Daily Review 03/05/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:25 pm, May 3rd, 2017 - 21 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

21 comments on “Daily Review 03/05/2017 ”

  1. Rosemary McDonald 1

    Lolly scramble time.


    Merely dribbling back what was wrenched away.

  2. Red Hand 2

    J Key appointed to the Air NZ board is reported as saying recently on Newstalk ZB

    “For Air New Zealand, it’s always been about two things: innovation and the experience. It’s about New Zealanders feeling some sort of ownership over the airline.”


    “some sort of ownership” on 30th June 2016 was a minority shareholding of 588,887, 282 held by the Crown and NZ Superannuation Fund. The total number of shares was 1,122,844.227.

    Substantial product holders
    The following information is provided in compliance with Section 293 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and is stated as at
    30 June 2016. The total number of listed ordinary shares of Air New Zealand Limited at that date was 1,122,844,227.
    Substantial Product Holder Quoted voting products in the company in which a relevant interest is held
    Her Majesty the Queen in Right of New Zealand 588,887,282* ordinary shares
    In 1989, the Crown issued a Notice that arises through its holding of special rights Convertible Share, the “Kiwi Share” and the power of the
    Kiwi Shareholder under the Constitution. Full details of the rights pertaining to these shares are set out in the Company’s Constitution. The Kiwi
    Share does not confer any right on its holder to vote at a shareholders’ meeting unless the Kiwi Share has been converted into an Ordinary
    Share by its holder. The Kiwi Share is not listed on any stock exchange.
    *Relevant interests held as follows:
    Her Majesty the Queen in Right of New Zealand acting by and through her Minister of Finance (582,854,593 ordinary shares) and New Zealand
    Superannuation Fund (6,032,689 ordinary shares) being property of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of New Zealand and managed by the
    Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation.


    He makes it sound like he speaks for all New Zealanders, which is a lie, as is the lying implication that New Zealanders hold sufficient shares to influence the way the company is run.

    • Ad 2.1

      The public of New Zealand used to own Air New Zealand 100%.
      It should never have been sold.

      • Draco T Bastard 2.1.1

        None of the publicly owned corporations should have been sold. We are millions of dollars per year worse off because the governments bought into the neo liberal ideology.

    • Macro 2.2

      Air NZ is now an airline only for the elite passengers. Traveling cattle class is to be treated as cattle.

    • michelle 2.3

      I thought the clown (Key) said he wanted to spend more time with his family just goes to show he is full of it

    • Antoine 2.4

      Wut? That is not a minority shareholding. It is more than 50%. Divide 588 by 1122.

    • RedBaronCV 2.5

      No commercial board should want the sort of reputational baggage that one J Key may bring as a director.
      The swirling clouds of Pike River, tax haven disclosures, Afghani villages may just coalesce bringing all the wrong sort of publicity

      Think Pepsi, United airlines ..

  3. Muttonbird 3

    Apologies if this has already been posted but Shipley has been kicked in the c**t repeatedly over the last few days.

    “A giant predatory slug emerges when she unzips the ‘human’ bodysuit at night,” was one way she was described on Facebook.

    She was also advised to lose “unwanted pounds” by cutting off her head.

    “As vomitingly heinous and odious as perata [sic] or collins or bennett.”

    She’s “wasting precious air”, “fit only for the gallows” and should be pushed “in the woodchipper”

    Oh how those comments made me smile.


    • James 3.2

      If you get pleasure from comments like that you are a pathetic individual.

    • OMG yes, there’s nothing funnier than women getting “kicked in the c**t repeatedly,” is there? /sarc

    • AB 3.4

      I think it’s possible to register how much you detest someone like Jenny Shipley without using language like that. Chris Trotter did a great job imo.

      It’s not that I care about Shipley’s feelings, it’s just that we weaken our own arguments by doing that. It simply opens the door for someone like Claire Robinson to say that the argument has no substance and it’s all just because Shipley is a woman.

      I understand what anger over a long time does to people – but best express it somewhere else.

  4. adam 5

    You probably can’t take this anymore, but again with the state enforcement agency killing children.

  5. Incognito 6

    So today is/was World Press Freedom Day.

    And, coincidentally, it was the day the ComCom declined the StuffMe merger.

    And then there was this article Irene Bokova: Integrity of information depends on critical minds by the Director General of UNESCO.

    Every citizen has a direct stake in the quality of the information environment. “Fake(d)” news can only take root in the absence of critical thinking and the assumption that if it looks like news then it must be. Media and information literacy efforts have a central role in building the necessary defences in the minds of individuals to face these phenomena.

    Indeed, we all play our role in shaping society in all its facets.

  6. Tamati Tautuhi 7

    Critical thinking and investigative journalism is critical to democracy in New Zealand in the last 10-15 years under both Labour and National the State is getting more intrusive in peoples lives reminds me of the Stasi in East Germany ?

  7. joe90 8


  8. dunners on a good day – how we have all changed over the years