Daily Review 07/12/2016

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, December 7th, 2016 - 33 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Paula Bennett Judith Collins pirates

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33 comments on “Daily Review 07/12/2016 ”

  1. ropata 1

    Whoever is appointed as our new overlord, National will make sure that foreign corporations can continue to pillage the treasures of NZ.

  2. Anne 2

    Well I’m sorry Judith Collins. You’re out! Your dress sense is appalling. Can’t have you prancing around on the international stage wearing a pink and white bed jacket like you did in parliament QT today.

    For the benefit of the humourless rwnjs (PR excepted because he does have a soh) my comments are ‘ tongue in cheek’. Even so, it was a bloody awful jacket!


    • ScottGN 2.1

      Gawd she caught up in the drapes!

    • Whispering Kate 2.2

      Problem is Anne, she doesn’t have the figure for short tight skirts which show off a generous ass – some women of indiscriminate age just do not know how to dress and be classy for their age group. One National MP who I do remember for having fantastic dress sense was Georgina Te Heu Heu but none of the National ladies in the House today have a clue. Plus she is a first class nasty piece of works and lets hope she doesn’t make the cut.

      • Anne 2.2.1

        Plus she is a first class nasty piece of works and lets hope she doesn’t make the cut.

        Amen to that.

    • Looks like an old fashioned duvet cover – that colour salmon doesn’t suit her either.

  3. ScottGN 3

    Boy, the herald online is really pimping for Judith.

  4. BM 4

    Arr arr arr me matey, let us keelhaul those lefty dogs, arr arr.

  5. Rosemary McDonald 5

    Aw shucks…lovely pic tonight…so close…

  6. Ovid 6

    Gower called it for English. If true I assume there’ll be a cabinet reshuffle in January. It’ll be interesting to see if he kicks Collins to the curb. He was pretty critical of her over Orivida.

    • ropata 6.1

      Collins might be corrupt but English has deliberately strip mined Housing NZ and cratered Solid Energy, raised GST, and frozen funding for vital public services. His cruel Dickensian approach has made thousands suffer unnecessarily.

      Coleman seems like the only one that isn’t tarred with FJK’s dirty politics excrement

  7. alwyn 7

    What a shame that James Shaw couldn’t maintain the classy approach to John Key’s retiring that he started with.
    His original comments on the matter on Monday were suitable for the occasion, in marked contrast to his co-leader’s dive into the sewer. Unfortunately at question time today he had to follow her example. Did Meteria have a bitch at James for showing her up as a mean-spirited fool?
    Why did he have to follow her into the gutter? Can’t he accept that Key has gone and attacking him is a completely futile exercise? It’s over. You couldn’t lay a finger on him in 8 years and you aren’t going to do it now. He is history.

    • You are right alwyn – key is yesterdays man. A fool that nobody will remember soon, any more than he could remember his position on the Tour. Pretty soon even his bloopers will just rerun like M*A*S*H* reruns – which notice they never play now.

      The gutter is a little cleaner now key is gone – the next one won’t have the slimeyness of key and will be much easier to dispatch early.

    • AB 7.2

      Did he accuse Key of being on the side of rapists and murderers? That would be terrible, such lack of respect!
      Oh Wait! That was what Key accused the Labour and Greens of doing over the NZ detainees in Australia’s offshore gulag.
      Key was in the sewer himself often enough Alwyn. It’s quite plain Alwyn you are confusing respect with complete subservience and agreement with everything Key did. It’s the latter you really want.

      • In Vino 7.2.1

        Totally agree with AB. Personally, I have always wanted to boot JK’s lying backside all the way down the gutter where he truly belongs. Where does all this stilted, artificial respect come from, Alwyn? I think Rachel Stewart summed it up perfectly in the Herald. Alwyn, you may be eloquent, but being an eloquent egg makes you simply naff.

        • the pigman

          alwyn is more often knee-deep in the muck in his efforts on this blog to berate the left. Just yesterday he attacked a poster as a “stupid git” for their eyewitness interpretation of a planeful of people clapping at Keys’ resignation. I feel sorry that for a man of apparently advanced years he has not made it very far down the path to self-awareness.

          As for Jack Keys, never liked the slimy prick. Party leader or not, no-one on the left or the standard has to beatify his political corpse just because he’s dead.

          Good try trying to blame Turei by invoking some garden variety Lady Macbeth misogyny, alwyn. Just like Keys blaming Bronagh. It’s pretty sad that you’re seeing out the last years of your life as a RW troll on the standard alwyn – do you blame your wife for that, too?

          • alwyn

            Well I now see why Mr Shaw switched from a suitable reaction to Key departing to a rabid, shrill outburst like his co-leader.
            The Green Party rank and file like it! I thought only Winston’s mob were into that sort of thing.
            Now I see that Greenies like Marty, AB, in vino and piggy really like that sort of thing. I bet they sent a string of abuse to Shaw after his reasoned reaction on Monday and ordered him to get into line with Ms 4 x 4..

            • In Vino

              Drenched in egginess, alwyn.

            • the pigman

              Classy as always, classy as alwyn.

              • alwyn

                I thought you would like it. I have been taking careful attention to the efforts of people like you and Vino.
                It was also in the style of the drivel from the Green female leader and the second attempt of the Green male leader.
                Why couldn’t they have just forfeited the chance to have a last scream of rage at someone who is retiring? Does it really make them feel better?

  8. Couldn’t lay a finger on him?
    It’s very difficult, alwyn, to hold a deceiver to account. They are expert at not being fingered. It’s a pity such people aren’t equally devoted to deceiving. As people sense they have been swindled, they need to talk it through with others in the same position, but you seem to want everybody to swallow their thoughts. Odd!

  9. Ad 11

    What do we think of Laila Harre for Labour in New Lynn?

    • Anne 11.1

      I fear Laila Harre might be slightly damaged goods after the Mana/Internet Party debacle. Would Penny Hulse be interested?

    • mauī 11.2

      Well I wouldn’t have picked that. Who knows if she wants to be selected or if she is being considered though… It would be great to have her there whatever banner she comes in on.

      Cunliffe’s replacement in New Lynn could be Laila Harre, the former party leader of the Alliance and Internet Mana.

      Bryce Edwards:
      “She has now joined the Labour Party and is campaigning on the ground for them. Harre would be an excellent pick for Labour, as she has a lot of credibility on the political left, and vast experience in the union movement and activism. Of course, such a selection could be very contentious, especially because of her 2014 role in leading the Internet Mana Party.”


      • alwyn 11.2.1

        She is also very rich, by inheritance, and that would help.
        Anyone standing for Labour next year will have to pay all their own expenses as the party is broke.

        • mauī

          Oh boy! Sure is dire for Labour Labour Labour!

          [/sarc – just in case people weren’t sure]

    • Andre 11.3

      I’d be more enthusiastic about about someone more focused on environmental issues than someone whose heart is more in social justice warrioring like Laila. But I’m not about to toss my toys and vote against Laila or someone like her just coz they don’t tick all my boxes.

      • KJT 11.3.1

        Another one who thinks environmental sustainability is possible, without social sustainability.

        A delusion as common is the one that infinite growth is possible in a finite world, unfortunately!