Daily review 19/05/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, May 19th, 2021 - 8 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

8 comments on “Daily review 19/05/2021 ”

  1. Ad 1

    The New York State investigation into Trump's affairs goes from a civil to a criminal matter: now that's my kind of popcorn to roast round a Republican fire:


    • greywarshark 1.1

      Is the probe criminal or Trump? /sarc… I looked at his childhood (that formative age tells a lot about the adult). His father gave Trump the management of a hotel at the age of eight I think. e&oe Get him used to wheeling and dealing no doubt.

      What if we could bring up our children in a way that enables them to be strong in mind and body, be kind and loving, be reflective, be fair not a walk-over, be able to withstand knocks and rude comments, know how to protect themselves against attack, be capable at some skill. Does one of the many mind-body groups fit that prescription?

      We could have a lot of good Trumps with a 'back to the future' personal culture, ie that if certain things are done right at a particular time, the whole direction of a person's life is formed. This is not an airy-fairy dream, it actually has been studied in the social sciences.

  2. Pat 2

    Someone who gets it.

    "Governments and the public are beginning to grasp the necessity of moving away from fossil fuels. But there seems to be little recognition of the equal necessity of planning to reduce overall natural material use as well. In fact, some of the proposed climate solutions will make the material overshoot worse, as mentioned above."

    It dosnt bode well that articles like this are a rarity.


    • gsays 2.1

      Yep, a grim but necessary reminder.

      Such a hard sell when we here in Aotearoa are so well insulated from CC impacts.

      The scarcity of this reporting helps with the insulation.

    • AB 2.2

      But this is the rock on which it all founders: "Otherwise we will make the mistake of assuming renewables can simply be substituted for fossil fuels and nothing else much needs to change. "

      This is the cue for accusations of having a hidden agenda to "smash capitalism". This is the thing that everyone who materially/financially does well from the status quo will resist.