Daily review 20/06/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 20th, 2024 - 3 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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3 comments on “Daily review 20/06/2024 ”

  1. observer 1

    If there's anyone still pretending that the fake "Free Speech Union" is really about free speech, here's a reminder. Right-wing UK writer arrives in NZ, says how jolly nice it is to be in Ye Olde Englande instead of Aotearoa, and churns out the standard ignorant talking points, based on spending 5 minutes here:

    New Zealand’s culture wars backlash | The Spectator

  2. aj 2

    China becoming the world's "first major electrostate", with 30% of its total energy consumption coming from electricity (vs about 18% for the rest of the world) and electrifying "nine times faster than the rest of the world".
