Daily review 23/06/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 23rd, 2021 - 16 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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16 comments on “Daily review 23/06/2021 ”

  1. Adrian 1

    Judith Collins wants to know why this incompetent and chaotic Labour Gummint opened the border to Australians when she demanded it, "If they hadn't listened to me we wouldn't have been in this position now. Its just sheer incompetence'".

    • fender 1.1

      Just like Lisa Sowen-Dissent on RNZ Checkpoint who spent weeks hounding the Govt. into opening the trans-Tasman bubble but now asks listeners if it should be canned. She asks for feedback but only passes on correspondence if it criticizes the Labour party. The National Party should fund Checkpoint, not tax payers.

  2. Pat 2

    I may be mistaken but as far as Im aware there hasnt been a confirmed community case in NZ yet

  3. Anker 3
    • Pat it is only day one. Having read about delta and seeing the number and size of the exposure sites, I think we will be extremely lucky if there is no community transmission
    • Btw there has been a confirmed community case in NZ. The bloke from Sydney

    • Pat 3.1

      The bloke from Sydney (and his partner) are in Sydney.

      The variant hasnt been confirmed , the Sydney case that travelled here had been partially vaccinated and we havnt yet discovered a positive case here….theres a lot a premature gnashing of teeth imo.

      If and when we confirm transmission there will be ample opportunity for recriminations.

  4. Anker 4
    • Ok Pat. Not wanting to have a dispute with you. I honestly hope you are right

    i am no longer to interested in recriminations. I had thought the Sydney chap was confirmed as having delta or at least can be linked to the cluster (I am pretty certain of that)

    but time will tell

  5. gsays 6

    In the last hour of play, on the sixth day, New Zealand needs 30 runs with 8 wickets left.

    Williamson and Taylor at the crease.

    The inaugural World Test Championship is within our grasp…

    • gsays 6.1

      Kyle Jamieson receives the Player of the Match (7-61) in bare feet.

      Kiwi as.

    • Jimmy 6.2

      I love it that the Australian captain when interviewed, predicted that India would easily beat NZ.

      Take that cobber!

  6. Joe90 7

    Well, I think I'm back in love with test cricket.