirmworthy.
Why on earth should I withdraw my comment? You have confirmed that you are a believer in it when you said “Secondly, it is not the same”. It is precisely the same but you like to pretend it is different because it is your side indulging in the practice.
What is your view on the waka jumping bill?
Do you think that retaining the electoral proportionality of Parliament is all important? Or is that also only to be considered if it affects King Wiinnies’ domain? Rod Donald must be spinning in his grave.
Bullshit – I explained why it was not the same. None so deaf as they who do not wish to hear. You are a punctilious nit-picker who miraculously wishes away that which he does not wish to know.
Well, you shouldn’t really be made to give up your illusions.
I really wouldn’t want to feel that I had ruined you life by pointing out the irrationally of you beliefs.
Stick in there lad.
Except In Vino didnt say Labour uses dirty cheating methods as you suggest. Re read what In Vino actually wrote. Clue, the “if” is important
The Greens and NZF would see it as strengthening the government’s majority-a government they are both part of.
If Labour win the seat they will have done so by getting more votes than National. It’s that simple.
There is no comparison with the Waka Jumping bill at all. In fact just the opposite-if a Labour candidate won in Northcote and then switched party to National or ACT he/she would have to resign, which is how it should be.
What could be worse than to be a candidate who is filmed removing his election hoardings lest someone got the wrong idea, as did Paul Goldsmith in Epsom in 2011. Especially when we all know on whose behalf the accommodation was made.
What could be worse, of course, is to take the risk of standing for National in a safe seat in a by-election- and lose Northland.
By 4441 votes.
Another believer in the credo that it is OK when the left do it, but terrible if National do it.
Where do I say that, Alwyn? I have offered no opinion on whether the left should organise as you asseverate.
I am merely mocking those who did, and wore custard because of it.
Yes, you didn’t follow the example of the people I am saying did so.
I apologise.
Who was the national candidate in the Mt Albert by election about 18 months back ?
ARDERN, JacindaLAB10495
GENTER, Julie AnneGP1564
VAN DEN HEUVEL, Anthony Joseph JHR34
BROWN, PatrickCL16
Not a national candidate in sight !
Mt Albert By election?
Is not running candidates in bye elections good when national does it
Oh Alwyn. Don’t be a dim bulb.
By gifting seats to obedient puppet parties like ACT and UF, National distorted the proportionality of Parliament. Seymour and Dunne owed their seats to National and were on all critical matters National Party MPs, but simply not labelled as such. National therefore got a bonus of 2 seats more than their percentage of the party vote really entitled them to.
If Lab, NZF or Green pull out of electorate races during a General Election to help a coalition partner, the proportionality is not distorted. Because all these three parties generally exceed the 5% threshold in almost very election, they all still end up with the number of seats they are entitled to by their percentage of the party vote.
And By-elections are a completely different thing altogether, an isolated FPP contest.
But we are talking about a by-election here.
Would you agree that if a seat changes hands from one party to another the proportionality of Parliament after the by-election would be different to what it was before the by-election?
After all one party would now have one seat less than the election entitled it to and one party will have one seat more.
I’m not objecting to that but anyone who really feels that the waka jumping bill is desirable because it will preserve the proportionality of Parliament at the numbers that were set at the previous election should be distressed by this.
Your other claim, that it is OK because parties would probably get in anyway is irrelevant. It might, just, be true today but it certainly wasn’t the case when Jim Anderton only received token opposition from Labour in his electorate of Wigram. Jim would certainly not have been back in 2002, 2005 or 2008 if he had needed the Party Vote to do so. He and his hangers-on never got anywhere near 5% in those elections.
Can you really justify that other than by an argument that when we do it it is different?
You really shouldn’t you be quite so selective in your facts. Are you really so intellectually dim that you can’t see and accept that?
Good riddance to that Muppet, don’t forget to duck and close the door on the way out you Muppet. You Sir have done much damage to NZDF with your botched cost cutting exercise to the MOD/NZDF when everyone was telling you it wasn’t go to work let alone save any money and you undone all the hard work of Goff, the Mapp and Roy team after what the Burton, Fergie, Dobson and Jerry show did to NZDF.
