Daily Review 28/06/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 28th, 2018 - 26 comments
Categories: uncategorized - Tags:

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26 comments on “Daily Review 28/06/2018 ”

  1. One Anonymous Bloke 1

    Toddlers all rise.

    The court is in session. What you mean oi oi oi! The court is in session! My name, is Judge Roughneck!

    • chris73 1.1

      Aww yeah OAB! I believe he still holds the record for most banned records in the UK 🙂

      • One Anonymous Bloke 1.1.1

        Entirely different people, not to mention talent level.

        What do you make of the practice of hauling kidnapped toddlers into court?

        • chris73

          “What do you make of the practice of hauling kidnapped toddlers into court?”

          Getting the feeling this is a leading question…

          • One Anonymous Bloke

            It’s a perfectly simple question: the US government has kidnapped children, telling their parents they were being taken for a bath.

            From the link in comment 1:

            As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 years old are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

            What do you make of this?

  2. AsleepWhileWalking 2


    Fear of Australian properties fire sale

    • BM 2.1

      Could easily flow on over here, all those Australian banks owning all those NZ mortgages.

      Reminds me a bit of the 2007/2008 US real estate market.

    • AsleepWhileWalking 2.2

      Yes indeed, we have what seems to be a similar percentage


      Data from the Reserve Bank shows that there was $1.65 billion of new mortgage lending issued on an interest-only basis in November, including revolving credit facilities.

      That was up from $1.44b in October 2017, but still well down on the $2.53b issued in November 2015. In 2016, when the property market was hot and investors active, 40 per cent of new mortgages by value were interest-only.

  3. Gabby 3

    More animal abuse that MPI won’t do anything about if they can possibly avoid it.

  4. ianmac 4

    That bluddy Goff. Promises. Promises. Promises.
    His Council votes to raise the Petrol tax.

    “Goff believes the petrol tax, which will leverage an additional $4.3 billion of transport spending over the next decade, will make a big difference to improving public transport and reducing congestion.”

    Yeah? Well where is the better public transport that he promised?
    Overcrowded busses. Delayed trains.
    When will the congestion ease?
    He should resign as he is one big Broken Promise! So we are paying much more for a pointless unworkable idiot plan!

    (Just writing the script for Wayne, Bridges and Collins, based on their standard approach to Progress.)

  5. veutoviper 5

    Well, well well … Did he do this of his own accord or was he pressured to do this?

    Matthew Hooton apologises to David Parker via Twitter for his Herald article last week which was taken down. Hopefully his article this week will be more accurate.


    “This week’s @nzherald column is about @grantrobertson1. It has a higher standard of accuracy than last week’s effort about @DavidParkerMP. With everything that has come to light, it’s now clear Mr Parker was entirely blameless in the Te Arai matter. My apologies to you minister.”

    • Fireblade 5.1

      When will Jami-Lee Toss apologise for the accusations he’s made against David Parker. Accusations made in the House under Parliamentary Privilege, which he hasn’t repeated outside of Parliament. Come on Jami-Lee, get some guts! Arrogant smarmy grease-ball.

  6. Herodotus 6

    So “Auckland Mayor Phil Goff has an electric mayoral car like those used by Auckland Transport.”
    So how will our Mayor be contributing in being part of the solution ??? He will not be it seems, but still using the same roads and being part of the problem.


  7. Ed 8

    People who hit animals hit children and hit women.
    MPI are useless.
    Stop,eating meat people.
    Care for animals.
    Be humane.
    Don’t be speciesist.


    • marty mars 8.1

      Nail hammer time – they eat meat people because they want to destroy themselves – pretty much zombie 101 – destruction, insatiable appetites, killing, and much much more…

  8. RedLogix 9

    Just back from a three month stint at a fascinating project in Latin America. A massive site with over 8000 people from literally dozens of countries and cultures. Despite some pretty challenging work conditions, layers of difficult issues, militant and dangerously violent strikers … the people I worked with were great. To the extent I often felt more at home there than I ever did in nation of my birth.

    The world is changing very fast. Yes there are speed wobbles, unsolved questions of inequality, environmental degradation, totalitarian thuggery and more … but I come home optimistic. Despite the horrors we know humans are capable of, we have a greater capacity for good. And if you look properly it’s there to be seen quite plainly.

    By contrast I’ve skimmed through a couple of threads here today at TS with sadness. Too often it’s the same old people playing tiresome old games that wouldn’t be tolerated ten minutes in real world beyond social media.

    I notice also virtually no-one is bothering with much in the way of moderation these days, and for the most part that’s a welcome development; you’re all big boys and girls now and are quite capable of working it out for yourselves.

    • Ad 9.1

      Do a post on your sojourn.

      It’s not always easy making the adjustment back.

      My company does a fair bit in Indonesia and we have similarly enthralling and hair raising tales. They all make for pretty stark comparison to here.

      • RedLogix 9.1.1

        Well it looks like my next sojourn is high in the Mexican mountains in a province called Zacatecas. A total contrast of geography, from humid tropical jungle with montrous thunderstorms, to a high dry mountain valley. Not quite on the “reconsider your need to travel” list, but close enough.

        Overall I’d describe this last trip as an outstanding experience. Latin America is distinctly different to the Anglosphere, and developing it’s influence fast. I have a couple of hair-raising moments, but what enthralls me is literally seeing masses of people pulling themselves out of poverty. It’s a sticky, uneven process. It’s way short of perfect, but it’s happening.

        What we haven’t solved in the question I’ve talked about more than any other over the years … the extremes of wealth and poverty. It’s a totally different problem to absolute poverty and it’s a mistake to conflate the two.

    • halfcrow 9.2

      Excellent Red It is great to read a first hand latest experience especially by someone like me who can no longer travel to some of these area’s and rely on the likes of you to give us a honest up to date opinion.instead of the crap we hear from the shit media we have..

      Agree with Ad “Do a post on your sojourn “

      • RedLogix 9.2.1

        Thanks. The limitation is that while working in another country immerses you deeply into a place, it’s also a very narrow experience. I certainly don’t feel qualified in any way to comment intelligently on the specific politics of these countries.

        Also I remain a visitor, naturally I miss a lot of nuance and probably misunderstand some of what I see. But saying that, there is still a lot the intuition absorbs; maybe I’m still digesting it all.

        • Ad

          Think of it more like a National Greographic article with some casual political observations for spice.

      • halfcrown 9.2.2

        That really should b3e halfcrown not halfcrow

  9. halfcrown 10

    I can relate to your notice “My mind is like my the internet browser”😁
    I like it.