Cool Cat

Written By: - Date published: 8:25 pm, July 16th, 2009 - 16 comments
Categories: humour - Tags: ,

Courtsey of Chairman Meow.

Obey the Kitteh!

16 comments on “Cool Cat ”

  1. outofbed 1

    even though i am not a cat video kinda guy
    I actually quiet liked that one
    i must be getting old

  2. Conor 2

    Where is the “like” button?

  3. Ofor 3

    Lol as if he didnt see the cat x)
    cute stuff 🙂

  4. Brian Barry 4

    Teh kitteh wins. It was serious – see its pupils! Was gonna drag the cameraman up a tree and eatim omnomnomnom…..

  5. I’ll link this over to WailBoil for a bit of light relief, the turgidity over there is ripe for some levity.
    capthca: hopefully heh

  6. BLiP 6

    The only good cat is a dead cat.

    • poptart 6.1

      you’re a dead cat.

      • BLiP 6.1.1

        Do you know how to make a cat sound like a dog – soak it in petrol and then light it – W O O F !

    • Falafulu Fisi 6.2

      Blip said…
      The only good cat is a dead cat.

      I will add more to what you said, in that the only good cat is a cat that is both alive & dead simultaneously. Physicists have been searching for an answer over the last 80 years or so, of why good cats behave in this unusual manner, but to date it hasn’t been resolved yet.

      • BLiP 6.2.1

        Yes – I learned about that thanks to my new favourite show “The Big Bang” – that Sheldon is such a crack up.

    • felix 6.3

      Hey! What’s with all the cat-hate?

      Also that cat in the video is a freakin ninja.

  7. Falafulu Fisi 7

    Am I on the banned list here, since my first comment went to awaiting moderation.

  8. StephenR 8

    Now my brain hurts, and that’s *without* understanding the experiment.

  9. deemac 9

    the cat is obviously playing Grandma’s Footsteps!
    (where you have to creep up on Grandma without her catching you actually moving)