Written By:
Dancr - Date published:
8:46 pm, January 31st, 2010 - 2 comments
Categories: labour, phil goff, political parties -
I know Standard readers follow politics closely almost by definition, but for those who don’t here’s Colin James’ observations on the year ahead for Labour, and for Phil Goff (Press, 30 Jan ’10). He asks:
Phil Goff cooks sausages to a turn on the barbecue. But can he cook up a strategic future for Labour?
He provides some useful thinking on the challenges ahead, as well as reflections on last weeks speech from Goff. He finishes off with this comment directed to the new intake of MPs:
Will Labour in the next five decades have been in office more than a third of the time? Goff’s job is to start addressing that question. It is the younger, new MPs’ job to fill out the answer. We have yet to hear from them.
I am sure he will generate a range of opinion with this column, but it is definitely worth the read.
Ignore me – I’m just having a tutu to see if its possible to embed a video in the comments section – doubt it, but thought I’d give it a go.
Nope – didn’t work.
[lprent: Nope it won’t. ]