Daily review 14/05/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, May 14th, 2021 - 6 comments
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6 comments on “Daily review 14/05/2021 ”

  1. greywarshark 1

    It takes guts to keep on keeping on.

    https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/2018795341/dave-lowe-the-alarmist science author interview 13 May 2021
    Dave Lowe: The Alarmist From Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan, 1:35 pm on 13 May 2021

    Dave Lowe has been charting the rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide for more than 50 years.

    In the early 1970s, Lowe was posted at an atmospheric monitoring station at Baring Head. (Baring Head is now part of East Harbour. Regional Park Wellington area). There he measured carbon in the atmosphere, collecting vital data towards what became one of the most important discoveries in modern science.
    His career has been dedicated to sounding the alarm on climate change. And he's written all about his life and his career in new memoir called The Alarmist.

    It was a very different time when he started, Lowe told Jesse Mulligan.
    “I mean the words climate change, they didn't really exist. Global heating, global warming, none of that was around, I was very much on my own, the first person in New Zealand to make these measurements which showed the horrible truth that the southern hemisphere carbon dioxide was going up, just as it was in the Northern Hemisphere.”
    Since then, he has been on an emotional roller coaster, he says.
    “I guess everything from desperation to an overall sadness, that humans are actually doing this to our only atmosphere, it's a taonga, a treasure.

    “And year after year, I would watch this. You would initially talk to people and it was just a kind of a joke, you're measuring the concentration of minuscule amounts of this gas in the atmosphere are you serious? That's going to cost a lot of money to do something about, we'd be better off spending the money on the roads.

    This is all of us, nearly, in the 20th century making light of this serious matter, cutting down a tall poppy – this the where the tall poppy syndrome occurs. So what a hero to stick to his knitting!

    • In Vino 1.1

      Yes. I remember being taught back when I was 16 or 17 that the truly tragic hero in all serious drama was ultimately brought down by a flaw in his own character.

      I think that the fatal flaw of our species is now obvious – too few can see the wood for the trees, or in whatever other metaphor you want to express it.

      Most of our species will calmly watch with no comprehension at all without heeding any warnings at all, while our global warming goes beyond all tipping points.


  2. Morrissey 2

    Glenn Greenwald speaks about the latest escalation of Israeli violence

    "What people in the world would accept an occupation of this barbarism and this duration?"

  3. greywarshark 3

    NZ doesn't seem to care much about some people while they are alive, but when you're dying they lerve you. Euthanasia No. We can't bear to let you go, it is not in the Manual for Managing human Life issued by the august members of the Richest Important People in The World. (RIPTW) It is they who influence the citizens.


  4. Pat 4

    “It happened so quickly. For us, it’s so shocking. So sudden. We had a normal life, things were improving – health centres, lives and education programmes. We were reaching 24,000 children and had plans to expand the school feeding programme. But all that had to stop because of the coronavirus. Then as if in a day, there’s a fully fledged war. For the past three months now we are trying to feed 25,000 IDPs in about 23 centres; some are 75 miles away from Mekelle. Many, many have been raped."


    World going mad.