Daily Review 08/10/2015

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, October 8th, 2015 - 14 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

typical argument with a fox news conservative

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14 comments on “Daily Review 08/10/2015 ”

  1. Paul 1

    The Empire Files – 9/11 and the Belligerent Empire
    Abby Martin

    • One Anonymous Bloke 1.1

      …muscular, thick-skinned, slit-eyed neighbour is at the table
      poisoned just thirty seconds before by parties who knew of
      wireless operator’s forthcoming revelation.

      !!! !!!

      • Bill 1.1.1

        Not quite getting the link between the racist, conspiracy laden lyrics(?) you’ve quoted and the vid posted by Paul….

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          To expand on the reference…

          Wireless enthusiast intercepts government secret radio band and uncovers secrets and scandals of deceitful type proportions,

          Aghast goes next door to his neighbour, secretly excited, as aforementioned was a hunter whom radio enthusiast wanted friendship and favour of…

          Compare the emotive presentation of Paul’s link with Smith’s emotive lyrics.

          Compare this analysis with “The Power of Nightmares”.

          Perhaps Smith’s lyrics are racist. That’s beyond my ken.

          • One Anonymous Bloke

            “Slit-eyed’, in this context, refers to a narrowing of the gaze to see something more precisely: the fellow is a hunter after all. That said, Smith may well have intended a dogwhistle on the side.

            • Bill

              Hmm. The link’s worth the view. The Fall are worth a listen. And…that’s that really.

    • Paul 1.2

      The Real House of Saud – Saudi Arabia’s Oil-For-Tyranny

  2. RedBaronCV 2

    Looking back at this mornings discussion on opposing TPPA are there ways we can make it work against itself?
    Is it only a country government that can be sued. What about say the Auckland city council? If you can’t sue a council how about a 100% tax per annum on the GV of land & sections- Rebated suspended down to say1% or something if the land is actually owned by a citizen living on it. Make it really unattractive to purchase local land.

  3. Anne 3

    Another Dog and Pony Show.

    Excellent synopsis from Paul Buchanan on Key’s trip to Iraq.


    (Key) also admitted that the Iraqi Army has not retaken any of the large towns and cities that Daesh has occupied (like Mosul, Falluja and Ramadi), that the NZDF personnel were restricted to the base because of security concerns and that the road between Taji and Baghdad was impassable by land due to the threat of IEDs and/or Daesh attacks. In light of that, what ARE those freshly trained soldiers doing? One thing is certain: we will never find out from the press junket crowd because none of them appear to have asked questions…

    • tracey 3.1

      They’re all giddy with excitement at being in a ‘war zone”, they feel like real reporters and have nothing to fall back on.

      • Anne 3.1.1

        Yep. They’re feeling like they’ve hit the big-time cos they can tell their kids and grand kids they were an embedded journalist in Iraq during a war. No need to tell them it was only for one day.

  4. vaughan little 5

    that’s a bullshit photograph. or to put it another way, considering that just politics is founded on empathy, it is an unjust photograph.