Yes Exkiwiforces,
But all us exforces got was a medal but fuck all health services afterwards when he was the worst health Minister in years.
The Muppet Coleman came across as Dipton’s and Key’s hatchet man who was doing Treasury’s bidding to cut Health and the MOD/ NZDF budgets.
He is deemed by Nats to have done a great job cos he cut cut cut. If he were measured by quality of service delivered he fails. Spreadsheet success is BS
Just where, and for how long, did you serve in the New Zealand military?
Well, Alwyn, I can proudly state that I did cadet service at school, and, during my 3rd-form year, did a 2-week course at Papakura which raised me to the princely rank of Lance-Corporal. During the 4th form..
So there. (I got clever and gave it up after that.)
Exkiwiforces is probably just that. Maybe he will tell you. But I see you as a snarky sniper who barely deserves a serious reply.
I will take the Alwyn’s bait this time as I’m up for a bit fun.
Snipers in field Sir, as he salutes to Alwyn the muppet Infantry officer from the T50 Turret of his M113 while hold a freshly made brew of Cuban coffee. EXK is now a Rockape serving in Foreign Commonwealth Country specialised in Direct Fire Support Weapons,
Vehicle Crew Commander for one of QRF wagons,
CBRND Warfare- Recon argent detection, Trainer, and Decom member,
Assault Pioneer,
Base Ground Defence Trainer Aka Weapons/ range duties and General Defence duties such as low and high risk search and armed response,
Aircraft Security Operations of assets while overseas
Operations and Plans planner within Base and Ground Defence HQ at home or Overseas.
Op time: Warlike (Sandpit, Peacekeeping and Peace enforcement) andnon warlike (Peace Support) in 4 Threatres
The only member of family since WW2 do Arms Crops everyone else has done Trades across 3 services since WW2, he is one two still serving as he uncle retired from the RNZAF ex Strike wing about 36mths ago, a cousin in the navy and I’m about to be pension off as a result of injuries from active service.
I come from a family of Trade unionists, non conformists, miners, Railways, bushies, communists/ socialists, mine owners, farmers, policemen, MP’s and they have been know to take up arms in times of war, or have done as a profession or gone to jail refusing to take up arms because of their beliefs.
Ex CHCH Army Cadets and Ex Wigram Air Scouts.
So you weren’t in Nam then? You must be so young…
No, but had an a couple of old Infantry RSM’s in NZ and a WOFF say I would’ve made a bloody good scout/ sniper or a Chicken Strangler in Nam, Aden, Nth Ireland or in the Rhodesian Army. Couple old NZ Div old boys said I would’ve not looked out of place with the LRDG or chasing old jerry through the desert in a Stuart tank in Div CAV either.
Forgot to mention family links to the following Regiments-
Durham Light Infantry,
Royal Highland Regiment, The Black Watch
North British Dragoon’s aka The Scots Greys
Two Home Counties Royal Lac’s and the North Humberland Regiments,
3rd Dragoon Guards,
Royal Welch Rgt
Royal Irish Hussars
Royal Irish Rangers
Two Canadian Regiments, The Black Watch and a Cavalry Regiment and one
French Regiment commanded by a family member who was Colonel defending Verdun against the Prussians during the French Revolution before old Boney defeated the Prussians at Namy outside of Paris.
I was actually asking cleangreen, but he never seems to answer any questions.
The “bait” as you put it wasn’t querying your record.
If you look at the numbering you will see who my question was to.
On the other hand, thank you for the comment, and your service to New Zealand.
Had a feeling it was for Cleargreen hence I retreated to the safety of my gun pit after my ban with old mate Wei.
You can certainly claim that you weren’t asleep while on guard duty.
That is an amazingly quick response at this time of night.
I am very impressed. I won’t attempt to sneak up on you.
I think old Cleangreen was a CMT lad? Sorry to offending you “I’ll Alwyn bait” after my run in with Wei and my resulting 1mth. I’m a little bit more cautious now and especially what has happened over the last days with bans flying all places like SA-7s up my Jacksie while doing ASO in the back C-130s around the Sandpit.
