Daily review 31/10/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, October 31st, 2024 - 12 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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12 comments on “Daily review 31/10/2024 ”

  1. joe90 2

    The actual enemy within...


    Larry Lee Savage Jr., a former Republican 5th Congressional District candidate, turned himself in to authorities Tuesday morning after he was charged with stealing ballots during a public test of voting machines in Madison County.

    Before voting machines can be used in Indiana elections, they're tested in front of political parties' representatives, candidates, media and the general public. Savage was elected as a precinct committeeman, a local political party leader, during the May Republican primary and was participating in a public voting machine test in Madison County on Oct. 3.


    Madison County tested four voting machines with 136 ballots on Oct. 3. Two of the ballots went missing over the course of the test. Surveillance footage showed Savage folding them and putting them into his pocket, according to a probable cause affidavit.


  2. joe90 3

    A treat for a slow Sunday.

    60 views Oct 14, 2023

    The complete, unedited famous Mercury Theatre Orson Welles broadcast of “The War of the Worlds, originally heard on CBS on October 30, 1938. For many years, this program was only available on lp record and tape releases in a version taken from damaged discs that left out some dialogue, particularly at side changes and the last quarter hour of the program. This version was digitized directly from a lacquer disc set made for the Mercury business files, dubbed from the master lacquers, owned by Paul Stewart, the Mercury’s business manager. It was the first time that the program could be heard in its entirety, as originally broadcast. Transferred from a set of 12” 78 rpm lacquer discs from collection of Randy A. Riddle. Digital transfer and audio restoration (c) 2013, Randy A. Riddle.


    Initial public reaction really was was something.


    Some listeners heard only a portion of the broadcast and, in the tension and anxiety prior to World War II, mistook it for a genuine news broadcast.[28] Thousands of them shared the false reports with others or called CBS, newspapers, or the police to ask if the broadcast was real. Many newspapers assumed that the large number of phone calls and the scattered reports of listeners rushing about or fleeing their homes proved the existence of a mass panic, but such behavior was never widespread


  3. joe90 4

    The wannabe stand-over secured his $24 million grant via an "unusual and inconsistent" procurement process.

    WARNING: This article discusses suicide, mental health and alcoholism, and it may be distressing for some readers.

    I Am Hope and Gumboot Friday campaigner Mike King is defending his claims that “alcohol is the solution for people with mental health issues” and says medical research proving it is linked with suicide is a matter of opinion.




    Mike King is the best example we have of what happens when someone with a god complex receives enough publicity and money to match their ego Have wanted to write about King since 2017 and could’ve gone on and on but here’s a quick summary



    • Muttonbird 4.1

      He seems extraordinarily unsuitable to be near young people.

      • joe90 4.1.1

        He seems extraordinarily unsuitable to be near young people.

        He was near to this young person.

        Molly 7.2
        28 March 2023 at 12:42 pm

        A bit of light relief for those dealing with the persistent downplaying of violence:



        • joe90 7.2.3

          28 March 2023 at 2:45 pm

          Yeah, he's a funny guy alright.


          The vicious misogyny of this video is staggering. We watch the protagonist stalk, hunt, gag and drag a screaming woman into a room, where the threat of rape is explicit.

          We listen to him brag about how he’s going to be with her “forever, forever, forever”. We see her blood dripping from plastic coating. We see him stabbing her repeatedly. We see bits of her body cut up. We see, over and over again, the knife in his hand and on a table.



        • Muttonbird

          I have met him on a couple of occasions professionally. He's got this fuck you attitude which I imagine is his defence against perceived attack. I cannot imagine how this attitude, applied to vulnerable young people is any good to them. Particularly as he is now suggesting they use alcohol to solve their problems.

          The first time I met him was at the Mercury Theatre when he was finishing up in comedy. I remember it because it was the night of the Pike River mine disaster. His comedy that night was crass and on point for him but the jokes that really stood out were the ones about incest. He's real classy in that way.

          However, none of that matters to Luxton and co.


    • tWig 4.2

      RNZ the panel at the start has a NZ mental health professional on to discuss his claim.

      Alcohol does not help people who have a mental illness; and, from an NZ study, drinking increases the chances of suicide for people who are depressed.

      On the other hand, RNZ reports development of emotional control videogames for prisoners, who struggle to get timely access to mental health assessment.

  4. adam 5

    Is it just me or has google search going a bit odd? I mean really, really odd, not just a bit, let me clear that up.