Daily review 12/04/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, April 12th, 2021 - 23 comments
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23 comments on “Daily review 12/04/2021 ”

  1. Sacha 1

    Gutless Labour govt refuses to even consider making drugs a health issue. No idea where Andrew Little is getting strategic advice from but it may as well be Farrar and Hooton.


  2. millsy 3

    Bad last couple of days for the left, Amazon workers in Alabama voted against unionisation, and the socialist candidate lost the Ecquadorian presidental elections.

  3. KSaysHi 4


    And why should these people be forced to take an experimental vaccine with unknown long term results, and key point, unknown ability to stop transmission?

    • Muttonbird 4.1

      They won't be forced to take a vaccine, those who don't will be "moved from the front line", just as the PM says.

      • McFlock 4.1.1

        It's an interesting employment law question. Ignoring the "experimental" idiocy, it's a clear legal question about the balance for individual choice and one's responsibility for workplace safety and public endangerment.

        Another option is for some staff to live in quarantine themselves, then do two weeks without being on the frontline before going back into the community. My dad used to do 6wks on / 6wks off as a sailor. I'm not demanding it, but it might be another resolution for an unvaxxed worker so the danger from their choice is limited to them.

        • Sabine

          It should be fairly easy.

          Requirement for the job of MIQ is a covid vaccine. Everyone can refuse it and with it this particular employment. Those who want the job will get the jab.

          I mean we can shut the country down, close borders, lose jobs up n down the country with no end on sight and such under the pretense of keeping the country safe, and if we can do that then the vaccines can be made a requirement of a job.

          • Graeme

            Go and work at the landfill or sewerage plant, vaccinations as part of the job requirement, or work on a construction site, compulsory drug test.

            • Sabine

              I know.

              Business requirements. I know. 🙂 So i simply don't understand that reluctance to just go with best business practice which in this case means no vaccine no working the MIQ.

          • McFlock

            Assuming the condition was in the employment agreement when all staff were employed. i.e. before the vaccines existed (and some folks similar to plan b were assuring us were incredibly unlikely).

            Could be a media beat-up over a non-existent problem though, yeah.

            • Sabine

              It appears that it was not a mandatory requirement. And that has nothing to do with a media beat up, that is just somewhere between government 'requirements' and unsupervised and self certifying corporate fulfilment. Which, never goes wrong as we know. s/

              • RedBaronCV

                And why is the security still outsourced as it appears to be. Why does one of the existing agencies police, military etc not employ a "dedicated covid border force" so that everyone knows who they are and whether they are vaccinated. Paying more to the individuals and less to the ticket clipper might help too.

  4. Anne 5

    Yeah, a bit like Climate Change hysteria of recent decades. 97% of the world's scientists knew it was real and only 3% (ignorant right wingers) said it wasn't.

    Now we have a similar situation with the Covid vaccines. The vast majority of medical professionals know they are safe and have been through a very strict testing regime, but here we go again…the outliers cry foul.

    The likelihood of long term effects are extremely small. No-one has claimed they are going to be 100% successful but they will be sufficiently effective at the least to allow herd immunity to swiftly kick in.

    Setting aside those who have valid medical reasons for not having the vaccine, I hope the ignorant are given the heave-ho altogether. They deserve it by virtue of their selfishness and for potentially putting other people's lives at risk.

    • Anne 5.1

      Reply to KSaysHi

    • Sabine 5.2

      In any case they can make the vaccines available for those that want them.

      I don't see why not. Call this number 0800vaccineme and book your appointment. Bring your IRD number (or individual identifier) and get jabbed.

      Once those that want it are done, one can bother with those that don't want to get them. The ones who can't for reasons of health is a different matter altogether.

      • In Vino 5.2.1

        Hmmm – I have just heard on the news about a new 'Double Variant'. I want to know that the vaccine is effective against this new double variant before I waste my time going for the injection.

        A bit disconcerting if the virus is easily out-manoeuvering our vaccine creations..

  5. Muttonbird 7

    Lol. Part time photographer, part time transport blogger, and part time board member of powerful government agencies, Patrick Reynolds, has taken to tweet deleting too.

    Can't work out how this rank amateur and fraud wormed his way into such seemingly powerful positions.

    But seeing he’s there he should think about trying to make changes in the boardroom rather than provide the road brigade with ammunition.


    • greywarshark 7.1

      It's a shame that some people have got to keep talking about their conjectures and opinions and can't shut up, and just observe for sufficient time so that eventually they can report factually on outcomes. I remember my gran saying about someone that they 'had been vaccinated with a gramophone needle'.

      Seems an appropriate line for these days.