Thank you for comment for my service while i was in the NZDF, but unfortunately my active service was with a foreign commonwealth nation and I like my late grandmother would’ve preferred if had I done active service with NZ Army or RNZAF. As the grand plan after active service was then to go into politics in the Nelson Bays, West Coast or Southland regions under a Labour ticket not a Green ticket also my late grandmother was networking a few head office people and a few other people (I was only told about this late last yr while I was in NZ at my uncles). As I won’t last 5 seconds in the same room with Keith Locke as I would be going to jail for assault and he going Hospital with tweetie birds flying around his head for payback for what his parents/ fellow travellers did to my great grandparents after they stood up to McLagan’s adultery in Blackball when they denounce him in front of the local committee of the NZ Communist Party for adultery which was final straw for them as he and his fellow travelers were/ had undermined my great grandfather as local coal miners union rep in Blackball before he resign his union membership before the strike in the 30’s.
What a wonderfully descriptive series of comments, Exkiwiforces – my head is swimming with tweetie birds as I write, but in a good way!
Perhaps you could take up teaching creative writing? LOL.
And I also thank you for your and your family’s long service to .. and country.
My mum said the same thing last year when mum and dad watched a documentary about Rommel or about the Convicts and the South Seas Poms in the desert. She sent an email to me why the Germans, Australians and NZ were in the desert WW2? So I sent back a creative reply that she and dad could understand without having a technical/ political narrative.
She said I should go back to school and do my History degree as I always wanted to do and teach history etc.
Well often Mums know best!
Seriously a big fork in the road ahead and one that has to be considered carefully no doubt. But there are a number of people in NZ who do seem to make a bit of a living writing NZ and other military history etc. And occasionally there is a bit of money for it – for some anyway.
One of two men who is (or probably by now was) working with Prof Hill on this project, David Filer, was the husband of a someone I knew from her childhood and who I later worked with for a couple of years but who sadly died a few years ago. You may even know of his books.
I don’t know David well but he is a very quiet, deep thinking person but still very approachable, and he may be worth talking to if you think about going down a similar road.
Yes it’s a big fork in the road for me in the coming mths, but I number of projects to keep me busy atm and couple of long term ones which if they go ahead will very interesting at least. My current projects are just as good:-
Building 1:700 model ships British/ and German WW2 and post war/ whatif British/ Commonwealth Naval Ships. doing the research on the ships is quite interesting along with the political/ foreign/ trade problems and issues that arise during peacetime and at wartime.
Bush Fire Fighting and climate change effects,
Fishing, hunting, gardening in the tropics and climate change effects,
Aviation history at local Aviation museum and gaining my PPL
Researching further into our Trade Union/ Labour movement activities, political activities and the family coal mine at Blackball/ coal mining activities in Canada, The Valley in Wales, and in Northern England (old shipyards and Aircraft factories/ museums)
Researching my partners Pop and Grandmothers war history in the RAN and Australian Army Signals.
Long term-
Return to East Timor, South Sudan, tour the Middle East without getting shot it and Eastern Europe.
Build a full scale replica or restore a warbird A/C
Buy my T Bird or some 1950’s yank tank or a real tank but I need to get into Syria for that one and no it’s not Russia tank, but either Panzer4 or a Stug3 but will settle for a Bren gun carrier, M113,Brit armoured car or 50ton Cent.
May looking into a History degree etc and do the odd book
Sheep, Bobby calf farming on a small run.
From what I’ve told writing NZ Military and Industrial history books has a small market in NZ and it’s very hard make a living from it as they are usually a small run of books. As I would love to do a book on my great grandfather who taught by one Canada’s great coal miner trade unionist Frank Henry Sherman and all the way back to the Bevans in Wales. How the Church of 3 non- conformist religions, Socialism had an impact and the involvement of the Communist, Socialist and the Labour Parties of the Uk, Canada, Australian and NZ has had on family to the present day.
Then dad’s side is convicts and redcoats not sure if that would make good book.
” As I won’t last 5 seconds in the same room with Keith Locke as I would be going to jail for assault and he going Hospital with tweetie birds flying around his head for payback for what his parents/ fellow travellers did”
“For I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation”
Huge thankyou for your service ExK.
Your perspectives are always hard-won.
