Daily review 17/06/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 17th, 2021 - 3 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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3 comments on “Daily review 17/06/2021 ”

  1. RedBaronCV 1

    Can anybody tell me why there seems to be this obsession with making appointments for the covid vaccine ? Capital & coast and Wairarapa are.

    Surely the adult population given some general rules could organise themselves turn up in the right time and the right place and maybe use the electoral role as the first bit of record keeping plus some scannable tear off slips .

    Maybe ask them to take a document confirming age/ power bill for address/ note form their doctor if in one of the compromised groups and if you live in these areas or are this age or have this surname arrive at x time at x place with some over flow times and dates and rules for groups or couples. Bit of a general ad campaign so everyone knows what to do – and a paid slot or two on the TV. then line them up and jab them.

    Then pop back and mop up the problems – who will be with us no matter what system is used.

  2. Treetop 2

    The worst of the worst is now being heard at the Royal Commission of Inquiry into State Care. What happened at the Lake Alice child and adolescent clinic in the 1970s was torture. ECT and paraldehyde injections as punishment. Sexual offending against the children also occurred at the unit. A Dr Selwyn Leeks a psychiatrist was in charge of administering the electric shocks and the injections. Leeks age 92 is still alive and he resides in Australia.

    In the early 2000s some pathetic compensation was given and a third was used up on lawyers fees.

    The two words I would use to describe Leeks and the staff who tortured those at the unit would be extremely sadistic. I feel that jail sentences need to be handed out for assault and torture. As well a separate compensation package due to the severity of the offending.

  3. Kia Ora Gaza are fund raising to buy an ambulance to send to Gaza.

    Kia Ora Gaza is raising funds to sponsor one ambulance (costing $NZ62,500) as part of an international humanitarian convoy of 20 fully-equipped, modern ambulances due to travel from Cairo to Gaza soon.

    Please support our urgent appeal for this important practical solidarity mission, and share this post.


    [Deleted a spurious “1” from user name]