Daily review 28/12/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, December 28th, 2021 - 5 comments
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5 comments on “Daily review 28/12/2021 ”

  1. weka 1

    Precautionary principle because: we just don't know what long covid is yet, we don't know who it will affect and how, and we don't know how long it lasts.

    In what they describe as the most comprehensive analysis to date of the SARS-CoV-2 virus’s distribution and persistence in the body and brain, scientists at the U.S. National Institutes of Health said they found the pathogen is capable of replicating in human cells well beyond the respiratory tract.

    The results, released online Saturday in a manuscript under review for publication in the journal Nature, point to delayed viral clearance as a potential contributor to the persistent symptoms wracking so-called long Covid sufferers.

    The coronavirus’s propensity to infect cells outside the airways and lungs is contested, with numerous studies providing evidence for and against the possibility.

    “We don’t fully understand long Covid, but these changes could explain ongoing symptoms,” said Raina MacIntyre, professor of global biosecurity at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. MacIntyre wasn’t involved with the research, which she said “provides a warning about being blasé about mass infection in children and adults.

    “We don’t yet know what burden of chronic illness will result in years to come,” she said. “Will we see young-onset cardiac failure in survivors, or early onset dementia? These are unanswered questions which call for a precautionary public health approach to mitigation of the spread of this virus.”

    The N.I.H. researchers posit that infection of the pulmonary system may result in an early “viremic” phase, in which the virus is present in the bloodstream and is seeded throughout the body, including across the blood-brain barrier, even in patients experiencing mild or no symptoms. One patient in the autopsy study was a juvenile who likely died from unrelated seizure complications, suggesting infected children without severe Covid-19 can also experience systemic infection, they said

    “We need to start thinking of SARS-CoV-2 as a systemic virus that may clear in some people, but in others may persist for weeks or months and produce long Covid — a multifaceted systemic disorder.”


    My emphasis.

    • joe90 1.1

      Just a cold.


      PASC following mild COVID-19 infection is associated with multisystem involvement including: 1) cerebrovascular dysregulation with persistent cerebral arteriolar vasoconstriction; 2) small fiber neuropathy and related dysautonomia; 3) respiratory dysregulation; 4) chronic inflammation.



      Our study provides evidence for substantial neurological and psychiatric morbidity in the 6 months after COVID-19 infection. Risks were greatest in, but not limited to, patients who had severe COVID-19. This information could help in service planning and identification of research priorities. Complementary study designs, including prospective cohorts, are needed to corroborate and explain these findings.


    • Rosemary McDonald 1.2

      Funnily enough there is much discussion from now scientists non grata about such long term systemic effects caused by the untried, untested mRNA products being forced on people throughout the world.

      Such a pity the mainstream scientists neglected to set up long term double blinded random control trials that would give us all an in depth picture of the safety and efficacy of these products as opposed to effects from Te Virus.

      Even more of a pity that from day one of Te Virus escaping from the lab leaping from bat to pangolin to human, there has been pathetically little in the way of treatment for those most at risk of severe disease. And those doctors who were devising treatments (with some success) were savagely labeled "anti-vaxxers". Likewise with anyone putting research in front of health authorities that indicated that supplementing with certain vitamins would most definitely assist with fighting off a respiratory disease producing virus. And quelling the cytokine storm/massive inflammatory response caused by the spike.

      Two hours…and possibly beyond the attention span we have be conditioned to have…but an interesting in depth discussion of Vit D, why we are deficient, what functions it serves in the body and why it is that it has been so very, very difficult for this large body of research to gain the prominence it deserves.

      We do have more tools in our toolbox…