Your relatives are very similar to mine.
@In Vino.
Well. I suppose I could claim to outrank you.
I made it to Sergeant, also in the School Cadets.
And, like you, I gave it up.
“And another one down… another one bites the dust.”
Good riddance.
I’d like to see some details from the current health minister about the state Coleman left it in as a contrast to the staged platitudes he’ll get.
Enough of this nicey nice crap to those departing the haters and wreckers club. Sheeple need the dots joined up for them.
Labour seems to forget the election campaign started the day they turfed out Nact.
I agree there is a point at which Labour are being to polite, if they have found a dogs dinner just say so to the public.
I was once told there is a unwritten rule for current ministers to go after exminister portfolios as I once asked why wasn’t a Full on enquire of the death of my mate who KIA in East Timor as a result of the massive cuts to the NZDF during the 91-98 and under preparedness of NZDF by the National Government also told “there is to too many skeletons in the closet to say”.
There must be a convention.
Last night on the tvnz news the media surrounded Coleman as he talked about going out on top.
Next story was the appalling state of Middlemore Hospital.
Not one journo asked Coleman about Middlemore
They did on RNZ but he hung up on them!
Coleman quits after 9 yes of running down the public health system.
Now working for private sector hospital looks like he was wanting to privatise the health system by making it look bad.
Now John Campbell knows why he could never get him on the phone.
This is a not a very constructive comment, but Coleman has not exactly been a constructive MP let alone Minister…
I used to live on Northcote Point, not far from where Coleman lived. In the run-up to what seemed to be John Key’s inevitable 2008 election victory, Coleman put up a lot of placards with him standing next to the anointed one, dressed and posed as a carbon copy of him, trying to get John Key’s popularity to rub off on him. They even photoshopped his hair to be more brown than red so he looked even more like Key. It was all rather nauseating.
Anyway, after Key won, Coleman did an extensive renovation job on his house in Queen St. Work began in the summer of 2008/2009. All planned, it was like he was just waiting, waiting, waiting for his Ministerial paycheck to come in. It would have been expensive. Every time I walked past his house I used to think, “Damn it, now he’s a Minister, it’s us that’s funding his renovation…”
After ten years of serving himself, I’m just relieved he’ll no longer going to be paid for public service. Not that I have high hopes for his work in the private sector…
I think the word ‘git’ was invented with Coleman in mind.
Coleman just another henchman for the nationals party ideologues trying to run the health system down by stealth so they can privatise it. this game of cat and mouse has been going on for too long. Just when it is about to happen the electorate wakes up and gives them the boot.
“Meanwhile I will enjoy my paid retirement, with the private health provider profiting from my destruction of the public system. As all you mugs pay to clean up my mess”.
This is “not corruption” of course?
Coleman quitting is music to my ears.
This man is probably the brains behind Joyce’s PR and ideology.
Almost like the ‘enabler’.
Between Joyce and Coleman …. MoBIE was built.
If they’d been allowed, it’d have included a department of Public Information under its aegis.
I’m not quite sure where we should rank MoBIE amongst the various entities that comprise our Public Service.
I know ADVANTAGE possibly thinks the sun shines our of its pragmatic arse.
For me, I’m left wondering whether its more or less of a basket case than MSD or MPI or Education or Health or NZTA…..
I’M also wondering whether the coalition realises that parts of our PS constitute their worst enemy. That is of course whether the coalition govt is presuming to operate as part of a principled, ethical governing body in a supposedly 1st world functiong democracy….or whether bullshit and spin is sufficient….or whether some Ministers are’nt as clever and with sufficiently equipped with BS detection as they think (such that some of their ‘officials’ might actually be overloade with shit)
The up & down Trotter did an interesting piece recently over on TDB …. I’ll try and get a link … but in transit atm.
Beautifully sums up what we might describe as ‘capture’ between Snr PS managent and their responsible Minister(s).
I do notice however that the way Housing Corp were to be dealt with, and MPI for that matter, hasn’t/isn’t come to pass.
I’m sure those ‘officials’ we hear of in the media, and who the gumint is taking advice from have provided advice.
***breaking news!!!***
No one gave a damn.