Daily Review 05/07/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, July 5th, 2018 - 27 comments
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27 comments on “Daily Review 05/07/2018 ”

  1. Jeanne221 1

    No doubt this will be covered up the same way Darren Hughes and the Swiss ball incident was https://www.kiwiblog.co.nz/2018/07/name_suppression_for_labour_camp_accused.html…if it happen on the right y’all would be screaming rape culture the silence is deafening.

    • Ad 1.1

      The Panama Papers showed large scale white-collar fraud being covered up by the National government for years, involving spectacularly broad cover-ups that ruined the lives of many thousands of people. All of which was done without Court-ordered name suppression.

      Go right ahead and feed your illusion.

      • Tuppence Shrewsbury 1.1.1

        So you’re apologising for a rape culture in labour because some individuals and organisations who wouldn’t vote for them avoid tax?

    • Gabby 1.2

      Why bless yaw heart y’all jeeny.

    • McFlock 1.3

      No, the righties are the ones against name suppression. Except when they want it for themselves.

      Funny typo in the RNZ report on the matter:

      His lawyer, Emma Priest, entered the pleas of not guilty on the man’s behalf and elected a trial by guilty.

      If my lawyer wanted me to face “trial by guilty” I’d want a new lawyer…

      As to the rest of your innuendo, fuck off.

    • Fireblade 1.4

      National Party MP for Northland 26 November 2011 – 30 January 2015.

    • joe90 1.5

      the silence is deafening.

      Hello, pot.

      April 25, 2011
      Simon Lusk, 4/26, 12:01am

      i wasnt going to say that in case your email gets read
      Cameron Slater, 4/26, 12:02am

      my email doesn’t get read


      Apparently Pinko is the main driving force behind the Princess party
      Simon Lusk, 4/26, 12:03am

      well i was going to say i have cleared the field for you, given you the most likely targets and will get them drunk for you
      Cameron Slater, 4/26, 12:03am

      he has invited [REDACTED] to it and to the one the next night
      Simon Lusk, 4/26, 12:03am

      righto, good cleint recruitment

      he asked if he can bring neil miller, which i said yes to
      Cameron Slater, 4/26, 12:04am

      she likes threesomes so it could be promising for her and a young nat
      Simon Lusk, 4/26, 12:05am

      i’d try [REDACTED] she is filthy

      not many young nats coming, i told jordan i didnt want them because they are retards
      Cameron Slater, 4/26, 12:05am

      just dirty girls who flip it up
      Simon Lusk, 4/26, 12:06am

      thats the plan, and i have carefully kept the balance of princesses to guys uneven

      make sure [REDACTED] knows not to come without a full princess outfit and a bottle of bubbly
      Cameron Slater, 4/26, 12:08am

      i better go book a fucking moneky suit


    • adam 1.7

      Ask Wira…

  2. AsleepWhileWalking 2

    I’m sure the whale is a good omen showing up around Matariki.

  3. Johnr 3

    Haven’t read the report, just listened to the news reports of the Russel McVeigh investigation. First impressions, are a typical corporate whitewash. All I hear is a reiteration of nothing we didn’t know. This sort of behavior has been going on in the corporate world for ever.

    No assurances by the lawyers of adopting the reports recommendations gives me any confidence that things will change. Managing underlings out of an organisation is not difficult.

    Can I advise you fathers who have daughters wanting to join the corporate world, and I include accountants bankers insurers, in fact anywhere there are more than 6 or 8 suits gathered together, that you give your daughter some subtle, but serious martial arts defence techniques. Like stilletos trod on top of the foot, with profuse apologies of course,or if things progress a broken little finger.

    My experience shows that the one thing suits can’t handle is physical violence, and despite all of their bravado, they will never admit that a woman bettered them

    • AsleepWhileWalking 3.1

      Unless they retaliate with further escalation of violence because they can’t handle a woman getting the better of them.

    • Ad 3.2

      All of the law schools have turned against them.

      Very hard to see a summer clerk of any kind going there again when every dean has already signed against them.

      • rhinocrates 3.2.1

        Wayne Blimp, as an esteemed legal professional who just loves to lecture everyone one on decency and who prides himself on being an insider with all your sinecures, you knew all about this and were in power with the ability to stop it… and didn’t.

        The fact is, you’re not just the idiotic buffoon you present yourself as being. You’re complicit.

    • Tuppence Shrewbury 3.3

      Still managed to get a report out before the Labour Party on the same issue.

      Say what you will about the corporate world,it’s incredible how efficient it is compared to the Labour Party.

  4. adam 4

    50% increase in suicide call outs in the last 5 years. So this was the brighter future national promised.


  5. joe90 5

    But Plunket has a Facebook chat line…….


    Decades of groundbreaking research shows that the love and sense of safety experienced by a baby directly impacts how the child’s brain is wired. Adversity—especially persistent, stress-triggering adversity like neglect and abuse—hampers that development, and can result in poorer health, educational attainment, and early death. While science underpins his mission, Terra’s palpable passion for the topic and his skill at politicking eventually led him to create Criança Feliz, a highly ambitious parent coaching program he helped launch in 2017 to try and reach four million pregnant women and children by 2020.

    Under Criança Feliz, an army of trained social workers—a sort of national baby corps—are dispatched to the poorest corners of Brazil. Traveling by boat—sometimes battling crocodiles and floods—by foot, by car, by truck and by bus, these social workers go to people’s homes to show them how to play, sing, and show affection to their infants and young children. They explain to parents why this matters: Emotional safety underpins cognitive growth. Intelligence is not fixed, but formed through experience.


  6. corodale 6

    Dame Jenny (former PM) Shipley broke her arm last week in Sidney, after visiting the Sumatran Tiger breeding programme at the local Zoo. Sums up the luck of Construction Bankers at the moment, the Chinese in Australia are not immune.

    Note: Her bank; China Construction Bank (New Zealand) 1.6BillionNZD in Loans (vs. ANZ 130BillionNZD in Loans, 2017/18)